def action(self): args = sys.argv[1:] if not args: self.usage() if args[0].startswith('--xyzzy='): self.cfgPath = args.pop(0).split('=')[1] print "Test mode using configuration from %s" % self.cfgPath elif os.getuid(): sys.exit("This script must be run as root") # make sure they want to do it if '--force' in args: args.remove('--force') else: self.confirm(args) mintConfig = config.getConfig(self.cfgPath) self.setConfig(mintConfig) mintClient = shimclient.ShimMintClient(mintConfig, (mintConfig.authUser, mintConfig.authPass)) for projectName in args: print "Deleting '" + projectName + "'..." mintClient.deleteProjectByName(projectName) return 0
def handler(req): """ The presence of this function in the module allows it to be added directly into apache as a mod_python handler. The function is for testing purposes only. """ coveragehook.install() mintCfgPath = os.path.join(req.document_root(), '..', '..', 'mint.conf') mintcfg = config.getConfig(mintCfgPath) mintdb = Database(mintcfg) restdb = RestDatabase(mintcfg, mintdb) topLevel = os.path.join(mintcfg.basePath) _handler = ApacheRESTHandler(topLevel, restdb) return _handler.handle(req)
def handler(req): """ The presence of this function in the module allows it to be added directly into apache as a mod_python handler. The function is for testing purposes only. """ coveragehook.install() mintCfgPath = os.path.join(req.document_root(), "..", "..", "mint.conf") mintcfg = config.getConfig(mintCfgPath) mintdb = Database(mintcfg) restdb = RestDatabase(mintcfg, mintdb) topLevel = os.path.join(mintcfg.basePath) _handler = ApacheRESTHandler(topLevel, restdb) return _handler.handle(req)
def cfg(self): # NOTE: this path should only be used in the testsuite. Normally # mint.web.wsgi_hook should be the only place MintConfig is ever # instantiated. cfgPath = config.RBUILDER_CONFIG return config.getConfig(cfgPath)
def loadConfig(self, cfgPath=config.RBUILDER_CONFIG): self.setConfig(config.getConfig(cfgPath))
def setUp(self): testcase.TestCaseWithWorkDir.setUp(self) helpDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(handler.__file__), 'rest') buildData = BuildData.buildData.copy() buildData.update(self.BUILD_DATA) # Fix up imageType for imageType, images in buildData.items(): for img in images: img.setdefault('imageType', imageType) dbpath = os.path.join(self.workDir, "db.sqlite") # Stub mint config file mintCfgPath = self.mintCfgPath = os.path.join(self.workDir, 'mint.conf') mintCfgDict = dict(self.MINT_CFG) mintCfgDict['dataPath'] = self.storagePath = os.path.join( self.workDir, "data") mintCfgDict['dbPath'] = dbpath mintCfgDict['basePath'] = self._basePath file(mintCfgPath, "w").write('\n'.join(' '.join(x) for x in mintCfgDict.items())) mintcfg = self.mintcfg = config.getConfig(mintCfgPath) mintdb = Database(mintcfg) restdb = self.restdb = RestDatabase(mintcfg, mintdb) setupbase.createSchema(mintdb.db) mintdb.db._buildData = buildData for targetType, targetName, targetData in self.TARGETS: restdb.targetMgr.addTarget(targetType, targetName, targetData) for username, password, fullName in self.USERS: restdb.db.users.registerNewUser(username, password, fullName, '*****@*****.**', 'Y', 'blurb', 1) for username, targetType, targetName, credentials in self.USER_TARGETS: restdb.targetMgr.setTargetCredentialsForUser( targetType, targetName, username, credentials) self.setUpJobs() restdb.commit() if os.path.isdir(helpDir): handler.Request._helpDir = helpDir handler.Request._driverHelpDir = "drivers/%(driverName)s/help" = [] self.inventoryManager = rbuildermanager.RbuilderManager( self.mintcfg, 1) self.systemMgr = self.inventoryManager.sysMgr RESTHandler.updateHandler(restdb) from rpath_job import api1 as rpath_job # We need to slow down addHistoryEntry a bit origAddHistoryEntry = rpath_job.HistoryBaseJob.addHistoryEntry def fakeAddHistoryEntry(slf, *args, **kwargs): time.sleep(0.002) return origAddHistoryEntry(slf, *args, **kwargs) self.mock(rpath_job.HistoryBaseJob, 'addHistoryEntry', fakeAddHistoryEntry) # Mock postFork, we don't want to reopen the db, or we lose the mock # data def mockPostFork(slf): slf.zoneAddresses = ['', ''] self.mock(baseDriver.BaseDriver, 'postFork', mockPostFork) self.setUpSystemManager() self.setUpSchemaDir()
def setUp(self): testcase.TestCaseWithWorkDir.setUp(self) helpDir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(handler.__file__), 'rest') buildData = BuildData.buildData.copy() buildData.update(self.BUILD_DATA) # Fix up imageType for imageType, images in buildData.items(): for img in images: img.setdefault('imageType', imageType) dbpath = os.path.join(self.workDir, "db.sqlite") # Stub mint config file mintCfgPath = self.mintCfgPath = os.path.join(self.workDir, 'mint.conf') mintCfgDict = dict(self.MINT_CFG) mintCfgDict['dataPath'] = self.storagePath = os.path.join(self.workDir, "data") mintCfgDict['dbPath'] = dbpath mintCfgDict['basePath'] = self._basePath file(mintCfgPath, "w").write('\n'.join(' '.join(x) for x in mintCfgDict.items())) mintcfg = self.mintcfg = config.getConfig(mintCfgPath) mintdb = Database(mintcfg) restdb = self.restdb = RestDatabase(mintcfg, mintdb) setupbase.createSchema(mintdb.db) mintdb.db._buildData = buildData for targetType, targetName, targetData in self.TARGETS: restdb.targetMgr.addTarget(targetType, targetName, targetData) for username, password, fullName in self.USERS: restdb.db.users.registerNewUser(username, password, fullName, '*****@*****.**', 'Y', 'blurb', 1) for username, targetType, targetName, credentials in self.USER_TARGETS: restdb.targetMgr.setTargetCredentialsForUser(targetType, targetName, username, credentials) self.setUpJobs() restdb.commit() if os.path.isdir(helpDir): handler.Request._helpDir = helpDir handler.Request._driverHelpDir = "drivers/%(driverName)s/help" = [] self.inventoryManager = rbuildermanager.RbuilderManager(self.mintcfg, 1) self.systemMgr = self.inventoryManager.sysMgr RESTHandler.updateHandler(restdb) from rpath_job import api1 as rpath_job # We need to slow down addHistoryEntry a bit origAddHistoryEntry = rpath_job.HistoryBaseJob.addHistoryEntry def fakeAddHistoryEntry(slf, *args, **kwargs): time.sleep(0.002) return origAddHistoryEntry(slf, *args, **kwargs) self.mock(rpath_job.HistoryBaseJob, 'addHistoryEntry', fakeAddHistoryEntry) # Mock postFork, we don't want to reopen the db, or we lose the mock # data def mockPostFork(slf): slf.zoneAddresses = [ '', '' ] self.mock(baseDriver.BaseDriver, 'postFork', mockPostFork) self.setUpSystemManager() self.setUpSchemaDir()