Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, mean_std_dev=False, min_max=False):
        self.normalisers = list()

        if mean_std_dev:
        if min_max:
Esempio n. 2
    def get_normalisation_params(self, dir_out, file_name=None):
        Read the mean std_dev values from a file.
        Save them in self.norm_params.

        :param dir_out:       Directory containing the normalisation file.
        :param file_name:     Prefix of normalisation file.
                              Expects file to be named <file_name-><MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix>.bin
        :return:              Tuple of normalisation parameters (mean, std_dev).

        if not self.add_deltas:
            # Collect all means and std_devs in a list.
            all_mean = list()
            all_std_dev = list()
            full_file_name = (
                file_name + "-" if file_name is not None else
                "") + MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix + ".bin"
            # Load normalisation parameters for all features.
            for dir_feature in [
                    self.dir_coded_sps, self.dir_lf0, self.dir_bap
                mean, std_dev = MeanStdDevExtractor.load(
                    os.path.join(dir_out, dir_feature, full_file_name))
            # Manually set vuv normalisation paramters.
            all_mean.insert(-1, np.atleast_2d(0.0))
            all_std_dev.insert(-1, np.atleast_2d(1.0))

            # Save the concatenated normalisation parameters locally.
            self.norm_params = np.concatenate(
                all_mean, axis=1), np.concatenate(all_std_dev, axis=1)
            full_file_name = (
                file_name + "-" if file_name is not None else ""
            ) + MeanCovarianceExtractor.file_name_appendix  # + "_" + self.dir_coded_sps + ".bin"
            # Load the normalisation parameters.
            mean_coded_sp, self.cov_coded_sp, std_dev_coded_sp = MeanCovarianceExtractor.load(
                    dir_out, self.dir_deltas,
                    full_file_name + "_" + self.dir_coded_sps + ".bin"))
            mean_lf0, self.cov_lf0, std_dev_lf0 = MeanCovarianceExtractor.load(
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas,
                             full_file_name + "_" + self.dir_lf0 + ".bin"))
            mean_bap, self.cov_bap, std_dev_bap = MeanCovarianceExtractor.load(
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas,
                             full_file_name + "_" + self.dir_bap + ".bin"))

            self.norm_params = (np.concatenate(
                (mean_coded_sp, mean_lf0, np.atleast_1d(0.0), mean_bap)),
                                    (std_dev_coded_sp, std_dev_lf0,
                                     np.atleast_1d(1.0), std_dev_bap)))

        return self.norm_params
Esempio n. 3
    def get_normalisation_params(self, dir_out, file_name=None):
        Read the mean std_dev values from a file.
        Save them in self.norm_params.

        :param dir_out:       Directory containing the normalisation file.
        :param file_name:     Prefix of normalisation file.
                              Expects file to be named <file_name-><MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix>.bin
        :return:              Tuple of normalisation parameters (mean, std_dev).

        full_file_name = (file_name + "-" if file_name is not None else "") + MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix + ".bin"

        if not self.add_deltas:
            # Collect all means and std_devs in a list.
            all_mean = list()
            all_std_dev = list()
            # Load normalisation parameters for all features.
            mean, std_dev = MeanStdDevExtractor.load(os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_lf0, full_file_name))
            # Manually set vuv normalisation parameters.
            # Note that vuv normalisation parameters are not saved in gen_data method (except for add_deltas=True).

            # for dir_feature in [self.dir_lf0, self.dir_vuv]:
            #     mean, std_dev = MeanStdDevExtractor.load(os.path.join(dir_out, dir_feature, full_file_name))
            #     all_mean.append(np.atleast_2d(mean))
            #     all_std_dev.append(np.atleast_2d(std_dev))

            # Save the concatenated normalisation parameters locally.
            self.norm_params = np.concatenate(all_mean, axis=1), np.concatenate(all_std_dev, axis=1)
            # Save the normalisation parameters locally.
            # VUV normalisation parameters are manually set to mean=0 and std_dev=1 in gen_data method.
            self.norm_params = MeanStdDevExtractor.load(os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas, full_file_name))

        return self.norm_params
    def get_normalisation_params(self, dir_out, file_name=None):
        Read mean std_dev values from a file.
        Save them in self.norm_params

        :param dir_out:       Directory containing the normalisation file.
        :param file_name:     Prefix of normalisation file.
                              Expects file to be named <file_name-><MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix>.bin
        :return:              Tuple of normalisation parameters (mean, std_dev).

        full_file_name = (file_name + "-" if file_name is not None else
                          "") + MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix + ".bin"
        self.norm_params = MeanStdDevExtractor.load(
            os.path.join(self.dir_labels, full_file_name))

        return self.norm_params
Esempio n. 5
    def get_normalisation_params(self, dir_out, file_name=None):
        Read the mean std_dev values from a file.
        Save them in self.norm_params.

        :param dir_out:       Directory containing the normalisation file, usually the atom directory.
        :param file_name:     Prefix of normalisation file.
                              Expects file to be named <file_name-><MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix>.bin
        :return:              Tuple of normalisation parameters (mean, std_dev).

        full_file_name = (file_name + "-" if file_name is not None else "") + MeanStdDevExtractor.file_name_appendix + ".bin"

        # Use the same normalisation parameters for the LF0 curve without phrase curve
        # as for atoms. The phrase directory is the same as the atom directory.
        mean, std_dev = MeanStdDevExtractor.load(os.path.join(self.dir_phrase, full_file_name))
        mean, std_dev = mean[:, 0:1], std_dev[:, 0:1]  # Dimension of both is 1 x 2(atom amplitude, theta).

        # Manually set V/UV normalisation parameters and save the concatenated normalisation parameters locally.
        self.norm_params = np.concatenate((mean, np.zeros((1, 1))), axis=1),\
                           np.concatenate((std_dev, np.ones((1, 1))), axis=1)

        return self.norm_params
Esempio n. 6
    def gen_data(self,
        Prepare atom labels from wav files.
        If id_list is not None, only the ids listed there are generated, otherwise for each .wav file in the dir_in.
        Atoms are computed by the wcad algorithm. Examples with more than 70 atoms are rejected. One can create
        a new file_id_list by uncommenting the lines before the return statement. Nevertheless, the current file_id_list
        is not substituted by it. The algorithm also saves the extracted phrase component in dir_out/id_name.phrase,
        if dir_out is not None.

        :param dir_in:           Directory containing the original wav files.
        :param dir_out:          Directory where the labels are stored. If None, no labels are stored.
        :param file_id_list:     Name of the file containing the ids. Normalisation parameters are saved using
                                 this name to differentiate parameters between subsets.
        :param id_list:          The list of utterances to process.
                                 Should have the form uttId1 \\n uttId2 \\n ...\\n uttIdN.
                                 If None, all wav files in audio_dir are used.
        :param return_dict:      If True, returns an OrderedDict of all samples as first output.
        :return:                 Returns mean=0.0, std_dev, min, max of atoms.

        # Fill file_id_list by .wav files in dir_in if not given and set an appropriate file_id_list_name.
        if id_list is None:
            id_list = list()
            filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_in, "*.wav"))
            for filename in filenames:
            file_id_list_name = "all"
            file_id_list_name = os.path.splitext(

        if dir_out is not None:

        if return_dict:
            label_dict = OrderedDict()

        mean_std_ext_atom = MeanStdDevExtractor()
        min_max_ext_atom = MinMaxExtractor()
        mean_std_ext_phrase = MeanStdDevExtractor()
        min_max_ext_phrase = MinMaxExtractor()

        # Compute Atoms.
        from wcad import WaveInput, PitchExtractor, MultiphraseExtractor, DictionaryGenerator, AtomExtrator, ModelCreator, ModelSaver, Params, Paths
        correct_utts = list()"Create atom labels for " +
                         "[{0}]".format(", ".join(str(i) for i in id_list)))
        for id_name in id_list:
            self.logger.debug("Create atom labels for " + id_name)

            # Wcad has to be called in its root directory, therefore a change dir operation is necessary.
            cwd = os.getcwd()
            args = [dir_in + "/" + id_name + ".wav", dir_out]
            params = Params()
            # Overwrite the possible theta values by selected values.
            params.local_atoms_thetas = self.theta_interval
            params.k = [self.k]
            # params.min_atom_amp = 0.1
            paths = Paths(args, params)
            # Start the extraction process.
            start_t = time.time()
            waveform = WaveInput(paths.wav, params).read()
            pitch = PitchExtractor(waveform, params, paths).compute()
            # Compute the phrase component.
            phrase = MultiphraseExtractor(pitch, waveform, params,
            phrase_curve = phrase.curve
            # Extract atroms.
            dictionary = DictionaryGenerator(params, paths).compute()
            atoms = AtomExtrator(waveform, pitch, phrase, dictionary, params,
            # Create a model.
            model = ModelCreator(phrase, atoms, pitch).compute()
            print(('Model created in %s seconds' % (time.time() - start_t)))
            # Save the atoms.
            ModelSaver(model, params, paths).save()

            # Check if output can be correct.
            possible_extraction_failure = False
            if len(atoms) < 50 and not any(a.amp > 10 for a in atoms):
                self.logger.warning("Possible fail of atom extractor for " +
                                    id_name + " (atoms: " + str(len(atoms)) +
                                    ", frames: " + str(len(phrase_curve)) +
                                    ", max: " +
                                    str(max(a.amp for a in atoms)) + ").")
                possible_extraction_failure = True

            atoms.sort(key=lambda x: x.position)
            # print_atoms(atoms)

            # Get audio length needed to trim the atoms.
            duration = self.get_audio_length(id_name, dir_in,

            # The algorithm generates a few atoms at negative positions,
            # pad them into the first atom at positive position.
            padded_amp = 0
            padded_theta = 0
            for idx, atom in enumerate(atoms):
                if atom.position < 0:
                    padded_amp += atom.amp
                    padded_theta += atom.theta
                    atoms[idx].amp += padded_amp  # Pad the amplitude.
                    atoms[idx].theta = (atoms[idx].theta +
                                        padded_theta) / (idx + 1)
                    del atoms[:idx]  # Remove the negative atoms from the list.
            # print_atoms(atoms)

            # The algorithm might also generate a few atoms beyond the last label,
            # pad them into the last label.
            padded_amp = 0
            padded_theta = 0
            for idx, atom in reversed(list(enumerate(atoms))):
                if atom.position * self.frame_size_ms > duration:
                    padded_amp += atom.amp
                    padded_theta += atom.theta
                    atoms[idx].amp += padded_amp
                    atoms[idx].theta = (atoms[idx].theta +
                                        padded_theta) / (len(atoms) - idx)
                    atoms = atoms[:-(len(atoms) - idx - 1)
                                  or None]  # Remove atoms beyond last label.
            # print_atoms(atoms)

            # Create a label for each frame (size of frame_size_ms) with amplitude and theta of contained atoms.
            np_atom_labels = AtomLabelGen.atoms_to_labels(
                atoms, self.theta_interval, int(duration / self.frame_size_ms))

            np_atom_amps = np.sum(np_atom_labels, axis=1)

            if not possible_extraction_failure:  # Only add successful extractions to mean and std_dev computation.
                    np_atom_amps[np_atom_amps[:, 0] != 0.0]
                )  # Only compute std_dev from atoms.
                # mean_std_ext_phrase.add_sample(phrase_curve)
                # min_max_ext_phrase.add_sample(phrase_curve)

            if return_dict:
                label_dict[id_name] = np_atom_labels
            if dir_out is not None:
                # Save phrase, because it might be used in synthesis.
                    os.path.join(dir_out, id_name + self.ext_phrase))

                # Save atoms binary (float32).
                    os.path.join(dir_out, id_name + self.ext_atoms))

                # Create a readable version of the atom data.
                # np.savetxt(os.path.join(dir_out, id_name + self.ext_atoms + ".txt"), np_atom_labels)

        # Manually set mean of atoms to 0, otherwise frames without atom will have an amplitude.
        mean_std_ext_atom.sum_frames[:] = 0.0
            1] = mean_std_ext_atom.sum_length * self.theta_interval[-1], file_id_list_name)), file_id_list_name))
        #, file_id_list_name + '-phrase'))
        #, file_id_list_name + '-phrase'))

        mean_atoms, std_atoms = mean_std_ext_atom.get_params()
        min_atoms, max_atoms = min_max_ext_atom.get_params()
        # mean_phrase, std_phrase = mean_std_ext_phrase.get_params()
        # min_phrase, max_phrase = min_max_ext_atom.get_params()

        # Use this block to save the part of the file_id_list for which atom extraction was successful into a new file.
        if correct_utts:
            with open(
                        os.path.dirname(dir_in), "wcad_" +
                        os.path.basename(file_id_list_name) + ".txt"),
                    'w') as f:
                f.write('\n'.join(correct_utts) + '\n')

        if return_dict:
            # Return dict of labels for all utterances.
            return label_dict, \
                   mean_atoms, std_atoms, \
                   min_atoms, max_atoms
            # mean_phrase, std_phrase, \
            # min_phrase, max_phrase
            return mean_atoms, std_atoms, \
                   min_atoms, max_atoms
Esempio n. 7
    def gen_data(self,
        Prepare WORLD features from audio files. If add_delta is false labels have the dimension
        num_frames x (num_coded_sps + 3) [mgc(num_coded_sps), lf0, vuv, bap(1)], otherwise
        the deltas and double deltas are added between the features resulting in
        num_frames x (3*num_coded_sps + 7) [mgc(3*num_coded_sps), lf0(3*1), vuv, bap(3*1)].

        :param dir_in:         Directory where the .wav files are stored for each utterance to process.
        :param dir_out:        Main directory where the labels and normalisation parameters are saved to subdirectories.
                               If None, labels are not saved.
        :param file_id_list:   Name of the file containing the ids. Normalisation parameters are saved using
                               this name to differentiate parameters between subsets.
        :param id_list:        The list of utterances to process.
                               Should have the form uttId1 \\n uttId2 \\n ...\\n uttIdN.
                               If None, all file in audio_dir are used.
        :param add_deltas:     Add deltas and double deltas to all features except vuv.
        :param return_dict:    If true, returns an OrderedDict of all samples as first output.
        :return:               Returns two normalisation parameters as tuple. If return_dict is True it returns
                               all processed labels in an OrderedDict followed by the two normalisation parameters.

        # Fill file_id_list by .wav files in dir_in if not given and set an appropriate file_id_list_name.
        if id_list is None:
            id_list = list()
            filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_in, "*.wav"))
            for filename in filenames:
            file_id_list_name = "all"
            file_id_list_name = os.path.splitext(

        # Create directories in dir_out if it is given.
        if dir_out is not None:
            if add_deltas:
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas))
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_lf0))
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_vuv))
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_coded_sps))
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_bap))

        # Create the return dictionary if required.
        if return_dict:
            label_dict = OrderedDict()

        if add_deltas:
            # Create normalisation computation units.
            norm_params_ext_coded_sp = MeanCovarianceExtractor()
            norm_params_ext_lf0 = MeanCovarianceExtractor()
            norm_params_ext_bap = MeanCovarianceExtractor()
            # Create normalisation computation units.
            norm_params_ext_coded_sp = MeanStdDevExtractor()
            norm_params_ext_lf0 = MeanStdDevExtractor()
            # norm_params_ext_vuv = MeanStdDevExtractor()
            norm_params_ext_bap = MeanStdDevExtractor()"Extract WORLD{} features for".format(
            "" if not add_deltas else " deltas") +
                     "[{0}]".format(", ".join(str(i) for i in id_list)))
        for file_name in id_list:

            # Load audio file and extract features.
            audio_name = os.path.join(dir_in, file_name + ".wav")
            raw, fs =
            logging.debug("Extract WORLD{} features from {} at {}Hz.".format(
                "" if not add_deltas else " deltas", file_name, fs))
            f0, sp, ap = pyworld.wav2world(raw, fs)

            file_name = os.path.basename(file_name)  # Remove speaker.

            # Compute lf0 and vuv information.
            lf0 = np.log(f0.clip(min=1E-10), dtype=np.float32)
            lf0[lf0 <= math.log(self.f0_silence_threshold)] = self.lf0_zero
            lf0, vuv = interpolate_lin(lf0)
            lf0 = lf0.astype(dtype=np.float32)
            vuv = vuv.astype(dtype=np.float32)
            # Throw a warning when less then 5% of all frames are unvoiced.
            if vuv.sum() / len(vuv) < 0.05:
                    "Detected only {:.0f}% [{}/{}] unvoiced frames in {}.".
                    format(vuv.sum() / len(vuv) * 100.0, int(vuv.sum()),
                           len(vuv), file_name))

            # Decode spectrum to a lower dimension and aperiodicity to one band aperiodicity.
            # coded_sp = pyworld.code_spectral_envelope(sp, fs, WorldFeatLabelGen.num_coded_sps)  # Cepstral version.
            coded_sp = np.sqrt(sp) * 32768.0
            coded_sp = np.array(pysptk.mcep(coded_sp,
                                            order=self.num_coded_sps - 1,
            bap = np.array(pyworld.code_aperiodicity(ap, fs), dtype=np.float32)

            if add_deltas:
                # Compute the deltas and double deltas for all features.
                lf0_deltas, lf0_double_deltas = compute_deltas(lf0)
                coded_sp_deltas, coded_sp_double_deltas = compute_deltas(
                bap_deltas, bap_double_deltas = compute_deltas(bap)

                coded_sp = np.concatenate(
                    (coded_sp, coded_sp_deltas, coded_sp_double_deltas),
                lf0 = np.concatenate((lf0, lf0_deltas, lf0_double_deltas),
                bap = np.concatenate((bap, bap_deltas, bap_double_deltas),

                # Combine them to a single feature sample.
                labels = np.concatenate((coded_sp, lf0, vuv, bap), axis=1)

                # Save into return dictionary and/or file.
                if return_dict:
                    label_dict[file_name] = labels
                if dir_out is not None:
                        os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas,
                                     file_name + self.ext_deltas))

                # Save into return dictionary and/or file.
                if return_dict:
                    label_dict[file_name] = np.concatenate(
                        (coded_sp, lf0, vuv, bap), axis=1)
                if dir_out is not None:
                        os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_coded_sps,
                                     file_name + self.ext_coded_sp))
                        os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_lf0,
                                     file_name + self.ext_lf0))
                        os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_vuv,
                                     file_name + self.ext_vuv))
                        os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_bap,
                                     file_name + self.ext_bap))

            # Add sample to normalisation computation unit.
            # norm_params_ext_vuv.add_sample(vuv)

        # Save mean and std dev of all features.
        if not add_deltas:
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_coded_sps, file_id_list_name))
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_lf0, file_id_list_name))
            #, WorldFeatLabelGen.dir_vuv, file_id_list_name))
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_bap, file_id_list_name))
  "Write norm_prams to{}".format(
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas, "_".join(
                    (file_id_list_name, self.dir_coded_sps)))))
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas, "_".join(
                    (file_id_list_name, self.dir_coded_sps))))
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas, "_".join(
                    (file_id_list_name, self.dir_lf0))))
                os.path.join(dir_out, self.dir_deltas, "_".join(
                    (file_id_list_name, self.dir_bap))))

        # Get normalisation parameters.
        if not add_deltas:
            norm_coded_sp = norm_params_ext_coded_sp.get_params()
            norm_lf0 = norm_params_ext_lf0.get_params()
            # norm_vuv = norm_params_ext_vuv.get_params()
            norm_bap = norm_params_ext_bap.get_params()

            norm_first = np.concatenate(
                (norm_coded_sp[0], norm_lf0[0], (0.0, ), norm_bap[0]), axis=0)
            norm_second = np.concatenate(
                (norm_coded_sp[1], norm_lf0[1], (1.0, ), norm_bap[1]), axis=0)

            norm_coded_sp = norm_params_ext_coded_sp.get_params()
            norm_lf0 = norm_params_ext_lf0.get_params()
            # norm_vuv = norm_params_ext_vuv.get_params()
            norm_bap = norm_params_ext_bap.get_params()

            norm_first = (norm_coded_sp[0], norm_lf0[0], (0.0, ), norm_bap[0])
            norm_second = (norm_coded_sp[1], norm_lf0[1], (1.0, ), norm_bap[1])

        if return_dict:
            # Return dict of labels for all utterances.
            return label_dict, norm_first, norm_second
            return norm_first, norm_second
Esempio n. 8
    def gen_data(self, dir_in, dir_out=None, file_id_list=None, id_list=None, add_deltas=False, return_dict=False):
        Prepare LF0 and V/UV features from audio files. If add_delta is false each numpy array has the dimension
        num_frames x 2 [f0, vuv], otherwise the deltas and double deltas are added between
        the features resulting in num_frames x 4 [lf0(3*1), vuv].

        :param dir_in:         Directory where the .wav files are stored for each utterance to process.
        :param dir_out:        Main directory where the labels and normalisation parameters are saved to subdirectories.
                               If None, labels are not saved.
        :param file_id_list:   Name of the file containing the ids. Normalisation parameters are saved using
                               this name to differentiate parameters between subsets.
        :param id_list:        The list of utterances to process.
                               Should have the form uttId1 \\n uttId2 \\n ...\\n uttIdN.
                               If None, all file in audio_dir are used.
        :param add_deltas:     Add deltas and double deltas to all features except vuv.
        :param return_dict:    If true, returns an OrderedDict of all samples as first output.
        :return:               Returns two normalisation parameters as tuple. If return_dict is True it returns
                               all processed labels in an OrderedDict followed by the two normalisation parameters.

        # Fill file_id_list by .wav files in dir_in if not given and set an appropriate file_id_list_name.
        if id_list is None:
            id_list = list()
            filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_in, "*.wav"))
            for filename in filenames:
            file_id_list_name = "all"
            file_id_list_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_id_list))[0]

        # Create directories in dir_out if it is given.
        if dir_out is not None:
            if add_deltas:
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, LF0LabelGen.dir_deltas))
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, LF0LabelGen.dir_lf0))
                makedirs_safe(os.path.join(dir_out, LF0LabelGen.dir_vuv))

        # Create the return dictionary if required.
        if return_dict:
            label_dict = OrderedDict()

        # Create normalisation computation units.
        norm_params_ext_lf0 = MeanStdDevExtractor()
        # norm_params_ext_vuv = MeanStdDevExtractor()
        norm_params_ext_deltas = MeanStdDevExtractor()"Extract WORLD LF0 features for " + "[{0}]".format(", ".join(str(i) for i in id_list)))
        for file_name in id_list:
            logging.debug("Extract WORLD LF0 features from " + file_name)

            # Load audio file and extract features.
            audio_name = os.path.join(dir_in, file_name + ".wav")
            raw, fs =
            _f0, t = pyworld.dio(raw, fs)  # Raw pitch extraction. TODO: Use magphase here?
            f0 = pyworld.stonemask(raw, _f0, t, fs)  # Pitch refinement.

            # Compute lf0 and vuv information.
            lf0 = np.log(f0, dtype=np.float32)
            lf0[lf0 <= math.log(LF0LabelGen.f0_silence_threshold)] = LF0LabelGen.lf0_zero
            lf0, vuv = interpolate_lin(lf0)

            if add_deltas:
                # Compute the deltas and double deltas for all features.
                lf0_deltas, lf0_double_deltas = compute_deltas(lf0)

                # Combine them to a single feature sample.
                labels = np.concatenate((lf0, lf0_deltas, lf0_double_deltas, vuv), axis=1)

                # Save into return dictionary and/or file.
                if return_dict:
                    label_dict[file_name] = labels
                if dir_out is not None:
                    labels.tofile(os.path.join(dir_out, LF0LabelGen.dir_deltas, file_name + LF0LabelGen.ext_deltas))

                # Add sample to normalisation computation unit.
                # Save into return dictionary and/or file.
                if return_dict:
                    label_dict[file_name] = np.concatenate((lf0, vuv), axis=1)
                if dir_out is not None:
                    lf0.tofile(os.path.join(dir_out, LF0LabelGen.dir_lf0, file_name + LF0LabelGen.ext_lf0))
                    vuv.astype(np.float32).tofile(os.path.join(dir_out, LF0LabelGen.dir_vuv, file_name + LF0LabelGen.ext_vuv))

                # Add sample to normalisation computation unit.
                # norm_params_ext_vuv.add_sample(vuv)

        # Save mean and std dev of all features.
        if not add_deltas:
  , LF0LabelGen.dir_lf0, file_id_list_name))
            #, LF0LabelGen.dir_vuv, file_id_list_name))
            # Manually set vuv normalisation parameters before saving.
            norm_params_ext_deltas.sum_frames[-1] = 0.0  # Mean = 0.0
            norm_params_ext_deltas.sum_squared_frames[-1] = norm_params_ext_deltas.sum_length  # Variance = 1.0
  , LF0LabelGen.dir_deltas, file_id_list_name))

        # Get normalisation parameters.
        if not add_deltas:
            norm_lf0 = norm_params_ext_lf0.get_params()
            # norm_vuv = norm_params_ext_vuv.get_params()

            norm_first = np.concatenate((norm_lf0[0], (0.0,)), axis=0)
            norm_second = np.concatenate((norm_lf0[1], (1.0,)), axis=0)
            norm_first, norm_second = norm_params_ext_deltas.get_params()

        if return_dict:
            # Return dict of labels for all utterances.
            return label_dict, norm_first, norm_second
            return norm_first, norm_second