Esempio n. 1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        joints_data =[index].copy()

        # Leer la imagen del disco
        image = cv2.imread(joints_data['imgPath'], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)

        if self.color_rgb:
            image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        if image is None:
            raise ValueError('Fail to read %s' % image)

        joints = joints_data['joints']
        joints_vis = joints_data['joints_visibility']

        c = joints_data['center']
        s = joints_data['scale']
        score = joints_data['score'] if 'score' in joints_data else 1
        r = 0

        # Aplicar aumento de datos
        if self.is_train:
            if self.half_body_prob and \
                    random.random() < self.half_body_prob and \
                    np.sum(joints_vis[:, 0]) > self.nof_joints_half_body:
                c_half_body, s_half_body = self._half_body_transform(joints, joints_vis)

                if c_half_body is not None and s_half_body is not None:
                    c, s = c_half_body, s_half_body

            sf = self.scale_factor
            rf = self.rotation_factor

            if self.scale:
                s = s * np.clip(random.random() * sf + 1, 1 - sf, 1 + sf)  # Un factor de escala aleatorio en [1 - sf, 1 + sf]

            if self.rotate_prob and random.random() < self.rotate_prob:
                r = np.clip(random.random() * rf, -rf * 2, rf * 2)  # Un factor de rotación aleatorio en [-2 * rf, 2 * rf]
                r = 0

            if self.flip_prob and random.random() < self.flip_prob:
                image = image[:, ::-1, :]
                joints, joints_vis = fliplr_joints(joints, joints_vis, image.shape[1], self.flip_pairs)
                c[0] = image.shape[1] - c[0] - 1

        #Aplicamos transformación en las articulaciones y la imagen.
        trans = get_affine_transform(c, s, self.pixel_std, r, self.image_size)
        image = cv2.warpAffine(
            (int(self.image_size[0]), int(self.image_size[1])),

        for i in range(self.nof_joints):
            if joints_vis[i, 0] > 0.:
                joints[i, 0:2] = affine_transform(joints[i, 0:2], trans)

        # Convertir imagen a tensor y normalizar
        if self.transform is not None:  
            image = self.transform(image)

        target, target_weight = self._generate_target(joints, joints_vis)

        # Actualizar metadatos

        joints_data['joints'] = joints
        joints_data['joints_visibility'] = joints_vis
        joints_data['center'] = c
        joints_data['scale'] = s
        joints_data['rotation'] = r
        joints_data['score'] = score

        return image, target.astype(np.float32), target_weight.astype(np.float32), joints_data
Esempio n. 2
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        joints_data =[index].copy()

        # Read the image from disk
        image = cv2.imread(joints_data['imgPath'], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)

        if self.color_rgb:
            image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        if image is None:
            raise ValueError('Fail to read %s' % image)

        joints = joints_data['joints']
        joints_vis = joints_data['joints_visibility']

        c = joints_data['center']
        s = joints_data['scale']
        score = joints_data['score'] if 'score' in joints_data else 1
        r = 0

        # Apply data augmentation
        if self.is_train:
            if self.half_body_prob and \
                    random.random() < self.half_body_prob and \
                    np.sum(joints_vis[:, 0]) > self.nof_joints_half_body:
                c_half_body, s_half_body = self._half_body_transform(joints, joints_vis)

                if c_half_body is not None and s_half_body is not None:
                    c, s = c_half_body, s_half_body

            sf = self.scale_factor
            rf = self.rotation_factor

            if self.scale:
                s = s * np.clip(random.random() * sf + 1, 1 - sf, 1 + sf)  # A random scale factor in [1 - sf, 1 + sf]

            if self.rotate_prob and random.random() < self.rotate_prob:
                r = np.clip(random.random() * rf, -rf * 2, rf * 2)  # A random rotation factor in [-2 * rf, 2 * rf]
                r = 0

            if self.flip_prob and random.random() < self.flip_prob:
                image = image[:, ::-1, :]
                joints, joints_vis = fliplr_joints(joints, joints_vis, image.shape[1], self.flip_pairs)
                c[0] = image.shape[1] - c[0] - 1

        # Apply affine transform on joints and image
        trans = get_affine_transform(c, s, self.pixel_std, r, self.image_size)
        image = cv2.warpAffine(
            (int(self.image_size[0]), int(self.image_size[1])),

        for i in range(self.nof_joints):
            if joints_vis[i, 0] > 0.:
                joints[i, 0:2] = affine_transform(joints[i, 0:2], trans)

        # Convert image to tensor and normalize
        if self.transform is not None:  # I could remove this check
            image = self.transform(image)

        target, target_weight = self._generate_target(joints, joints_vis)

        # Update metadata
        joints_data['joints'] = joints
        joints_data['joints_visibility'] = joints_vis
        joints_data['center'] = c
        joints_data['scale'] = s
        joints_data['rotation'] = r
        joints_data['score'] = score

        return image, target.astype(np.float32), target_weight.astype(np.float32), joints_data