Esempio n. 1
def bar_by_indep_2d(dep_key, indep_key, data, ax = None, bins = None, color = 'b', show_all = False):

	x = np.asarray(data[indep_key])
	y = np.asarray(data[dep_key])

	if bins is None:
		x_bin = x
		x_bin = misc.bin(x, bins)

	bins = np.unique(x_bin)
	nbins = bins.size

	y_mean = np.empty(nbins)
	y_sem = np.empty(nbins)
	for i in range(nbins):
		y_ = y[x_bin == bins[i]]
		y_mean[i] = st.nanmean(y_)
		y_sem[i] = st.nanstd(y_) / np.sqrt(y_.size)

	if ax is None:
		fig = plt.figure();
		ax = fig.add_subplot(111);

	if show_all:
		ax.scatter(x, y, color = color, alpha = 0.25)
		lw = 2
		lw = 1
	ax.errorbar(bins, y_mean, yerr = y_sem, color = color, lw = lw)

	ax.set_xlim([bins[0]-1, bins[-1]+1])
Esempio n. 2
def bar_by_indep_by_group_1d(dep, indep, data, group_keys, bins = None, visible = True, ax = None, color = 'b', show_all = False, use_bar = False, ordered_x = False):

	For 1D data (a value such as bandwidth), plots 

	make ugroup_keys, a list of the group names
	make groups_bin, the group values for each data point (binned for easier indexing)	
	ngroups = len(group_keys)
	if bins is None:
		bins = [None] * ngroups
	# get all levels for all groups
	groups_bin = []
	ugroup_keys = []
	for gr, bin in zip(group_keys, bins):
		if bin is None:
			groups_bin.append(misc.bin(data[gr], bin))

	# loop through all combinations of groups
	ndata = data.size
	for ugroup_key in itertools.product(*ugroup_keys):
		ix = np.empty(ndata) * True
		for group_key, ugroup_key_ in zip(group_keys, ugroup_key):
			ix_ = data[group_key] == ugroup_key_
			ix = np.vstack((ix, ix_)).all(0)

	if ax is None:
		fig = plt.figure();
		ax = fig.add_subplot(111);

	clrs = 'bgrym'
	groups = data[group]
	ugroups = np.unique(groups)
	ngroups = ugroups.size
	for i in range(ngroups):
		data_ = data[data[group] == ugroups[i]]
		bar_by_indep_1d(dep, indep, data_, visible = visible, ax = ax, color = clrs[i], show_all = show_all, use_bar = use_bar, ordered_x = ordered_x)

Esempio n. 3
def bar_by_indep_by_group_2d(dep_key, indep_key, group_key, data, bins = None, group_bins = None, visible = True, ax = None, color = 'bgmcry', show_all = False):
	groups = data[group_key]
	if group_bins is None:
		group_bins = groups
		group_bins = misc.bin(groups, group_bins)
	bins = np.unique(group_bins)
	nbins = bins.size
	if ax is None:
		fig = plt.figure();
		ax = fig.add_subplot(111);
	for i, bin in enumerate(bins):
		data_ = data[group_bins==bin]
		if data_.size > 0:
			bar_by_indep_2d(dep_key, indep_key, data_, visible = visible, ax = ax, color = color[i], show_all = show_all)
Esempio n. 4
def bar_by_indep_by_group_3d(dep_key, indep_key, data, visible = True, ax = None, group_keys = 'gen', bins = None, iscategorical = True, show_all = False, use_bar = False, fig = None, **kwargs):
	plots a comparison over many groups
	attemps to make multiple line plots containing 2 lines per plot for ease-of-viewing
	gen exp sess
	ngroups = len(group_keys) # number of groups
	# bin data for each group
	if bins is None:
		bins = [None] * ngroups
	groups = [] # actual entries for each group
	groups_bins = []
	ugroups = []
	nbins_per_group = []
	for bin, group_key in zip(bins, group_keys):

		if bin is None:
			groups_bins.append(groups[-1]) # binned labels for each data point
			ugroups.append(np.unique(groups[-1])) # all unique binned labels
			groups_bins.append(misc.bin(groups[-1], bin))

		nbins_per_group.append(ugroups[-1].size) # how many unique labels in each group

	''' ix is for all possible group combinations, a boolean vector indicating membership of each data point in the data set
		l is passed to itertools.product to iterate through all combinations of group values
	ix, l = build_index(groups_bins, ugroups, nbins_per_group)

	if fig is None:
		fig = plt.figure(figsize = (11, 14));
	naxs1 = nbins_per_group[0] # exp / row
	naxs2 = nbins_per_group[1] # cf / column		

	cm =
	clrs = [cm(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 0.9, nbins_per_group[-1])]

	nlines = np.zeros((nbins_per_group[0], nbins_per_group[1]))
	for i in itertools.product(*l):
		print i
		axisnum = i[0]*naxs2 + i[1] + 1
		ax = fig.add_subplot(naxs1, naxs2, axisnum)
		if ix[i].sum()>0:
			nlines[i[0], i[1]] += 1
			bar_by_indep_2d(dep_key, indep_key, data[ix[i]], ax = ax, color = clrs[i[-1]])

			if i[1] == 0:
				ax.set_ylabel('%s\n%s' % (str(ugroups[0][i[0]]), dep_key), multialignment = 'center')
			if i[0] == 0:
				ax.set_title('%s = %s' % (str(group_keys[1]), str(ugroups[1][i[1]])))
	axs = fig.get_axes()
	done = False
	i = 0
	while not done:
		i += 1
		if nlines[i % nbins_per_group[0], int(np.floor(i/nbins_per_group[0]))] == nbins_per_group[2]:
			done = True
	return fig