Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: rdebath/sgt
def get_word(s, cfg):
    # Extract one word from the start of a given string.
    # Returns a tuple containing
    #  - the expanded word, or None if there wasn't one. (Words may
    #    be empty, which isn't the same as being absent.)
    #  - the rest of the string

    # Skip initial whitespace.
    while len(s) > 0 and s[0] in whitespace:
        s = s[1:]

    # If there's nothing left in the string at all, return no word.
    if len(s) == 0:
        return (None, "")

    # If there's a double quote, lex until the closing quote, and
    # treat doubled quotes in mid-string as literal quotes. We
    # expect whitespace or EOS immediately after the closing quote.
    if s[0] == '"':
        word = ""
        sep = ""
        while s[0] == '"':
            out, s = internal_lex(s[1:], '"', 0, cfg)
            word = word + sep + out
            if s[0] != '"':
                raise misc.builderr("unterminated double quote")
            s = s[1:]
            sep = '"'
        if len(s) > 0 and not (s[0] in whitespace):
            raise misc.builderr("expected whitespace after closing double quote")
        return (word, s)

    # Otherwise, just scan until whitespace.
    return internal_lex(s, whitespace, 1, cfg)
Esempio n. 2
def get_word(s, cfg):
    # Extract one word from the start of a given string.
    # Returns a tuple containing
    #  - the expanded word, or None if there wasn't one. (Words may
    #    be empty, which isn't the same as being absent.)
    #  - the rest of the string

    # Skip initial whitespace.
    while len(s) > 0 and s[0] in whitespace:
        s = s[1:]

    # If there's nothing left in the string at all, return no word.
    if len(s) == 0:
        return (None, "")

    # If there's a double quote, lex until the closing quote, and
    # treat doubled quotes in mid-string as literal quotes. We
    # expect whitespace or EOS immediately after the closing quote.
    if s[0] == '"':
        word = ""
        sep = ""
        while s[0] == '"':
            out, s = internal_lex(s[1:], '"', 0, cfg)
            word = word + sep + out
            if s[0] != '"':
                raise misc.builderr("unterminated double quote")
            s = s[1:]
            sep = '"'
        if len(s) > 0 and not (s[0] in whitespace):
            raise misc.builderr(
                "expected whitespace after closing double quote")
        return (word, s)

    # Otherwise, just scan until whitespace.
    return internal_lex(s, whitespace, 1, cfg)
Esempio n. 3
def internal_lex(s, terminatechars, permit_comments, cfg):
    # Lex string s until a character in `terminatechars', or
    # end-of-string, is encountered. Return a tuple consisting of
    #  - the lexed and expanded text before the terminating character
    #  - the remainder of the string, including the terminating
    #    character if any

    out = ""
    n = 0
    while n < len(s):
        c = s[n]
        if permit_comments and c == "#":
            break  # effectively end-of-string
        if c in terminatechars:
            return (out, s[n:])

        n = n + 1
        if c == "$":
            # Things beginning with a dollar sign are special.
            c2 = s[n]
            n = n + 1
            if c2 == "$" or c2 == "#":
                out = out + c2
            elif c2 == "(":
                # We have a $(...) construct. Recurse to parse the
                # stuff inside the parentheses.
                varname, s2 = internal_lex(s[n:], ")", 0, cfg)
                if len(s2) == 0:
                    raise misc.builderr("`$(' without terminating `)'")
                out = out + expand_varfunc(varname, cfg)
                s = s2
                n = 1  # eat the terminating paren
            elif onecharvars.has_key(c2):
                out = out + onecharvars[c2]
                raise misc.builderr("unrecognised character `%c' after `$'" %
            out = out + c

    # If we reach here, this is the end of the string.
    return (out, "")
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: rdebath/sgt
def internal_lex(s, terminatechars, permit_comments, cfg):
    # Lex string s until a character in `terminatechars', or
    # end-of-string, is encountered. Return a tuple consisting of
    #  - the lexed and expanded text before the terminating character
    #  - the remainder of the string, including the terminating
    #    character if any

    out = ""
    n = 0
    while n < len(s):
        c = s[n]
        if permit_comments and c == "#":
            break # effectively end-of-string
        if c in terminatechars:
            return (out, s[n:])

        n = n + 1
        if c == "$":
            # Things beginning with a dollar sign are special.
            c2 = s[n]
            n = n + 1
            if c2 == "$" or c2 == "#":
                out = out + c2
            elif c2 == "(":
                # We have a $(...) construct. Recurse to parse the
                # stuff inside the parentheses.
                varname, s2 = internal_lex(s[n:], ")", 0, cfg)
                if len(s2) == 0:
                    raise misc.builderr("`$(' without terminating `)'")
                out = out + expand_varfunc(varname, cfg)
                s = s2
                n = 1  # eat the terminating paren
            elif onecharvars.has_key(c2):
                out = out + onecharvars[c2]
                raise misc.builderr("unrecognised character `%c' after `$'" % c2)
            out = out + c

    # If we reach here, this is the end of the string.
    return (out, "")
Esempio n. 5
def checkout(cfg, module, path, is_main):
    log.logmsg("Checking out module %s into path %s" % (module, path))

    # First, check the command-line configuration to find out how
    # we need to check out this module.
    details = cfg.specialrev.get(module,
                                 [cfg.baserev, module, None, None, None])
    if details[1] is None:
        details[1] = module

    set_headrev = 0

    git = 0
    git_native = False

    if details[2] != None:
        # If we've been given an actual working directory, we just
        # do an export of that.
        svnparams = [details[2]]

        log.logmsg("  Using existing working directory %s" % details[2])

        # Determine the revision or commit number of the working
        # directory.
        if os.access(details[2] + "/.git", os.F_OK):
            git = 1
            gitcheckoutdir = details[2]
            cdcmd = misc.shellquote(["cd", gitcheckoutdir])

            gitstatcmd = misc.shellquote(["git", "status"])
            f = os.popen(cdcmd + "&&" + gitstatcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
            mod = "M"  # assume modified unless git status reports clean
            while 1:
                s = f.readline()
                if s == "":
                if s[-1:] == "\n": s = s[:-1]
                if s[:8] == "nothing ":
                    mod = ""

            if (cfg.force_git_svn != False
                    and (cfg.force_git_svn == True or os.access(
                        details[2] + "/.git/refs/remotes/git-svn", os.F_OK))):
                # This looks like a git-svn checkout. Scan back
                # through git log to find the nearest commit that
                # identifies itself as a git-svn mirror of an svn
                # upstream revision, and treat it more or less as if
                # it were an svn checkout from that (with optional M
                # if non-git-svn-shaped commits appear first).
                gitlogcmd = misc.shellquote(["git", "log"])
                origmod = mod
                f = os.popen(cdcmd + "&&" + gitlogcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
                first = 1
                while 1:
                    s = f.readline()
                    if s == "":
                        if cfg.force_git_svn == True:
                            raise misc.builderr(
                                "--git-svn option given but no git-svn commit found"
                        git_native = True
                        mod = origmod
                            "  git-svn ref exists but no git-svn commit found; treating as native git"
                    if s[-1:] == "\n": s = s[:-1]
                    if s[:16] == "    git-svn-id: ":
                        ss = string.split(s)
                        if len(ss) > 1:
                                i = string.rindex(ss[1], "@")
                                newrev = ss[1][i + 1:] + mod
                            except ValueError, e:
                    if s[:6] == "commit":
                        if first:
                            first = 0
                            gitcommit = string.split(s)[1]
                            mod = "M"
                # No git-svn ref exists, so assume this is a native
                # git build. (Might go wrong if it's really a git
                # clone of a git-svn repo from elsewhere, but I don't
                # think I mind very much about that at the moment.)
                git_native = True
                headcmd = misc.shellquote([
                    "git", "--git-dir=" + gitcheckoutdir + "/.git",
                    "rev-parse", "HEAD"
                log.logmsg("  Finding head revision id: " + headcmd)
                f = os.popen(headcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
                gitcommit = None
                while 1:
                    line = f.readline()
                    if line == "": break
                    while line[-1:] == "\r" or line[-1:] == "\n":
                        line = line[:-1]
                    if gitcommit is None:
                        gitcommit = line
                ret = f.close()
                if ret > 0:
                    raise misc.builderr(
                        "git rev-parse command terminated with status %d" %

            if git_native:
                log.logmsg("  Native git build from commit %s" % gitcommit)
                log.logmsg("  Revision faked via git-svn: %s" % newrev)
        elif os.access(details[2] + "/.svn", os.F_OK):
            svnvcmd = misc.shellquote(["svnversion", details[2]])
            f = os.popen(svnvcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
            newrev =
            while newrev[-1:] == "\r" or newrev[-1:] == "\n":
                newrev = newrev[:-1]
            log.logmsg("  Revision returned from svnversion: %s" % newrev)
            raise misc.builderr(
                "working directory `%s' is not a Subversion working copy" %

        # If there's more than one revision represented here, raise
        # an error unless we've been told to accept that.
        if (not git_native and not cfg.accept_complex_rev
                and not misc.checkstr(newrev, "0123456789M")):
            raise misc.builderr(
                "working directory `%s' has complex revision `%s'; use `--complexrev' to proceed regardless"
                % (details[2], newrev))

        lcrevindex = (None, details[2])
Esempio n. 6
                % (details[2], newrev))

        lcrevindex = (None, details[2])
        # Otherwise, we must read the config file to determine the
        # right repository location.
        save = lexer.save_vars()
        lexer.set_multicharvar("module", module)
        script.process_script(cfg.cfgfile, 1, cfg)
        repostype = lexer.get_multicharvar("repostype")
        svnrepos = gitrepos = None
        if repostype == "svn":
            svnrepos = lexer.get_multicharvar("svnrepos")
            if svnrepos is None:
                raise misc.builderr(
                    "Configuration file did not specify `svnrepos' for module `%s'"
                    % module)
            log.logmsg("  Using SVN repository %s" % svnrepos)
            git = False
        elif repostype == "git":
            gitrepos = lexer.get_multicharvar("gitrepos")
            if gitrepos is None:
                gitparent = lexer.get_multicharvar("gitparent")
                if gitparent is None:
                    raise misc.builderr(
                        "Configuration file did not specify `gitparent' for module `%s'"
                        % module)
                gitsuffix = lexer.get_multicharvar("gitsuffix", ".git")
                gitrepos = gitparent + "/" + details[1] + gitsuffix
            log.logmsg("  Using git repository %s" % gitrepos)
            git = git_native = True
Esempio n. 7
def run_script_line(s, is_config, cfg):
    global delegatefps

    # Execute the script line given in s.

    # Trim the newline off the end of the string, to begin with.
    while s[-1:] == "\r" or s[-1:] == "\n":
        s = s[:-1]

    w, sr = lexer.get_word(s, cfg)

    if w == None or w == "":
        return  # no command on this line

    # Log every line executed by a non-config script.
    if not is_config:

    if w == "ifeq" or w == "ifneq":
        w1, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        w2, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        log.logmsg("testing string equality of `%s' and `%s'" % (w1, w2))
        if (w1 == w2) != (w == "ifeq"):
            return  # condition not taken
        w, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)  # now read the main command
    if w == "ifexist" or w == "ifnexist":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" %
        w1, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        log.logmsg("testing existence of `%s'" % w1)
        if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(cfg.workpath, w1)) !=
                0) != (w == "ifexist"):
            return  # condition not taken
        w, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)  # now read the main command

    if w == "set":
        # Set a variable.
        var, val = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        val = lexer.lex_all(lexer.trim(val), cfg)
        if not is_config:
            log.logmsg("Setting variable `%s' to value `%s'" % (var, val))
        lexer.set_multicharvar(var, val)
    elif w == "read":
        # Set a variable by reading from a file.
        var, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        filename, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        filename = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, filename)
        if not is_config:
            log.logmsg("Reading file `%s'" % (filename))
        with open(filename, "r") as f:
            val =
        val = val.rstrip("\r\n")
        if not is_config:
            log.logmsg("Setting variable `%s' to value `%s'" % (var, val))
        lexer.set_multicharvar(var, val)
    elif w == "in" or w == "in-dest":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" %
        if delegatefps != None and w != "in":
            raise misc.builderr("`in-dest' command invalid during delegation" %
        dir, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        do, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if do != "do":
            raise misc.builderr("expected `do' after `%s'" % w)
        cmd = lexer.lex_all(lexer.trim(sr), cfg)
        if delegatefps != None:
            log.logmsg("Running command on delegate server: " + cmd)
            # Instead of running the command locally, send it to
            # the delegate host, and receive in return some output
            # and an exit code.
            delegatefps[0].write("C" + struct.pack(">L", len(dir)) + dir +
                                 struct.pack(">L", len(cmd)) + cmd)

            # Retrieve the build command's output, line by line.
            output = ""
            while 1:
                outlen = delegatefps[1].read(4)
                if len(outlen) < 4:
                    raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
                outlen = struct.unpack(">L", outlen)[0]
                if outlen == 0:
                outchunk = delegatefps[1].read(outlen)
                if len(outchunk) < outlen:
                    raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
                output = output + outchunk
                while 1:
                    newline = string.find(output, "\n")
                    if newline < 0:
                    line = output[:newline]
                    output = output[newline + 1:]
                    while line[-1:] == "\r" or line[-1:] == "\n":
                        line = line[:-1]

            # Log the final partial line, if any.
            if len(output) > 0:
                while output[-1:] == "\r" or output[-1:] == "\n":
                    output = output[:-1]

            exitcode = delegatefps[1].read(4)
            if len(exitcode) < 4:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            exitcode = struct.unpack(">l", exitcode)[0]

            if exitcode > 0:
                raise misc.builderr("build command terminated with status %d" %

            if w == "in-dest":
                dir = os.path.join(cfg.outpath, dir)
                dir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, dir)
            log.logmsg("Running command in directory `%s': %s" % (dir, cmd))
            cmd = misc.shellquote(["cd", dir]) + " && " + cmd
            f = os.popen(cmd + " 2>&1", "r")
            while 1:
                line = f.readline()
                if line == "": break
                while line[-1:] == "\r" or line[-1:] == "\n":
                    line = line[:-1]
            ret = f.close()
            if ret > 0:
                raise misc.builderr("build command terminated with status %d" %
    elif w == "deliver":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" %
        srcpath, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        sr = lexer.trim(sr)
        nfiles = 0
        for srcfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.workpath, srcpath)):
            save = lexer.save_vars()
            lexer.set_onecharvar("@", os.path.basename(srcfile))
            dstfile, sx = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
            dstfile = os.path.join(cfg.outpath, dstfile)
            log.logmsg("Delivering `%s' to `%s'" % (srcfile, dstfile))
            dstdir = os.path.dirname(dstfile)
            if not os.path.exists(dstdir):
            shutil.copyfile(srcfile, dstfile)
            nfiles = nfiles + 1

        if nfiles == 0:
            raise misc.builderr("deliver statement did not match any files")

    elif w == "checkout":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" %
        module, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        destdir, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if module == None or destdir == None:
            raise misc.builderr("`checkout' command expects two parameters")
        destdir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, destdir)
        checkout.checkout(cfg, module, destdir, 0)
    elif w == "module":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        newmodule, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if newmodule == None:
            raise misc.builderr("`module' command expects a parameter")
        srcdir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, cfg.mainmodule)
        destdir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, newmodule)
        if srcdir == destdir:
            log.logmsg("main module already has correct filename")
            log.logmsg("renaming main module directory `%s' to `%s'" %
                       (srcdir, destdir))
            os.rename(srcdir, destdir)
            cfg.mainmodule = newmodule
        cfg.seen_module = 1
    elif w == "delegate":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" %
        hosttype, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if hosttype == None:
            raise misc.builderr("expected a host type after `delegate'")
        if delegatefps != None:
            raise misc.builderr("a delegation session is already open")

        # Read the config file to find out what actual host to
        # connect to for the given host type.
        save = lexer.save_vars()
        process_script(cfg.cfgfile, 1, cfg)
        host = lexer.get_multicharvar("host_" + hosttype)
        sshid = lexer.get_multicharvar("id_" + hosttype)
        usercmd = lexer.get_multicharvar("cmd_" + hosttype)
        if host == "":
            raise misc.builderr(
                "configuration does not specify a host for delegate type `%s'"
                % hosttype)

        # Open a connection to the delegate host.
        log.logmsg("Starting delegation to host type `%s'" % hosttype)
        if usercmd != None:
            delcmd = usercmd
            if hosttype == "-":
                # Special case: a host name of "-" causes a
                # self-delegation, i.e. we invoke the delegate
                # server directly rather than bothering with ssh.
                for pdir in sys.path:
                    delcmd = pdir + "/" + name.server
                    if os.path.exists(delcmd):
                    delcmd = None
                if delcmd == None:
                    raise misc.builderr("unable to find delegate server")
                delcmd = [delcmd]
                delcmd = ["ssh"]
                # If the user has specified an SSH identity key, use it.
                if sshid != None:
                    delcmd = ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK="] + delcmd + ["-i", sshid]
            delcmd = misc.shellquote(delcmd)
        log.logmsg("  Running delegation command: " + delcmd)
        delegatefps = popen2(delcmd)

        # Wait for the announcement from the far end which says the
        # delegate server is running.
        while 1:
            s = delegatefps[1].readline()
            if s == "":
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            while s[-1:] == "\r" or s[-1:] == "\n":
                s = s[:-1]
            if s == name.server_banner:
                log.logmsg("  Successfully started delegate server")

        # Send a tarball of our build work directory.
        tarpipe = os.popen(
            misc.shellquote(["tar", "-C", cfg.workpath, "-czf", "-", "."]),
        data =
        delegatefps[0].write("T" + struct.pack(">L", len(data)) + data)
    elif w == "return":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" %
        if delegatefps == None:
            raise misc.builderr("no delegation session open")

        # Copy file(s) back from the delegate host. We send our
        # command character "R", then a glob pattern; we then
        # repeatedly read a filename and file contents until we
        # receive zero filename length.
        pattern, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if pattern == None:
            raise misc.builderr("expected a file name after `return'")
        delegatefps[0].write("R" + struct.pack(">L", len(pattern)) + pattern)

        nfiles = 0
        while 1:
            fnamelen = delegatefps[1].read(4)
            if len(fnamelen) < 4:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            fnamelen = struct.unpack(">L", fnamelen)[0]
            if fnamelen == 0:
            fname = delegatefps[1].read(fnamelen)
            if len(fname) < fnamelen:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            datalen = delegatefps[1].read(4)
            if len(datalen) < 4:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            datalen = struct.unpack(">L", datalen)[0]
            data = delegatefps[1].read(datalen)
            if len(data) < datalen:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            log.logmsg("Returned file `%s' from delegate server" % fname)  #'
            # Vet the filename for obvious gotchas.
            if string.find("/" + fname + "/", "/../") >= 0 or fname[:1] == "/":
                raise misc.builderr(
                    "returned file `%s' failed security check" % fname)  #'
            dstfile = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, fname)
            dstdir = os.path.dirname(dstfile)
            if not os.path.exists(dstdir):
            outfp = open(dstfile, "wb")
            nfiles = nfiles + 1

        if nfiles == 0:
            raise misc.builderr("return statement did not match any files")

    elif w == "enddelegate":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" %
        if delegatefps == None:
            raise misc.builderr("no delegation session open")

        # Close the delegate session
        delegatefps = None

        log.logmsg("Closed delegate session")
        raise misc.builderr("unrecognised statement keyword `%s'" % w)
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: rdebath/sgt
def expand_varfunc(var, cfg):
    global builddate

    # Expand a variable or function enclosed in $(...). Takes a
    # string containing the text from inside the parentheses (after
    # any further expansion has been done on that); returns a
    # string containing the expansion.

    if var[0] == "!":
        # `$(!' introduces a special function.
            pos = var.index(" ")
            fn, val = var[1:pos], var[pos+1:]
        except ValueError:
            fn, val = var[1:], ""

        if fn == "numeric":
            # The entire function call has already been lexed, so
            # don't lex it again.
            log.logmsg("testing numericity of `%s'" % val)
            if misc.numeric(val):
                return "yes"
                return "no"
        elif fn == "available":
            log.logmsg("testing availability of variable `%s'" % val)
                return "yes"
            except VarInvalid:
                return "no"
        elif fn == "builddate":
            if val != "":
                raise misc.builderr("$(!builddate) expects no arguments")
            if builddate is None:
                # Invent a build date.
                cachefile = os.path.join(cfg.builddatecache, cfg.mainmodule)
                builddate = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time()))
                verdata = checkout.verdata()
                new = True
                if os.path.exists(cachefile):
                    with open(cachefile, "r") as f:
                        last_builddate = f.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
                        last_verdata =
                    if verdata == last_verdata:
                        new = False
                if new:
                        os.mkdir(cfg.builddatecache, 0700)
                    except OSError as e:
                        if e.errno != os.errno.EEXIST:
                    with open(cachefile + ".tmp", "w") as f:
                        f.write(builddate + "\n" + verdata)
                    os.rename(cachefile + ".tmp", cachefile)
                    log.logmsg("using new build date " + builddate)
                    builddate = last_builddate
                    log.logmsg("reusing last build date " + builddate)
            return builddate
            raise misc.builderr("unexpected string function `%s'" % var)
        # Just look up var in our list of variables, and return its
        # value.
            return get_multicharvar(var, "")
        except VarInvalid:
            raise misc.builderr("special variable `%s' is not currently valid" % var)
Esempio n. 9
def expand_varfunc(var, cfg):
    global builddate

    # Expand a variable or function enclosed in $(...). Takes a
    # string containing the text from inside the parentheses (after
    # any further expansion has been done on that); returns a
    # string containing the expansion.

    if var[0] == "!":
        # `$(!' introduces a special function.
            pos = var.index(" ")
            fn, val = var[1:pos], var[pos + 1:]
        except ValueError:
            fn, val = var[1:], ""

        if fn == "numeric":
            # The entire function call has already been lexed, so
            # don't lex it again.
            log.logmsg("testing numericity of `%s'" % val)
            if misc.numeric(val):
                return "yes"
                return "no"
        elif fn == "available":
            log.logmsg("testing availability of variable `%s'" % val)
                return "yes"
            except VarInvalid:
                return "no"
        elif fn == "builddate":
            if val != "":
                raise misc.builderr("$(!builddate) expects no arguments")
            if builddate is None:
                # Invent a build date.
                cachefile = os.path.join(cfg.builddatecache, cfg.mainmodule)
                builddate = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",
                verdata = checkout.verdata()
                new = True
                if os.path.exists(cachefile):
                    with open(cachefile, "r") as f:
                        last_builddate = f.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
                        last_verdata =
                    if verdata == last_verdata:
                        new = False
                if new:
                        os.mkdir(cfg.builddatecache, 0700)
                    except OSError as e:
                        if e.errno != os.errno.EEXIST:
                    with open(cachefile + ".tmp", "w") as f:
                        f.write(builddate + "\n" + verdata)
                    os.rename(cachefile + ".tmp", cachefile)
                    log.logmsg("using new build date " + builddate)
                    builddate = last_builddate
                    log.logmsg("reusing last build date " + builddate)
            return builddate
            raise misc.builderr("unexpected string function `%s'" % var)
        # Just look up var in our list of variables, and return its
        # value.
            return get_multicharvar(var, "")
        except VarInvalid:
            raise misc.builderr(
                "special variable `%s' is not currently valid" % var)
Esempio n. 10
def checkout(cfg, module, path, is_main):
    log.logmsg("Checking out module %s into path %s" % (module, path))

    # First, check the command-line configuration to find out how
    # we need to check out this module.
    details = cfg.specialrev.get(module, [cfg.baserev, module, None, None, None])
    if details[1] is None:
        details[1] = module

    set_headrev = 0

    git = 0
    git_native = False

    if details[2] != None:
        # If we've been given an actual working directory, we just
        # do an export of that.
        svnparams = [details[2]]

        log.logmsg("  Using existing working directory %s" % details[2])

        # Determine the revision or commit number of the working
        # directory.
        if os.access(details[2]+"/.git", os.F_OK):
            git = 1
            gitcheckoutdir = details[2]
            cdcmd = misc.shellquote(["cd", gitcheckoutdir])

            gitstatcmd = misc.shellquote(["git", "status"])
            f = os.popen(cdcmd + "&&" + gitstatcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
            mod = "M" # assume modified unless git status reports clean
            while 1:
                s = f.readline()
                if s == "":
                if s[-1:] == "\n": s = s[:-1]
                if s[:8] == "nothing ":
                    mod = ""

            if (cfg.force_git_svn != False and
                (cfg.force_git_svn == True or
                 os.access(details[2]+"/.git/refs/remotes/git-svn", os.F_OK))):
                # This looks like a git-svn checkout. Scan back
                # through git log to find the nearest commit that
                # identifies itself as a git-svn mirror of an svn
                # upstream revision, and treat it more or less as if
                # it were an svn checkout from that (with optional M
                # if non-git-svn-shaped commits appear first).
                gitlogcmd = misc.shellquote(["git", "log"])
                origmod = mod
                f = os.popen(cdcmd + "&&" + gitlogcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
                first = 1
                while 1:
                    s = f.readline()
                    if s == "":
                        if cfg.force_git_svn == True:
                            raise misc.builderr("--git-svn option given but no git-svn commit found")
                        git_native = True
                        mod = origmod
                        log.logmsg("  git-svn ref exists but no git-svn commit found; treating as native git")
                    if s[-1:] == "\n": s = s[:-1]
                    if s[:16] == "    git-svn-id: ":
                        ss = string.split(s)
                        if len(ss) > 1:
                                i = string.rindex(ss[1], "@")
                                newrev = ss[1][i+1:] + mod
                            except ValueError, e:
                    if s[:6] == "commit":
                        if first:
                            first = 0
                            gitcommit = string.split(s)[1]
                            mod = "M"
                # No git-svn ref exists, so assume this is a native
                # git build. (Might go wrong if it's really a git
                # clone of a git-svn repo from elsewhere, but I don't
                # think I mind very much about that at the moment.)
                git_native = True
                headcmd = misc.shellquote(["git",
                                           "--git-dir=" + gitcheckoutdir + "/.git",
                                           "rev-parse", "HEAD"])
                log.logmsg("  Finding head revision id: " + headcmd)
                f = os.popen(headcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
                gitcommit = None
                while 1:
                    line = f.readline()
                    if line == "": break
                    while line[-1:] == "\r" or line[-1:] == "\n":
                        line = line[:-1]
                    if gitcommit is None:
                        gitcommit = line
                ret = f.close()
                if ret > 0:
                    raise misc.builderr("git rev-parse command terminated with status %d" % ret)

            if git_native:
                log.logmsg("  Native git build from commit %s" % gitcommit)
                log.logmsg("  Revision faked via git-svn: %s" % newrev)
        elif os.access(details[2]+"/.svn", os.F_OK):
            svnvcmd = misc.shellquote(["svnversion", details[2]])
            f = os.popen(svnvcmd + " 2>&1", "r")
            newrev =
            while newrev[-1:] == "\r" or newrev[-1:] == "\n":
                newrev = newrev[:-1]
            log.logmsg("  Revision returned from svnversion: %s" % newrev)
            raise misc.builderr("working directory `%s' is not a Subversion working copy" % details[2])

        # If there's more than one revision represented here, raise
        # an error unless we've been told to accept that.
        if (not git_native and
            not cfg.accept_complex_rev and
            not misc.checkstr(newrev, "0123456789M")):
            raise misc.builderr("working directory `%s' has complex revision `%s'; use `--complexrev' to proceed regardless" % (details[2], newrev))

        lcrevindex = (None, details[2])
Esempio n. 11
            not misc.checkstr(newrev, "0123456789M")):
            raise misc.builderr("working directory `%s' has complex revision `%s'; use `--complexrev' to proceed regardless" % (details[2], newrev))

        lcrevindex = (None, details[2])
        # Otherwise, we must read the config file to determine the
        # right repository location.
        save = lexer.save_vars()
        lexer.set_multicharvar("module", module)
        script.process_script(cfg.cfgfile, 1, cfg)
        repostype = lexer.get_multicharvar("repostype")
        svnrepos = gitrepos = None
        if repostype == "svn":
            svnrepos = lexer.get_multicharvar("svnrepos")
            if svnrepos is None:
                raise misc.builderr("Configuration file did not specify `svnrepos' for module `%s'" % module)
            log.logmsg("  Using SVN repository %s" % svnrepos)
            git = False
        elif repostype == "git":
            gitrepos = lexer.get_multicharvar("gitrepos")
            if gitrepos is None:
                gitparent = lexer.get_multicharvar("gitparent")
                if gitparent is None:
                    raise misc.builderr("Configuration file did not specify `gitparent' for module `%s'" % module)
                gitsuffix = lexer.get_multicharvar("gitsuffix", ".git")
                gitrepos = gitparent + "/" + details[1] + gitsuffix
            log.logmsg("  Using git repository %s" % gitrepos)
            git = git_native = True
        elif repostype is None:
            raise misc.builderr("Configuration file did not specify `repostype' for module `%s'" % module)
Esempio n. 12
def run_script_line(s, is_config, cfg):
    global delegatefps

    # Execute the script line given in s.

    # Trim the newline off the end of the string, to begin with.
    while s[-1:] == "\r" or s[-1:] == "\n":
        s = s[:-1]

    w, sr = lexer.get_word(s, cfg)

    if w == None or w == "":
        return # no command on this line

    # Log every line executed by a non-config script.
    if not is_config:

    if w == "ifeq" or w == "ifneq":
        w1, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        w2, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        log.logmsg("testing string equality of `%s' and `%s'" % (w1, w2))
        if (w1 == w2) != (w == "ifeq"):
            return # condition not taken
        w, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg) # now read the main command
    if w == "ifexist" or w == "ifnexist":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" % w)
        w1, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        log.logmsg("testing existence of `%s'" % w1)
        if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(cfg.workpath,w1))!=0) != (w=="ifexist"):
            return # condition not taken
        w, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg) # now read the main command

    if w == "set":
        # Set a variable.
        var, val = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        val = lexer.lex_all(lexer.trim(val), cfg)
        if not is_config:
            log.logmsg("Setting variable `%s' to value `%s'" % (var,val))
        lexer.set_multicharvar(var, val)
    elif w == "read":
        # Set a variable by reading from a file.
        var, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        filename, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        filename = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, filename)
        if not is_config:
            log.logmsg("Reading file `%s'" % (filename))
        with open(filename, "r") as f:
            val =
        val = val.rstrip("\r\n")
        if not is_config:
            log.logmsg("Setting variable `%s' to value `%s'" % (var,val))
        lexer.set_multicharvar(var, val)
    elif w == "in" or w == "in-dest":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" % w)
        if delegatefps != None and w != "in":
            raise misc.builderr("`in-dest' command invalid during delegation" % w)
        dir, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        do, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if do != "do":
            raise misc.builderr("expected `do' after `%s'" % w)
        cmd = lexer.lex_all(lexer.trim(sr), cfg)
        if delegatefps != None:
            log.logmsg("Running command on delegate server: " + cmd)
            # Instead of running the command locally, send it to
            # the delegate host, and receive in return some output
            # and an exit code.
            delegatefps[0].write("C" + struct.pack(">L", len(dir)) + dir + struct.pack(">L", len(cmd)) + cmd)

            # Retrieve the build command's output, line by line.
            output = ""
            while 1:
                outlen = delegatefps[1].read(4)
                if len(outlen) < 4:
                    raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
                outlen = struct.unpack(">L", outlen)[0]
                if outlen == 0:
                outchunk = delegatefps[1].read(outlen)
                if len(outchunk) < outlen:
                    raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
                output = output + outchunk
                while 1:
                    newline = string.find(output, "\n")
                    if newline < 0:
                    line = output[:newline]
                    output = output[newline+1:]
                    while line[-1:] == "\r" or line[-1:] == "\n":
                        line = line[:-1]

            # Log the final partial line, if any.
            if len(output) > 0:
                while output[-1:] == "\r" or output[-1:] == "\n":
                    output = output[:-1]

            exitcode = delegatefps[1].read(4)
            if len(exitcode) < 4:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            exitcode = struct.unpack(">l", exitcode)[0]

            if exitcode > 0:
                raise misc.builderr("build command terminated with status %d" % exitcode)

            if w == "in-dest":
                dir = os.path.join(cfg.outpath, dir)
                dir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, dir)
            log.logmsg("Running command in directory `%s': %s" % (dir, cmd))
            cmd = misc.shellquote(["cd", dir]) + " && " + cmd
            f = os.popen(cmd + " 2>&1", "r")
            while 1:
                line = f.readline()
                if line == "": break
                while line[-1:] == "\r" or line[-1:] == "\n":
                    line = line[:-1]
            ret = f.close()
            if ret > 0:
                raise misc.builderr("build command terminated with status %d" % ret)
    elif w == "deliver":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" % w)
        srcpath, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        sr = lexer.trim(sr)
        nfiles = 0
        for srcfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.workpath, srcpath)):
            save = lexer.save_vars()
            lexer.set_onecharvar("@", os.path.basename(srcfile))
            dstfile, sx = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
            dstfile = os.path.join(cfg.outpath, dstfile)
            log.logmsg("Delivering `%s' to `%s'" % (srcfile, dstfile))
            dstdir = os.path.dirname(dstfile)
            if not os.path.exists(dstdir):
            shutil.copyfile(srcfile, dstfile)
            nfiles = nfiles + 1

        if nfiles == 0:
            raise misc.builderr("deliver statement did not match any files")

    elif w == "checkout":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" % w)
        module, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        destdir, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if module == None or destdir == None:
            raise misc.builderr("`checkout' command expects two parameters")
        destdir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, destdir)
        checkout.checkout(cfg, module, destdir, 0)
    elif w == "module":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        newmodule, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if newmodule == None:
            raise misc.builderr("`module' command expects a parameter")
        srcdir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, cfg.mainmodule)
        destdir = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, newmodule)
        if srcdir == destdir:
            log.logmsg("main module already has correct filename")
            log.logmsg("renaming main module directory `%s' to `%s'" % (srcdir, destdir))
            os.rename(srcdir, destdir)
            cfg.mainmodule = newmodule
        cfg.seen_module = 1
    elif w == "delegate":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" % w)
        hosttype, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if hosttype == None:
            raise misc.builderr("expected a host type after `delegate'")
        if delegatefps != None:
            raise misc.builderr("a delegation session is already open")

        # Read the config file to find out what actual host to
        # connect to for the given host type.
        save = lexer.save_vars()
        process_script(cfg.cfgfile, 1, cfg)
        host = lexer.get_multicharvar("host_" + hosttype)
        sshid = lexer.get_multicharvar("id_" + hosttype)
        usercmd = lexer.get_multicharvar("cmd_" + hosttype)
        if host == "":
            raise misc.builderr("configuration does not specify a host for delegate type `%s'" % hosttype)

        # Open a connection to the delegate host.
        log.logmsg("Starting delegation to host type `%s'" % hosttype)
        if usercmd != None:
            delcmd = usercmd
            if hosttype == "-":
                # Special case: a host name of "-" causes a
                # self-delegation, i.e. we invoke the delegate
                # server directly rather than bothering with ssh.
                for pdir in sys.path:
                    delcmd = pdir + "/" + name.server
                    if os.path.exists(delcmd):
                    delcmd = None
                if delcmd == None:
                    raise misc.builderr("unable to find delegate server")
                delcmd = [delcmd]
                delcmd = ["ssh"]
                # If the user has specified an SSH identity key, use it.
                if sshid != None:
                    delcmd = ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK="] + delcmd + ["-i", sshid]
            delcmd = misc.shellquote(delcmd)
        log.logmsg("  Running delegation command: " + delcmd)
        delegatefps = popen2(delcmd)

        # Wait for the announcement from the far end which says the
        # delegate server is running.
        while 1:
            s = delegatefps[1].readline()
            if s == "":
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            while s[-1:] == "\r" or s[-1:] == "\n":
                s = s[:-1]
            if s == name.server_banner:
                log.logmsg("  Successfully started delegate server")

        # Send a tarball of our build work directory.
        tarpipe = os.popen(misc.shellquote(["tar", "-C", cfg.workpath, "-czf", "-", "."]), "r")
        data =
        delegatefps[0].write("T" + struct.pack(">L", len(data)) + data)
    elif w == "return":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" % w)
        if delegatefps == None:
            raise misc.builderr("no delegation session open")

        # Copy file(s) back from the delegate host. We send our
        # command character "R", then a glob pattern; we then
        # repeatedly read a filename and file contents until we
        # receive zero filename length.
        pattern, sr = lexer.get_word(sr, cfg)
        if pattern == None:
            raise misc.builderr("expected a file name after `return'")
        delegatefps[0].write("R" + struct.pack(">L", len(pattern)) + pattern)

        nfiles = 0
        while 1:
            fnamelen = delegatefps[1].read(4)
            if len(fnamelen) < 4:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            fnamelen = struct.unpack(">L", fnamelen)[0]
            if fnamelen == 0:
            fname = delegatefps[1].read(fnamelen)
            if len(fname) < fnamelen:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            datalen = delegatefps[1].read(4)
            if len(datalen) < 4:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            datalen = struct.unpack(">L", datalen)[0]
            data = delegatefps[1].read(datalen)
            if len(data) < datalen:
                raise misc.builderr("unexpected EOF from delegate server")
            log.logmsg("Returned file `%s' from delegate server" % fname) #'
            # Vet the filename for obvious gotchas.
            if string.find("/"+fname+"/", "/../") >= 0 or fname[:1] == "/":
                raise misc.builderr("returned file `%s' failed security check" % fname) #'
            dstfile = os.path.join(cfg.workpath, fname)
            dstdir = os.path.dirname(dstfile)
            if not os.path.exists(dstdir):
            outfp = open(dstfile, "wb")
            nfiles = nfiles + 1

        if nfiles == 0:
            raise misc.builderr("return statement did not match any files")

    elif w == "enddelegate":
        if is_config:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command invalid in config file" % w)
        if not cfg.seen_module:
            raise misc.builderr("`%s' command seen before `module' command" % w)
        if delegatefps == None:
            raise misc.builderr("no delegation session open")

        # Close the delegate session
        delegatefps = None

        log.logmsg("Closed delegate session")
        raise misc.builderr("unrecognised statement keyword `%s'" % w)