def init(): global initDone if not initDone: misc.init(False) util.init(False) initDone = True
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Autoinitialize CUDA tools. """ import misc try: import cula _has_cula = True except (ImportError, OSError): _has_cula = False misc.init() if _has_cula: cula.culaInitialize()
def run(move_type, n_moves, length_poly, generate_gif=False, lamellar=False, temp=None, field=1, output_directory=None): """ Runs a simulation with specified move type and number of moves Arguments: move_type -- pivot or reptation n_moves -- number of moves in simulation length_poly -- number of monomers in the polymer generate_gif -- generate images of each step and make a gif at the end of execution (takes a while) lamellar -- boolean, lamellar field on or off temp -- temperature, only if lamellar is on field -- field strength, if lamellar is turned on output_directory -- where you would like to output the run """ #Declaring global variables for multi-runs: global avg_energy global avg_gyradius global avg_gyradius_x global avg_gyradius_y global avg_end2end global avg_end2end_x global avg_end2end_y ###################### ### Initialization ### ###################### if output_directory == None: print("Error! Output directory not specified. Exiting...") exit(1) #Check if move type is valid if move_type not in ['reptation', 'pivot']: print("Move type is not reptation or pivot... exiting") exit(1) if lamellar == True: if temp == None: print( "lamellar field requires a temperature. Please specify (temp = ...). Exiting..." ) exit(1) #Prepare gif process if generate_gif == True: prepare_gif_process() #Initialize polymer and grid poly = init(length_poly) if generate_gif == True: grid = imaging.grid(poly) #Initialize arrays to store energy, gyradius and end2end distance energies = np.empty(0) gyradii = np.empty(0) gyradii_x = np.empty(0) gyradii_y = np.empty(0) end2ends = np.empty(0) end2ends_x = np.empty(0) end2ends_y = np.empty(0) if lamellar == True: charges = generate_coblock_charges(poly.shape[0]) ######################## #### Run Simulation #### ######################## #Run algorithm: for i in range(0, n_moves + 1): #Write original polymer to memory if lamellar is on: if lamellar == True: poly1 = poly #Make a move: if move_type == 'reptation': poly = reptation(poly) else: poly = pivot(poly) #If lamellar is on, compare energies of original and moved polymers: if lamellar == True: poly2 = poly poly, energy = lamellar_test(poly1, poly2, charges, temp, field=field) #Calculate observables if lamellar != True: energy = 0 gyradius, gyradius_x, gyradius_y = radius_of_gyration(poly) end2end, end2end_x, end2end_y = end_to_end(poly) #Append observables to arrays energies = np.append(energies, np.array([energy])) gyradii = np.append(gyradii, np.array([gyradius])) gyradii_x = np.append(gyradii_x, np.array([gyradius_x])) gyradii_y = np.append(gyradii_y, np.array([gyradius_y])) end2ends = np.append(end2ends, np.array([end2end])) end2ends_x = np.append(end2ends_x, np.array([end2end_x])) end2ends_y = np.append(end2ends_y, np.array([end2end_y])) #Save images for gif upon request if generate_gif == True: if lamellar == True: img = grid.plot_poly(poly, energy=energy, gyradius=np.round(gyradius, 2), end2end=np.round(end2end, 2), lamellar=True, charges=charges) else: img = grid.plot_poly(poly, energy=energy, gyradius=np.round(gyradius, 2), end2end=np.round(end2end, 2)) save_img(img) ######################################### #### Plot and Calculate Observables #### ######################################### #Generate plots of observables over the algorithm plot(energies, "Energy", output_directory) plot(gyradii, "Radius of Gyration", output_directory) plot(gyradii_x, "Radius of Gyration x", output_directory) plot(gyradii_y, "Radius of Gyration y", output_directory) plot(end2ends, "End to End Length", output_directory) plot(end2ends_x, "End to End Length x", output_directory) plot(end2ends_y, "End to End Length y", output_directory) #Calculate avg, std. dev., and sem of observables over the last n/2 points points_sampled = n_moves // 2 avg_energy, std_energy, sem_energy = avg_std(energies, points_sampled) avg_gyradius, std_gyradius, sem_gyradius = avg_std(gyradii, points_sampled) avg_gyradius_x, std_gyradius_x, sem_gyradius_x = avg_std( gyradii_x, points_sampled) avg_gyradius_y, std_gyradius_y, sem_gyradius_y = avg_std( gyradii_y, points_sampled) avg_end2end, std_end2end, sem_end2end = avg_std(end2ends, points_sampled) avg_end2end_x, std_end2end_x, sem_end2end_x = avg_std( end2ends_x, points_sampled) avg_end2end_y, std_end2end_y, sem_end2end_y = avg_std( end2ends_y, points_sampled) ########################### #### Write Output File #### ########################### output_name = output_directory + "/output.txt" #Remove previous output if it exists try: os.remove(output_name) except FileNotFoundError: pass #Write output file: with open(output_directory + "/output.txt", 'w+') as file: file.write("POLYSIM" + "\n") file.write("A Software by Abhishek, Daniel, Yogev, Peter, and Caini" + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("SIMULATION ACHIEVED" + "\n") file.write("########################" + "\n") file.write("SETTINGS:" + "\n") file.write("Move type: " + move_type + "\n") file.write("Lamellar field: ") if lamellar == True: file.write("ON" + "\n") file.write("Field Strength: " + str(field) + "\n") else: file.write("OFF" + "\n") if lamellar == True: file.write("Temperature: " + str(temp) + "\n") file.write("Length of Polymer: " + str(length_poly) + "\n") file.write("Moves in Simualation: " + str(n_moves) + "\n") file.write("Points Sampled: " + str(points_sampled) + "\n") file.write("########################" + "\n") file.write("Average energy: " + str(avg_energy) + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("Average radius of gyration: " + str(avg_gyradius) + "\n") file.write("Average radius of gyration x: " + str(avg_gyradius_x) + "\n") file.write("Average radius of gyration y: " + str(avg_gyradius_y) + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("Average end to end: " + str(avg_end2end) + "\n") file.write("Average end to end x: " + str(avg_end2end_x) + "\n") file.write("Average end to end y: " + str(avg_end2end_y) + "\n") file.write("########################" + "\n") file.write("Std deviation of energy: " + str(std_energy) + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("Std deviation of radius of gyration: " + str(std_gyradius) + "\n") file.write("Std deviation of radius of gyration x: " + str(std_gyradius_x) + "\n") file.write("Std deviation of radius of gyration y: " + str(std_gyradius_y) + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("Std deviation of end to end distance: " + str(std_end2end) + "\n") file.write("Std deviation of end to end distance x: " + str(std_end2end_x) + "\n") file.write("Std deviation of end to end distance y: " + str(std_end2end_y) + "\n") file.write("########################" + "\n") file.write("Std error of energy: " + str(sem_energy) + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("Std error of radius of gyration: " + str(sem_gyradius) + "\n") file.write("Std error of radius of gyration x: " + str(sem_gyradius_x) + "\n") file.write("Std error of radius of gyration y: " + str(sem_gyradius_y) + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("Std error of end to end distance: " + str(sem_end2end) + "\n") file.write("Std error of end to end distance x: " + str(sem_end2end_x) + "\n") file.write("Std error of end to end distance y: " + str(sem_end2end_y) + "\n") file.write("########################" + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("NORMAL TERMINATION" + "\n") file.write("THANK YOU FOR USING OUR SOFTWARE" + "\n") file.write("\n") file.write("\n") file.write("\n") ####################### #### Generate Gif #### ####################### if generate_gif: print( "Simulation done! Generating gif (this might take a while (2-3 minutes))..." ) make_gif(n_moves, output_directory)
#!/usr/bin/env python # add words to ../dict_en.dat in the correct place import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: raise Exception(" word1 word2...") sys.path.insert(0, "../src") import misc import util util.init(False) misc.init(False) s = util.loadFile("../dict_en.dat", None) if s == None: raise Exception("error") words = {} lines = s.splitlines() for it in lines: words[util.lower(it)] = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: words[util.lower(arg)] = None words = list(words.keys()) words.sort()
#!/usr/bin/env python # add words to ../dict_en.dat in the correct place import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: raise Exception(" word1 word2...") sys.path.insert(0, "../src") import misc import util util.init(False) misc.init(False) s = util.loadFile("../dict_en.dat", None) if s == None: raise Exception("error") words = {} lines = s.splitlines() for it in lines: words[util.lower(it)] = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: words[util.lower(arg)] = None words = words.keys() words.sort()
def main(): if == "nt": full = 0 double = 0 else: full = 0 double = 1 displayFlags = HWSURFACE # Get commandline options if len(sys.argv) != 1: for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): if sys.argv[i].upper() == "--RESOLUTION": # Get the resolution if i != len(sys.argv) - 1 and sys.argv[i + 1].upper() == "640X480": misc.zoom = 0.625 elif i != len(sys.argv) - 1 and sys.argv[ i + 1].upper() == "320X240": misc.zoom = 0.3125 if sys.argv[i].upper() == "--FULLSCREEN": full = 1 if sys.argv[i].upper() == "--DOUBLEBUF": double = 1 if sys.argv[i].upper() == "--NODOUBLEBUF": double = 0 if sys.argv[i].upper() == "--NOSOUND": = 0 if sys.argv[i].upper() == "--HELP" or sys.argv[i].upper() == "-H": print( "USAGE: [--resolution 640x480|320x240] [--fullscreen] [--doublebuf|--nodoublebuf] [--nosound] [--help|-h] [--version]" ) print() print( " --resolution Change resolution (default is 1024x768)") print(" --fullscreen Enable fullscreen display") print( " --doublebuf Enable double buffering display (DEFAULT on other platform than Windows)" ) print( " --nodoublebuf Disable double buffering display (DEFAULT on Windows)" ) print(" --nosound Disable Sound") print(" --help|-h Display this help and exit") print(" --version Output version information and exit") sys.exit(0) if sys.argv[i].upper() == "--VERSION": print("Speedlust version " + misc.VERSION + ", Copyright (C) 2018 Ritu <*****@*****.**>") print() print("Speedlust comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.") print( "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it" ) print( "under certain conditions; see the COPYING file for details." ) sys.exit(0) if full == 1 and double == 1: displayFlags = displayFlags | DOUBLEBUF | FULLSCREEN elif full == 1 and double == 0: displayFlags = displayFlags | FULLSCREEN elif full == 0 and double == 1: displayFlags = displayFlags | DOUBLEBUF elif full == 0 and double == 0: displayFlags = displayFlags try: pygame.init() except: print("Cannot initialize pyGame:") sys.exit(-1) if pygame.display.mode_ok((int(1024 * misc.zoom), int(768 * misc.zoom)), displayFlags, 24) == 0: print("Speedlust cannot initialize display...") sys.exit(-1) else: misc.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (int(1024 * misc.zoom), int(768 * misc.zoom)), displayFlags, 24) pygame.display.set_caption("Speedlust v" + misc.VERSION) pygame.display.set_icon( pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "SpeedlustIcon.bmp"))) if == 1:"sounds", "start.ogg")) try: import psyco psyco.full() except: print("Cannot use psyCo...") pass pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) misc.init() select1 = 1 while select1 != -1: menu1 = menu.SimpleMenu( misc.titleFont, "Speedlust v" + misc.VERSION, 20 * misc.zoom, misc.itemFont, ["Single Race", "Tournament", "Hi Scores", "Credits", "License"]) select1 = menu1.getInput() # Single Race if select1 == 1: race = game.Game("singleRace") menu2 = menu.ChooseTrackMenu(misc.titleFont, "singleRace: Track", 2 * misc.zoom, misc.itemFont) select2 = menu2.getInput() if select2 != -1: race.listTrackName = [[select2[0], select2[1]]] menu3 = menu.ChooseValueMenu(misc.titleFont, "singleRace: Laps", 0, misc.itemFont, 1, 10) select3 = menu3.getInput() if select3 != -1: race.maxLapNb = select3 menu4 = menu.ChooseValueMenu(misc.titleFont, "singleRace: HumanPlayers", 0, misc.itemFont, 0, 4) select4 = menu4.getInput() if select4 != -1: isExit = 0 race.listPlayer = [] for i in range(1, select4 + 1): menu5 = menu.ChooseHumanPlayerMenu( misc.titleFont, "singleRace: HumanPlayer" + str(i), 5 * misc.zoom, misc.itemFont) thePlayer = menu5.getInput() if thePlayer == -1: isExit = 1 break race.listPlayer.append(thePlayer) # If there's no exit during enter of player if isExit == 0: # If there's no Human player, there should exist at least a Bot player if select4 == 0: minBot = 1 else: minBot = 0 menu6 = menu.ChooseValueMenu( misc.titleFont, "singleRace: RobotPlayers", 0, misc.itemFont, minBot, 4) select6 = menu6.getInput() if select6 != -1: isExit = 0 for i in range(1, select6 + 1): menu7 = menu.ChooseRobotPlayerMenu( misc.titleFont, "singleRace: RobotPlayer" + str(i), 5 * misc.zoom, misc.itemFont) thePlayer = menu7.getInput() if thePlayer == -1: isExit = 1 break race.listPlayer.append(thePlayer) # If there's no exit during enter of player if isExit == 0: # Tournament elif select1 == 2: tournament = game.Game("tournament") tournament.listTrackName = [] # Get all tracks to put in the tournament listAvailableTrackNames = track.getAvailableTrackNames() for trackName in listAvailableTrackNames: tournament.listTrackName.append([trackName, 0]) # Also Reverse tracks for trackName in listAvailableTrackNames: tournament.listTrackName.append([trackName, 1]) menu2 = menu.ChooseValueMenu(misc.titleFont, "tournament: Laps", 0, misc.itemFont, 1, 10) select2 = menu2.getInput() if select2 != -1: tournament.maxLapNb = select2 menu3 = menu.ChooseValueMenu(misc.titleFont, "tournament: HumanPlayers", 0, misc.itemFont, 0, 4) select3 = menu3.getInput() if select3 != -1: isExit = 0 tournament.listPlayer = [] for i in range(1, select3 + 1): menu4 = menu.ChooseHumanPlayerMenu( misc.titleFont, "tournament: HumanPlayer" + str(i), 5 * misc.zoom, misc.itemFont) thePlayer = menu4.getInput() if thePlayer == -1: isExit = 1 break tournament.listPlayer.append(thePlayer) # If there's no exit during enter of player if isExit == 0: # If there's no Human player, there should exist at least a Bot player if select3 == 0: minBot = 1 else: minBot = 0 menu6 = menu.ChooseValueMenu( misc.titleFont, "tournament: RobotPlayers", 0, misc.itemFont, minBot, 4) select6 = menu6.getInput() if select6 != -1: isExit = 0 for i in range(1, select6 + 1): menu7 = menu.ChooseRobotPlayerMenu( misc.titleFont, "tournament: RobotPlayer" + str(i), 5 * misc.zoom, misc.itemFont) thePlayer = menu7.getInput() if thePlayer == -1: isExit = 1 break tournament.listPlayer.append(thePlayer) # If there's no exit during enter of player if isExit == 0: elif select1 == 3: hiscoresMenu = menu.MenuHiscores(misc.titleFont, "hiscores", 10 * misc.zoom, misc.smallItemFont) hiscoresMenu.getInput() elif select1 == 4: creditsMenu = menu.MenuCredits(misc.titleFont, "credits", 10 * misc.zoom, misc.itemFont) misc.wait4Key() elif select1 == 5: licenseMenu = menu.MenuLicense(misc.titleFont, "license", 10 * misc.zoom, misc.smallItemFont) misc.wait4Key()