def ListUrls(self, buffer=None, index=None): """List any URLs or mentions of a twitter screen name in a dialog.""" urls = [] try: urls.extend(buffer.get_urls(index)) except: pass try: urls.extend(["@%s" % i for i in buffer.get_mentions(index)]) except: pass try: urls.extend(["@%s" % buffer.get_screen_name(index)]) except: pass urls = misc.RemoveDuplicates(urls) if not urls: logging.debug("No web addresses or usernames in current tweet.") return output.speak(_("No URLs detected in current post."), 1) logging.debug("Launching URL choice dialog.") dlg = modal_dialog(core.gui.ListURLsDialog, parent=self.session.frame, urls=urls) url = dlg.urls_list.GetStringSelection().replace("@","http://ww") logging.debug("Opening URL: %s " % url) misc.open_url_in_browser(url)
def retrieve_access_token(self): output.speak( _("Please wait while an access token is retrieved from Twitter."), True) self.check_twitter_connection() auth_props = self.auth_handler.get_authentication_tokens() oauth_token = auth_props['oauth_token'] oauth_token_secret = auth_props['oauth_token_secret'] url = auth_props['auth_url'] misc.open_url_in_browser(url) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog( caption=_("Twitter Login"), message= _("Please enter the verification code from Twitter for session %s") %, parent=self.frame) dlg.Raise() if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: raise ValueError("User canceled login") verification = dlg.GetValue().strip() self.auth_handler = Twython(str(self.config['oauth']['twitterKey']), str(self.config['oauth']['twitterSecret']), oauth_token, oauth_token_secret) token = self.auth_handler.get_authorized_tokens(verification) output.speak(_("Retrieved access token from Twitter."), True) self.config['oauth']['userKey'] = token['oauth_token'] self.config['oauth']['userSecret'] = token['oauth_token_secret'] logging.debug("Successfully retrieved an oAuth access token for user.") self.login()
def ListUrls(self, buffer=None, index=None): """List any URLs or mentions of a twitter screen name in a dialog.""" urls = [] try: urls.extend(buffer.get_urls(index)) except: pass try: urls.extend(["@%s" % i for i in buffer.get_mentions(index)]) except: pass try: urls.extend(["@%s" % buffer.get_screen_name(index)]) except: pass urls = misc.RemoveDuplicates(urls) if not urls: logging.debug("No web addresses or usernames in current tweet.") return output.speak(_("No URLs detected in current post."), 1) logging.debug("Launching URL choice dialog.") dlg = modal_dialog(core.gui.ListURLsDialog, parent=self.session.frame, urls=urls) url = dlg.urls_list.GetStringSelection().replace( "@", "http://ww") logging.debug("Opening URL: %s " % url) misc.open_url_in_browser(url)
def interact (self, index=None): """Opens the first URL in a Twitter item. Currently does not work if the only URL is a Twitter username. """ urls = self.get_urls(index) if not urls: logging.debug("No web addresses or usernames in current item.") return output.speak(_("No URLs detected in current item."), True) url = urls[0] output.speak(_("Opening URL: %s" % url), True) logging.debug("Opening URL: %s" % url) misc.open_url_in_browser(url)
def ViewHelp(self, evt): evt.Skip() misc.open_url_in_browser(application.wx_appPath + "\\documentation\\readme.html")