def test(self): """ Function for testing the module """ print "CALL1:" print "TrainIo('Oslo')._print_class_vars()" self._print_class_vars() print "CALL2:" print "time_diff('10:15', '11:09')" print time_diff('10:15', '11:09')
def _cache_windows(self, scheduled, dep_windows, arr_windows): """ Finds windows for a dict/list of trains re """ for sched in scheduled: for train in self.get_all_trains(): if not str_eq(sched, train): #Spags? done = False while not done: for row in self.all_data[train]: if not str_eq(row, 'missing'): #Check if train departs within a 15 min window #of scheds departure/arrival if(row[self.legend['Pl.avg.']] and abs(time_diff(row[self.legend['Pl.avg.']], scheduled[sched])) < self.windowsize/2.): if not sched in dep_windows: dep_windows[sched] = [] dep_windows[sched].append(train) done = True #Check if train arrives within a 15 min window #of scheds departure/arrival if(row[self.legend['Pl.ank.']] and abs(time_diff(row[self.legend['Pl.ank.']] , scheduled[sched])) < self.windowsize/2.): if not sched in arr_windows: arr_windows[sched] = [] arr_windows[sched].append(train) done = True if done: """ Here I make the assumption that if a train has a scheduled departure/arrival time then it is stored in all the csv files. Also that the planned departure/arrival time is the same for all days, which is not always the case, but for most trains it is. """#pylint:disable=pointless-string-statement break done = True return dep_windows, arr_windows
def data_to_array(self, train, plan, act): """ Stores the delay times for a specified trainnumber read from dict all_data """ train_data = self.all_data[train] delay_list = [] for row in train_data: if str_eq('missing', row): delay_list.append(float('Nan')) else: try: delay_list.append(time_diff(row[self.legend[act]], row[self.legend[plan]])) except ValueError: delay_list.append(float('Nan')) return numpy.array(delay_list) #pylint:disable=no-member