def test_replace_simple(self): headers = Headers(Host="", Accept="text/plain") replacements = headers.replace("Host: ", "X-Host: ") assert replacements == 1 assert headers["X-Host"] == "" assert "Host" not in headers assert headers["Accept"] == "text/plain"
def test_response_interceptor_called(self): mock_flow = Mock() = '12345' mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.request.headers = Headers() mock_flow.request.raw_content = b'' mock_flow.response.status_code = 200 mock_flow.response.reason = 'OK' mock_flow.response.headers = Headers([(b'Content-Length', b'6')]) mock_flow.response.raw_content = b'foobar' def intercept(req, res): if req.url == '': res.status_code = 201 res.reason = 'Created' res.headers['a'] = 'b' res.body = b'foobarbaz' self.server.response_interceptor = intercept self.handler.response(mock_flow) self.assertEqual(201, mock_flow.response.status_code) self.assertEqual('Created', mock_flow.response.reason) self.assertEqual({ 'Content-Length': '6', 'a': 'b' }, dict(mock_flow.response.headers)) self.assertEqual(b'foobarbaz', mock_flow.response.raw_content)
def __init__( self, http_version: bytes, status_code: int, reason: bytes, headers: Union[Headers, Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...]], content: Optional[bytes], trailers: Union[None, Headers, Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...]], timestamp_start: float, timestamp_end: Optional[float], ): # auto-convert invalid types to retain compatibility with older code. if isinstance(http_version, str): http_version = http_version.encode("ascii", "strict") if isinstance(reason, str): reason = reason.encode("ascii", "strict") if isinstance(content, str): raise ValueError("Content must be bytes, not {}".format( type(content).__name__)) if not isinstance(headers, Headers): headers = Headers(headers) if trailers is not None and not isinstance(trailers, Headers): trailers = Headers(trailers) = ResponseData( http_version=http_version, status_code=status_code, reason=reason, headers=headers, content=content, trailers=trailers, timestamp_start=timestamp_start, timestamp_end=timestamp_end, )
def test_bytes(self): headers = Headers(Host="") assert bytes(headers) == b"Host:\r\n" headers = Headers([[b"Host", b""], [b"Accept", b"text/plain"]]) assert bytes(headers) == b"Host:\r\nAccept: text/plain\r\n" headers = Headers() assert bytes(headers) == b""
def make( cls, method: str, url: str, content: Union[bytes, str] = "", headers: Union[Headers, Dict[Union[str, bytes], Union[str, bytes]], Iterable[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = () ) -> "Request": """ Simplified API for creating request objects. """ # Headers can be list or dict, we differentiate here. if isinstance(headers, Headers): pass elif isinstance(headers, dict): headers = Headers((always_bytes(k, "utf-8", "surrogateescape"), always_bytes(v, "utf-8", "surrogateescape")) for k, v in headers.items()) elif isinstance(headers, Iterable): headers = Headers(headers) else: raise TypeError( "Expected headers to be an iterable or dict, but is {}.". format(type(headers).__name__)) req = cls( "", 0, method.encode("utf-8", "surrogateescape"), b"", b"", b"", b"HTTP/1.1", headers, b"", None, time.time(), time.time(), ) req.url = url # Assign this manually to update the content-length header. if isinstance(content, bytes): req.content = content elif isinstance(content, str): req.text = content else: raise TypeError( f"Expected content to be str or bytes, but is {type(content).__name__}." ) return req
def __init__( self, host: str, port: int, method: bytes, scheme: bytes, authority: bytes, path: bytes, http_version: bytes, headers: Union[Headers, Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...]], content: Optional[bytes], trailers: Union[None, Headers, Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...]], timestamp_start: float, timestamp_end: Optional[float], ): # auto-convert invalid types to retain compatibility with older code. if isinstance(host, bytes): host = host.decode("idna", "strict") if isinstance(method, str): method = method.encode("ascii", "strict") if isinstance(scheme, str): scheme = scheme.encode("ascii", "strict") if isinstance(authority, str): authority = authority.encode("ascii", "strict") if isinstance(path, str): path = path.encode("ascii", "strict") if isinstance(http_version, str): http_version = http_version.encode("ascii", "strict") if isinstance(content, str): raise ValueError( f"Content must be bytes, not {type(content).__name__}") if not isinstance(headers, Headers): headers = Headers(headers) if trailers is not None and not isinstance(trailers, Headers): trailers = Headers(trailers) = RequestData( host=host, port=port, method=method, scheme=scheme, authority=authority, path=path, http_version=http_version, headers=headers, content=content, trailers=trailers, timestamp_start=timestamp_start, timestamp_end=timestamp_end, )
def update_headers(request): if self.custom_headers != []: request.headers = Headers() for key, value in self.custom_headers: if key.get != "": request.headers[key.get()] = value.get()
def test_capture_response_called(self): mock_flow = Mock() = '12345' mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.response.status_code = 200 mock_flow.response.reason = 'OK' mock_flow.response.headers = Headers([(b'Content-Length', b'6')]) mock_flow.response.raw_content = b'foobar' captured_response = None def capture_response(*args): nonlocal captured_response captured_response = args[2] self.capture_response.side_effect = capture_response self.handler.response(mock_flow) self.capture_response.assert_called_once_with( '12345', '', ANY) self.assertEqual(200, captured_response.status_code) self.assertEqual('OK', captured_response.reason) self.assertEqual({'Content-Length': '6'}, dict(captured_response.headers)) self.assertEqual(b'foobar', captured_response.body)
def test_capture_request_called(self): mock_flow = Mock() mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.request.method = 'GET' mock_flow.request.headers = Headers([(b'Accept-Encoding', b'identity') ]) mock_flow.request.raw_content = b'foobar' captured_request = None def capture_request(req): nonlocal captured_request = '12345' captured_request = req self.capture_request.side_effect = capture_request self.handler.request(mock_flow) self.assertEqual(1, self.capture_request.call_count) self.assertEqual('GET', captured_request.method) self.assertEqual('', captured_request.url) self.assertEqual({'Accept-Encoding': 'identity'}, dict(captured_request.headers)) self.assertEqual(b'foobar', captured_request.body) self.assertEqual('12345', self.assertEqual('12345',
def _2host(self): return Headers( ( (b"Host", b""), (b"host", b"") ) )
def test_request_interceptor_called(self): mock_flow = Mock() mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.request.method = 'GET' mock_flow.request.headers = Headers([(b'Accept-Encoding', b'identity') ]) mock_flow.request.raw_content = b'' def intercept(req): req.method = 'POST' req.url = '' req.body = b'foobarbaz' req.headers['a'] = 'b' self.server.request_interceptor = intercept self.handler.request(mock_flow) self.assertEqual('POST', mock_flow.request.method) self.assertEqual('', mock_flow.request.url) self.assertEqual({ 'Accept-Encoding': 'identity', 'a': 'b' }, dict(mock_flow.request.headers)) self.assertEqual(b'foobarbaz', mock_flow.request.raw_content)
def request(self, flow): if (flow.request.pretty_host == prettyHost and flow.request.method == reqMethod): if (flow.request.pretty_url == prettyURL): if self.process != None: self.process.terminate() flow.request.decode() uForm = json.loads(flow.request.content) quizMatch = self.regex.match(flow.request.headers['referer']) quiz = runDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) runExec = os.path.join(runDir, 'MentiMemer')"Calling \'" + runExec + "\'") self.process = Popen([ runExec, quiz, uForm['question'], uForm['question_type'], json.dumps(uForm['vote'], ensure_ascii=False) ], cwd=runDir) elif (flow.request.pretty_host == stopHost): if self.process != None: self.process.terminate() self.process = None flow.response = HTTPResponse( "HTTP/1.1", 200, "OK", Headers(Content_Type="text/html"), b'<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><big style=\"font-size: 5em\">Stopped auto-send</big></body></html>' )
def test_set(self): headers = Headers() headers[u"foo"] = u"1" headers[b"bar"] = b"2" headers["baz"] = b"3" with pytest.raises(TypeError): headers["foobar"] = 42 assert len(headers) == 3
def to_mitmproxy(self) -> Headers: fields = [] for key, values in self.headers.items(): for value in values: fields.append((key.encode('ascii'), value.encode('ascii'))) return Headers(fields=fields)
def make( cls, status_code: int = 200, content: Union[bytes, str] = b"", headers: Union[Headers, Dict[Union[str, bytes], Union[str, bytes]], Iterable[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = () ) -> "Response": """ Simplified API for creating response objects. """ if isinstance(headers, Headers): headers = headers elif isinstance(headers, dict): headers = Headers((always_bytes(k, "utf-8", "surrogateescape"), always_bytes(v, "utf-8", "surrogateescape")) for k, v in headers.items()) elif isinstance(headers, Iterable): headers = Headers(headers) else: raise TypeError( "Expected headers to be an iterable or dict, but is {}.". format(type(headers).__name__)) resp = cls( b"HTTP/1.1", status_code, status_codes.RESPONSES.get(status_code, "").encode(), headers, None, None, time.time(), time.time(), ) # Assign this manually to update the content-length header. if isinstance(content, bytes): resp.content = content elif isinstance(content, str): resp.text = content else: raise TypeError( f"Expected content to be str or bytes, but is {type(content).__name__}." ) return resp
def test_request_modifier_called(self): mock_flow = Mock() mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.request.method = 'GET' mock_flow.request.headers = Headers([(b'Accept-Encoding', b'identity') ]) mock_flow.request.raw_content = b'' self.handler.request(mock_flow) self.server.modifier.modify_request.assert_called_once_with( mock_flow.request, bodyattr='raw_content')
def test_disable_encoding(self): mock_flow = Mock() mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.request.method = 'GET' mock_flow.request.headers = Headers([(b'Accept-Encoding', b'gzip')]) mock_flow.request.raw_content = b'' self.server.options['disable_encoding'] = True self.handler.request(mock_flow) self.assertEqual({'Accept-Encoding': 'identity'}, dict(mock_flow.request.headers))
def test_init(self): headers = Headers() assert len(headers) == 0 headers = Headers([[b"Host", b""]]) assert len(headers) == 1 assert headers["Host"] == "" headers = Headers(Host="") assert len(headers) == 1 assert headers["Host"] == "" headers = Headers( [[b"Host", b"invalid"]], Host="" ) assert len(headers) == 1 assert headers["Host"] == "" headers = Headers( [[b"Host", b"invalid"], [b"Accept", b"text/plain"]], Host="" ) assert len(headers) == 2 assert headers["Host"] == "" assert headers["Accept"] == "text/plain" with pytest.raises(TypeError): Headers([[b"Host", u"not-bytes"]])
def test_response_modifier_called(self): mock_flow = Mock() = '12345' mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.response.status_code = 200 mock_flow.response.reason = 'OK' mock_flow.response.headers = Headers([(b'Content-Length', b'6')]) mock_flow.response.raw_content = b'foobar' self.handler.response(mock_flow) self.server.modifier.modify_response.assert_called_once_with( mock_flow.response, mock_flow.request)
def _replace_in_headers(headers: nheaders.Headers, modifiers_dict: dict) -> int: """ Taken from original mitmproxy's Header class implementation with some changes. Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in each "name: value" header line. Returns: The number of replacements made. """ repl_count = 0 fields = [] for name, value in headers.fields: line = name + b": " + value inner_repl_count = 0 for pattern, replacement in modifiers_dict.items(): line, n = pattern.subn(replacement, line) inner_repl_count += n if len(line) == 0: # No need to go though other patterns for this line break if len(line) == 0: # Skip (remove) this header line in this case break if inner_repl_count > 0: # only in case when there were some replacements: try: name, value = line.split(b": ", 1) except ValueError: # We get a ValueError if the replacement removed the ": " # There's not much we can do about this, so we just keep the header as-is. pass else: repl_count += inner_repl_count fields.append((name, value)) headers.fields = tuple(fields) return repl_count
def evaluate(self, flow: HTTPFlow, phase: Phase): flow_phase_obj = getattr(flow, phase.value.lower()) input_message = HttpMessage( url=flow.request.url, headers=dict([(name, value) for name, value in flow_phase_obj.headers.items()]), data=flow_phase_obj.content.decode(), ) error = None output_message = None with measure_execution_time() as exc_time_ctx: try: output_message = evaluate(self.code, input_message) except Exception as exc: logger.exception(exc) error = str(exc) audit_logs.emit( OperationLogRecord(, proxy_mode=get_proxy_context().mode, route_id=self._route_id, filter_id=self._filter_id, phase=phase, operation_name=self.operation_name, execution_time_ms=exc_time_ctx.elapsed_ms, execution_time_ns=exc_time_ctx.elapsed_ns, status=(OperationStatus.ERROR if error else OperationStatus.OK), error_message=error, )) if output_message: if input_message.headers != output_message.headers: flow_phase_obj.headers = Headers([ (name.encode('UTF-8'), value.encode('UTF-8')) for name, value in output_message.headers.items() ]) if != flow_phase_obj.text =
def test_request_interceptor_creates_response(self): mock_flow = Mock() mock_flow.request.url = '' mock_flow.request.method = 'GET' mock_flow.request.headers = Headers([(b'Accept-Encoding', b'identity') ]) mock_flow.request.raw_content = b'' def intercept(req): req.create_response(status_code=200, headers={'a': 'b'}, body=b'foobarbaz') self.server.request_interceptor = intercept self.handler.request(mock_flow) self.assertEqual(200, mock_flow.response.status_code) self.assertEqual({ 'a': 'b', 'content-length': '9' }, dict(mock_flow.response.headers)) self.assertEqual(b'foobarbaz', mock_flow.response.content)
def test_replace_with_count(self): headers = Headers(Host="", Accept="foo/bar") replacements = headers.replace("foo", "bar", count=1) assert replacements == 1
def test_replace_remove_spacer(self): headers = Headers(Host="") replacements = headers.replace(r"Host: ", "X-Host ") assert replacements == 0 assert headers["Host"] == ""
TEST_DICT_HEADERS = { 'Content-Type': ['text/plain; charset=ASCII'], 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': [ 'Content-Type, ETag, Link, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, ' 'X-Multiple-Values', ], 'X-Multiple-Values': [ 'Value1', 'Value2', ] } TEST_MITM_HEADERS = Headers(fields=[ (b'Content-Type', b'text/plain; charset=ASCII'), (b'Access-Control-Expose-Headers', b'Content-Type, ETag, Link, X-RateLimit-Limit, ' b'X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-Multiple-Values'), (b'X-Multiple-Values', b'Value1'), (b'X-Multiple-Values', b'Value2'), ]) TEST_HEADERS = MITMHeaders( headers={ 'Content-Type': ['text/plain; charset=ASCII'], 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': [ 'Content-Type, ETag, Link, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, ' 'X-Multiple-Values', ], 'X-Multiple-Values': [ 'Value1', 'Value2', ]
def _to_headers_obj(self, headers): return Headers([(k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')) for k, v in headers.items()])
'body': b'x\x9c\xf3H\xcd\xc9\xc9\xd7Q(\xcf/\xcaIQ\x04\x00 ^\x04\x8a', 'headers': { 'Content-Type': ['text/plain; charset=UTF-8'], 'Date': ['Wed, 21 Mar 2018 12:47:18 GMT'], 'Server': ['nginx/1.12.2'], 'Content-Encoding': ['gzip'] } } TEST_MITM_RESPONSE = HTTPResponse( http_version='HTTP/1.1', status_code=200, reason='OK', headers=Headers(fields=[ (b'Content-Type', b'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2'), (b'Date', b'Wed, 21 Mar 2018 12:47:18 GMT'), (b'Server', b'nginx/1.12.2'), ]), content=b'Witaj, \xb6wiecie!', ) TEST_MITM_RESPONSE_GZIP = HTTPResponse( http_version='HTTP/1.1', status_code=200, reason='OK', headers=Headers(fields=[ (b'Content-Type', b'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'), (b'Date', b'Wed, 21 Mar 2018 12:47:18 GMT'), (b'Server', b'nginx/1.12.2'), (b'Content-Encoding', b'gzip'), ]),
def from_state(cls, state): state["headers"] = Headers.from_state(state["headers"]) if state["trailers"] is not None: state["trailers"] = Headers.from_state(state["trailers"]) return cls(**state)
def set_state(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): if k in ("headers", "trailers") and v is not None: v = Headers.from_state(v) setattr(self, k, v)
def request(flow): direction = "REQUEST" q = flow.request.query flow.original = flow.copy() original = flow.original changed_q = False changed_h = False changed_host = False changed_path = False for k in conf.keys(): conf1 = conf[k] escape_match = False try: escape_match = re.match(re.escape(k), original.request.url) except Exception as e: pass if k == "all" or escape_match or k and re.match(k, original.request.url): if "request" in conf1 and "path" in conf1["request"]: path = conf1["request"]["path"] if "replace" in path: path = path["replace"] flow.request.path = realv(path, flow) changed_path = True if "request" in conf1 and "protocol" in conf1["request"]: protocol = conf1["request"]["protocol"] if "replace" in protocol: protocol = protocol["replace"] flow.request.scheme = realv(protocol, flow) if "request" in conf1 and "port" in conf1["request"]: port = conf1["request"]["port"] if "replace" in port: port = port["replace"] flow.request.port = realv(port, flow) if "request" in conf1 and "host" in conf1["request"]: host = conf1["request"]["host"] if "replace" in host: host = host["replace"] = realv(host, flow) changed_host = True if "request" in conf1 and "query" in conf1["request"]: query = conf1["request"]["query"] if "replace" in query: query = query["replace"] for k,v in query.items(): q[k] = [realv(v, flow)] changed_q = True if "request" in conf1 and "redirect" in conf1["request"]: redirect = conf1["request"]["redirect"] redirect = realv(redirect, flow) resp = HTTPResponse( b"HTTP/1.1", 302, b"OK", Headers(Location=redirect.encode('utf-8')), b"" ) flow.reply(resp) if "request" in conf1 and "header" in conf1["request"]: headers = conf1["request"]["header"] changed_h = changed_h or process_headers(flow, headers, direction) if "request" in conf1 and "body" in conf1["request"]: body = conf1["request"]["body"] process_body(flow, body, direction) if changed_q: flow.request.set_query(q) if changed_h: print(flow.request.headers) if changed_host: flow.request.update_host_header()