Esempio n. 1
def shift_data_subpixel(inputs):
    ''' rigid shift of X by ymax and xmax '''
    ''' allows subpixel shifts '''
    ''' ** not being used ** '''
    X, ymax, xmax, pad_fft = inputs
    ymax = ymax.flatten()
    xmax = xmax.flatten()
    if X.ndim<3:
        X = X[np.newaxis,:,:]

    nimg, Ly0, Lx0 = X.shape
    if pad_fft:
        X = fft2(X.astype('float32'), (next_fast_len(Ly0), next_fast_len(Lx0)))
        X = fft2(X.astype('float32'))
    nimg, Ly, Lx = X.shape
    Ny = fft.ifftshift(np.arange(-np.fix(Ly/2), np.ceil(Ly/2)))
    Nx = fft.ifftshift(np.arange(-np.fix(Lx/2), np.ceil(Lx/2)))
    [Nx,Ny] = np.meshgrid(Nx,Ny)
    Nx = Nx.astype('float32') / Lx
    Ny = Ny.astype('float32') / Ly
    dph = Nx * np.reshape(xmax, (-1,1,1)) + Ny * np.reshape(ymax, (-1,1,1))
    Y = np.real(ifft2(X * np.exp((2j * np.pi) * dph)))
    # crop back to original size
    if Ly0<Ly or Lx0<Lx:
        Lyhalf = int(np.floor(Ly/2))
        Lxhalf = int(np.floor(Lx/2))
        Y = Y[np.ix_(np.arange(0,nimg,1,int),
                     np.arange(-np.fix(Ly0/2), np.ceil(Ly0/2),1,int) + Lyhalf,
                     np.arange(-np.fix(Lx0/2), np.ceil(Lx0/2),1,int) + Lxhalf)]
    return Y
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, backend, xv, yv, tsgf_or_TH):
     self.backend = backend
     self.xv = xv
     self.yv = yv
     self.backend.check_freespace(self.xv, self.yv)
     self.h = self.backend.h
     self.n = self.xv.size
     self.spread_width = self.backend.spread_width
     # get the T operator
     self.expand_n = self.n + 2 * self.spread_width
     self.n_extract = self.expand_n // 2 + self.spread_width
     self.big_n = 2 * self.expand_n
     self.Big_n = 4 * self.expand_n
     if type(tsgf_or_TH) == np.ndarray:
         self.TH = tsgf_or_TH
         self.truncated_spectral_gf = lambda k, L: tsgf_or_TH(
             k, L, **self.backend.kernel_kwargs)
         self.drange = self.xv[-1] - self.xv[0] + self.h
         self.kv = np.fft.fftfreq(self.Big_n, self.h / (2 * np.pi))
         self.kx, = np.meshgrid(self.kv, self.kv, indexing='ij')
         self.tsgf = self.truncated_spectral_gf(np.hypot(self.kx,,
                                                2.5 * self.drange)
         w1 = np.zeros([self.Big_n, self.Big_n], dtype=float)
         w1[self.big_n, self.big_n] = 1.0
         w2 = ifft2(fft2(w1) * self.tsgf)
         self.T = w2[self.expand_n:-self.expand_n,
         self.TH = fft2(self.T)
     # storage for padded array
     self.big_op = np.zeros([self.big_n, self.big_n], dtype=float)
     self.big_u = np.zeros([self.big_n, self.big_n], dtype=float)
     # extract local ewald function from backend
     self.local_func = self.backend.ewald_local_freespace
Esempio n. 3
def prepare_masks(refImg0, ops):
    refImg = refImg0.copy()
    if ops['1Preg']:
        maskSlope = ops['spatial_taper']  # slope of taper mask at the edges
        maskSlope = 3 * ops['smooth_sigma']  # slope of taper mask at the edges
    Ly, Lx = refImg.shape
    maskMul = spatial_taper(maskSlope, Ly, Lx)

    if ops['1Preg']:
        refImg = one_photon_preprocess(refImg[np.newaxis, :, :], ops).squeeze()
    maskOffset = refImg.mean() * (1. - maskMul)

    # reference image in fourier domain
    if ops['pad_fft']:
        cfRefImg = np.conj(
            fft2(refImg, (next_fast_len(ops['Ly']), next_fast_len(ops['Lx']))))
        cfRefImg = np.conj(fft2(refImg))

    absRef = np.absolute(cfRefImg)
    cfRefImg = cfRefImg / (eps0 + absRef)

    # gaussian filter in space
    fhg = gaussian_fft(ops['smooth_sigma'], cfRefImg.shape[0],
    cfRefImg *= fhg

    maskMul = maskMul.astype('float32')
    maskOffset = maskOffset.astype('float32')
    cfRefImg = cfRefImg.astype('complex64')
    cfRefImg = np.reshape(cfRefImg, (1, cfRefImg.shape[0], cfRefImg.shape[1]))
    return maskMul, maskOffset, cfRefImg
Esempio n. 4
def phasecorr_cpu(data, refAndMasks, lcorr):
    maskMul = refAndMasks[0]
    maskOffset = refAndMasks[1]
    cfRefImg = refAndMasks[2].squeeze()

    nimg = data.shape[0]
    ly, lx = cfRefImg.shape[-2:]
    lyhalf = int(np.floor(ly / 2))
    lxhalf = int(np.floor(lx / 2))

    # shifts and corrmax
    ymax = np.zeros((nimg, ), np.int32)
    xmax = np.zeros((nimg, ), np.int32)
    cmax = np.zeros((nimg, ), np.float32)

    X = addmultiplytype(data, maskMul, maskOffset)
    for t in range(X.shape[0]):
        fft2(X[t], overwrite_x=True)
    X = apply_dotnorm(X, cfRefImg)
    for t in np.arange(nimg):
        ifft2(X[t], overwrite_x=True)
    x00, x01, x10, x11 = my_clip(X, lcorr)
    cc = np.real(np.block([[x11, x10], [x01, x00]]))
    for t in np.arange(nimg):
        ymax[t], xmax[t] = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(cc[t], axis=None),
                                            (2 * lcorr + 1, 2 * lcorr + 1))
        cmax[t] = cc[t, ymax[t], xmax[t]]
    ymax, xmax = ymax - lcorr, xmax - lcorr
    return ymax, xmax, cmax
Esempio n. 5
def phasecorr_reference(refImg0, ops):
    """ computes masks and fft'ed reference image for phasecorr

    refImg0 : int16
        reference image
    ops : dictionary
        requires 'smooth_sigma'
        (if ```ops['1Preg']```, need 'spatial_taper', 'spatial_hp', 'pre_smooth')

    maskMul : float32
        mask that is multiplied to spatially taper frames
    maskOffset : float32
        shifts in x from cfRefImg to data for each frame
    cfRefImg : complex64
        reference image fft'ed and complex conjugate and multiplied by gaussian
        filter in the fft domain with standard deviation 'smooth_sigma'

    refImg = refImg0.copy()
    if '1Preg' in ops and ops['1Preg']:
        maskSlope = ops['spatial_taper']  # slope of taper mask at the edges
        maskSlope = 3 * ops['smooth_sigma']  # slope of taper mask at the edges
    Ly, Lx = refImg.shape
    maskMul = utils.spatial_taper(maskSlope, Ly, Lx)

    if ops['1Preg']:
        refImg = utils.one_photon_preprocess(refImg[np.newaxis, :, :],
    maskOffset = refImg.mean() * (1. - maskMul)

    # reference image in fourier domain
    if 'pad_fft' in ops and ops['pad_fft']:
        cfRefImg = np.conj(fft2(refImg,
                                (next_fast_len(Ly), next_fast_len(Lx))))
        cfRefImg = np.conj(fft2(refImg))

    absRef = np.absolute(cfRefImg)
    cfRefImg = cfRefImg / (1e-5 + absRef)

    # gaussian filter in space
    fhg = utils.gaussian_fft(ops['smooth_sigma'], cfRefImg.shape[0],
    cfRefImg *= fhg

    maskMul = maskMul.astype('float32')
    maskOffset = maskOffset.astype('float32')
    cfRefImg = cfRefImg.astype('complex64')
    cfRefImg = np.reshape(cfRefImg, (1, cfRefImg.shape[0], cfRefImg.shape[1]))
    return maskMul, maskOffset, cfRefImg
Esempio n. 6
def phasecorr_cpu(data, refAndMasks, lcorr, smooth_sigma_time):
    """ compute phase correlation between data and reference image

    data : int16
        array that's frames x Ly x Lx
    refAndMasks : list
        maskMul, maskOffset and cfRefImg (from prepare_refAndMasks)
    lcorr : int
        maximum shift in pixels
    smooth_sigma_time : float
        how many frames to smooth in time

    ymax : int
        shifts in y from cfRefImg to data for each frame
    xmax : int
        shifts in x from cfRefImg to data for each frame
    cmax : float
        maximum of phase correlation for each frame

    maskMul = refAndMasks[0]
    maskOffset = refAndMasks[1]
    cfRefImg = refAndMasks[2].squeeze()

    nimg = data.shape[0]
    ly, lx = cfRefImg.shape[-2:]
    lyhalf = int(np.floor(ly / 2))
    lxhalf = int(np.floor(lx / 2))

    # shifts and corrmax
    ymax = np.zeros((nimg, ), np.int32)
    xmax = np.zeros((nimg, ), np.int32)
    cmax = np.zeros((nimg, ), np.float32)

    X = addmultiplytype(data, maskMul, maskOffset)
    for t in range(X.shape[0]):
        fft2(X[t], overwrite_x=True)
    X = utils.apply_dotnorm(X, cfRefImg)
    for t in np.arange(nimg):
        ifft2(X[t], overwrite_x=True)
    x00, x01, x10, x11 = clip(X, lcorr)
    cc = np.real(np.block([[x11, x10], [x01, x00]]))
    if smooth_sigma_time > 0:
        cc = gaussian_filter1d(cc, smooth_sigma_time, axis=0)
    for t in np.arange(nimg):
        ymax[t], xmax[t] = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(cc[t], axis=None),
                                            (2 * lcorr + 1, 2 * lcorr + 1))
        cmax[t] = cc[t, ymax[t], xmax[t]]
    ymax, xmax = ymax - lcorr, xmax - lcorr
    return ymax, xmax, cmax
Esempio n. 7
	def _delta(self, phi):
		phi_x = mkl_fft.ifft2(phi)
		self.phi_sq = mkl_fft.fft2(phi_x**2)
		self.phi_cube = mkl_fft.fft2(phi_x**3)
		np.putmask(self.phi_cube, self.dealiasing_triple, 0)
		np.putmask(self.phi_sq, self.dealiasing_double, 0)

		mu = self.a*(-phi+self.phi_cube) + self.k*self.ksq*phi
		birth_death = - self.u*(self.phi_sq+(self.phi_shift-self.phi_target)*phi)
		birth_death[0, 0] += self.u*self.phi_shift*self.phi_target*self.size**2
		dphidt = -self.M1*self.ksq*mu + birth_death
		return dphidt
Esempio n. 8
    def evolve_vode(self, verbose=True):
        self.phi = np.zeros((self.n_batches, self.size, self.size))

        small_batch = self.batch_size
        while small_batch > 10000:
            small_batch /= 10  # decrease the amount of time integration at each step

        r = ode(self._delta).set_integrator('vode',
        r.set_initial_value(self.phi_initial, 0)

        n = 0
        phi = self._make_real(fft2(self.phi_initial))
        for i in range(int((self.T / self.dt) / small_batch)):
            if r.successful():
                if i % int(self.batch_size / small_batch) == 0:
                    phi_complex = self._make_complex(phi)
                    self.phi[n] = np.real(ifft2(phi_complex))
                    if verbose:
                        print('iteration: {}	mean: {}'.format(
                            n, self._mean_bd(self.phi[n])))
                    n += 1
                phi = r.integrate(r.t + self.dt * small_batch)
Esempio n. 9
def mfft2(a, overwrite_x = False):
    """Computes matrix fft2 on a matrix of shape (..., n,n,4,4).
    This is identical to np.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3))
    a : array_like
        Input array (must be complex).
    overwrite_x : bool
        Specifies whether original array can be destroyed (for inplace transform)
    out : complex ndarray
        Result of the transformation along the (-4,-3) axes.    
    a = np.asarray(a, dtype = CDTYPE)      
    libname = DTMMConfig["fftlib"]    
    if libname == "mkl_fft":
        return mkl_fft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3), overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    elif libname == "scipy":
        return spfft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3), overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    elif libname == "numpy":
        return npfft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3))
    elif libname == "pyfftw":
        return pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3), overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    else: #default implementation is numpy
        return npfft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3))
Esempio n. 10
def fft2(data, s=None):
    if s == None:
        s = (data.shape[-2], data.shape[-1])
    if HAS_MKL:
        data = mkl_fft.fft2(data, shape=s, axes=(-2, -1))
        data = fft.fft2(data, s, axes=(-2, -1))
    return data
Esempio n. 11
	def evolve(self, verbose=True, cython=True):
		self.phi_initial = mkl_fft.fft2(self.phi_initial)
		if cython:
			nitr = int(self.T/self.dt)
			self.phi = ps.evolve_sto_ps(self.phi_initial, self.a, self.k, self.u,
										self.phi_shift, self.phi_target, self.epsilon,
										self.dt, nitr, self.n_batches, self.X)
Esempio n. 12
def _fft2(a, overwrite_x = False):
    libname = CDDMConfig["fftlib"]
    if libname == "mkl_fft":
        return mkl_fft.fft2(a, overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    elif libname == "scipy":
        return spfft.fft2(a, overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    elif libname == "numpy":
        return np.fft.fft2(a) #force real in case input is complex
    else:#default implementation is numpy fft2
        return np.fft.fft2(a)
Esempio n. 13
def qsCat(ti,dst,path,template,n,k):
	fftim = numpy.stack([fft.fft2(-1*(ti==x)) for x in unValue],axis=2);
	for x in range(unValue.size):
	return unValue[runsim((fftim ,ti.shape, dist, n, k), adjustedTi, dst, path, template, qsSampleCat).astype(int)];
Esempio n. 14
def gaussian_fft(sig, Ly, Lx):
    ''' gaussian filter in the fft domain with std sig and size Ly,Lx '''
    xx, yy = meshgrid_mean_centered(x=Lx, y=Ly)
    hgx = np.exp(-np.square(xx / sig) / 2)
    hgy = np.exp(-np.square(yy / sig) / 2)
    hgg = hgy * hgx
    hgg /= hgg.sum()
    fhg = np.real(fft2(fft.ifftshift(hgg)))
    # smoothing filter in Fourier domain
    return fhg
Esempio n. 15
def process(data):
    ''' computes movement using phase correlation  '''
    nt, Ly, Lx = data.shape
    ly = int(np.floor(Ly * 0.4))
    lx = int(np.floor(Lx * 0.4))
    lcorr = min(ly, lx)

    # taper edges
    maskMul = spatial_taper((Ly * Lx)**0.5 * 0.01, Ly, Lx).astype(np.complex64)

    # spatial filter
    fhg = gaussian_fft(2, Ly, Lx)

    # shifts and corrmax
    ymax = np.zeros((nt - 1, ), np.int32)
    xmax = np.zeros((nt - 1, ), np.int32)
    #cmax = np.zeros((nimg,), np.float32)

    #maskOffset = X[1:].mean() * (1. - maskMul)

    # taper and fft data
    X = data.astype(np.float32)
    #data -= data.mean(axis=-1, dtype=np.uint8).mean(axis=-1, dtype=np.uint8)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]
    X -= X.mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    X = multiplytype(X, maskMul)
    #X -= X.mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=-1)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]
    for t in range(nt):
        fft2(X[t], overwrite_x=True)
    # phase correlation with previous frame
    X = phase_norm(X, fhg.astype(np.complex64))
    Xout = X[1:] * np.conj(X[:-1])
    for t in range(nt - 1):
        ifft2(Xout[t], overwrite_x=True)
    x00, x01, x10, x11 = my_clip(Xout, lcorr)
    cc = np.real(np.block([[x11, x10], [x01, x00]]))
    #cc = spatial_smooth(cc, 2)
    for t in range(nt - 1):
        ymax[t], xmax[t] = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(cc[t], axis=None),
                                            (2 * lcorr + 1, 2 * lcorr + 1))
        #cmax[t] = cc[t, ymax[t], xmax[t]]
    ymax, xmax = ymax - lcorr, xmax - lcorr
    return ymax, xmax
Esempio n. 16
def _rfft2(a, overwrite_x = False):
    libname = CDDMConfig["fftlib"]
    cutoff = a.shape[-1]//2 + 1
    if libname == "mkl_fft":
        return mkl_fft.fft2(a, overwrite_x = overwrite_x)[...,0:cutoff]
    elif libname == "scipy":
        return spfft.fft2(a, overwrite_x = overwrite_x)[...,0:cutoff]
    elif libname == "numpy":
        return np.fft.rfft2(a.real) #force real in case input is complex
    else:#default implementation is numpy fft2
        return np.fft.fft2(a)[...,0:cutoff]     
Esempio n. 17
 def __call__(self, src, ch):
     self.big_op[:] = 0.0
     self.big_u[:] = 0.0
     self.local_func(src, ch, self.xv, self.yv, self.big_op, self.big_u,
     big_adj = np.fft.fftshift(ifft2(fft2(self.big_op) * self.TH).real)
     small_u = self.big_u[self.n_extract:-self.n_extract,
     small_adj = big_adj[self.n_extract:-self.n_extract,
     np.subtract(small_u, small_adj, small_u)
     return small_u
Esempio n. 18
def fft2c(img):
    shp = img.shape
    nimg = int([0:-2]))
    scale = 1 / np.sqrt([-2:]))
    img = np.reshape(img, (nimg, shp[-2], shp[-1]))

    tmp = np.empty_like(img, dtype=np.complex64)
    for i in range(nimg):
        tmp[i] = scale * np.fft.fftshift(mkl_fft.fft2(np.fft.ifftshift(

    kspace = np.reshape(tmp, shp)
    return kspace
Esempio n. 19
    def _initialize_fft(self):
        """ Define the two-dimensional FFT methods.

        if self.use_mkl:
            import mkl
            import mkl_fft
            self.fft = (lambda x: mkl_fft.fft2(x))
            self.ifft = (lambda x: mkl_fft.ifft2(x))
            self.fft = (lambda x: np.fft.fft2(x))
            self.ifft = (lambda x: np.fft.ifft2(x))
Esempio n. 20
def gaussian_fft(sig, Ly, Lx):
    ''' gaussian filter in the fft domain with std sig and size Ly,Lx '''
    x = np.arange(0, Lx)
    y = np.arange(0, Ly)
    x = np.abs(x - x.mean())
    y = np.abs(y - y.mean())
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    hgx = np.exp(-np.square(xx/sig) / 2)
    hgy = np.exp(-np.square(yy/sig) / 2)
    hgg = hgy * hgx
    hgg /= hgg.sum()
    fhg = np.real(fft2(fft.ifftshift(hgg))); # smoothing filter in Fourier domain
    return fhg
Esempio n. 21
def qsSample(parameter,source,template):
	(fftim,fftim2, imSize,dist,n,k)=parameter;
	for r in range(1,numpy.max(numpy.array(template.shape))//2):
		if numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(source[dist<=r])).sum()>=n:
	extendSource=numpy.pad(source,((0,imSize[0]-source.shape[0]),(0,imSize[1]-source.shape[1])),'constant', constant_values=numpy.nan);
	extendtemplate=numpy.pad(template,((0,imSize[0]-source.shape[0]),(0,imSize[1]-source.shape[1])),'constant', constant_values=0);
	mismatchMap=numpy.real( fft.ifft2( fftim2 * numpy.conj(fft.fft2(extendtemplate* numpy.nan_to_num(extendSource*0+1))) - 2 * fftim * numpy.conj(fft.fft2(extendtemplate* numpy.nan_to_num(extendSource)))));
	indexes=numpy.argpartition(numpy.roll(mismatchMap,tuple(x//2 for x in template.shape),(0,1)).flat,math.ceil(k));
	return indexes[int(math.floor(numpy.random.uniform(k)))];
Esempio n. 22
    def _initialize_fft(self):

        """ Define the two-dimensional FFT methods.

        if self.use_mkl:
            import mkl
            import mkl_fft
            self.fft =  (lambda x : mkl_fft.fft2(x))
            self.ifft = (lambda x : mkl_fft.ifft2(x))
            self.fft =  (lambda x : np.fft.fft2(x))
            self.ifft = (lambda x : np.fft.ifft2(x))
Esempio n. 23
def fft2c(img):
    it works on last two dimensions. takes image domain data and do the
    fft2 to return kspace data
    shp = img.shape
    nimg = int([0:-2]))
    scale = 1 / np.sqrt([-2:]))
    img = np.reshape(img, (nimg, shp[-2], shp[-1]))

    tmp = np.empty_like(img, dtype=np.complex64)
    for i in range(nimg):
        tmp[i] = scale * np.fft.fftshift(mkl_fft.fft2(np.fft.ifftshift(

    kspace = np.reshape(tmp, shp)
    return kspace
Esempio n. 24
File: Progetto: caot/tomopy
 def fft2(x, s=None, axes=(-2, -1), overwrite_input=False, extra_info=None):
     return mkl_fft.fft2(x, shape=s, axes=axes, overwrite_x=overwrite_input)
Esempio n. 25
 def fft2(x, s=None, axes=(-2,-1), overwrite_input=False, extra_info=None):
     return mkl_fft.fft2(x, shape=s, axes=axes, overwrite_x=overwrite_input)
Esempio n. 26
 def __call__(self, src, ch):
     op, u = self.local_func(src, ch, self.xv, self.yv)
     u += ifft2(fft2(op) * self.inverse_symbol).real
     return u
Esempio n. 27
def complex_fft2(img: np.ndarray, pad_fft: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
    """Returns the complex conjugate of the fft-transformed 2D array 'img', optionally padded for speed."""
    Ly, Lx = img.shape
    return np.conj(fft2(img, (next_fast_len(Ly),
                              next_fast_len(Lx)))) if pad_fft else np.conj(
Esempio n. 28
def convolve(mov: np.ndarray, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Returns the 3D array 'mov' convolved by a 2D array 'img'."""
    return ifft2(apply_dotnorm(fft2(mov), img))
Esempio n. 29
 def __init__(self,
     Backend class for re-usable 'ewald' sum grid evaluation
         for reusability, the grid must have the same h
         and the ewald sum must use the same spread width
     gf: numba callable greens function, gf(r)
     fs: Fourier symbol for operator, fs(kx, ky)
     ifs: Inverse Fourier symbol for operator, ifs(kx, ky)
     h: grid spacing
     spread_width: width to do spreading on
         for Laplace, 15 gives ~7 digits
                      20 gives ~10 digits
             can't seem to do much better than that, right now
     kernel_kwargs: dict of arguments to be passed to gf, fs, ifs, tsgf functions
     funcgen_tol: tolerance for function generator representation of
         functions used in interior spread funciton.  can't seem to beat
         ~10 digits overall now, so no real reason to do more than that
     inline_core: whether to inline the function generator functions into
         the compiled ewald functions
         (inlining may speed things up but slows compilation time,
         sometimes dramatically)
     self.kernel_kwargs = {} if kernel_kwargs is None else kernel_kwargs = lambda r: gf(r, **self.kernel_kwargs)
     self.fourier_symbol = lambda kx, ky: fs(kx, ky, **self.kernel_kwargs)
     self.inverse_fourier_symbol = lambda kx, ky: ifs(
         kx, ky, **self.kernel_kwargs)
     self.h = h
     self.spread_width = spread_width
     self.funcgen_tol = funcgen_tol
     self.inline_core = inline_core
     # construct mollifier
     self.mollifier = SlepianMollifier(2 * self.spread_width)
     self.ssw = self.spread_width * self.h
     # screened greens function
     _excisor_gf = lambda d: excisor(d, 0.0, self.ssw, self.mollifier
                                     ) *
         self.ex_funcgen = FunctionGenerator(_excisor_gf,
         self.excisor_gf = self.ex_funcgen.get_base_function(check=False)
         raise Exception(
             'Failed constructing FunctionGenerator function for mollifier')
     # construct differential operator applied to residual of screened greens function
     _sn = 4 * self.spread_width
     _sgv = np.linspace(0, 4 * self.ssw, _sn, endpoint=False)
     _sgx, _sgy = np.meshgrid(_sgv, _sgv, indexing='ij')
     _skv = np.fft.fftfreq(_sn, self.h / (2 * np.pi))
     _skx, _sky = np.meshgrid(_skv, _skv, indexing='ij')
     _slap = self.fourier_symbol(_skx, _sky)
     pt = np.array([[2 * self.ssw], [2 * self.ssw]])
     targ = np.row_stack([_sgx.ravel(), _sgy.ravel()])
     u = gf_apply(, pt[0], pt[1], targ[0], targ[1], np.array([
     ])).reshape(_sn, _sn)
     u[_sn // 2, _sn // 2] = 0.0
     dist = np.hypot(_sgx - 2 * self.ssw, _sgy - 2 * self.ssw)
     dec1 = excisor(dist, 0.0, self.ssw, self.mollifier)
     dec2 = excisor(dist, self.ssw, 2 * self.ssw, self.mollifier)
     uf = u * (1 - dec1) * dec2
     self.do_ufd = ifft2(fft2(uf) * _slap).real
     # get an interpolater for this
     _ax = np.linspace(np.pi, 1.5 * np.pi, 1000)
     _ay = np.repeat(np.pi, _ax.size)
     _ar = np.linspace(0, self.ssw, _ax.size)
     _fh = fft2(self.do_ufd) / (_sn * _sn)
     out = finufft.nufft2d2(_ax, _ay, _fh, isign=1, eps=1e-15, modeord=1)
     self._do_ufd_interpolater = sp.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
         _ar, out.real, k=5, bbox=[0, self.ssw], ext=1)
         self.do_ufd_funcgen = FunctionGenerator(
         self.do_ufd_interpolater = self.do_ufd_funcgen.get_base_function(
         raise Exception(
             'Failed constructing FunctionGenerator function for laplacian of greens function times mollifier'
Esempio n. 30
def phasecorr(data, refAndMasks, ops):
    """ compute phase correlations for each block 

    data : int16 or float32, 3D array
        size [nimg x Ly x Lx]

    refAndMasks : list
        gaussian filter, mask offset, FFT of reference image

    ops : dictionary
        'Ly', 'Lx', 'nblocks', 'yblock', 'xblock' <- indices of blocks

    ymax1 : 2D array
        size [nimg x nblocks], y shifts of blocks

    xmax1 : 2D array
        size [nimg x nblocks], y shifts of blocks

    cmax1 : 2D array
        size [nimg x nblocks], value of peak of phase correlation

    ccsm : 4D array
        size [nimg x nblocks x ly x lx], smoothed phase correlations

    nimg, Ly, Lx = data.shape
    maskMul = refAndMasks[0].squeeze()
    maskOffset = refAndMasks[1].squeeze()
    cfRefImg = refAndMasks[2].squeeze()

    LyMax = np.diff(np.array(ops['yblock']))
    ly, lx = cfRefImg.shape[-2:]
    lyhalf = int(np.floor(ly / 2))
    lxhalf = int(np.floor(lx / 2))

    # maximum registration shift allowed
    maxregshift = np.round(ops['maxregshiftNR'])
    lcorr = int(
                   np.floor(np.minimum(ly, lx) / 2.) - lpad))
    nb = len(ops['yblock'])
    nblocks = ops['nblocks']

    # preprocessing for 1P recordings
    if ops['1Preg']:
        X = utils.one_photon_preprocess(data.copy().astype(np.float32), ops)

    # shifts and corrmax
    ymax1 = np.zeros((nimg, nb), np.float32)
    cmax1 = np.zeros((nimg, nb), np.float32)
    xmax1 = np.zeros((nimg, nb), np.float32)

    cc0 = np.zeros(
        (nimg, nb, 2 * lcorr + 2 * lpad + 1, 2 * lcorr + 2 * lpad + 1),
    ymax = np.zeros((nb, ), np.int32)
    xmax = np.zeros((nb, ), np.int32)

    Y = np.zeros((nimg, nb, ly, lx), 'int16')
    for n in range(nb):
        yind, xind = ops['yblock'][n], ops['xblock'][n]
        Y[:, n] = data[:, yind[0]:yind[-1], xind[0]:xind[-1]]
    Y = addmultiply(Y, maskMul, maskOffset)
    for n in range(nb):
        for t in range(nimg):
            fft2(Y[t, n], overwrite_x=True)
    Y = utils.apply_dotnorm(Y, cfRefImg)
    for n in range(nb):
        for t in range(nimg):
            ifft2(Y[t, n], overwrite_x=True)
    x00, x01, x10, x11 = clip(Y, lcorr + lpad)
    cc0 = np.real(np.block([[x11, x10], [x01, x00]]))
    cc0 = np.transpose(cc0, (1, 0, 2, 3))
    cc0 = cc0.reshape((cc0.shape[0], -1))
    cc2 = []
    R = ops['NRsm']
    for j in range(2):
        cc2.append(R @ cc2[j])
    for j in range(len(cc2)):
        cc2[j] = cc2[j].reshape(
            (nb, nimg, 2 * lcorr + 2 * lpad + 1, 2 * lcorr + 2 * lpad + 1))
    ccsm = cc2[0]
    for n in range(nb):
        snr = np.ones((nimg, ), 'float32')
        for j in range(len(cc2)):
            ism = snr < ops['snr_thresh']
            if np.sum(ism) == 0:
            cc = cc2[j][n, ism, :, :]
            if j > 0:
                ccsm[n, ism, :, :] = cc
            snr[ism] = getSNR(cc, (lcorr, lpad), ops)

    ccmat = np.zeros((nb, 2 * lpad + 1, 2 * lpad + 1), np.float32)
    for t in range(nimg):
        ccmat = np.zeros((nb, 2 * lpad + 1, 2 * lpad + 1), np.float32)
        for n in range(nb):
            ix = np.argmax(ccsm[n, t][lpad:-lpad, lpad:-lpad], axis=None)
            ym, xm = np.unravel_index(ix, (2 * lcorr + 1, 2 * lcorr + 1))
            ccmat[n] = ccsm[n, t][ym:ym + 2 * lpad + 1, xm:xm + 2 * lpad + 1]
            ymax[n], xmax[n] = ym - lcorr, xm - lcorr
        ccmat = np.reshape(ccmat, (nb, -1))
        ccb =, Kmat)
        imax = np.argmax(ccb, axis=1)
        cmax = np.amax(ccb, axis=1)
        ymax1[t], xmax1[t] = np.unravel_index(imax, (nup, nup))
        cmax1[t] = cmax
        mdpt = np.floor(nup / 2)
        ymax1[t], xmax1[t] = (ymax1[t] - mdpt) / subpixel, (xmax1[t] -
                                                            mdpt) / subpixel
        ymax1[t], xmax1[t] = ymax1[t] + ymax, xmax1[t] + xmax
    #ccmat = np.reshape(ccmat, (nb, 2*lpad+1, 2*lpad+1))
    return ymax1, xmax1, cmax1, ccsm
Esempio n. 31
def qs(ti,dst,path,template,n,k):
	return runsim((fft.fft2(ti), fft.fft2(ti**2),ti.shape, dist, n, k),ti, dst,path,template,qsSample);
Esempio n. 32
 def mklfft(it):