Esempio n. 1
def J2000_to_decimal_year(J2000):
    """ Convert J2000 values to decimal year.
    Note decimal years use midnight epoch of this year, while J2000 uses noon at 20000101.

    >>> J2000_to_decimal_year(139755661.1234)

    Array case, used list comprehension to force Python to print out full precision, Numpy truncates to screen (values OK)
    >>> [x for x in J2000_to_decimal_year([139755661.1234,139755661.1235,139755661.1236])]
    [2004.4302530797629, 2004.4302530797661, 2004.430253079769]

    >>> J2000_to_decimal_year([])
    array([], dtype=float64)


    singleton = is_not_iterable(J2000)
    if singleton: J2000 = (J2000, )
    if len(J2000) < 1:
        return N.array([])

    retval = []
    for t2000 in J2000:
        YYYY = from_J2000(t2000, 'YYYYMMDD')[0:4]
        temp = (t2000 -
                to_J2000(YYYY + "0101000000")) / SECONDS_IN_YEAR + int(YYYY)

    if singleton:
        return retval[0]
    return N.array(retval)
Esempio n. 2
def glob(globspec):
    """ Attempts to execite a glob. In certain situations, glob can return "IndexError: string index out of range."
    Handle this for the user and keep trying until it stops that pathological behavior.

    Try on valid case
    >>> glob(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    Try on invalid path
    >>> glob("/neverexists/*")

    Try on multiple globs
    >>> from mlib._doctest import repo_path
    >>> sorted(glob([repo_path() + '/mlib/s*.py', repo_path() + '/mlib/co*.py'])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ['.../mlib/', '.../mlib/', '.../mlib/', '.../mlib/']


    if is_not_iterable(globspec): globspec = [globspec, ]

    globbed = False
    while not globbed:
            files = flatten([list(G.glob(x)) for x in globspec])
            globbed = True
        except IndexError:
            # Nothing above should ever provide an index error unless the disk is being bizarre

    return files
Esempio n. 3
def decimal_year_to_J2000(decimal_year):
    """ Convert decimal year to J2000. 12 hour difference in epoch.

    >>> decimal_year_to_J2000(J2000_to_decimal_year(139755661.1234))

    Test array case, used a list comprehension to force Python to print the entire numerical value (Numpy truncates)
    >>> [x for x in decimal_year_to_J2000(J2000_to_decimal_year([139755661.1234,139755661.1234]))]
    [139755661.12340301, 139755661.12340301]

    >>> decimal_year_to_J2000(J2000_to_decimal_year([]))
    array([], dtype=float64)


    singleton = is_not_iterable(decimal_year)
    if singleton:
        decimal_year = (decimal_year, )
    if len(decimal_year) < 1:
        return N.array([])

    retval = []
    for dy in decimal_year:
        YYYY = "%04d" % (int(dy))
            to_J2000(YYYY + "0101000000") + (dy - int(dy)) * SECONDS_IN_YEAR)

    if singleton:
        return retval[0]

    return N.array(retval)
Esempio n. 4
def rm(targets):
    Copies a lot of os functionality so we can just have a unified interface (no exception thrown if missing)
    Also removes directories and symbolic links.
    Can handle globs. Be careful!
    Will fail on read only files.

        targets: a singleton path or list of paths

    >>> from mlib._doctest import repo_path
    >>> testfile = repo_path()+"/doctest_working/testfile.txt"
    >>> with open(testfile,"w") as f: f.write("yikes")
    >>> exists(testfile)
    >>> rm(testfile)
    >>> exists(testfile)

    >>> mkdir(testfile)
    >>> exists(testfile)
    >>> rm(testfile)
    >>> exists(testfile)

    >>> mkdir(testfile)
    >>> with open(testfile+"/blah.txt","w") as f: f.write("yikes")
    >>> exists(testfile)
    >>> rm(testfile)
    >>> exists(testfile)


    if is_not_iterable(targets): targets = [targets, ]

    for target in targets:

        expanded_target = glob(target)

        for path in expanded_target:

            fullpath = full_file_path(path)

            except (IOError, OSError):

                shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
            except (IOError, OSError):
Esempio n. 5
def cp(oldpaths, newpath):
    """Can accept an array of oldpaths to copy to the new (presumably dir). Won't get merged, just overwritten if it's a file by accident."""
    if is_not_iterable(oldpaths): oldpaths = [oldpaths, ]
    for oldpath in oldpaths:
        for filer in glob(oldpath):
                shutil.copy(filer, newpath)
            except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error):
Esempio n. 6
def mv(oldpaths, newpath):
    """Move or rename files. Can accept array of oldpaths, premusable for a directory destination. Won't get merged if not dir.
    Also accepts globs. CANNOT REPLACE EXISTING FILES!"""
    if is_not_iterable(oldpaths): oldpaths = [oldpaths, ]
    for oldpath in oldpaths:
        for filer in glob(oldpath):
                shutil.move(filer, newpath)
            except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error) as e:
Esempio n. 7
def pad_to_length(strings, length=None, pad="_"):
    if is_not_iterable(strings):
        strings = (strings, )

    # We need to calculate the length if not provided
    if length is None:
        length = max([len(x) for x in strings])

    # Form return list
    retlist = []
    for x in strings:
        if len(x) >= length:
        retlist.append(x + pad * (length - len(x)))
    return retlist
Esempio n. 8
def J2000_to_sounding_ids(J2000, string=False):
    """  Create a sounding_id from J2000 values. "string" flag optionally returns strings instead of N.int64's

    N.int64 cases
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids(139755661.1234)
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids([139755661.1234,139755661.1234,139755661.1234])
    array([2004060601010112, 2004060601010112, 2004060601010112])
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids([])
    array([], dtype=int64)
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids(463429933.0)

    string cases
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids(139755661.1234,string=True)
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids([139755661.1234, 139755661.1234, 139755661.1234],string=True) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    array(['2004060601010112', '2004060601010112', '2004060601010112'], dtype='<U16')
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids([], string=True) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    array([], dtype='<U1')
    >>> J2000_to_sounding_ids(463429933.0, string=True)


    singleton = is_not_iterable(J2000)
    if singleton:
        J2000 = (J2000, )

    if string:
        if len(J2000) < 1:
            return N.array([], dtype=str)
        retval = [from_J2000(x, format="YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFF") for x in J2000]
        if len(J2000) < 1:
            return N.array([], dtype=N.int64)
        retval = [
            N.int64(from_J2000(x, format="YYYYMMDDHHMMSSFF")) for x in J2000

    if singleton:
        return retval[0]
    return N.array(retval)
Esempio n. 9
def enforce_literal(string_array):
    """ Converts a string containing potentially functional characters for RegEx evaluation into a standard string using backslashes.
   string_array may be a list or array of strings or a singleton string.

   Should not modify this untroublesome string

   >>> print(enforce_literal("The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the L8zy dog!"))
   The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the L8zy dog!

   Parenthesis and brackets are especially troublesome (except for right bracket, interestingly)

   >>> print(enforce_literal("I want (this) dog! Bra[cket]"))
   I want \(this\) dog! Bra\[cket]

   Use all the special characters in a single go!

   Doctest string answers have extra \\ characters due to doctest's parser... reduce all \\ chars to \ to comprehend output

   >>> print(enforce_literal("\\ () [] ^ $ . | ? * {}"))
   \\\\ \(\) \[] \^ \$ \. \| \? \* \{}

   Array case
   >>> enforce_literal(["hi","th3re","(pattern?)"])
   ['hi', 'th3re', '\\\\(pattern\\\\?\\\\)']

    was_singleton = is_not_iterable(string_array)
    was_string = isinstance(string_array, str)
    if was_string:
        string_array = [string_array, ]
    retvals = []

    for string in string_array:
        # '\\' must come first or else will match backslashes added by later chars
        for char in SPECIAL_CHARS:
            string = string.replace(char, '\\' + char)
    if len(retvals) == 1:
        retvals = retvals[0]
    return retvals
Esempio n. 10
def map_values_to_rgba(values, palette=None, scale=False, uint8=False):
    """ Maps values (range 0 to 1) to (r,g,b) tuples based on a pallete.

        values : normalized values from 0 to 1 that are to be mapped
        palette: a string representing the colormap to use.
                 Any valid* string is recognized, as well as rainbow_index sets.
                 May also receive a specified colormap object.
                 If None (default) uses currently selected colormap
        scale  : If scale is True, will map values to range 0-1. Not normally preferred.
                 Will be ignored if a singleton value is passed in (can't scale a single value)
        uint8  : If True, will map data to range 0-255 and cast as N.uint8

    >>> import numpy as N

    Test basic usage
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba([0,1,2], palette = 'afmhot'))
    [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.0078431372549019607, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.015686274509803921, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]

    Test basic usage with uint8
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba([0,1,2], palette = 'afmhot', uint8 = True))
    [array([  0,   0,   0, 255], dtype=uint8),
     array([  2,   0,   0, 255], dtype=uint8),
     array([  4,   0,   0, 255], dtype=uint8)]

    Test Int64 case
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba(N.array([0,1,2],dtype=N.int64), palette = 'afmhot'))
    [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.0078431372549019607, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.015686274509803921, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]

    Custom colormap example
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba(N.linspace(0,1,10), palette = 'hot_framed' ))
    [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.4392156862745098, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.8784313725490196, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.16666666666666666, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.38627450980392158, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.61372549019607847, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.83333333333333326, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 1.0, 0.12156862745098039, 1.0),
     (1.0, 1.0, 0.5607843137254902, 1.0),
     (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]

    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba(N.linspace(0,1,10), palette = 'gist_rainbow_r' ))
    [(1.0, 0.0, 0.75, 1.0),
     (0.65323955669224221, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
     (0.056479113384484192, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.56159420289855067, 1.0, 1.0),
     (0.0, 1.0, 0.84334809192494209, 1.0),
     (0.0, 1.0, 0.23192072527935914, 1.0),
     (0.36036036036036029, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.97509273979862188, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.43137254901960786, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.0, 0.16, 1.0)]

    Custom colormap example
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba(N.linspace(0,1,10), palette = 'cold_framed'))
    [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.0, 0.32941176470588235, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.0, 0.6588235294117647, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
     (0.32941176470588235, 0.16470588235294117, 1.0, 1.0),
     (0.6705882352941176, 0.3352941176470588, 1.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.32941176470588235, 1.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.1647058823529412, 1.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)]

    Singleton example
    >>> map_values_to_rgba(0.5, palette = 'cold_framed')
    (0.50588235294117645, 0.25294117647058822, 1.0, 1.0)

    Build in palette example
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba(N.linspace(0,1,10), palette = 'nipy_spectral'))
    [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.42873137254901961, 0.0, 0.61307843137254903, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.18301960784313726, 0.86670000000000003, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.64446666666666663, 0.73336666666666672, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.60915490196078426, 0.073198039215686239, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.88499607843137262, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.7999666666666666, 0.97776666666666667, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.67843137254901964, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.89283725490196075, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 1.0)]

    Test scaling
    First pass in values only from 0 to 0.5
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba(N.linspace(0,0.5,10), palette = 'nipy_spectral'))
    [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.4732294117647059, 0.0, 0.53983921568627447, 1.0),
     (0.42873137254901961, 0.0, 0.61307843137254903, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.0, 0.72552352941176468, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.18301960784313726, 0.86670000000000003, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.54249803921568629, 0.86670000000000003, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.64446666666666663, 0.73336666666666672, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.66669999999999996, 0.5646882352941176, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.60915490196078426, 0.073198039215686239, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.73853137254901957, 0.0, 1.0)]

    Now pass them in again using scaling, will span to maximum colors available
    Will be equivalent to Build in pallete example two entries above
    >>> PP(map_values_to_rgba(N.linspace(0,0.5,10), palette = 'nipy_spectral', scale = True))
    [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.42873137254901961, 0.0, 0.61307843137254903, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.18301960784313726, 0.86670000000000003, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.64446666666666663, 0.73336666666666672, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.60915490196078426, 0.073198039215686239, 1.0),
     (0.0, 0.88499607843137262, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.7999666666666666, 0.97776666666666667, 0.0, 1.0),
     (1.0, 0.67843137254901964, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.89283725490196075, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     (0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 1.0)]


    singleton = False
    if is_not_iterable(values):
        singleton = True
        values = [

    if scale and not singleton:
        values = N.array(values, dtype=float)
        values -= N.min(values)
        values /= float(N.max(values))

    if palette is None:
        palette =

    cmap = custom_colormap(palette)

    retval = [cmap(x) for x in values]

    if uint8:
        retval = [(N.array(x) * 255).astype(N.uint8) for x in retval]

    if singleton:
        return retval[0]
        return retval
Esempio n. 11
def tight_format_string(array):
    """ Return formatting string appropriate to encapsulate the largest integer in a passed array.

    Call without integer values
    >>> tight_format_string([1,5,0.1])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    Exception: Makes no sense to call this for non-integer data

    Standard case
    >>> tight_format_string([1,4,10,100,])%10
    >>> tight_format_string([1,4,10,100,])%100
    >>> tight_format_string([1,4,10,100,])

    Singleton case
    >>> tight_format_string(1)%1
    >>> tight_format_string(1)

    Negative singleton
    >>> tight_format_string(-1)%(-1)
    >>> tight_format_string(-1)
    '% 02d'

    Negative integers
    >>> tight_format_string((-10, -100))%(-10)
    >>> tight_format_string((-10, -100))
    '% 04d'

    Empty case
    >>> tight_format_string(())

    Mixed integers
    >>> tight_format_string((-10,0,10))%0
    ' 00'
    >>> tight_format_string((-10,0,10))
    '% 03d'


    if array is None: return "%d"

    from mlib.iterable import is_not_iterable
    if is_not_iterable(array): array = [

    if len(array) == 0: return "%d"

    newarr = N.array(array)
    if mlib.mtypes.isint(newarr[0]):
        negative = (newarr < 0).any()
        maxer = N.max(N.abs(array))
        sizer = int(N.log10(maxer)) + 1
        if negative: sizer += 1
        return "%" + (" " if negative else "") + "0" + "%dd" % (sizer)
    raise Exception('Makes no sense to call this for non-integer data')
Esempio n. 12
def any_within(substrings, potential_strings):
    """Looks for any match of the substring array elements in each of the potential_strings.
    If any are found, returns True.

    Try with single potential_string

    Basic use case positive
    >>> any_within(("LND_NA","LND_GL","SEA_GL"), "WL_SA_LND_NA_IN")

    Basic use case negative
    >>> any_within(("LND_NA","LND_GL","SEA_GL"), "WL_SA_LAND_NA_IN")

    If you don't provide substrings to seek, you fail
    >>> any_within((), "Hello")

    One length list case
    >>> any_within(("one",), "this one")

    >>> any_within ("one", "this one")

    Now try with multiple potential_strings
    Basic use case positive
    >>> any_within(("LND_NA","LND_GL","SEA_GL"), ["WL_SA_LND_NA_IN", "WL_SA_LND_NA_IN"])
    [True, True]

    Basic use case negative
    >>> any_within(("LND_NA","LND_GL","SEA_GL"), ["WL_SA_LAND_NA_IN", "WL_SA_LAND_NA_IN"])
    [False, False]

    If you don't provide substrings to seek, you fail
    >>> any_within((), ["Hello","Hello"])
    [False, False]


    if is_not_iterable(substrings): substrings = [

    singleton_potential = is_not_iterable(potential_strings)
    if singleton_potential: potential_strings = [

    answer = []
    for potential_string in potential_strings:
        matched = False
        for sub in substrings:
            if sub in potential_string:
                matched = True
        if not matched: answer.append(False)

    if singleton_potential: return answer[0]
    return answer
Esempio n. 13
def substitute_by_dictionary(instrings, sub_dict):
    """ Perform a group substitution in (list of) string given a dictionary of replacements
    Intelligently applies the largest possible matches first, and will not match into already replaced values.

    >>> substitute_by_dictionary(['hello there!',], {'hello': 'goodbye', 'there':'here'})
    ['goodbye here!']

    >>> substitute_by_dictionary([],{'one':'two'})

    >>> substitute_by_dictionary("hello",{})

    >>> substitute_by_dictionary("hello",{'heck':'hell','hell':'heck','heck':'hell'})


    import re
    import numpy as N
    from mlib.numeric import consecutive_boolean_region_ranges

    singleton = is_not_iterable(instrings)
    if singleton: instrings = [

    # General theory is to look for the longest subst strings first and mark them as taken
    # Moving from longest to shortest, proceed until all substitutions are planned
    # Then concatenate remaining regions with subbed areas in a single act.

    keys_by_length = [
        y[1] for y in sorted([(len(x), x) for x in sub_dict], reverse=True)

    final_strings = []
    for instring in instrings:

        matched = N.array([
        ] * len(instring))
        key_spans = {}
        for key in keys_by_length:
            # Discover where this key is present in the input string
            spans = [x.span() for x in re.finditer(key, instring)]
            # Remove any spans that have already been matched elsewhere
            spans = [x for x in spans if sum(matched[x[0]:x[1]]) == 0]

            for span in spans:
                matched[span[0]:span[1]] = True
            for span in spans:
                key_spans[span[0]] = sub_dict[key]

        # Discover the spans for unmatched text
        for span in consecutive_boolean_region_ranges(~matched):
            key_spans[span[0]] = instring[span[0]:span[1] + 1]

        # Assemble the final string by moving a pointer along the first and expanding to the final
        for index in sorted(key_spans):
            final_strings[-1] += key_spans[index]

    if singleton: final_strings = final_strings[0]

    return final_strings