def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) mlq = MLQ('cloth_recommendation', 'localhost', 6379, 0) mlq.create_reaper(call_how_often=30, job_timeout=100, max_retries=5) CALLBACK_URL = 'http://*****:*****@app.route('/') def hello_world(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/home') def second_version(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/getPredictions', methods=['POST']) def upload(): print("GOT REQUEST!") gender = request.form['gender'] occasion = request.form['occasion'] use_files = request.form['use_files'] fileList = request.form.getlist('files') job_id =[occasion, gender, use_files, fileList], CALLBACK_URL) return jsonify({ 'msg': 'Processing. Check back soon.', 'job_id': job_id }) @app.route('/status/<job_id>', methods=['GET']) def get_progress(job_id): #print(job_id) return jsonify({'msg': mlq.get_progress(job_id)}) @app.route('/result/<job_id>', methods=['GET']) def get_result(job_id): job = mlq.get_job(job_id) return jsonify({'short_result': job['short_result']}) @app.route('/callback', methods=['GET']) def train_model(): success = request.args.get('success', None) job_id = request.args.get('job_id', None) short_result = request.args.get('short_result', None) print( "We received a callback! Job ID {} returned successful={} with short_result {}" .format(job_id, success, short_result)) return 'ok' return app
import asyncio import time from mlq.queue import MLQ mlq = MLQ('example_app', 'localhost', 6379, 0) def listener_func(number_dict, *args): print(number_dict['number']) time.sleep(10) return number_dict['number']**2 async def main(): print("Running, waiting for messages.") mlq.create_listener(listener_func) if __name__ == '__main__':
# Parts of this (c) Google Inc under Apache 2.0 # # The other bits by Tom Grek, public domain, no warranty. import asyncio import io import json from mlq.queue import MLQ import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflowjs as tfjs from tensorflow.keras.utils import get_file mlq = MLQ('deploy_demo', 'localhost', 6379, 0) model = tfjs.converters.load_keras_model('./model.json') # Some bug in Keras necessitates the next line model._make_predict_function() path = get_file('nietzsche.txt', origin='') with, encoding='utf-8') as f: text = print('corpus length:', len(text)) chars = sorted(list(set(text))) print('total chars:', len(chars)) char_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars)) indices_char = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(chars)) def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):
import json import base64 from flask import Flask, request, render_template from mlq.queue import MLQ from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename import worker # Initialize the Flask application app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'TytNr1_MxgNHlKjdW7GZ8w' app.config['IN_IMAGES_PATH'] = 'in_images' app.config['OUT_IMAGES_PATH'] = 'out_images' # Create MLQ: namespace, redis host, redis port, redis db mlq = MLQ('prediction_app', 'redis', 6379, 0) ''' METHODS ''' ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']) def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit( '.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS ''' ENDPOINTS '''
from hrnet_pose.config import cfg, update_config from hrnet_pose import models import pkg_resources from argparse import Namespace from pipeline import InferencePipeline from options.infer_options import InferOptions from PIL import Image import base64 import io from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import os mlq = MLQ('pose_transfer', 'localhost', 6379, 0) # Create the Inference Pipeline instance pip_opts = InferOptions().parse(['--name', 'fashion_PInet_cycle']) INFERENCE_PIPELINE = InferencePipeline.from_opts(pip_opts) # Create the Inference Pipeline instance #pip_opts = InferOptions().parse(['--name', 'fashion_PInet_video']) #INFERENCE_PIPELINE_VIDEO = InferencePipeline.from_opts(pip_opts) def inference(input_dict, *args): """ Function for the actual inference """ if input_dict['is_video']: source_image = input_dict['source_image']
""" Minimalistic app analyzing the sentiment using VADER (pre-trained from NLTK) """ from flask import Flask, request, jsonify from mlq.queue import MLQ app = Flask(__name__) # redis queue - assumes redis already running on port 6379 mlq = MLQ('anakin', 'localhost', 6379, 0) @app.route('/api/check_progress/<job_id>', methods=['GET']) def check_progress(job_id): progress = mlq.get_progress(job_id) return progress @app.route('/api/result/<job_id>', methods=['GET']) def get_result(job_id): job = mlq.get_job(job_id) return jsonify(job['result']) or '[not available yet]' @app.route('/api/submit', methods=['POST']) def submit_job(): job_id = return job_id
[167, 115], [163, 106], [149, 60], [173, 60], [183, 106], [223, 71]], [[205, 38], [205, 40], [203, 38], [197, 56], [193, 42], [177, 62], [177, 53], [199, 33], [195, 25], [205, 47], [225, 14], [137, 99], [139, 80], [159, 152], [157, 152], [205, 144], [205, 144]], [[33, 84], [33, 84], [29, 84], [33, 66], [31, 86], [59, 53], [59, 102], [101, 49], [101, 108], [133, 53], [131, 108], [133, 66], [133, 91], [187, 67], [185, 91], [241, 66], [235, 95]]] # TODO: send real videos VIDEOS = os.listdir('webapp/static/videos/out/') app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER # create an instance for the ml queue for handling the inference at the backend mlq = MLQ(q_name='pose_transfer', redis_host='localhost', redis_port=6379, redis_db=0) # Routes for MLQ (GPU server) @app.route('/do_transfer', methods=['POST']) def do_pose_transfer(): # request the backend to transfer the incoming image # but for now this is just a dummy for testing mlq assert request.json['number'] job_id =, CALLBACK_URL) return jsonify({'msg': 'Processing, check back soon.', 'job_id': job_id}) @app.route('/api/status/<job_id>', methods=['GET']) def get_progress(job_id):
from pipeline import Pipeline import os import torch from cat_attr import CatAttrPredictor, FashionModel #from ./cat_attr import FashionModel from mlq.queue import MLQ from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO import base64 # Change to 'cuda' for GPU and 'cpu' for CPU device = torch.device('cuda') mlq = MLQ('cloth_recommendation', 'localhost', 6379, 0) rec = Pipeline(device) def runPredictionAndGiveResult(arguments): gender = arguments[1] occasion = arguments[0] use_files = arguments[2] print(use_files) finalList = [] imageList = [] if (use_files != "False" and use_files != "false" and use_files != False): fileList = arguments[3] f = fileList[0].split('data:image') f = f[1::]
async def main(args): mlq = MLQ(args.namespace, args.redis_host, int(args.redis_port), 0) command = args.cmd if command == 'clear_all': print('Clearing everything in namespace {}'.format(args.namespace)) for key in mlq._redis.scan_iter("{}*".format(args.namespace)): mlq._redis.delete(key) elif command == 'consumer': mlq.create_listener() elif command == 'test_consumer': print('Starting test consumer') mlq.create_listener(simple_consumer_func) mlq.create_listener(my_consumer_func) elif command == 'test_producer': print('Starting test producer') mlq.loop.run_in_executor(mlq.pool, functools.partial(my_producer_func, mlq)) elif command == 'test_reaper': print('Starting test reaper') mlq.create_reaper() elif command == 'test_all': print('Starting all dummy services') mlq.create_listener(my_consumer_func) mlq.loop.run_in_executor(mlq.pool, functools.partial(my_producer_func, mlq)) mlq.create_reaper() elif command == 'post': print('Posting message to queue.'), args.callback, args.functions) if args.reaper: mlq.create_reaper(args.reaper_interval, args.reaper_timeout, args.reaper_retries) if args.server: thread = Thread(target=server, args=[mlq, args.server_address, args.server_port]) thread.start() return mlq
def mlq(): queue = MLQ('test_mlq_ns', 'localhost', 6379, 0) return queue
def mlq(): return MLQ('test_mlq_ns', 'localhost', 6379, 0)