Esempio n. 1
    def generate_text_region_mask(self, img_size, text_polys):
        """Generate text center region mask and geometry attribute maps.

            img_size (tuple): The image size (height, width).
            text_polys (list[list[ndarray]]): The list of text polygons.

            text_region_mask (ndarray): The text region mask.

        assert isinstance(img_size, tuple)
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(text_polys)

        h, w = img_size
        text_region_mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)

        for poly in text_polys:
            assert len(poly) == 1
            text_instance = [[poly[0][i], poly[0][i + 1]]
                             for i in range(0, len(poly[0]), 2)]
            polygon = np.array(text_instance, dtype=np.int32).reshape(
                (1, -1, 2))
            cv2.fillPoly(text_region_mask, polygon, 1)

        return text_region_mask
Esempio n. 2
    def generate_center_region_mask(self, img_size, text_polys):
        """Generate text center region mask.

            img_size (tuple): The image size of (height, width).
            text_polys (list[list[ndarray]]): The list of text polygons.

            center_region_mask (ndarray): The text center region mask.

        assert isinstance(img_size, tuple)
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(text_polys)

        h, w = img_size

        center_region_mask = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8)

        center_region_boxes = []
        for poly in text_polys:
            assert len(poly) == 1
            polygon_points = poly[0].reshape(-1, 2)
            _, _, top_line, bot_line = self.reorder_poly_edge(polygon_points)
            resampled_top_line, resampled_bot_line = self.resample_sidelines(
                top_line, bot_line, self.resample_step)
            resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[::-1]
            center_line = (resampled_top_line + resampled_bot_line) / 2

            line_head_shrink_len = norm(resampled_top_line[0] -
                                        resampled_bot_line[0]) / 4.0
            line_tail_shrink_len = norm(resampled_top_line[-1] -
                                        resampled_bot_line[-1]) / 4.0
            head_shrink_num = int(line_head_shrink_len // self.resample_step)
            tail_shrink_num = int(line_tail_shrink_len // self.resample_step)
            if len(center_line) > head_shrink_num + tail_shrink_num + 2:
                center_line = center_line[head_shrink_num:len(center_line) -
                resampled_top_line = resampled_top_line[
                    head_shrink_num:len(resampled_top_line) - tail_shrink_num]
                resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[
                    head_shrink_num:len(resampled_bot_line) - tail_shrink_num]

            for i in range(0, len(center_line) - 1):
                tl = center_line[i] + (resampled_top_line[i] - center_line[i]
                                       ) * self.center_region_shrink_ratio
                tr = center_line[i + 1] + (
                    resampled_top_line[i + 1] -
                    center_line[i + 1]) * self.center_region_shrink_ratio
                br = center_line[i + 1] + (
                    resampled_bot_line[i + 1] -
                    center_line[i + 1]) * self.center_region_shrink_ratio
                bl = center_line[i] + (resampled_bot_line[i] - center_line[i]
                                       ) * self.center_region_shrink_ratio
                current_center_box = np.vstack([tl, tr, br,

        cv2.fillPoly(center_region_mask, center_region_boxes, 1)
        return center_region_mask
Esempio n. 3
    def generate_kernels(self,
        """Generate text instance kernels for one shrink ratio.

            img_size (tuple(int, int)): The image size of (height, width).
            text_polys (list[list[ndarray]]: The list of text polygons.
            shrink_ratio (float): The shrink ratio of kernel.

            text_kernel (ndarray): The text kernel mask of (height, width).
        assert isinstance(img_size, tuple)
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(text_polys)
        assert isinstance(shrink_ratio, float)

        h, w = img_size
        text_kernel = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)

        for text_ind, poly in enumerate(text_polys):
            instance = poly[0].reshape(-1, 2).astype(np.int32)
            area = plg.Polygon(instance).area()
            peri = cv2.arcLength(instance, True)
            distance = min(
                int(area * (1 - shrink_ratio * shrink_ratio) / (peri + 0.001) +
                    0.5), max_shrink)
            pco = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset()
            pco.AddPath(instance, pyclipper.JT_ROUND,
            shrinked = np.array(pco.Execute(-distance))

            # check shrinked == [] or empty ndarray
            if len(shrinked) == 0 or shrinked.size == 0:
                if ignore_tags is not None:
                    ignore_tags[text_ind] = True
                shrinked = np.array(shrinked[0]).reshape(-1, 2)

            except Exception as e:
                print_log(f'{shrinked} with error {e}')
                if ignore_tags is not None:
                    ignore_tags[text_ind] = True
            cv2.fillPoly(text_kernel, [shrinked.astype(np.int32)],
                         text_ind + 1)
        return text_kernel, ignore_tags
Esempio n. 4
    def generate_fourier_maps(self, img_size, text_polys):
        """Generate Fourier coefficient maps.

            img_size (tuple): The image size of (height, width).
            text_polys (list[list[ndarray]]): The list of text polygons.

            fourier_real_map (ndarray): The Fourier coefficient real part maps.
            fourier_image_map (ndarray): The Fourier coefficient image part

        assert isinstance(img_size, tuple)
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(text_polys)

        h, w = img_size
        k = self.fourier_degree
        real_map = np.zeros((k * 2 + 1, h, w), dtype=np.float32)
        imag_map = np.zeros((k * 2 + 1, h, w), dtype=np.float32)

        for poly in text_polys:
            assert len(poly) == 1
            text_instance = [[poly[0][i], poly[0][i + 1]]
                             for i in range(0, len(poly[0]), 2)]
            mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
            polygon = np.array(text_instance).reshape((1, -1, 2))
            cv2.fillPoly(mask, polygon.astype(np.int32), 1)
            fourier_coeff = self.cal_fourier_signature(polygon[0], k)
            for i in range(-k, k + 1):
                if i != 0:
                    real_map[i + k, :, :] = mask * fourier_coeff[i + k, 0] + (
                        1 - mask) * real_map[i + k, :, :]
                    imag_map[i + k, :, :] = mask * fourier_coeff[i + k, 1] + (
                        1 - mask) * imag_map[i + k, :, :]
                    yx = np.argwhere(mask > 0.5)
                    k_ind = np.ones((len(yx)), dtype=np.int64) * k
                    y, x = yx[:, 0], yx[:, 1]
                    real_map[k_ind, y, x] = fourier_coeff[k, 0] - x
                    imag_map[k_ind, y, x] = fourier_coeff[k, 1] - y

        return real_map, imag_map
Esempio n. 5
    def generate_kernels(self,
        """Generate char instance kernels for one shrink ratio.

            resize_shape (tuple(int, int)): Image size (height, width)
                after resizing.
            pad_shape (tuple(int, int)):  Image size (height, width)
                after padding.
            char_boxes (list[list[float]]): The list of char polygons.
            char_inds (list[int]): List of char indexes.
            shrink_ratio (float): The shrink ratio of kernel.
            binary (bool): If True, return binary ndarray
                containing 0 & 1 only.
            char_kernel (ndarray): The text kernel mask of (height, width).
        assert isinstance(resize_shape, tuple)
        assert isinstance(pad_shape, tuple)
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(char_boxes)
        assert check_argument.is_type_list(char_inds, int)
        assert isinstance(shrink_ratio, float)
        assert isinstance(binary, bool)

        char_kernel = np.zeros(pad_shape, dtype=np.int32)
        char_kernel[:resize_shape[0], resize_shape[1]:] = self.pad_val

        for i, char_box in enumerate(char_boxes):
            if self.box_type == 'char_rects':
                poly = self.shrink_char_rect(char_box, shrink_ratio)
            elif self.box_type == 'char_quads':
                poly = self.shrink_char_quad(char_box, shrink_ratio)

            fill_value = 1 if binary else char_inds[i]
            cv2.fillConvexPoly(char_kernel, poly.astype(np.int32),

        return char_kernel
Esempio n. 6
def sort_points(points):
    """Sort arbitory points in clockwise order. Reference:

        points (list[ndarray] or ndarray or list[list]): A list of unsorted
            boundary points.

        list[ndarray]: A list of points sorted in clockwise order.

    assert is_type_list(points, np.ndarray) or isinstance(points, np.ndarray) \
        or is_2dlist(points)

    points = np.array(points)
    center = np.mean(points, axis=0)

    def cmp(a, b):
        oa = a - center
        ob = b - center

        # Some corner cases
        if oa[0] >= 0 and ob[0] < 0:
            return 1
        if oa[0] < 0 and ob[0] >= 0:
            return -1

        prod = np.cross(oa, ob)
        if prod > 0:
            return 1
        if prod < 0:
            return -1

        # a, b are on the same line from the center
        return 1 if (oa**2).sum() < (ob**2).sum() else -1

    return sorted(points, key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp))
Esempio n. 7
    def generate_effective_mask(self, mask_size: tuple, polygons_ignore):
        """Generate effective mask by setting the ineffective regions to 0 and
        effective regions to 1.

            mask_size (tuple): The mask size.
            polygons_ignore (list[[ndarray]]: The list of ignored text

            mask (ndarray): The effective mask of (height, width).

        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(polygons_ignore)

        mask = np.ones(mask_size, dtype=np.uint8)

        for poly in polygons_ignore:
            instance = poly[0].reshape(-1,
                                       2).astype(np.int32).reshape(1, -1, 2)
            cv2.fillPoly(mask, instance, 0)

        return mask
Esempio n. 8
    def resize_boundary(self, boundaries, scale_factor):
        """Rescale boundaries via scale_factor.

            boundaries (list[list[float]]): The boundary list. Each boundary
                has :math:`2k+1` elements with :math:`k>=4`.
            scale_factor (ndarray): The scale factor of size :math:`(4,)`.

            list[list[float]]: The scaled boundaries.
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(boundaries)
        assert isinstance(scale_factor, np.ndarray)
        assert scale_factor.shape[0] == 4

        for b in boundaries:
            sz = len(b)
            check_argument.valid_boundary(b, True)
            b[:sz -
              1] = (np.array(b[:sz - 1]) *
                    (np.tile(scale_factor[:2], int(
                        (sz - 1) / 2)).reshape(1, sz - 1))).flatten().tolist()
        return boundaries
Esempio n. 9
    def generate_center_mask_attrib_maps(self, img_size, text_polys):
        """Generate text center region mask and geometric attribute maps.

            img_size (tuple): The image size of (height, width).
            text_polys (list[list[ndarray]]): The list of text polygons.

            center_region_mask (ndarray): The text center region mask.
            radius_map (ndarray): The distance map from each pixel in text
                center region to top sideline.
            sin_map (ndarray): The sin(theta) map where theta is the angle
                between vector (top point - bottom point) and vector (1, 0).
            cos_map (ndarray): The cos(theta) map where theta is the angle
                between vector (top point - bottom point) and vector (1, 0).

        assert isinstance(img_size, tuple)
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(text_polys)

        h, w = img_size

        center_region_mask = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8)
        radius_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
        sin_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
        cos_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)

        for poly in text_polys:
            assert len(poly) == 1
            text_instance = [[poly[0][i], poly[0][i + 1]]
                             for i in range(0, len(poly[0]), 2)]
            polygon_points = np.array(text_instance,
                                      dtype=np.int32).reshape(-1, 2)

            _, _, top_line, bot_line = self.reorder_poly_edge(polygon_points)
            resampled_top_line, resampled_bot_line = self.resample_sidelines(
                top_line, bot_line, self.resample_step)
            resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[::-1]
            center_line = (resampled_top_line + resampled_bot_line) / 2

            if self.vector_slope(center_line[-1] - center_line[0]) > 0.9:
                if (center_line[-1] - center_line[0])[1] < 0:
                    center_line = center_line[::-1]
                    resampled_top_line = resampled_top_line[::-1]
                    resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[::-1]
                if (center_line[-1] - center_line[0])[0] < 0:
                    center_line = center_line[::-1]
                    resampled_top_line = resampled_top_line[::-1]
                    resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[::-1]

            line_head_shrink_len = norm(resampled_top_line[0] -
                                        resampled_bot_line[0]) / 4.0
            line_tail_shrink_len = norm(resampled_top_line[-1] -
                                        resampled_bot_line[-1]) / 4.0
            head_shrink_num = int(line_head_shrink_len // self.resample_step)
            tail_shrink_num = int(line_tail_shrink_len // self.resample_step)

            if len(center_line) > head_shrink_num + tail_shrink_num + 2:
                center_line = center_line[head_shrink_num:len(center_line) -
                resampled_top_line = resampled_top_line[
                    head_shrink_num:len(resampled_top_line) - tail_shrink_num]
                resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[
                    head_shrink_num:len(resampled_bot_line) - tail_shrink_num]

                                         resampled_bot_line, center_line,
                                         center_region_mask, radius_map,
                                         sin_map, cos_map,

        return center_region_mask, radius_map, sin_map, cos_map
Esempio n. 10
    def generate_center_mask_attrib_maps(self, img_size, text_polys):
        """Generate text center region masks and geometric attribute maps.

            img_size (tuple): The image size (height, width).
            text_polys (list[list[ndarray]]): The list of text polygons.

            center_lines (list): The list of text center lines.
            center_region_mask (ndarray): The text center region mask.
            top_height_map (ndarray): The map on which the distance from points
                to top side lines will be drawn for each pixel in text center
            bot_height_map (ndarray): The map on which the distance from points
                to bottom side lines will be drawn for each pixel in text
                center regions.
            sin_map (ndarray): The sin(theta) map where theta is the angle
                between vector (top point - bottom point) and vector (1, 0).
            cos_map (ndarray): The cos(theta) map where theta is the angle
                between vector (top point - bottom point) and vector (1, 0).

        assert isinstance(img_size, tuple)
        assert check_argument.is_2dlist(text_polys)

        h, w = img_size

        center_lines = []
        center_region_mask = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8)
        top_height_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
        bot_height_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
        sin_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)
        cos_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.float32)

        for poly in text_polys:
            assert len(poly) == 1
            polygon_points = poly[0].reshape(-1, 2)
            _, _, top_line, bot_line = self.reorder_poly_edge(polygon_points)
            resampled_top_line, resampled_bot_line = self.resample_sidelines(
                top_line, bot_line, self.resample_step)
            resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[::-1]
            center_line = (resampled_top_line + resampled_bot_line) / 2

            if self.vector_slope(center_line[-1] - center_line[0]) > 2:
                if (center_line[-1] - center_line[0])[1] < 0:
                    center_line = center_line[::-1]
                    resampled_top_line = resampled_top_line[::-1]
                    resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[::-1]
                if (center_line[-1] - center_line[0])[0] < 0:
                    center_line = center_line[::-1]
                    resampled_top_line = resampled_top_line[::-1]
                    resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[::-1]

            line_head_shrink_len = np.clip(
                (norm(top_line[0] - bot_line[0]) * self.comp_w_h_ratio),
                self.min_width, self.max_width) / 2
            line_tail_shrink_len = np.clip(
                (norm(top_line[-1] - bot_line[-1]) * self.comp_w_h_ratio),
                self.min_width, self.max_width) / 2
            num_head_shrink = int(line_head_shrink_len // self.resample_step)
            num_tail_shrink = int(line_tail_shrink_len // self.resample_step)
            if len(center_line) > num_head_shrink + num_tail_shrink + 2:
                center_line = center_line[num_head_shrink:len(center_line) -
                resampled_top_line = resampled_top_line[
                    num_head_shrink:len(resampled_top_line) - num_tail_shrink]
                resampled_bot_line = resampled_bot_line[
                    num_head_shrink:len(resampled_bot_line) - num_tail_shrink]

                                         resampled_bot_line, center_line,
                                         center_region_mask, top_height_map,
                                         bot_height_map, sin_map, cos_map,

        return (center_lines, center_region_mask, top_height_map,
                bot_height_map, sin_map, cos_map)