Esempio n. 1
def OnLoginPressed(ip, port):
    global clientObj
    global userObj
    if not clientObj.updated: return

    username = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::username")
    password = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::password1")
    print "name[%s] password[%s]" % (username, password)
    userObj.login(username, password, ip, int(port))
Esempio n. 2
def OnLoginPressed(ip, port):
    global clientObj
    global userObj
    if not clientObj.updated: return
    username = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::username")
    password = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::password1")
    print "name[%s] password[%s]" % (username, password)
    userObj.login(username, password, ip, int(port))
Esempio n. 3
def OnSignupPressed(ip, port):
    global clientObj
    global userObj
    if not clientObj.updated: return

    username = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::username")
    password1 = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::password1")
    password2 = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::password2")
    if password1 == "" or (password1 != password2):
        pytorque.setglobal("$loginInfo::message","Password Error!")
    roleCtrl = TorqueObject("LoginRole")
    roleId = int(roleCtrl.getSelected())
    #print "name[%s] password[%s] confirm[%s] role[%d]" % (usernameCtrl.getText(), password1Ctrl.getText(), password2Ctrl.getText(), roleCtrl.getSelected())
    print "name[%s] password[%s] confirm[%s] role[%d]" % (username, password1, password2, roleId)
    clientObj.register(username, password1, roleId)
Esempio n. 4
def OnSignupPressed(ip, port):
    global clientObj
    global userObj
    if not clientObj.updated: return

    username = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::username")
    password1 = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::password1")
    password2 = pytorque.getglobal("$loginInfo::password2")
    if password1 == "" or (password1 != password2):
        pytorque.setglobal("$loginInfo::message", "Password Error!")
    roleCtrl = TorqueObject("LoginRole")
    roleId = int(roleCtrl.getSelected())
    #print "name[%s] password[%s] confirm[%s] role[%d]" % (usernameCtrl.getText(), password1Ctrl.getText(), password2Ctrl.getText(), roleCtrl.getSelected())
    print "name[%s] password[%s] confirm[%s] role[%d]" % (username, password1,
                                                          password2, roleId)
    clientObj.register(username, password1, roleId)
Esempio n. 5
#buttons are kind of worthless without commands.  Let's make one:
def OnMyButton(value):
    print "Button pushed with value",value
#export the function to the console system in much the same way the C++ system does...
#we also support optional namespaces, usage documentation, and min/max args
pytorque.export(OnMyButton,"MyButton","OnButton","Example button command",1,1)

#we can get and set fields (including dynamic fields).  We'll set our button's command:
button.command = "MyButton::OnButton(42);"

#we can call console methods on our TorqueObjects... So, let's simulate a button click.
#the OnMyButton function will be called with the value 42 :)

#note that getting an object reference to the button and setting the command like this is 
#purely for illustration. You can also: command = "MyButton::OnButton(42);" in the evaluated code.

#moving on, we can get and set global variables
print pytorque.getglobal("$MyVariable")
pytorque.evaluate('echo ("*** Here is your variable:" @ $MyVariable);')

#the main loop is broken out and can be combined with other frameworks rather easily
while pytorque.tick():

#cleanup pytorque.. goodbye!