Esempio n. 1
def test_datasets_basic(tmpdir):
    """Test simple dataset functions."""
    # XXX 'hf_sef' and 'misc' do not conform to these standards
    for dname in ('sample', 'somato', 'spm_face', 'testing', 'opm',
                  'bst_raw', 'bst_auditory', 'bst_resting', 'multimodal',
                  'bst_phantom_ctf', 'bst_phantom_elekta', 'kiloword',
                  'mtrf', 'phantom_4dbti',
                  'visual_92_categories', 'fieldtrip_cmc'):
        if dname.startswith('bst'):
            dataset = getattr(datasets.brainstorm, dname)
            check_name = 'brainstorm.%s' % (dname,)
            dataset = getattr(datasets, dname)
            check_name = dname
        if dataset.data_path(download=False) != '':
            assert isinstance(dataset.get_version(), str)
            assert datasets.utils.has_dataset(check_name)
            assert dataset.get_version() is None
            assert not datasets.utils.has_dataset(check_name)
        print('%s: %s' % (dname, datasets.utils.has_dataset(check_name)))
    tempdir = str(tmpdir)
    # don't let it read from the config file to get the directory,
    # force it to look for the default
    with modified_env(**{'_MNE_FAKE_HOME_DIR': tempdir, 'SUBJECTS_DIR': None}):
        assert (datasets.utils._get_path(None, 'foo', 'bar') ==
                op.join(tempdir, 'mne_data'))
        assert get_subjects_dir(None) is None
        sd = get_subjects_dir()
        assert sd.endswith('MNE-fsaverage-data')
Esempio n. 2
def test_datasets_basic(tmpdir):
    """Test simple dataset functions."""
    # XXX 'hf_sef' and 'misc' do not conform to these standards
    for dname in ('sample', 'somato', 'spm_face', 'testing', 'opm',
                  'bst_raw', 'bst_auditory', 'bst_resting', 'multimodal',
                  'bst_phantom_ctf', 'bst_phantom_elekta', 'kiloword',
                  'mtrf', 'phantom_4dbti',
                  'visual_92_categories', 'fieldtrip_cmc'):
        if dname.startswith('bst'):
            dataset = getattr(datasets.brainstorm, dname)
            check_name = 'brainstorm.%s' % (dname,)
            dataset = getattr(datasets, dname)
            check_name = dname
        if dataset.data_path(download=False) != '':
            assert isinstance(dataset.get_version(), str)
            assert datasets.utils.has_dataset(check_name)
            assert dataset.get_version() is None
            assert not datasets.utils.has_dataset(check_name)
        print('%s: %s' % (dname, datasets.utils.has_dataset(check_name)))
    tempdir = str(tmpdir)
    # don't let it read from the config file to get the directory,
    # force it to look for the default
    with modified_env(**{'_MNE_FAKE_HOME_DIR': tempdir, 'SUBJECTS_DIR': None}):
        assert (datasets.utils._get_path(None, 'foo', 'bar') ==
                op.join(tempdir, 'mne_data'))
        assert get_subjects_dir(None) is None
        sd = get_subjects_dir()
        assert sd.endswith('MNE-fsaverage-data')
Esempio n. 3
def test_datasets_basic(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """Test simple dataset functions."""
    # XXX 'hf_sef' and 'misc' do not conform to these standards
    for dname in ('sample', 'somato', 'spm_face', 'testing', 'opm', 'bst_raw',
                  'bst_auditory', 'bst_resting', 'multimodal',
                  'bst_phantom_ctf', 'bst_phantom_elekta', 'kiloword', 'mtrf',
                  'phantom_4dbti', 'visual_92_categories', 'fieldtrip_cmc'):
        if dname.startswith('bst'):
            dataset = getattr(datasets.brainstorm, dname)
            dataset = getattr(datasets, dname)
        if str(dataset.data_path(download=False)) != '.':
            assert isinstance(dataset.get_version(), str)
            assert datasets.has_dataset(dname)
            assert dataset.get_version() is None
            assert not datasets.has_dataset(dname)
        print('%s: %s' % (dname, datasets.has_dataset(dname)))
    tempdir = str(tmp_path)
    # Explicitly test one that isn't preset (given the config)
    monkeypatch.setenv('MNE_DATASETS_SAMPLE_PATH', tempdir)
    dataset = datasets.sample
    assert str(dataset.data_path(download=False)) == '.'
    assert dataset.get_version() != ''
    assert dataset.get_version() is None
    # don't let it read from the config file to get the directory,
    # force it to look for the default
    monkeypatch.setenv('_MNE_FAKE_HOME_DIR', tempdir)
    monkeypatch.delenv('SUBJECTS_DIR', raising=False)
    assert (str(datasets.utils._get_path(None, 'foo', 'bar')) == op.join(
        tempdir, 'mne_data'))
    assert get_subjects_dir(None) is None
    sd = get_subjects_dir()
    assert sd.endswith('MNE-fsaverage-data')
    monkeypatch.setenv('MNE_DATA', str(tmp_path / 'foo'))
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError, match='as specified by MNE_DAT'):