Esempio n. 1
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'info.fif')
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert_true(len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u'é'
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['his_id'] = creator
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert_equal(info['proc_history'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['subject_info']['his_id'], creator)
Esempio n. 2
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'info.fif')
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert_true(len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u'é'
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['his_id'] = creator

    if info['gantry_angle'] is None:  # future testing data may include it
        info['gantry_angle'] = 0.  # Elekta supine position
    gantry_angle = info['gantry_angle']

    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert_equal(info['proc_history'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['subject_info']['his_id'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['gantry_angle'], gantry_angle)
Esempio n. 3
def test_csr_csc(tmpdir):
    """Test CSR and CSC."""
    info = read_info(sss_ctc_fname)
    info = pick_info(info, pick_types(info, meg=True, exclude=[]))
    sss_ctc = info['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']
    ct = sss_ctc['decoupler'].copy()
    # CSC
    assert isinstance(ct, sparse.csc_matrix)
    fname = tmpdir.join('test.fif')
    write_info(fname, info)
    info_read = read_info(fname)
    ct_read = info_read['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']['decoupler']
    assert isinstance(ct_read, sparse.csc_matrix)
    assert_array_equal(ct_read.toarray(), ct.toarray())
    # Now CSR
    csr = ct.tocsr()
    assert isinstance(csr, sparse.csr_matrix)
    assert_array_equal(csr.toarray(), ct.toarray())
    info['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']['decoupler'] = csr
    fname = tmpdir.join('test1.fif')
    write_info(fname, info)
    info_read = read_info(fname)
    ct_read = info_read['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']['decoupler']
    assert isinstance(ct_read, sparse.csc_matrix)  # this gets cast to CSC
    assert_array_equal(ct_read.toarray(), ct.toarray())
Esempio n. 4
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'info.fif')
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert_true(len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u'é'
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['his_id'] = creator
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert_equal(info['proc_history'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['subject_info']['his_id'], creator)
Esempio n. 5
def test_csr_csc():
    """Test CSR and CSC."""
    info = read_info(sss_ctc_fname)
    info = pick_info(info, pick_types(info, meg=True, exclude=[]))
    sss_ctc = info['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']
    ct = sss_ctc['decoupler'].copy()
    # CSC
    assert isinstance(ct, sparse.csc_matrix)
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test.fif')
    write_info(fname, info)
    info_read = read_info(fname)
    ct_read = info_read['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']['decoupler']
    assert isinstance(ct_read, sparse.csc_matrix)
    assert_array_equal(ct_read.toarray(), ct.toarray())
    # Now CSR
    csr = ct.tocsr()
    assert isinstance(csr, sparse.csr_matrix)
    assert_array_equal(csr.toarray(), ct.toarray())
    info['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']['decoupler'] = csr
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test1.fif')
    write_info(fname, info)
    info_read = read_info(fname)
    ct_read = info_read['proc_history'][0]['max_info']['sss_ctc']['decoupler']
    assert isinstance(ct_read, sparse.csc_matrix)  # this gets cast to CSC
    assert_array_equal(ct_read.toarray(), ct.toarray())
Esempio n. 6
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'info.fif')
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert_true(len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u'é'
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['his_id'] = creator

    if info['gantry_angle'] is None:  # future testing data may include it
        info['gantry_angle'] = 0.  # Elekta supine position
    gantry_angle = info['gantry_angle']

    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert_equal(info['proc_history'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['subject_info']['his_id'], creator)
    assert_equal(info['gantry_angle'], gantry_angle)
Esempio n. 7
def test_io_coord_frame(tmp_path):
    """Test round trip for coordinate frame."""
    fname = tmp_path / 'test.fif'
    for ch_type in ('eeg', 'seeg', 'ecog', 'dbs', 'hbo', 'hbr'):
        info = create_info(
            ch_names=['Test Ch'], sfreq=1000., ch_types=[ch_type])
        info['chs'][0]['loc'][:3] = [0.05, 0.01, -0.03]
        write_info(fname, info)
        info2 = read_info(fname)
        assert info2['chs'][0]['coord_frame'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD
Esempio n. 8
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info
    info = io.read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'info.fif')
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 =  info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    io.write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = io.read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert_true(len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
Esempio n. 9
def test_field_round_trip(tmpdir):
    """Test round-trip for new fields."""
    info = create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg')
    for key in ('file_id', 'meas_id'):
        info[key] = _generate_meas_id()
    info['device_info'] = dict(
        type='a', model='b', serial='c', site='d')
    info['helium_info'] = dict(
        he_level_raw=1., helium_level=2., orig_file_guid='e', meas_date=(1, 2))
    fname = tmpdir.join('temp-info.fif')
    write_info(fname, info)
    info_read = read_info(fname)
    info_read['dig'] = None  # XXX eventually this should go away
    assert_object_equal(info, info_read)
Esempio n. 10
def test_field_round_trip(tmp_path):
    """Test round-trip for new fields."""
    info = create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg')
    with info._unlock():
        for key in ('file_id', 'meas_id'):
            info[key] = _generate_meas_id()
        info['device_info'] = dict(type='a', model='b', serial='c', site='d')
        info['helium_info'] = dict(he_level_raw=1.,
                                   meas_date=(1, 2))
    fname = tmp_path / 'temp-info.fif'
    write_info(fname, info)
    info_read = read_info(fname)
    assert_object_equal(info, info_read)
Esempio n. 11
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, "info.fif")
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info["dev_head_t"]["trans"] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info["dev_head_t"]["trans"]
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2["dev_head_t"]["trans"]
    assert_true(len(info["chs"]) == len(info2["chs"]))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u"é"
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info["proc_history"][0]["creator"] = creator
    info["hpi_meas"][0]["creator"] = creator
    info["subject_info"]["his_id"] = creator
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert_equal(info["proc_history"][0]["creator"], creator)
    assert_equal(info["hpi_meas"][0]["creator"], creator)
    assert_equal(info["subject_info"]["his_id"], creator)
Esempio n. 12
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'info.fif')
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert (len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u'é'
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['his_id'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['weight'] = 11.1
    info['subject_info']['height'] = 2.3

    if info['gantry_angle'] is None:  # future testing data may include it
        info['gantry_angle'] = 0.  # Elekta supine position
    gantry_angle = info['gantry_angle']

    meas_id = info['meas_id']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] == creator
    assert info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] == creator
    assert info['subject_info']['his_id'] == creator
    assert info['gantry_angle'] == gantry_angle
    assert info['subject_info']['height'] == 2.3
    assert info['subject_info']['weight'] == 11.1
    for key in ['secs', 'usecs', 'version']:
        assert info['meas_id'][key] == meas_id[key]
    assert_array_equal(info['meas_id']['machid'], meas_id['machid'])

    # Test that writing twice produces the same file
    m1 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(temp_file, 'rb') as fid:
    m1 = m1.hexdigest()
    temp_file_2 = op.join(tempdir, 'info2.fif')
    assert temp_file_2 != temp_file
    write_info(temp_file_2, info)
    m2 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(temp_file_2, 'rb') as fid:
    m2 = m2.hexdigest()
    assert m1 == m2
Esempio n. 13
def test_read_write_info():
    """Test IO of info."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'info.fif')
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert (len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u'é'
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['his_id'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['weight'] = 11.1
    info['subject_info']['height'] = 2.3

    if info['gantry_angle'] is None:  # future testing data may include it
        info['gantry_angle'] = 0.  # Elekta supine position
    gantry_angle = info['gantry_angle']

    meas_id = info['meas_id']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] == creator
    assert info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] == creator
    assert info['subject_info']['his_id'] == creator
    assert info['gantry_angle'] == gantry_angle
    assert info['subject_info']['height'] == 2.3
    assert info['subject_info']['weight'] == 11.1
    for key in ['secs', 'usecs', 'version']:
        assert info['meas_id'][key] == meas_id[key]
    assert_array_equal(info['meas_id']['machid'], meas_id['machid'])

    # Test that writing twice produces the same file
    m1 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(temp_file, 'rb') as fid:
    m1 = m1.hexdigest()
    temp_file_2 = op.join(tempdir, 'info2.fif')
    assert temp_file_2 != temp_file
    write_info(temp_file_2, info)
    m2 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(temp_file_2, 'rb') as fid:
    m2 = m2.hexdigest()
    assert m1 == m2
Esempio n. 14
def test_read_write_info(tmpdir):
    """Test IO of info."""
    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    temp_file = str(tmpdir.join('info.fif'))
    # check for bug `#1198`
    info['dev_head_t']['trans'] = np.eye(4)
    t1 = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info2 = read_info(temp_file)
    t2 = info2['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert (len(info['chs']) == len(info2['chs']))
    assert_array_equal(t1, t2)
    # proc_history (e.g., GH#1875)
    creator = u'é'
    info = read_info(chpi_fname)
    info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['his_id'] = creator
    info['subject_info']['weight'] = 11.1
    info['subject_info']['height'] = 2.3

    if info['gantry_angle'] is None:  # future testing data may include it
        info['gantry_angle'] = 0.  # Elekta supine position
    gantry_angle = info['gantry_angle']

    meas_id = info['meas_id']
    write_info(temp_file, info)
    info = read_info(temp_file)
    assert info['proc_history'][0]['creator'] == creator
    assert info['hpi_meas'][0]['creator'] == creator
    assert info['subject_info']['his_id'] == creator
    assert info['gantry_angle'] == gantry_angle
    assert info['subject_info']['height'] == 2.3
    assert info['subject_info']['weight'] == 11.1
    for key in ['secs', 'usecs', 'version']:
        assert info['meas_id'][key] == meas_id[key]
    assert_array_equal(info['meas_id']['machid'], meas_id['machid'])

    # Test that writing twice produces the same file
    m1 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(temp_file, 'rb') as fid:
    m1 = m1.hexdigest()
    temp_file_2 = tmpdir.join('info2.fif')
    assert temp_file_2 != temp_file
    write_info(temp_file_2, info)
    m2 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(str(temp_file_2), 'rb') as fid:
    m2 = m2.hexdigest()
    assert m1 == m2

    info = read_info(raw_fname)
    info['meas_date'] = None
    anonymize_info(info, verbose='error')
    assert info['meas_date'] is None
    tmp_fname_3 = tmpdir.join('info3.fif')
    write_info(tmp_fname_3, info)
    assert info['meas_date'] is None
    info2 = read_info(tmp_fname_3)
    assert info2['meas_date'] is None

    # Check that having a very old date in fine until you try to save it to fif
    info['meas_date'] = datetime(1800, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
    fname = tmpdir.join('test.fif')
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='must be between '):
        write_info(fname, info)