def test_io_bem(tmpdir, ext): """Test reading and writing of bem surfaces and solutions.""" import h5py temp_bem = op.join(str(tmpdir), f'temp-bem.{ext}') # model with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='BEM data not found'): read_bem_surfaces(fname_raw) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='surface with id 10'): read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3, s_id=10) surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3, patch_stats=True) surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3, patch_stats=False) write_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, surf[0]) with pytest.raises(IOError, match='exists'): write_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, surf[0]) write_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, surf[0], overwrite=True) if ext == 'h5': with h5py.File(temp_bem, 'r'): # make sure it's valid pass surf_read = read_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, patch_stats=False) _compare_bem_surfaces(surf, surf_read) # solution with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='No BEM solution found'): read_bem_solution(fname_bem_3) temp_sol = op.join(str(tmpdir), f'temp-sol.{ext}') sol = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_sol_3) assert 'BEM' in repr(sol) write_bem_solution(temp_sol, sol) sol_read = read_bem_solution(temp_sol) _compare_bem_solutions(sol, sol_read) sol = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_sol_1) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='BEM does not have.*triangulation'): _bem_find_surface(sol, 3)
def test_volume_source_space(tmpdir): """Test setting up volume source spaces.""" src = read_source_spaces(fname_vol) temp_name = tmpdir.join('temp-src.fif') surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem, s_id=FIFF.FIFFV_BEM_SURF_ID_BRAIN) surf['rr'] *= 1e3 # convert to mm bem_sol = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_3_sol) bem = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_sol) # The one in the testing dataset (uses bem as bounds) for this_bem, this_surf in zip( (bem, fname_bem, fname_bem_3, bem_sol, fname_bem_3_sol, None), (None, None, None, None, None, surf)): src_new = setup_volume_source_space('sample', pos=7.0, bem=this_bem, surface=this_surf, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) write_source_spaces(temp_name, src_new, overwrite=True) src[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample' # XXX: to make comparison pass _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx') del src_new src_new = read_source_spaces(temp_name) _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx') with pytest.raises(IOError, match='surface file.*not found'): setup_volume_source_space('sample', surface='foo', mri=fname_mri, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) bem['surfs'][-1]['coord_frame'] = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='BEM is not in MRI coord.* got head'): setup_volume_source_space('sample', bem=bem, mri=fname_mri, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) bem['surfs'] = bem['surfs'][:-1] # no inner skull surf with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Could not get inner skul.*from BEM'): setup_volume_source_space('sample', bem=bem, mri=fname_mri, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) del bem assert repr(src) == repr(src_new) assert ' MB' in repr(src) assert src.kind == 'volume' # Spheres sphere = make_sphere_model(r0=(0., 0., 0.), head_radius=0.1, relative_radii=(0.9, 1.0), sigmas=(0.33, 1.0)) src = setup_volume_source_space(pos=10, sphere=(0., 0., 0., 0.09)) src_new = setup_volume_source_space(pos=10, sphere=sphere) _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='exact') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='sphere, if str'): setup_volume_source_space(sphere='foo') # Need a radius sphere = make_sphere_model(head_radius=None) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='be spherical with multiple layers'): setup_volume_source_space(sphere=sphere)
def test_setup_forward_model(tmp_path): """Test mne setup_forward_model.""" check_usage(mne_setup_forward_model, force_help=True) # Using the sample dataset use_fname = op.join(tmp_path, "model-bem.fif") # Test command with ArgvSetter(('--model', use_fname, '-d', subjects_dir, '--homog', '-s', 'sample', '--ico', '3', '--verbose')): model = read_bem_surfaces(use_fname) assert len(model) == 1 sol_fname = op.splitext(use_fname)[0] + '-sol.fif' read_bem_solution(sol_fname)
def test_simulate_round_trip(): """Test simulate_raw round trip calculations.""" # Check a diagonal round-trip raw, src, stc, trans, sphere = _get_data() raw.pick_types(meg=True, stim=True) bem = read_bem_solution(bem_1_fname) old_bem = bem.copy() old_src = src.copy() old_trans = trans.copy() fwd = make_forward_solution(, trans, src, bem) # no omissions assert (sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in src) == sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in fwd['src']) == 36) # make sure things were not modified assert (old_bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame'] == bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame']) assert trans == old_trans _compare_source_spaces(src, old_src) data = np.eye(fwd['nsource']) raw.crop(0, (len(data) - 1) /['sfreq']) stc = SourceEstimate(data, [s['vertno'] for s in fwd['src']], 0, 1. /['sfreq']) for use_cps in (False, True): this_raw = simulate_raw(raw, stc, trans, src, bem, cov=None, use_cps=use_cps) this_raw.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) assert (old_bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame'] == bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame']) assert trans == old_trans _compare_source_spaces(src, old_src) this_fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, force_fixed=True, use_cps=use_cps) assert_allclose(this_raw[:][0], this_fwd['sol']['data'], atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-6)
def compute_fwd(subject, src_ref, info, trans_fname, bem_fname, meg=True, eeg=True, mindist=3, subjects_dir=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=None): src = mne.morph_source_spaces(src_ref, subject_to=subject, verbose=verbose, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_fname, verbose=verbose) fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=trans_fname, src=src, bem=bem, meg=meg, eeg=eeg, mindist=mindist, verbose=verbose, n_jobs=n_jobs) return fwd
def read_bem_solution(subject, subjects_dir): bem_path = join(subjects_dir, subject, 'bem', subject + '-5120-bem-sol.fif') bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_path) return bem
def run_strural(subject, bem_ico=4, spacing='ico5', n_jobs=4, subjects_dir='/cluster/transcend/MRI/WMA/recons'): mne.bem.make_watershed_bem(subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, overwrite=True) src_fname = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, '%s-pyimpress-src.fif' % spacing) if not os.path.isfile(src_fname): src = mne.setup_source_space(subject, spacing=spacing, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, overwrite=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, add_dist=True) mne.write_source_spaces(src_fname, src) else: src = mne.read_source_spaces(src_fname) bem_fname = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, '%s-pyimpress-bem.fif' % bem_ico) if not os.path.isfile(bem_fname): bem_model = mne.make_bem_model(subject, ico=bem_ico, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, conductivity=(0.3, )) bem = mne.make_bem_solution(bem_model) mne.write_bem_solution(bem_fname, bem) else: bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_fname) return src, bem, src_fname, bem_fname
def get_bem_artifacts( template, montage_name="HGSN129-montage.fif", subjects_dir=None, include_vol_src=True, labels_vol=('Left-Amygdala', 'Left-Caudate', 'Left-Hippocampus', 'Left-Pallidum', 'Left-Putamen', 'Left-Thalamus', 'Right-Amygdala', 'Right-Caudate', 'Right-Hippocampus', 'Right-Pallidum', 'Right-Putamen', 'Right-Thalamus'), force_vol_computation=False): if subjects_dir is None: subjects_dir = Path(os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"]) if template == "fsaverage": fs_dir = mne.datasets.fetch_fsaverage(verbose=True) trans = 'fsaverage' # MNE has a built-in fsaverage transformation surface_src = op.join(fs_dir, 'bem', 'fsaverage-ico-5-src.fif') bem_solution = op.join(fs_dir, 'bem', 'fsaverage-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif') bem_model = None montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage('GSN-HydroCel-129') return montage, trans, bem_model, bem_solution, surface_src montage = mne.channels.read_dig_fif( str(Path(subjects_dir) / template / "montages" / montage_name)) trans = mne.channels.compute_native_head_t(montage) bem_model = mne.read_bem_surfaces( str( Path(subjects_dir) / template / "bem" / f"{template}-5120-5120-5120-bem.fif")) bem_solution = mne.read_bem_solution( str( Path(subjects_dir) / template / "bem" / f"{template}-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif")) if not include_vol_src: surface_src = mne.read_source_spaces( str( Path(subjects_dir) / template / "bem" / f"{template}-oct-6-src.fif")) return montage, trans, bem_model, bem_solution, surface_src mixed_src_file_path = Path( subjects_dir) / template / "bem" / f"{template}-mixed-src.fif" if not mixed_src_file_path.exists() or force_vol_computation: surface_src = mne.read_source_spaces( str( Path(subjects_dir) / template / "bem" / f"{template}-oct-6-src.fif")) volume_src = mne.setup_volume_source_space(template, pos=5.0, bem=bem_solution, add_interpolator=True, volume_label=labels_vol) mixed_src = surface_src + volume_src, overwrite=True) mixed_src = mne.read_source_spaces(str(mixed_src_file_path)) return montage, trans, bem_model, bem_solution, mixed_src
def test_simulate_round_trip(raw_data): """Test simulate_raw round trip calculations.""" # Check a diagonal round-trip raw, src, stc, trans, sphere = raw_data raw.pick_types(meg=True, stim=True) bem = read_bem_solution(bem_1_fname) old_bem = bem.copy() old_src = src.copy() old_trans = trans.copy() fwd = make_forward_solution(, trans, src, bem) # no omissions assert (sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in src) == sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in fwd['src']) == 36) # make sure things were not modified assert (old_bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame'] == bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame']) assert trans == old_trans _compare_source_spaces(src, old_src) data = np.eye(fwd['nsource']) raw.crop(0, (len(data) - 1) /['sfreq']) stc = SourceEstimate(data, [s['vertno'] for s in fwd['src']], 0, 1. /['sfreq']) for use_fwd in (None, fwd): if use_fwd is None: use_trans, use_src, use_bem = trans, src, bem else: use_trans = use_src = use_bem = None with pytest.deprecated_call(): this_raw = simulate_raw(raw, stc, use_trans, use_src, use_bem, cov=None, forward=use_fwd) this_raw.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) assert (old_bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame'] == bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame']) assert trans == old_trans _compare_source_spaces(src, old_src) this_fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, force_fixed=True) assert_allclose(this_raw[:][0], this_fwd['sol']['data'], atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-6) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='If forward is not None then'): simulate_raw(, stc, trans, src, bem, forward=fwd) # Not iterable with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='SourceEstimate, tuple, or iterable'): simulate_raw(, 0., trans, src, bem, None) # STC with a source that `src` does not have assert 0 not in src[0]['vertno'] vertices = [[0, fwd['src'][0]['vertno'][0]], []] stc_bad = SourceEstimate(data[:2], vertices, 0, 1. /['sfreq']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='1 of 2 SourceEstimate vertices'): simulate_raw(, stc_bad, trans, src, bem) assert 0 not in fwd['src'][0]['vertno'] with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='1 of 2 SourceEstimate vertices'): simulate_raw(, stc_bad, None, None, None, forward=fwd) # dev_head_t mismatch fwd['info']['dev_head_t']['trans'][0, 0] = 1. with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='dev_head_t.*does not match'): simulate_raw(, stc, None, None, None, forward=fwd)
def setup_bem(): if not os.path.exists('bem/fsaverage_bem.fif'): model = mne.make_bem_model(MNE_Repo_Mat.subject) bem_sol = mne.make_bem_solution(model) mne.write_bem_solution('bem/fsaverage_bem.fif',bem_sol) else: bem_sol = mne.read_bem_solution('bem/fsaverage_bem.fif') return bem_sol
def test_bem_solution(): """Test making a BEM solution from Python with I/O""" # test degenerate conditions surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_1)[0] assert_raises(RuntimeError, _ico_downsample, surf, 10) # bad dec grade s_bad = dict(tris=surf['tris'][1:], ntri=surf['ntri'] - 1, rr=surf['rr']) assert_raises(RuntimeError, _ico_downsample, s_bad, 1) # not isomorphic s_bad = dict(tris=surf['tris'].copy(), ntri=surf['ntri'], rr=surf['rr']) # bad triangulation s_bad['tris'][0] = [0, 0, 0] assert_raises(RuntimeError, _ico_downsample, s_bad, 1) s_bad['id'] = 1 assert_raises(RuntimeError, _assert_complete_surface, s_bad) s_bad = dict(tris=surf['tris'], ntri=surf['ntri'], rr=surf['rr'].copy()) s_bad['rr'][0] = 0. assert_raises(RuntimeError, _get_ico_map, surf, s_bad) surfs = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3) assert_raises(RuntimeError, _assert_inside, surfs[0], surfs[1]) # outside surfs[0]['id'] = 100 # bad surfs assert_raises(RuntimeError, _order_surfaces, surfs) surfs[1]['rr'] /= 1000. assert_raises(RuntimeError, _check_surface_size, surfs[1]) # actually test functionality tempdir = _TempDir() fname_temp = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-bem-sol.fif') # use a model and solution made in Python conductivities = [(0.3, ), (0.3, 0.006, 0.3)] fnames = [fname_bem_sol_1, fname_bem_sol_3] for cond, fname in zip(conductivities, fnames): for model_type in ('python', 'c'): if model_type == 'python': model = make_bem_model('sample', conductivity=cond, ico=2, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) else: model = fname_bem_1 if len(cond) == 1 else fname_bem_3 solution = make_bem_solution(model) solution_c = read_bem_solution(fname) _compare_bem_solutions(solution, solution_c) write_bem_solution(fname_temp, solution) solution_read = read_bem_solution(fname_temp) _compare_bem_solutions(solution, solution_c) _compare_bem_solutions(solution_read, solution_c)
def compute_fwd(subject, src_ref, info, trans_fname, bem_fname, meg=True, eeg=True, mindist=2, subjects_dir=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=None): """Morph the source space of fsaverage to a subject. Parameters ---------- subject : str Name of the reference subject. src_ref : instance of SourceSpaces Source space of the reference subject. See `get_src_reference.` info : str | instance of mne.Info Instance of an MNE info file or path to a raw fif file. trans_fname : str Path to the trans file of the subject. bem_fname : str Path to the bem solution of the subject. meg : bool Include MEG channels or not. eeg : bool Include EEG channels or not. mindist : float Safety distance from the outer skull. Sources below `mindist` will be discarded in the forward operator. subjects_dir : str Path to the freesurfer `subjects` directory. n_jobs : int The number jobs to run in parallel. verbose : None | bool Use verbose mode. If None use MNE default. """ print("Processing subject %s" % subject) src = mne.morph_source_spaces(src_ref, subject_to=subject, verbose=verbose, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_fname, verbose=verbose) fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=trans_fname, src=src, bem=bem, meg=meg, eeg=eeg, mindist=mindist, verbose=verbose, n_jobs=n_jobs) return fwd
def test_bem_solution(): """Test making a BEM solution from Python with I/O.""" # test degenerate conditions surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_1)[0] pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _ico_downsample, surf, 10) # bad dec grade s_bad = dict(tris=surf['tris'][1:], ntri=surf['ntri'] - 1, rr=surf['rr']) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _ico_downsample, s_bad, 1) # not isomorphic s_bad = dict(tris=surf['tris'].copy(), ntri=surf['ntri'], rr=surf['rr']) # bad triangulation s_bad['tris'][0] = [0, 0, 0] pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _ico_downsample, s_bad, 1) s_bad['id'] = 1 pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _assert_complete_surface, s_bad) s_bad = dict(tris=surf['tris'], ntri=surf['ntri'], rr=surf['rr'].copy()) s_bad['rr'][0] = 0. pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _get_ico_map, surf, s_bad) surfs = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _assert_inside, surfs[0], surfs[1]) # outside surfs[0]['id'] = 100 # bad surfs pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _order_surfaces, surfs) surfs[1]['rr'] /= 1000. pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _check_surface_size, surfs[1]) # actually test functionality tempdir = _TempDir() fname_temp = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-bem-sol.fif') # use a model and solution made in Python conductivities = [(0.3,), (0.3, 0.006, 0.3)] fnames = [fname_bem_sol_1, fname_bem_sol_3] for cond, fname in zip(conductivities, fnames): for model_type in ('python', 'c'): if model_type == 'python': model = make_bem_model('sample', conductivity=cond, ico=2, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) else: model = fname_bem_1 if len(cond) == 1 else fname_bem_3 solution = make_bem_solution(model) solution_c = read_bem_solution(fname) _compare_bem_solutions(solution, solution_c) write_bem_solution(fname_temp, solution) solution_read = read_bem_solution(fname_temp) _compare_bem_solutions(solution, solution_c) _compare_bem_solutions(solution_read, solution_c)
def _get_bem_src_trans(p, info, subj, struc): subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(p.subjects_dir, raise_error=True) assert isinstance(subjects_dir, str) if struc is None: # spherical case bem, src, trans = _spherical_conductor(info, subj, p.src_pos) bem_type = 'spherical-model' else: from mne.transforms import _ensure_trans trans = op.join(p.work_dir, subj, p.trans_dir, subj + '-trans.fif') if not op.isfile(trans): old = trans trans = op.join(p.work_dir, subj, p.trans_dir, subj + '-trans_head2mri.txt') if not op.isfile(trans): raise IOError('Unable to find head<->MRI trans files in:\n' '%s\n%s' % (old, trans)) trans = read_trans(trans) trans = _ensure_trans(trans, 'mri', 'head') this_src = _handle_dict(p.src, subj) assert isinstance(this_src, str) if this_src.startswith('oct'): kind = 'oct' elif this_src.startswith('vol'): kind = 'vol' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown source space type %s, must be ' 'oct or vol' % (this_src, )) num = int(this_src.split(kind)[-1].split('-')[-1]) bem = op.join(subjects_dir, struc, 'bem', '%s-%s-bem-sol.fif' % (struc, p.bem_type)) for mid in ('', '-'): src_space_file = op.join( subjects_dir, struc, 'bem', '%s-%s%s%s-src.fif' % (struc, kind, mid, num)) if op.isfile(src_space_file): break else: # if neither exists, use last filename print(' Creating %s%s source space for %s...' % (kind, num, subj)) if kind == 'oct': src = setup_source_space(struc, spacing='%s%s' % (kind, num), subjects_dir=p.subjects_dir, n_jobs=p.n_jobs) else: assert kind == 'vol' src = setup_volume_source_space(struc, pos=num, bem=bem, subjects_dir=p.subjects_dir) write_source_spaces(src_space_file, src) src = read_source_spaces(src_space_file) bem = read_bem_solution(bem, verbose=False) bem_type = ('%s-layer BEM' % len(bem['surfs'])) return bem, src, trans, bem_type
def test_mne_prepare_bem_model(tmp_path): """Test mne setup_source_space.""" check_usage(mne_prepare_bem_model, force_help=True) # Using the sample dataset bem_solution_fname = op.join(tmp_path, "bem_solution-bem-sol.fif") # Test command with ArgvSetter( ('--bem', bem_model_fname, '--sol', bem_solution_fname, '--verbose')): bem_solution = read_bem_solution(bem_solution_fname) assert isinstance(bem_solution, ConductorModel)
def test_simulate_round_trip(): """Test simulate_raw round trip calculations.""" # Check a diagonal round-trip raw, src, stc, trans, sphere = _get_data() raw.pick_types(meg=True, stim=True) bem = read_bem_solution(bem_1_fname) old_bem = bem.copy() old_src = src.copy() old_trans = trans.copy() fwd = make_forward_solution(, trans, src, bem) # no omissions assert (sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in src) == sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in fwd['src']) == 36) # make sure things were not modified assert ( old_bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame'] == bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame']) assert trans == old_trans _compare_source_spaces(src, old_src) data = np.eye(fwd['nsource']) raw.crop(0, (len(data) - 1) /['sfreq']) stc = SourceEstimate(data, [s['vertno'] for s in fwd['src']], 0, 1. /['sfreq']) for use_fwd in (None, fwd): if use_fwd is None: use_trans, use_src, use_bem = trans, src, bem else: use_trans = use_src = use_bem = None for use_cps in (False, True): this_raw = simulate_raw(raw, stc, use_trans, use_src, use_bem, cov=None, use_cps=use_cps, forward=use_fwd) this_raw.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) assert (old_bem['surfs'][0]['coord_frame'] == bem['surfs'][0] ['coord_frame']) assert trans == old_trans _compare_source_spaces(src, old_src) this_fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, force_fixed=True, use_cps=use_cps) assert_allclose(this_raw[:][0], this_fwd['sol']['data'], atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-6) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='If forward is not None then'): simulate_raw(raw, stc, trans, src, bem, forward=fwd) fwd['info']['dev_head_t']['trans'][0, 0] = 1. with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='dev_head_t.*does not match'): simulate_raw(raw, stc, None, None, None, forward=fwd)
def test_io_bem(tmpdir): """Test reading and writing of bem surfaces and solutions.""" temp_bem = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp-bem.fif') pytest.raises(ValueError, read_bem_surfaces, fname_raw) pytest.raises(ValueError, read_bem_surfaces, fname_bem_3, s_id=10) surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3, patch_stats=True) surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3, patch_stats=False) write_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, surf[0]) surf_read = read_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, patch_stats=False) _compare_bem_surfaces(surf, surf_read) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_bem_solution, fname_bem_3) temp_sol = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp-sol.fif') sol = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_sol_3) assert 'BEM' in repr(sol) write_bem_solution(temp_sol, sol) sol_read = read_bem_solution(temp_sol) _compare_bem_solutions(sol, sol_read) sol = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_sol_1) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _bem_find_surface, sol, 3)
def test_io_bem(): """Test reading and writing of bem surfaces and solutions.""" tempdir = _TempDir() temp_bem = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-bem.fif') pytest.raises(ValueError, read_bem_surfaces, fname_raw) pytest.raises(ValueError, read_bem_surfaces, fname_bem_3, s_id=10) surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3, patch_stats=True) surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem_3, patch_stats=False) write_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, surf[0]) surf_read = read_bem_surfaces(temp_bem, patch_stats=False) _compare_bem_surfaces(surf, surf_read) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_bem_solution, fname_bem_3) temp_sol = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-sol.fif') sol = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_sol_3) assert 'BEM' in repr(sol) write_bem_solution(temp_sol, sol) sol_read = read_bem_solution(temp_sol) _compare_bem_solutions(sol, sol_read) sol = read_bem_solution(fname_bem_sol_1) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _bem_find_surface, sol, 3)
def test_mne_prepare_bem_model(tmpdir): """Test mne setup_source_space.""" check_usage(mne_prepare_bem_model, force_help=True) # Using the sample dataset bem_model_fname = op.join(testing.data_path(download=False), 'subjects', 'sample', 'bem', 'sample-320-320-320-bem.fif') bem_solution_fname = op.join(tmpdir, "bem_solution-bem-sol.fif") # Test command with ArgvSetter( ('--bem', bem_model_fname, '--sol', bem_solution_fname, '--verbose')): bem_solution = read_bem_solution(bem_solution_fname) assert isinstance(bem_solution, ConductorModel)
def createInv(subj): # subjdir = os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] file_path = '/m/nbe/scratch/restmeg/data/camcan/cc700/mri/pipeline/release004/BIDSsep/megraw/sub-' + subj + '/meg/' raw = + 'rest_raw.fif') fname_trans = file_path + 'rest_raw-trans.fif' src = mne.read_source_spaces( '/m/nbe/scratch/restmeg/data/camcan/subjects/' + subj + '/bem/' + subj + '-oct-6-src.fif') bem_sol = mne.read_bem_solution(subj + '-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif') fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(, fname_trans, src, bem_sol) cov = mne.compute_raw_covariance(raw) inv = mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator(, fwd, cov, loose=0.2) mne.minimum_norm.write_inverse_operator(subj + '-inv.fif', inv)
def makeBem(subj): camcan_root = os.environ['CAMCAN_ROOT'] bemmodel_fname = camcan_root + 'processed/cc700/mri/pipeline/release004/BIDSsep/megraw/' + subj + '/meg/' + subj + \ '-5120-5120-5120-singles-bem.fif' bemsolution_fname = camcan_root + 'processed/cc700/mri/pipeline/release004/BIDSsep/megraw/' + subj + '/meg/' + \ subj + '-5120-5120-5120-singles-bem-sol.fif' try: model = mne.read_bem_surfaces(bemmodel_fname) except IOError: model = mne.make_bem_model(subj, conductivity=[0.3]) mne.write_bem_surfaces(bemmodel_fname, model) try: bem_sol = mne.read_bem_solution(bemsolution_fname) except IOError: bem_sol = mne.make_bem_solution(model) mne.write_bem_solution(bemsolution_fname, bem_sol) return bem_sol
def compute_fwd(subject, src_ref, info, trans_fname, bem_fname, mindist=2, subjects_dir=None): """Morph source space of fsaverage to subject.""" print("Processing subject %s" % subject) src = mne.morph_source_spaces(src_ref, subject_to=subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_fname) fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=trans_fname, src=src, bem=bem, mindist=mindist, n_jobs=1) return fwd
def __make_inv_individual(rawf, transf, bemf, srcf, outdir): tmpid = os.path.basename(rawf).split("_")[0] tmpath = f'{outdir}/{tmpid}_inv.fif' if os.path.isfile(tmpath): print(f'{tmpid}_inv.fif already exists, skipping') return tmpath try: raw = cov = mne.compute_raw_covariance(raw) src = mne.read_source_spaces(srcf) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bemf) fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(, transf, src, bem) inv = mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator(, fwd, cov) del fwd, src mne.minimum_norm.write_inverse_operator(f'{outdir}/{tmpid}_inv.fif', inv) except: print('error') return tmpath
def _get_source_stuff(self): # Get source stuffs # Get path of subject folder subject_path = os.path.join(RAW_DIR, self.running_name) def _path(ext): # Method to get file path that ends with [ext] return os.path.join(subject_path, f'{self.subject_name}{ext}') # Read source space src = mne.read_source_spaces(_path('-src.fif')) # Read bem surfaces model = mne.read_bem_surfaces(_path('-bem.fif')) # Read bem solution bem_sol = mne.read_bem_solution(_path('-bem-sol.fif')) # Read trans matrix trans = mne.read_trans(_path('-trans.fif')) # Return return dict(src=src, model=model, bem_sol=bem_sol, trans=trans)
def src_modelling(self, spacing=['oct5'], overwrite=False): from mne import (read_forward_solution, make_forward_solution, write_forward_solution, setup_source_space) subject = self.subject task = self.experiment mne.set_config('SUBJECTS_DIR', self.pth_FS) FS_subj = op.join(self.pth_FS, subject) fname_trans = op.join(FS_subj, subject + '-trans.fif') fname_bem = op.join(FS_subj, '%s-bem_sol.fif' % subject) if not op.exists(fname_bem) or overwrite: # make_watershed_bem already run in the sh script # mne.bem.make_watershed_bem(subject, overwrite=True, # volume='T1', atlas=True, gcaatlas=False, # preflood=None) model = mne.make_bem_model(subject, ico=4, conductivity=[0.3]) bem = mne.make_bem_solution(model) mne.write_bem_solution(fname_bem, bem) else: bem = mne.read_bem_solution(fname_bem) for space in spacing: fname_src = op.join(FS_subj, 'bem', '%s-src.fif' % space) bname_fwd = '%s_%s_%s-fwd.fif' % (subject, task, space) fname_fwd = op.join(self.out_srcData, bname_fwd) if not op.exists(fname_src) or overwrite: src = setup_source_space(subject, space, subjects_dir=self.pth_FS), overwrite=overwrite) if op.exists(fname_fwd) and not overwrite: self.fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_fwd) else: self.fwd = make_forward_solution(, fname_trans, fname_src, fname_bem) write_forward_solution(fname_fwd, self.fwd, overwrite)
# 2 compute source space into "bem" folder # src = mne.setup_source_space('fsaverage', ) src = mne.read_source_spaces( r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-oct-6-src.fif' ) # make bem surf #model = mne.make_bem_model(subject='fsaverage', ico=4) #mne.write_bem_surfaces(r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-bem-surf.fif', model) # make bem solution #surfs = mne.read_bem_surfaces(r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-bem-surf.fif') #bem = mne.make_bem_solution(surfs) #mne.write_bem_solution('bem-solution.fif', bem) bem = mne.read_bem_solution( r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\bem-solution-flash.fif' ) # set trans trans = r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-trans.fif' # data real = False if not real: channels = [ 'Fp1', 'Fp2', 'F7', 'F3', 'Fz', 'F4', 'F8', 'Ft9', 'Fc5', 'Fc1', 'Fc2', 'Fc6', 'Ft10', 'T7', 'C3', 'Cz', 'C4', 'T8', 'Tp9', 'Cp5', 'Cp1', 'Cp2', 'Cp6', 'Tp10', 'P7', 'P3', 'Pz', 'P4', 'P8', 'O1', 'Oz', 'O2' ] data = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.00001, size=(5000, len(channels))).T fs = 500
# 2 compute source space into "bem" folder # src = mne.setup_source_space('fsaverage', ) src = mne.read_source_spaces(r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-oct-6-src.fif') # make bem surf #model = mne.make_bem_model(subject='fsaverage', ico=4) #mne.write_bem_surfaces(r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-bem-surf.fif', model) # make bem solution #surfs = mne.read_bem_surfaces(r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-bem-surf.fif') #bem = mne.make_bem_solution(surfs) #mne.write_bem_solution('bem-solution.fif', bem) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\bem-solution-flash.fif') # set trans trans = r'C:\Users\nsmetanin\PycharmProjects\nfb\tests\sloreta\av_brain\fsaverage\bem\fsaverage-trans.fif' # data real = False if not real: channels = ['Fp1', 'Fp2', 'F7', 'F3', 'Fz', 'F4', 'F8', 'Ft9', 'Fc5', 'Fc1', 'Fc2', 'Fc6', 'Ft10', 'T7', 'C3', 'Cz', 'C4', 'T8', 'Tp9', 'Cp5', 'Cp1', 'Cp2', 'Cp6', 'Tp10', 'P7', 'P3', 'Pz', 'P4', 'P8', 'O1', 'Oz', 'O2'] data = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.00001, size=(5000, len(channels))).T fs = 500 else: import h5py from pynfb.postprocessing.utils import get_info
def plot_evoked(widget, state, fwd_path, subject, info, ras_to_head_t, exact_solution, bem_path=None, head_to_mri_t=None, fwd_lookup_table=None, t1_img=None): if fwd_lookup_table is None: raise ValueError('Must prodive fwd_lookup_table') dipole_pos = (state['dipole_pos']['x'], state['dipole_pos']['y'], state['dipole_pos']['z']) dipole_ori = (state['dipole_ori']['x'], state['dipole_ori']['y'], state['dipole_ori']['z']) # dipole_pos = np.array(dipole_pos).reshape(1, 3) # dipole_pos = apply_trans(trans=ras_to_head_t, pts=dipole_pos) # dipole_pos /= 1000 # dipole_ori = np.array(dipole_ori).reshape(1, 3) # dipole_ori = apply_trans(trans=ras_to_head_t, pts=dipole_ori, move=False) # dipole_ori /= 1000 # dipole_ori /= np.linalg.norm(dipole_ori) # dipole_pos = np.array(dipole_pos).reshape(1, 3).round(3) # dipole_ori = np.array(dipole_ori).reshape(1, 3).round(3) dipole_pos_ras = np.array(dipole_pos).reshape(1, 3) dipole_pos_vox = apply_trans(t1_img.header.get_ras2vox(), dipole_pos_ras) dipole_pos_mri = apply_trans(t1_img.header.get_vox2ras_tkr(), dipole_pos_vox) dipole_pos_mri_m = dipole_pos_mri / 1000. dipole_pos_head = apply_trans(invert_transform(head_to_mri_t), dipole_pos_mri_m) dipole_pos = dipole_pos_head dipole_ori_ras = np.array(dipole_ori).reshape(1, 3) dipole_ori_vox = apply_trans(t1_img.header.get_ras2vox(), dipole_ori_ras, move=False) dipole_ori_mri = apply_trans(t1_img.header.get_vox2ras_tkr(), dipole_ori_vox, move=False) dipole_ori_mri_m = dipole_ori_mri / 1000. dipole_ori_head = apply_trans(invert_transform(head_to_mri_t), dipole_ori_mri_m, move=False) dipole_ori = dipole_ori_head dipole_ori /= np.linalg.norm(dipole_ori) dipole_amplitude = state['dipole_amplitude'] if exact_solution: if (bem_path).exists(): print(f'\nUsing existing BEM solution: {bem_path}\n') else: print('Retrieving BEM solution from GitHub.') try: download_bem_from_github(data_path=bem_path.parent, subject=subject, overwrite=False) except RuntimeError as e: msg = (f'Failed to retrieve the BEM solution. ' f'The error was: {e}\n') raise RuntimeError(msg) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_path) fwd = gen_forward_solution(pos=dipole_pos, bem=bem, info=info, trans=head_to_mri_t) else: # Retrieve the dipole pos closest to the one we have a pre-calculated # fwd for. pos_head_grid = create_head_grid(info=info) dipole_pos_for_fwd = (find_closest(pos_head_grid[0], dipole_pos[0, 0]), find_closest(pos_head_grid[1], dipole_pos[0, 1]), find_closest(pos_head_grid[2], dipole_pos[0, 2])) print(f'Requested calculations for dipole located at:\n' f' x={dipole_pos[0, 0]}, y={dipole_pos[0, 1]}, ' f'z={dipole_pos[0, 2]} [m, MNE Head]\n' f'Using a forward solution for the following location:\n' f' x={dipole_pos_for_fwd[0]}, y={dipole_pos_for_fwd[1]}, ' f'z={dipole_pos_for_fwd[2]} [m, MNE Head]') fwd_fname = (f'{subject}-' f'{dipole_pos_for_fwd[0]:.3f}-' f'{dipole_pos_for_fwd[1]:.3f}-' f'{dipole_pos_for_fwd[2]:.3f}-fwd.fif') if (fwd_path / fwd_fname).exists(): print(f'\nUsing existing forward solution: {fwd_fname}\n') elif not fwd_lookup_table.loc[str(dipole_pos_for_fwd[0]), str(dipole_pos_for_fwd[1]), str(dipole_pos_for_fwd[2])].iloc[0]: msg = ('No pre-calculated foward solution available for this ' 'dipole. Please select a dipole origin clearly inside the ' 'brain.') print(msg) return else: print('Retrieving forward solution from GitHub.\n\n') try: download_fwd_from_github(fwd_path=fwd_path, subject=subject, dipole_pos=dipole_pos_for_fwd) except RuntimeError as e: msg = (f'Failed to retrieve pre-calculated forward solution. ' f'The error was: {e}\n\n' f'Please try again with another dipole origin inside ' f'the brain.') raise RuntimeError(msg) fwd = mne.read_forward_solution(fwd_path / fwd_fname) del fwd_fname, pos_head_grid, dipole_pos_for_fwd evoked = gen_evoked(fwd=fwd, dipole_ori=dipole_ori, dipole_amplitude=dipole_amplitude, info=info) for ch_type, fig in widget['topomap_fig'].items(): ax_topomap = fig.axes[0] ax_colorbar = fig.axes[1] ax_topomap.clear() ax_colorbar.clear() ax_topomap.set_aspect('equal') if ch_type == 'eeg': outlines = 'head' else: outlines = 'skirt' evoked.plot_topomap(ch_type=ch_type, colorbar=False, outlines=outlines, times=evoked.times[-1], show=False, axes=ax_topomap) ax_topomap.set_title(None) # ax_topomap.format_coord = _create_format_coord('topomap') cb = fig.colorbar(ax_topomap.images[-1], cax=ax_colorbar, orientation='horizontal') if ch_type == 'mag': label = 'fT' elif ch_type == 'grad': label = 'fT/cm' elif ch_type == 'eeg': label = 'µV' # Scale the topomap to approx. the same size as the MEG topomaps. mag_topomap_ax = widget['topomap_fig']['mag'].axes[0] ax_topomap.set_xlim(np.array(mag_topomap_ax.get_xlim()) * 1.05) ax_topomap.set_ylim(np.array(mag_topomap_ax.get_ylim()) * 1.05) cb.set_label(label, fontweight='bold') fig.canvas.draw()
# Explore data kinds = ('vv', 'opm') n_fft = next_fast_len(int(round(4 * new_sfreq))) print('Using n_fft=%d (%0.1f sec)' % (n_fft, n_fft / raws['vv'].info['sfreq'])) for kind in kinds: fig = raws[kind].plot_psd(n_fft=n_fft, proj=True) fig.suptitle(titles[kind]) fig.subplots_adjust(0.1, 0.1, 0.95, 0.85) ############################################################################## # Alignment and forward # --------------------- src = mne.read_source_spaces(src_fname) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_fname) fwd = dict() trans = dict(vv=vv_trans_fname, opm=opm_trans_fname) # check alignment and generate forward with mne.use_coil_def(opm_coil_def_fname): for kind in kinds: dig = True if kind == 'vv' else False fig = mne.viz.plot_alignment( raws[kind].info, trans=trans[kind], subject=subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, dig=dig, coord_frame='mri', surfaces=('head', 'white')) mlab.view(0, 90, focalpoint=(0., 0., 0.), distance=0.6, figure=fig) fwd[kind] = mne.make_forward_solution( raws[kind].info, trans[kind], src, bem, eeg=False, verbose=True) ##############################################################################
if hostname == "Wintermute": data_path = "/home/mje/Projects/MEG_Hyopnosis/data/" subjects_dir = "/home/mje/Projects/MEG_Hyopnosis/data/fs_subjects_dir" else: data_path = "/projects/" + \ "MINDLAB2013_18-MEG-HypnosisAnarchicHand/" + \ "scratch/Tone_task_MNE_ver_2/" subjects_dir = "/projects/" + \ "MINDLAB2013_18-MEG-HypnosisAnarchicHand/" + \ "scratch/fs_subjects_dir/" # CHANGE DIR TO SAVE FILES THE RIGTH PLACE os.chdir(data_path) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(subjects_dir + "/subject_1/bem/" + "subject_1-5120-bem-sol.fif") nrm_fname = data_path + "tone_task-normal-tsss-mc-autobad-ica_raw.fif" hyp_fname = data_path + "tone_task-hyp-tsss-mc-autobad-ica_raw.fif" nrm_trans = data_path + "nrm2-trans.fif" hyp_trans = data_path + "hyp2-trans.fif" # src = mne.setup_source_space("subject_1", # "nrm-src-oct6.fif", # spacing="oct6", # subjects_dir=subjects_dir, # n_jobs=2) src = mne.read_source_spaces(data_path + "subj_1-oct6-src.fif") fwd_nrm = mne.make_forward_solution(nrm_fname,
def run_fwd_inv(fname_raw, subject, cov, fname_trans, subjects_dir='/cluster/transcend/MRI/WMA/recons', src=None, bem=None, fname_fwd=None, meg=True, fname_inv=None, eeg=False, n_jobs=2, bem_ico=4, spacing='ico5', loose=0.2, rank=None, depth=0.8, fixed=True, limit_depth_chs=True, reject=None): if src is None: src_fname = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, '%s-pyimpress-src.fif' % spacing) if not os.path.isfile(src_fname): src = run_strural(subject, bem_ico=bem_ico, spacing=spacing, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)[0] else: src = mne.read_source_spaces(src_fname) if bem is None: bem_fname = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, '%s-pyimpress-bem.fif' % bem_ico) if not os.path.isfile(bem_fname): bem = run_strural(subject, bem_ico=bem_ico, spacing=spacing, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)[1] else: bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_fname) if fname_fwd is None: fname_fwd = fname_raw[:-4] + '-fwd.fif' if not os.path.isfile(fname_fwd): if os.path.isfile(fname_trans) and os.path.isfile(fname_raw): raw = fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(fname_raw, trans=fname_trans, src=src, bem=bem, fname=fname_fwd, meg=meg, eeg=eeg, n_jobs=n_jobs) mne.write_forward_solution(fname_fwd, fwd, overwrite=True) else: raise Exception('fname_trans and fname_raw both needed') else: fwd = mne.read_forward_solution(fname_fwd) if os.path.isfile(fname_raw): raw = if fname_inv is None: if fixed: fname_inv = fname_raw[:-4] + '-fixed-inv.fif' else: fname_inv = fname_raw[:-4] + '-loose-inv.fif' if not os.path.isfile(fname_inv): if cov is not None: inv = mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator(, fwd, cov, loose=loose, depth=depth, fixed=False, limit_depth_chs=limit_depth_chs, rank=rank) mne.minimum_norm.write_inverse_operator(fname_inv, inv) else: inv = mne.minimum_norm.read_inverse_operator(fname_inv) return fwd, inv
print 'Output already exists. Will not overwrite!' continue ### Make bem (or read) if not op.isfile(bemFile) or overwrite_pre: model = make_bem_model(subject=sub, ico=4, conductivity=conductivity, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) bem = make_bem_solution(model) write_bem_solution(op.join(subjects_dir, sub, 'bem', 'bem-sol.fif'), bem) print('Wrote BEM file ' + str(op.join(subjects_dir, sub, 'bem', 'bem-sol.fif'))) else: bem = read_bem_solution(bemFile) ### Read source space src = read_source_spaces(srcFile) ### read trans trans = read_trans(traFile) ### Read noise covariance from empty room recordings noise_cov = read_cov(covFile) #### LOOP THROUGH RAWFILES for ff, rawFile in enumerate(rawfiles): print(rawFile) # Initiate filenames for loading and saving fwdFile = rawFile[:-12] + '-fwd.fif'
from utils import make_discrete_forward_solutions ############################################################################### # Create forward solutions based on manually created trans file ############################################################################### # use same settings as in info = info = mne.pick_info(info, mne.pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False)) trans_man_head_to_mri = mne.read_trans(fname.trans_man) trans_true_head_to_mri = mne.read_trans(fname.trans_true) # create forward solution for surface source space src_true_mri = mne.read_source_spaces(fname.src) bem = mne.read_bem_solution(fname.bem) fwd_true = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=trans_true_head_to_mri, src=src_true_mri, bem=bem, meg=True, eeg=False) fwd_man = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=trans_man_head_to_mri, src=src_true_mri, bem=bem, meg=True, eeg=False) mne.write_forward_solution(fname.fwd_man, fwd_man, overwrite=True) ############################################################################### # Construct forward solutions for discrete source spaces ############################################################################### rr = src_true_mri[0]['rr'] # use only vertices inuse to construct vrr rr = rr[src_true_mri[0]['inuse'] == 1]
"TSM_24": "NOR76", "TSM_27": "NUT15_fa", "TSM_20": "RTB16", "TSM_23": "SRA67_fa", "TSM_06": "VIM71_fa", "TSM_13": "BEU80" } # sub_dict = {"NEM_26":"ENR41"} runs = ["1", "2", "3", "4"] ## prep subjects for meg, mri in sub_dict.items(): # read BEM solution for subject bem = mne.read_bem_solution("{dir}{meg}-bem.fif".format(dir=meg_dir, meg=meg)) # load trans-file trans = "{dir}{mri}_{meg}-trans.fif".format(dir=trans_dir, mri=mri, meg=meg) # load source space src = mne.read_source_spaces("{dir}{meg}-oct6-src.fif".format(dir=meg_dir, meg=meg)) # for each run, load info and plot alignment for run in runs: info ="{}{}_{}-epo.fif".format( preproc_dir, meg, run)) mne.viz.plot_alignment(info, trans, subject=mri, dig='fiducials',
for kind in kinds: fig = raws[kind].plot_psd(n_fft=n_fft, proj=True) fig.suptitle(titles[kind]) fig.subplots_adjust(0.1, 0.1, 0.95, 0.85) ############################################################################## # Alignment and forward # --------------------- # Here we use a reduced size source space (oct5) just for speed src = mne.setup_source_space( subject, 'oct5', add_dist=False, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) # This line removes source-to-source distances that we will not need. # We only do it here to save a bit of memory, in general this is not required. del src[0]['dist'], src[1]['dist'] bem = mne.read_bem_solution(bem_fname) # For speed, let's just use a 1-layer BEM bem = mne.make_bem_solution(bem['surfs'][-1:]) fwd = dict() # check alignment and generate forward for VectorView kwargs = dict(azimuth=0, elevation=90, distance=0.6, focalpoint=(0., 0., 0.)) fig = mne.viz.plot_alignment( raws['vv'].info, trans=vv_trans_fname, subject=subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, dig=True, coord_frame='mri', surfaces=('head', 'white')) mne.viz.set_3d_view(figure=fig, **kwargs) fwd['vv'] = mne.make_forward_solution( raws['vv'].info, vv_trans_fname, src, bem, eeg=False, verbose=True) ##############################################################################
filename = '/home/stoutjd/hv_proc/MEG/APBWVFAR_airpuff_20200122_05.ds' raw =, preload=True) raw.resample(300) raw.notch_filter([60, 120]) events = mne.events_from_annotations(raw) stims = events[0][events[0][:, 2] == 2] epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, stims, tmin=-0.1, tmax=0.4) epochs = epochs.apply_baseline() noise_cov = mne.compute_covariance(epochs, tmin=-0.1, tmax=0) data_cov = mne.compute_covariance(epochs, tmin=0, tmax=0.3) bem = mne.read_bem_solution( '/home/stoutjd/data/DEMO_ENIGMA/outputs/APBWVFAR_fs_ortho/bem_sol-sol.fif') src = mne.read_source_spaces( '/home/stoutjd/data/DEMO_ENIGMA/outputs/APBWVFAR_fs_ortho/source_space-src.fif' ) transfile = '/home/stoutjd/data/ENIGMA/transfiles/APBWVFAR-trans.fif' trans = mne.read_trans(transfile) forward = mne.make_forward_solution(, trans, src, bem) filters = mne.beamformer.make_lcmv(, forward, data_cov=data_cov, noise_cov=noise_cov) evoked = epochs.average()