def __init__ ( self, parent = None ): QMainWindow.__init__( self, parent ) #array of channel objects, for the server we're connected to self.objChannelArray = [] #array of private message users, if we're one on one converstations self.objPrivateArray = [] self.dictDestination = {} self.ui = Ui_frmMainWindow() self.ui.setupUi( self ) self.ffilter = InputFilter( self.ui.txtInput ) self.ffilter.registerListener( self ) #remove the focus indicator, its ugly self.ui.txtInput.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) self.ui.txtInput.installEventFilter( self.ffilter ) #make the display component read only self.ui.txtOutput.setReadOnly(True) self.ui.txtOutput.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse or Qt.LinksAccessibleByMouse); self.fontInfo = QFontInfo( self.ui.txtOutput.textCursor().charFormat().font() ) self.ui.listDestination.itemClicked.connect(self.listDestination_OnClick) self.setDestinationID( 'Server' ) self.AddDestinationObject( self ) self.IRCSocket = IRCSocketThread() self.IRCSocket.PacketEmitter.connect( self.processPacket ) self.IRCSocket.connect( ('', 6667) ) #start the socket's loop/thread self.IRCSocket.start() #Select the first destination self.ui.listDestination.setCurrentRow(0) #self.winConnect = frmConnect() pass
class frmMainWindow ( QMainWindow, objDestination ): def __init__ ( self, parent = None ): QMainWindow.__init__( self, parent ) #array of channel objects, for the server we're connected to self.objChannelArray = [] #array of private message users, if we're one on one converstations self.objPrivateArray = [] self.dictDestination = {} self.ui = Ui_frmMainWindow() self.ui.setupUi( self ) self.ffilter = InputFilter( self.ui.txtInput ) self.ffilter.registerListener( self ) #remove the focus indicator, its ugly self.ui.txtInput.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) self.ui.txtInput.installEventFilter( self.ffilter ) #make the display component read only self.ui.txtOutput.setReadOnly(True) self.ui.txtOutput.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse or Qt.LinksAccessibleByMouse); self.fontInfo = QFontInfo( self.ui.txtOutput.textCursor().charFormat().font() ) self.ui.listDestination.itemClicked.connect(self.listDestination_OnClick) self.setDestinationID( 'Server' ) self.AddDestinationObject( self ) self.IRCSocket = IRCSocketThread() self.IRCSocket.PacketEmitter.connect( self.processPacket ) self.IRCSocket.connect( ('', 6667) ) #start the socket's loop/thread self.IRCSocket.start() #Select the first destination self.ui.listDestination.setCurrentRow(0) #self.winConnect = frmConnect() pass def listDestination_OnClick( self, data ): self.UpdateMainDisplay() dID = self.getWorkingDestinationObject().getDestinationID() if( dID[0] == '#' ): self.UpdateNames( self.getChannelObject( dID ) ) else: self.ui.listNames.clear() def UpdateNames( self, objChan ): #this is pretty terrible idea, I'll imporve it later self.ui.listNames.clear() if( objChan ): namez = objChan.getNames() for n in list(namez.keys()): #add the data first because it will contain a mode character if any self.ui.listNames.addItem( n ) def AddDestinationObject( self, obj ): #add a buffer object by id, used to update the left panel if(hasattr( obj, 'getDestinationID' )): #we need to make sure it has the right functions self.dictDestination[ obj.getDestinationID() ] = obj self.ui.listDestination.addItem( obj.getDestinationID() ) else: print('ERROR -- AddDestinationObject object passed does not contain getID()') sys.exit(0) def getDestinationObject(self, dID ): #return the object if there is one, otherwise return none. return self.dictDestination[ dID ] def RemoveDestinationObject(self, dID ): try: del self.dictDestination[ dID ] except Exception: pass def getWorkingDestinationObject( self ): return self.getDestinationObject( self.ui.listDestination.currentItem().text() ) def processPacket( self, data ): #remove any HTML from the data we display data['m'] = self.sanitizeHtml( data['m'] ) #debugging print(pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent = 4).pformat( data )) if (data['c'] == '000'): pass elif (data['c'] == '001'): self.setWindowTitle( data['p'] ) pass #elif (data['c'] == '002'): # pass #elif (data['c'] == '003'): # pass #elif (data['c'] == '004'): # pass elif (data['c'] == '005'): #these lines tell us all about server settings, including supported modes, channels, and encoding. #who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #self.ShowMessageAsHTML( '[%s(%s)] %s' % (data['c'], who, repr( data['a'] ) ) ) pass #elif (data['c'] == '200'): #RPL_TRACELINK "Link <version & debug level> <destination> <next server>" #elif (data['c'] == '201'): #RPL_TRACECONNECTING "Try. <class> <server>" #elif (data['c'] == '202'): #RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE "H.S. <class> <server>" #elif (data['c'] == '203'): #RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN "???? <class> [<client IP address in dot form>]" #elif (data['c'] == '204'): #RPL_TRACEOPERATOR "Oper <class> <nick>" #elif (data['c'] == '205'): #RPL_TRACEUSER "User <class> <nick>" #elif (data['c'] == '206'): #RPL_TRACESERVER "Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> <nick!user|*!*>@<host|server>" #elif (data['c'] == '208'): #RPL_TRACENEWTYPE "<newtype> 0 <client name>" #elif (data['c'] == '211'): #RPL_STATSLINKINFO "<linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> <sent bytes> <received messages> <received bytes> <time open>" #elif (data['c'] == '212'): #RPL_STATSCOMMANDS "<command> <count>" #elif (data['c'] == '213'): #RPL_STATSCLINE "C <host> * <name> <port> <class>" #elif (data['c'] == '214'): #RPL_STATSNLINE "N <host> * <name> <port> <class>" #elif (data['c'] == '215'): #RPL_STATSILINE "I <host> * <host> <port> <class>" #elif (data['c'] == '216'): #RPL_STATSKLINE "K <host> * <username> <port> <class>" #elif (data['c'] == '218'): #RPL_STATSYLINE "Y <class> <ping frequency> <connect frequency> <max sendq>" #elif (data['c'] == '219'): #RPL_ENDOFSTATS "<stats letter> :End of /STATS report" #elif (data['c'] == '221'): #RPL_UMODEIS "<user mode string>" #elif (data['c'] == '241'): #RPL_STATSLLINE "L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth>" #elif (data['c'] == '242'): #RPL_STATSUPTIME ":Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d" #elif (data['c'] == '243'): #RPL_STATSOLINE "O <hostmask> * <name>" #elif (data['c'] == '244'): #RPL_STATSHLINE "H <hostmask> * <servername>" #elif (data['c'] == '251'): #RPL_LUSERCLIENT ":There are <integer> users and <integer> invisible on <integer> servers" #elif (data['c'] == '252'): #RPL_LUSEROP "<integer> :operator(s) online" #elif (data['c'] == '253'): #RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN "<integer> :unknown connection(s)" #elif (data['c'] == '254'): #RPL_LUSERCHANNELS "<integer> :channels formed" #elif (data['c'] == '255'): #RPL_LUSERME ":I have <integer> clients and <integer> servers" #elif (data['c'] == '256'): #RPL_ADMINME "<server> :Administrative info" #elif (data['c'] == '257'): #RPL_ADMINLOC1 ":<admin info>" #elif (data['c'] == '258'): #RPL_ADMINLOC2 ":<admin info>" #elif (data['c'] == '259'): #RPL_ADMINEMAIL ":<admin info>" #elif (data['c'] == '261'): #RPL_TRACELOG "File <logfile> <debug level>" #elif (data['c'] == '300'): #RPL_NONE Dummy reply number. Not used. #elif (data['c'] == '301'): #RPL_AWAY "<nick> :<away message>" elif (data['c'] == '302'): #RPL_USERHOST ":[<reply>{<space><reply>}]" pass #elif (data['c'] == '303'): #RPL_ISON ":[<nick> {<space><nick>}]" #elif (data['c'] == '305'): #RPL_UNAWAY ":You are no longer marked as being away" #elif (data['c'] == '306'): #RPL_NOWAWAY ":You have been marked as being away" #elif (data['c'] == '311'): #RPL_WHOISUSER "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>" #elif (data['c'] == '312'): #RPL_WHOISSERVER "<nick> <server> :<server info>" #elif (data['c'] == '313'): #RPL_WHOISOPERATOR "<nick> :is an IRC operator" #elif (data['c'] == '314'): #RPL_WHOWASUSER "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>" #elif (data['c'] == '315'): #RPL_ENDOFWHO "<name> :End of /WHO list" #elif (data['c'] == '317'): #RPL_WHOISIDLE "<nick> <integer> :seconds idle" #elif (data['c'] == '318'): #RPL_ENDOFWHOIS "<nick> :End of /WHOIS list" #elif (data['c'] == '319'): #RPL_WHOISCHANNELS "<nick> :{[@|+]<channel><space>}" #elif (data['c'] == '321'): #RPL_LISTSTART "Channel :Users Name" #elif (data['c'] == '322'): #RPL_LIST "<channel> <# visible> :<topic>" #elif (data['c'] == '323'): #RPL_LISTEND ":End of /LIST" #elif (data['c'] == '324'): #RPL_CHANNELMODEIS "<channel> <mode> <mode params>" #elif (data['c'] == '328'): #RPL_URLDATA? "<channel> :<url> #elif (data['c'] == '331'): #RPL_NOTOPIC "<channel> :No topic is set" #elif (data['c'] == '332'): #RPL_TOPIC "<channel> :<topic>" #elif (data['c'] == '333'): #RPL_TOPICSETBY? #elif (data['c'] == '341'): #RPL_INVITING "<channel> <nick>" #elif (data['c'] == '342'): #RPL_SUMMONING "<user> :Summoning user to IRC" #elif (data['c'] == '351'): #RPL_VERSION "<version>.<debuglevel> <server> :<comments>" #elif (data['c'] == '352'): #RPL_WHOREPLY "<channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][@|+] :<hopcount> <real name>"} elif (data['c'] == '353'): #RPL_NAMREPLY "<channel> :[[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]" #names are delimited with a space in the message data; data['m'] #this can happen multipule times for a singlge channel #locate the channel objChan = self.getChannelObject( data['a'][2] ) #get a list of names, nameList = data['m'].split(' ') #empty dict bleh = {} #compile names in to dict's, for name in nameList: if((name[0] == '@') or (name[0] == '+')): #keys are names, modes are data bleh[name[1:]] = name[0] else: bleh[name] = '' #pass names to Channel objChan.addNames( bleh ) #elif (data['c'] == '364'): #RPL_LINKS "<mask> <server> :<hopcount> <server info>" #elif (data['c'] == '365'): #RPL_ENDOFLINKS "<mask> :End of /LINKS list"} #elif (data['c'] == '366'): #RPL_ENDOFNAMES "<channel> :End of /NAMES list" #elif (data['c'] == '367'): #RPL_BANLIST "<channel> <banid>" #elif (data['c'] == '368'): #RPL_ENDOFBANLIST "<channel> :End of channel ban list" #elif (data['c'] == '369'): #RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS "<nick> :End of WHOWAS" #elif (data['c'] == '371'): #RPL_INFO ":<string>" #elif (data['c'] == '372'): #RPL_MOTD ":- <text>" #elif (data['c'] == '374'): #RPL_ENDOFINFO ":End of /INFO list" #elif (data['c'] == '375'): #RPL_MOTDSTART ":- <server> Message of the day - " #elif (data['c'] == '376'): #RPL_ENDOFMOTD ":End of /MOTD command" #elif (data['c'] == '381'): #RPL_YOUREOPER ":You are now an IRC operator" #elif (data['c'] == '382'): #RPL_REHASHING "<config file> :Rehashing" #elif (data['c'] == '391'): #RPL_TIME "<server> :<string showing server's local time>" #elif (data['c'] == '392'): #RPL_USERSSTART ":UserID Terminal Host" #elif (data['c'] == '393'): #RPL_USERS ":%-8s %-9s %-8s" #elif (data['c'] == '394'): #RPL_ENDOFUSERS ":End of users" #elif (data['c'] == '395'): #RPL_NOUSERS ":Nobody logged in" #elif (data['c'] == '401'): #ERR_NOSUCHNICK "<nickname> :No such nick/channel" #elif (data['c'] == '402'): #ERR_NOSUCHSERVER "<server name> :No such server" #elif (data['c'] == '403'): #ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL "<channel name> :No such channel" #elif (data['c'] == '404'): #ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN "<channel name> :Cannot send to channel" #elif (data['c'] == '405'): #ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS "<channel name> :You have joined too many channels" #elif (data['c'] == '406'): #ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK "<nickname> :There was no such nickname" #elif (data['c'] == '407'): #ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS "<target> :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered" #elif (data['c'] == '409'): #ERR_NOORIGIN ":No origin specified" #elif (data['c'] == '411'): #ERR_NORECIPIENT ":No recipient given (<command>)" #elif (data['c'] == '412'): #ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND ":No text to send" #elif (data['c'] == '413'): #ERR_NOTOPLEVEL "<mask> :No toplevel domain specified" #elif (data['c'] == '414'): #ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL "<mask> :Wildcard in toplevel domain" #elif (data['c'] == '421'): #ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND "<command> :Unknown command" #elif (data['c'] == '422'): #ERR_NOMOTD ":MOTD File is missing" #elif (data['c'] == '423'): #ERR_NOADMININFO "<server> :No administrative info available" #elif (data['c'] == '424'): #ERR_FILEERROR ":File error doing <file op> on <file>" #elif (data['c'] == '431'): #ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN ":No nickname given" #elif (data['c'] == '432'): #ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME "<nick> :Erroneus nickname" #elif (data['c'] == '433'): #ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE "<nick> :Nickname is already in use" #elif (data['c'] == '436'): #ERR_NICKCOLLISION "<nick> :Nickname collision KILL" #elif (data['c'] == '441'): #ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL "<nick> <channel> :They aren't on that channel" #elif (data['c'] == '442'): #ERR_NOTONCHANNEL "<channel> :You're not on that channel" #elif (data['c'] == '443'): #ERR_USERONCHANNEL "<user> <channel> :is already on channel" #elif (data['c'] == '444'): #ERR_NOLOGIN "<user> :User not logged in" #elif (data['c'] == '445'): #ERR_SUMMONDISABLED ":SUMMON has been disabled" #elif (data['c'] == '446'): #ERR_USERSDISABLED ":USERS has been disabled" #elif (data['c'] == '451'): #ERR_NOTREGISTERED ":You have not registered" #elif (data['c'] == '461'): #ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS "<command> :Not enough parameters" #elif (data['c'] == '462'): #ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED ":You may not reregister" #elif (data['c'] == '463'): #ERR_NOPERMFORHOST ":Your host isn't among the privileged" #elif (data['c'] == '464'): #ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH ":Password incorrect" #elif (data['c'] == '465'): #ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP ":You are banned from this server" #elif (data['c'] == '467'): #ERR_KEYSET "<channel> :Channel key already set" #elif (data['c'] == '471'): #ERR_CHANNELISFULL "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+l)" #elif (data['c'] == '472'): #ERR_UNKNOWNMODE "<char> :is unknown mode char to me" #elif (data['c'] == '473'): #ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+i)" #elif (data['c'] == '474'): #ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+b)" #elif (data['c'] == '475'): #ERR_BADCHANNELKEY "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+k)" #elif (data['c'] == '481'): #ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ":Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator" #elif (data['c'] == '482'): #ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED "<channel> :You're not channel operator" #elif (data['c'] == '483'): #ERR_CANTKILLSERVER ":You cant kill a server!" #elif (data['c'] == '491'): #ERR_NOOPERHOST ":No O-lines for your host" #elif (data['c'] == '501'): #ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG ":Unknown MODE flag" #elif (data['c'] == '502'): #ERR_USERSDONTMATCH ":Cant change mode for other users" #elif (data['c'] == '512'): # ":Authorization required to use this nickname" #elif (data['c'] == 'MODE'): # #elif (data['c'] == 'TOPIC'): # elif (data['c'] == 'NICK'): # #what is our nickname me = self.IRCSocket.getNick() #who changed their nick who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #data['m'] is the new nickname nick = data['m'] #we can only see nickname changes if we're on a channel, so it stands to reason we are objChan = self.getChannelObject( self.getWorkingDestinationObject().getDestinationID() ) if(objChan): objChan.removeName(who) objChan.addName(nick) self.UpdateNames( objChan ) if(me.lower() == who.lower()): #we're the one who changed out nickname self.IRCSocket.setNick( nick ) objChan.ShowMessageInTable( ('<font color=blue>%s</font>' % ('[NICK]')), ('You changed your name to %s.' % (nick)) ) else: objChan.ShowMessageInTable( ('<font color=blue>%s</font>' % ('[NICK]')), ('%s changed their name to %s.' % (who, nick)) ) elif (data['c'] == 'QUIT'): # #what is our nickname me = self.IRCSocket.getNick() #who changed their nick who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #data['m'] is the new nickname why = data['m'] #we can only see quit if we're on a channel, so it stands to reason we are objChan = self.getChannelObject( self.getWorkingDestinationObject().getDestinationID() ) if(objChan): objChan.removeName(who) self.UpdateNames( objChan ) if(me.lower() == who.lower()): objChan.ShowMessageInTable( ('<font color=red>%s</font>' % '[QUIT]'), ('You left IRC (%s)' % (why)) ) else: objChan.ShowMessageInTable( ('<font color=red>%s</font>' % '[QUIT]'), ('%s left IRC (%s)' % (who, why)) ) elif (data['c'] == 'NOTICE'): # #much like private messages, notices can be sent to a user or the entire channel #{ 'a': ['pythonTestClient'], # 'c': 'NOTICE', # 'm': 'Invalid password for \x02pythonTestClient\x02.', # 'p': 'NickServ!NickServ@services.'} #what is our nickname me = self.IRCSocket.getNick() who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #argument 0 is the channel name, or nickname whoto = data['a'][0] if(whoto[0] == '#'): #notice is to a channel objChan = self.getChannelObject( whoto ) if(objChan): objChan.ShowMessageInTable(('<font style="color: white; background-color: red;">-%s-</font>' % (('%s(%s)' % (who, whoto))), data['m'])) else: #we couldnt locate the channel object, failover self.getWorkingDestinationObject().ShowMessageInTable(('<font style="color: white; background-color: red;">-%s-</font>' % (('%s(%s)' % (who, whoto))), data['m'])) elif(whoto.lower() == me.lower()): self.getWorkingDestinationObject().ShowMessageInTable(('<font style="color: white; background-color: red;">-%s-</font>' % who), data['m']) else: self.getWorkingDestinationObject().ShowMessageInTable(('<font style="color: white; background-color: red;">-%s-</font>' % who), data['m']) elif (data['c'] == 'PRIVMSG'): # #this handler needs updated to be more like NOTICE #{ 'a': ['#bitcoin'], # 'c': 'PRIVMSG', # 'm': "They've had the highest earlier today", # 'p': '[email protected]'} #what is our nickname me = self.IRCSocket.getNick() #who sent the message who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #argument 0 is the channel name, or nickname whoto = data['a'][0] #objChan = self.getChannelObject( whoto ) # #if( objChan ): # #objChan.ShowMessageAsHTML( '<<font color=purple>%s</font>> %s' % (who, data['m'])) # objChan.ShowMessageInTable(('<font color=purple>%s</font>' % (who)), data['m']) #else: # self.getWorkingDestinationObject().ShowMessageInTable(('<font color=blue>%s</font>' % ('[MESSAGE]')), ('<%s> %s' % (who, data['m']))) if(whoto[0] == '#'): #privmsg is to a channel objChan = self.getChannelObject( whoto ) if(objChan): objChan.ShowMessageInTable(('<<font style="color: purple">%s</font>>' % (who)), data['m']) else: #we couldnt locate the channel object, failover self.getWorkingDestinationObject().ShowMessageInTable(('<<font color=purple>%s</font>>' % (('%s(%s)' % (who, whoto))), data['m'])) elif(whoto.lower() == me.lower()): self.getWorkingDestinationObject().ShowMessageInTable(('-<font style="color: purple">%s</font>-' % who), data['m']) else: self.getWorkingDestinationObject().ShowMessageInTable(('<<font style="color: purple">%s</font>>' % who), data['m']) elif (data['c'] == 'PING'): # self.ShowMessageAsHTML( '\n*** PONG (' + data['a'][0] + ')\n' ) self.send('PONG :' + data['a'][0] ) elif (data['c'] == 'JOIN'): # #what is our nickname me = self.IRCSocket.getNick() #who joined the channel who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #argument 0 is the channel chn = data['a'][0] objChan = self.getChannelObject( chn ) if(me.lower() == who.lower()): #the user joined a room, and we should create a window for italic self.createChannelObject( chn ) else: if(objChan): objChan.ShowMessageInTable( ('<font color=green>%s</font>' % ('[JOIN]')), ('%s joined %s.' % (who, chn)) ) objChan.addName( who ) self.UpdateNames( objChan ) elif (data['c'] == 'PART'): #what is our nickname me = self.IRCSocket.getNick() #who joined the channel who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #argument 0 is the channel name chn = data['a'][0] objChan = self.getChannelObject( chn ) if(me.lower() == who.lower()): #the user joined a room, and we should create a window for italic if(objChan): objChan.ShowMessageAsHTML( '\n*** You parted the channel ***\n' ) else: objChan.ShowMessageInTable( ('<font color=blue>%s</font>' % ('[PART]')), ('%s left %s.' % (who, chn)) ) objChan.removeName( who ) self.UpdateNames( objChan ) else: who = self.IRCSocket.extractNick( data['p'] ) #self.ShowMessageAsHTML( '[%s(%s)] %s' % (data['c'], who, data['m']) ) self.ShowMessageAsHTML(data['m']) pass QApplication.flush() self.UpdateMainDisplay() def UpdateMainDisplay( self ): try: self.ui.txtOutput.setHtml( self.getWorkingDestinationObject().getMessageBuffer() ) sb = self.ui.txtOutput.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue( sb.maximum() ) except Exception: return def closeChannelObject( self, chn ): objChan = self.objChannelArray[ self.getChannelObjectIndex( chn ) ] if (objChan): #we also should part the channel when its closed. self.send('PART ' + chn + ' :I click\'d the red X.') #delete it from the array of window objects del self.objChannelArray[ self.getChannelObjectIndex( chn ) ] return def getChannelObjectIndex( self, chn ): #return the index of a channel within objChannelArray x = 0 while (x < len(self.objChannelArray)): if(self.objChannelArray[x].getChannel().lower() == chn.lower()): return x else: x = (x + 1) def getChannelObject( self, chn ): #return the objChannel object that matches the chn string #return [c for c in self.objChannelArray if(c.getChannel().lower() == chn.lower())] try: return self.objChannelArray[ self.getChannelObjectIndex( chn ) ] except: return None def createChannelObject( self, chn ): c = objChannel() c.setChannel( chn ) self.objChannelArray.append( c ) self.AddDestinationObject( c ) return def send( self, data ): self.IRCSocket.send( data + '\r\n' ) return def processCommand( self, cline ): objChan = None objDest = self.getWorkingDestinationObject() dID = objDest.getDestinationID() if(dID[0] == '#'): objChan = self.getChannelObject( dID ) #if the command was empty, skip it if((cline == '') or (objDest is None)): return cmd = cline.split(' ') cmd[0] = cmd[0].upper() if(cmd[0] == 'MSG'): who = cmd[1] what = joinIter(cmd[2:], ' ') self.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (who, what)) objDest.ShowMessageInTable(('<-- MSG(%s)' % (who)), what) elif(cmd[0] == 'ID'): what = joinIter(cmd[1:], ' ') self.send('PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %s' % (what)) objDest.ShowMessageInTable(('[IDENTIFY]'), '******') elif(cmd[0] == 'STATCHAN'): if(objChan): objDest.ShowMessageInTable(('[STATS]'), ('%s has %s users.' % (dID, str(len(objChan.getNames()))))) else: objDest.ShowMessageInTable(('[ERROR]'), 'Use the STATCHAN command from a #Channel') else: self.send(joinIter(cmd[0:], ' ')) objDest.ShowMessageInTable(('[COMMAND SENT]'), joinIter(cmd[0:], ' ').upper()) pass return def processInput( self, caller, txt ): #this function is required by the txtInputFilter class so that this object will recieve input from the event filter. txt = self.sanitizeHtml( txt ) if (self.IRCSocket): if(txt): if(txt[0] == '/'): self.processCommand(txt[1:]) else: #if our current destination object's id begins with a #, then its a channel, send a privmsg dID = self.getWorkingDestinationObject().getDestinationID() if( dID[0] == '#' ): objChan = self.getChannelObject( dID ) self.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (objChan.getChannel(), txt)) objChan.ShowMessageInTable(('<<font style="color: blue;"><b>%s</b></font>>' % (self.IRCSocket.getNick())), txt) else: return self.UpdateMainDisplay() self.ui.txtInput.setText('') return def __del__ ( self ): self.ui = None