Esempio n. 1
def hashing_trick():
    Check out the scikit-learn implementation of HashingVectorizer

    Why hashing useful?
    Some problems are memory-bound and not easily parallelizable, and hashing enforces a fixed length computation instead of using a mutable datatype (like a dictionary).
    Enforcing a fixed length can speed up calculations drastically, especially on large datasets!
    # In fact, python dictionaries ARE hash tables!

    # Import dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv('../data/DataCamp/TrainingData.csv', index_col=0)

    # Define numeric columns (numeric features)
    NUMERIC_COLUMNS = ['FTE', 'Total']

    # Define labels (target) and get the dummy encoding of the labels
    LABELS = [
        'Function', 'Use', 'Sharing', 'Reporting', 'Student_Type',
        'Position_Type', 'Object_Type', 'Pre_K', 'Operating_Status'
    dummy_labels = pd.get_dummies(df[LABELS])

    # Get the columns that are features in the original df
    NON_LABELS = [c for c in df.columns if c not in LABELS]

    # Split into training and test sets
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = multilabel_train_test_split(
        df[NON_LABELS], dummy_labels, 0.2, seed=123)

    # Get text data: text_data
    text_data = combine_text_columns(X_train, to_drop=NUMERIC_COLUMNS + LABELS)

    # Create the token pattern: TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC
    TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC = '[A-Za-z0-9]+(?=\\s+)'

    # Instantiate the HashingVectorizer: hashing_vec
    hashing_vec = HashingVectorizer(token_pattern=TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC)

    # Fit and transform the Hashing Vectorizer
    hashed_text = hashing_vec.fit_transform(text_data)

    # Create DataFrame and print the head
    hashed_df = pd.DataFrame(
Esempio n. 2
def text_processing_trick():
    Create n-grams of words

    # Import dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv('../data/DataCamp/TrainingData.csv', index_col=0)

    # Define numeric columns (numeric features)
    NUMERIC_COLUMNS = ['FTE', 'Total']

    # Define labels (target) and get the dummy encoding of the labels
    LABELS = [
        'Function', 'Use', 'Sharing', 'Reporting', 'Student_Type',
        'Position_Type', 'Object_Type', 'Pre_K', 'Operating_Status'
    dummy_labels = pd.get_dummies(df[LABELS])

    # Get the columns that are features in the original df
    NON_LABELS = [c for c in df.columns if c not in LABELS]

    # Split into training and test sets
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = multilabel_train_test_split(
        df[NON_LABELS], dummy_labels, 0.2, seed=123)

    # Create the text vector
    text_vector = combine_text_columns(X_train,
                                       to_drop=NUMERIC_COLUMNS + LABELS)

    # Create the token pattern: TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC
    TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC = '[A-Za-z0-9]+(?=\\s+)'

    # Instantiate the CountVectorizer: text_features
    text_features = CountVectorizer(token_pattern=TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC)

    # Fit text_features to the text vector

    # Print the first 10 tokens
    text_data = data_frame.drop(to_drop, axis=1)

    # Replace nans with blanks
    text_data.fillna("", inplace=True)

    # Join all text items in a row that have a space in between
    return text_data.apply(lambda x: " ".join(x), axis=1)

# (2) Split the data into train and test sets #

# Split into training and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = multilabel_train_test_split(df[NON_LABELS],

# (3) Create Pipeline with nested pipelines #

# Preprocess the text data: get_text_data
get_text_data = FunctionTransformer(combine_text_columns, validate=False)

# Preprocess the numeric data: get_numeric_data
get_numeric_data = FunctionTransformer(lambda x: x[NUMERIC_COLUMNS], validate=False)

# Create nested pipelines, which process our text and numeric data separately
numeric_pipeline = Pipeline([
                              ('selector', get_numeric_data),
Esempio n. 4
# define labels (target) and convert to dummy variables: label_dummies
    'Function', 'Use', 'Sharing', 'Reporting', 'Student_Type', 'Position_Type',
    'Object_Type', 'Pre_K', 'Operating_Status'
label_dummies = pd.get_dummies(df[LABELS])
# define a lambda function to convert column x to category
categorize_label = lambda x: x.astype('category')
df[LABELS] = df[LABELS].apply(categorize_label, axis=0)
num_unique_labels = df[LABELS].apply(pd.Series.nunique)

# Create training and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = multilabel_train_test_split(
    numeric_data_only, label_dummies, size=0.2, seed=123, min_count=5)
# Print the info
print("X_train info:")
print("\nX_test info:")  
print("\ny_train info:")  
print("\ny_test info:")  

# Instantiate the classifier: clf
clf = OneVsRestClassifier(LogisticRegression())
Esempio n. 5
def model():
    The classification model with improvements

    # Import dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv('../data/DataCamp/TrainingData.csv', index_col=0)

    # (1) Define features (text and numeric) and target #

    # Define numeric columns (numeric features)
    NUMERIC_COLUMNS = ['FTE', 'Total']

    # Define labels (target) and get the dummy encoding of the labels
    LABELS = [
        'Function', 'Use', 'Sharing', 'Reporting', 'Student_Type',
        'Position_Type', 'Object_Type', 'Pre_K', 'Operating_Status'
    dummy_labels = pd.get_dummies(df[LABELS])

    # Get the columns that are features in the original df
    NON_LABELS = [c for c in df.columns if c not in LABELS]

    def combine_text_columns(data_frame, to_drop=NUMERIC_COLUMNS + LABELS):
        Converts all text in each row of data_frame to single vector 

        # Drop non-text columns that are in the df
        # The set() constructor constructs a Python set from the given iterable and returns it.
        to_drop = set(to_drop) & set(
            data_frame.columns.tolist())  # intersect of two sets
        text_data = data_frame.drop(to_drop, axis=1)

        # Replace nans with blanks
        text_data.fillna("", inplace=True)

        # Join all text items in a row that have a space in between
        return text_data.apply(lambda x: " ".join(x), axis=1)

    # (2) Split the data into train and test sets #

    # Split into training and test sets
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = multilabel_train_test_split(
        df[NON_LABELS], dummy_labels, 0.2, seed=123)

    # (3) Create Pipeline with nested pipelines #

    # Select 300 best features
    chi_k = 300

    # Preprocess the text data: get_text_data
    get_text_data = FunctionTransformer(combine_text_columns, validate=False)

    # Preprocess the numeric data: get_numeric_data
    get_numeric_data = FunctionTransformer(lambda x: x[NUMERIC_COLUMNS],

    # Create the token pattern: TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC
    TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC = '[A-Za-z0-9]+(?=\\s+)'

    # Create nested pipelines, which process our text and numeric data separately
    numeric_pipeline = Pipeline([('selector', get_numeric_data),
                                 ('imputer', Imputer())])
    text_pipeline = Pipeline([
        ('selector', get_text_data),
        #                          ('vectorizer', CountVectorizer(token_pattern=TOKENS_ALPHANUMERIC, ngram_range=(1,2))),
                           ngram_range=(1, 2)))
        #                          ('dim_red', SelectKBest(chi2, chi_k))
    'vectorizer' is updated to tokenize on punctuation and compute multiple n-gram features
    'dim_red' uses the SelectKBest() function, which applies chi-squared test to select the K 'best' features.
    'dim_red' and 'scale' have to be used to account for the fact that you're using a reduced-size sample of the full dataset in this course. To make sure the models perform as the expert competition winner intended, we have to apply a dimensionality reduction technique, which is the 'dim_red' step does, and we have to scale the features to lie between -1 and 1, which is the 'scale' step does
    Note: 'dim_red' does not work here; replace CountVectorizer with HashingVectorizer to speed up. 

    # Join the nested pipelines
    union = FeatureUnion([('numeric_features', numeric_pipeline),
                          ('text_features', text_pipeline)])

    # Create the pipeline
    pl = Pipeline([
        ('union', union),
        #               ('int', SparseInteractions(degree=2)),
        ('scale', MaxAbsScaler()),
        ('clf', OneVsRestClassifier(LogisticRegression()))
    'int' adds interaction terms to features (n features -> n-squared features)
    'scale' squashes the relevant features into the interval -1 to 1.
    Note, 'int' is extremely slow

    # Fit to the training data, y_train)

    # Compute and print accuracy
    accuracy = pl.score(X_test, y_test)
    print("\nAccuracy on budget dataset: ", accuracy)