def main(): # Data loaders tr_loader, va_loader, te_loader, _ = get_train_val_test_loaders( num_classes=config('cnn.num_classes')) # Model model = CNN() # TODO: define loss function, and optimizer criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=1e-4) # print('Number of float-valued parameters:', count_parameters(model)) # Attempts to restore the latest checkpoint if exists print('Loading cnn...') model, start_epoch, stats = restore_checkpoint(model, config('cnn.checkpoint')) axes = utils.make_cnn_training_plot() # Evaluate the randomly initialized model _evaluate_epoch(axes, tr_loader, va_loader, model, criterion, start_epoch, stats) # Loop over the entire dataset multiple times for epoch in range(start_epoch, config('cnn.num_epochs')): # Train model _train_epoch(tr_loader, model, criterion, optimizer) # Evaluate model _evaluate_epoch(axes, tr_loader, va_loader, model, criterion, epoch + 1, stats) # Save model parameters save_checkpoint(model, epoch + 1, config('cnn.checkpoint'), stats) print('Finished Training') y_true, y_pred = [], [] correct, total = 0, 0 running_loss = [] for X, y in va_loader: with torch.no_grad(): output = model(X) predicted = predictions( y_true.extend(y) y_pred.extend(predicted) total += y.size(0) correct += (predicted == y).sum().item() running_loss.append(criterion(output, y).item()) print("Validation data accuracies:") print(confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)) # Save figure and keep plot open utils.save_cnn_training_plot() utils.hold_training_plot()
def main(): # Data loaders tr_loader, va_loader, te_loader, _ = get_train_val_test_loaders( num_classes=config('cnn.num_classes')) # Model model = CNN() # TODO: define loss function, and optimizer import torch.optim as op import torch.nn as nn criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = op.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config('cnn.learning_rate')) # print('Number of float-valued parameters:', count_parameters(model)) # Attempts to restore the latest checkpoint if exists print('Loading cnn...') model, start_epoch, stats = restore_checkpoint(model, config('cnn.checkpoint')) axes = utils.make_cnn_training_plot() # Evaluate the randomly initialized model _evaluate_epoch(axes, tr_loader, va_loader, model, criterion, start_epoch, stats) # Loop over the entire dataset multiple times for epoch in range(start_epoch, config('cnn.num_epochs')): # Train model _train_epoch(tr_loader, model, criterion, optimizer) # Evaluate model _evaluate_epoch(axes, tr_loader, va_loader, model, criterion, epoch+1, stats) # Save model parameters save_checkpoint(model, epoch+1, config('cnn.checkpoint'), stats) print('Finished Training') # Save figure and keep plot open utils.save_cnn_training_plot() utils.hold_training_plot()
class WassersteinGAN(): def __init__(self, config): # get config args self.out_dir = config['output_directory'] self.batch_size = config['batch_size'] self.input_dims = config['input_dimensions'] self.learn_rate = config['learning_rate'] self.z_dim = config['z_dimension'] = config['model_name'] self.verbosity = config['verbosity'] self.num_train = config['number_train'] self.num_test = config['number_test'] # initialize logging to create new log file and log any level event logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', filename='{}{}.log'.format(self.out_dir,, filemode='w', level=logging.INFO) # try to get gpu device, if not just use cpu self.device = \ torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # initialize critic (CNN) model self.critic = CNN(in_chan=self.input_dims[-1], out_dim=1, out_act=None) # initialize generator (TransposeCNN) model self.generator = TransposeCNN(in_dim=self.z_dim, out_chan=self.input_dims[-1], out_act=torch.nn.Tanh()) # initialize zdim dimensional normal distribution to sample generator # inputs self.z_dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.z_dim), torch.ones(self.batch_size, self.z_dim)) # initialize bs dimensional uniform distribution to sample eps vals for # creating interpolations self.eps_dist = torch.distributions.uniform.Uniform( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, 1, 1, 1), torch.ones(self.batch_size, 1, 1, 1)) # sample a batch of z to have constant set of generator inputs # as model trains self.z_const = self.z_dist.sample()[:64].to(self.device) # initialize critic and generator optimizers self.crit_opt = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic.parameters(), lr=self.learn_rate) self.gen_opt = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator.parameters(), lr=self.learn_rate) # move tensors to device def print_structure(self): print('[INFO] \'{}\' critic structure \n{}'.format(, self.critic)) print('[INFO] \'{}\' generator structure \n{}'.format(, self.generator)) @staticmethod def compute_losses(real_crit_out, fake_crit_out, crit_grad): # compute wasserstein distance estimate wass_dist = torch.mean(real_crit_out - fake_crit_out) # compute mean of normed critic gradients crit_grad_mean_norm = torch.mean(torch.norm(crit_grad, p=2, dim=(2, 3))) # lagrangian multiplier for critic gradient penalty # (push crit_grad_mean_norm -> 1) crit_grad_penalty = (crit_grad_mean_norm - 1.)**2 # compute generator loss gen_loss = wass_dist # compute critic loss with lambda=10 weighted critic gradient penalty crit_loss = (10.0 * crit_grad_penalty) - wass_dist return gen_loss, crit_loss, wass_dist, crit_grad_penalty def generate_samples_and_tile(self, z): # generator a batch of fak images from z input fake_img_batch = self.generator(z) # detach, move to cpu, and covert images to numpy fake_img_batch = fake_img_batch.detach().cpu().numpy() # move channel dim to last dim of tensor fake_img_batch = np.transpose(fake_img_batch, [0, 2, 3, 1]) # construct tiled image (squeeze to remove channel dim for grayscale) fake_img_tiled = np.squeeze(tile_images(fake_img_batch)) return fake_img_tiled def train(self, dataloader, num_epochs): # iterate through epochs for e in range(num_epochs): # accumulator for wasserstein distance over an epoch running_w_dist = 0.0 # iterate through batches for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): # get images from batch real_img_batch = batch['image'].to(self.device) # get number of samples in batch bs = real_img_batch.shape[0] # sample from z and eps distribution and clip based on number # of samples in batch z_sample = self.z_dist.sample()[:bs].to(self.device) eps_sample = self.eps_dist.sample()[:bs].to(self.device) # generate batch of fake images by feeding sampled z through # generator fake_img_batch = self.generator(z_sample) # compute batch of images by interpolating eps_sample amount # between real and fake # (generated) images int_img_batch = (eps_sample * real_img_batch) + \ ((1. - eps_sample) * fake_img_batch) # compute critic outputs from real, fake, and interpolated # image batches real_crit_out = self.critic(real_img_batch) fake_crit_out = self.critic(fake_img_batch) int_crit_out = self.critic(int_img_batch) # compute gradient of critic output w.r.t interpolated image # inputs crit_grad = torch.autograd.grad( outputs=int_crit_out, inputs=int_img_batch, grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(int_crit_out), create_graph=True, retain_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0] # compute losses gen_loss, crit_loss, w_dist, grad_pen = self.compute_losses( real_crit_out, fake_crit_out, crit_grad) # NOTE: Currently must update critic and generator separately. # If both are updated within the same loop, either updating # doesn't happen, or an inplace operator error occurs which # prevents gradient computation, depending on the ordering of # the zero_grad(), backward(), step() calls. ??? if i % 10 == 9: # update just the generator (every 10th step) self.gen_opt.zero_grad() gen_loss.backward() self.gen_opt.step() if self.verbosity: # generate const batch of fake samples and tile fake_img_tiled = self.generate_samples_and_tile( self.z_const) # save tiled image plt.imsave( '{}{}_gen_step_{}.png'.format( self.out_dir,, (e * (int(self.num_train / self.batch_size) + 1)) + i), fake_img_tiled) else: # update just the critic self.crit_opt.zero_grad() crit_loss.backward() self.crit_opt.step() # accumulate running wasserstein distance running_w_dist += w_dist.item() # done with current epoch # compute average wasserstein distance over epoch epoch_avg_w_dist = running_w_dist / i # log epoch stats info '| epoch: {:3} | wasserstein distance: {:6.2f} | gradient ' 'penalty: {:6.2f} |'.format(e + 1, epoch_avg_w_dist, grad_pen)) # new sample from z dist z_sample = self.z_dist.sample()[:64].to(self.device) # generate const batch of fake samples and tile fake_img_tiled = self.generate_samples_and_tile(z_sample) if self.verbosity: # save tiled image plt.imsave( '{}{}_gen_epoch_{}.png'.format(self.out_dir,, e + 1), fake_img_tiled) # save current state of generator and critic, '{}{}'.format(self.out_dir,, '{}{}'.format(self.out_dir,