Esempio n. 1
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=False)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    #  = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)  后面需要吧测试集的 也加进来
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev])
    # 这里先不加 get_glove_vocab
    # vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    # vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove
    vocab = vocab_words


    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    # vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    # export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars_train = get_char_vocab(train)

    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev)
    vocab_chars_dev = get_char_vocab(dev)
    vocab_chars_train_dev = list(vocab_chars_dev & vocab_chars_train)
    vocab_chars = [UNK, PAD, NUM]

    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 2
def main():

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word, task=config.task)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test,
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train,

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)
    #TODO get word2vec vocab too

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save word and tag vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # write and trim GloVe and word2vec Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_word2vec_vectors(vocab, config.filename_word2vec,

    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)  # 把字符全部小写,数字替换成NUM

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev,
                       processing_word)  # 创建一个生成器对象,每一次迭代产生tuple (words,tags)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test,
                        processing_word)  # 返回一句话(words),和标签tags
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)


    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])  # word词表, tags表

    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)  # glove词表

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove  # & 求交集  set,都是集合
    vocab.add(NUM)  # 手动添加
    print("len of vocab without entity: ", len(vocab))

    # vocab_entity = entity2vocab(datasets=[train, dev, test])
    # vocab.update(vocab_entity)
    # vocab = entity2vocab(datasets=[train, dev], vocab=vocab)

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)  # 得到dict类型的vocab:{word:index}
    # 针对vocab,生成numpy的embedding文件,包含一个矩阵,对应词嵌入
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab   生成字母表, 这里没用到小写化的东西。只有文件本身。
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 5
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    pw_function = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = Dataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word=pw_function)
    test = Dataset(config.filename_test, processing_word=pw_function)
    train = Dataset(config.filename_train, processing_word=pw_function)

    # Build Words
    vocab_words = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove
    vocab = list(vocab)
    pronouns_in_vocab = move_pronouns(vocab)
    write_vocab(pronouns_in_vocab, config.filename_pronouns)

    # add START, STOP, PAD, UNK and NUM tokens into the list
    assert PAD_TOKEN == vocab[0]
    assert UNKNOWN_TOKEN in vocab

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab, _ = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = Dataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    vocab_chars = list(vocab_chars)
    vocab_chars.insert(0, PAD_TOKEN)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    if config.task == 'pos':
        print("USING POS")
        config.filename_train = "data/train.pos"  # test
        config.filename_dev = "data/dev.pos"
        config.filename_test = "data/test.pos"
        print("USING NER")
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 7
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    # 与glove中的词集合求交,只保留有向量的那些词
    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab, vocab: set()
    print("write vocab set to file: " + config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    print("write vocab tags set to file: " + config.filename_tags)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors, 只加载那些在词集合中出现过的词向量
    vocab_to_index_dict = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    # vocab: dict, vocab[word] = word_index
    print("export trimmed vocab embedding to file: " + config.filename_trimmed)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab_to_index_dict, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    print("save char set to file:" + config.filename_chars)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 8
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab (only from train!)
    vocab_words, vocab_freqs, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train])  #, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove
    #vocab = make_unks(vocab, vocab_freqs, config.p_unk)
    vocab = [UNK] + list(vocab)

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)
    # get singletons
    singletons = [k for k, v in vocab_freqs.items() if v == 1]
    write_vocab(singletons, config.filename_singletons)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 9
def main():
    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)
    processing_pos = get_processing_word()
    processing_chunk = get_processing_word()
    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word, processing_pos,
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word, processing_pos,
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word,
                         processing_pos, processing_chunk)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags, vocab_poses, vocab_chunks = get_vocabs(
        [train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = [i for i in vocab_words if i in vocab_glove]

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)
    write_vocab(vocab_poses, config.filename_poses)
    write_vocab(vocab_chunks, config.filename_chunks)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_poses)
    export_trimed_ont_hot_vectors(vocab, config.filename_pos_trimmed)

    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_chunks)
    export_trimed_ont_hot_vectors(vocab, config.filename_chunk_trimmed)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 10
def build(config):
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev ) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    # config = Config(load=False, args=args)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    vocab, _ = get_vocabs([train], config.min_count)
    vocab.insert(0, UNK)

    special_flag = [NUM, NUU, FLT, FLU]
    for index, flag in enumerate(special_flag, 1):
        if flag in vocab:
        vocab.insert(index, flag)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    # test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    _, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev])

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    vocab_chars.insert(0, UNK)

    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 11
def main():
    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    # should be source_x.txt

    # or ontonotes-nw if you like

    config.filename_train = "../datasets/ritter2011/train"
    config.filename_dev = "../datasets/ritter2011/dev"
    config.filename_test = "../datasets/ritter2011/test"

    config.filename_chars = config.filename_chars.replace("source", "target")
    config.filename_glove = config.filename_glove.replace("source", "target")
    config.filename_tags = config.filename_tags.replace("source", "target")
    config.filename_words = config.filename_words.replace("source", "target")

    config.dir_model = config.dir_model.replace("source", "target")
    config.dir_output = config.dir_output.replace("source", "target")
    config.path_log = config.path_log.replace("source", "target")

    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = NERDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = NERDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = NERDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim Word Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = NERDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 12
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev   = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test  = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 13
def main():
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = data_utils.get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    test = Dataset(config.filename_test, processing_word=processing_word)
    dev = Dataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word=processing_word)
    train = Dataset(config.filename_train, processing_word=processing_word)

    # Vocab Generators
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_fasttext = get_fasttext_vocab(config.filename_fasttext)

    #Build Word and Tag Vocab
    if config.use_fasttext_oov_vector_gen:
        vocab = vocab_words
        vocab = vocab_words & vocab_fasttext

    oov_words = vocab_words - vocab_fasttext
    generate_fasttext_oov_vectors(oov_words, config.filename_oov_words,

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    #Trim and (insert new) Fasttext vectors
    word_to_idx, idx_to_word = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_fasttext_vectors(word_to_idx, idx_to_word,

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = Dataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(parser, load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev   = Dataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test  = Dataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = Dataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab = list(vocab_words)
    vocab = [PAD, UNK, BOS, EOS] + vocab + [NUM]

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim Embedding Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_wordvec_vectors(vocab, config.filename_wordvec,

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = Dataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 15
def main():
    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)

    # or ontonotes-nw if you like
    assert sys.argv[1] in datasets, "the source argument should be in {c/o/r/w}"
    source_dataset = sys.argv[1]
    source_vocab_words, source_vocab_tags = get_vocabs_from_dataset(source_dataset)
    print("Source word vocab size:", len(source_vocab_words))

    assert sys.argv[2] in datasets, "the target argument should be in {c/o/r/w}"
    target_dataset = sys.argv[2]
    target_vocab_words, _ = get_vocabs_from_dataset(target_dataset)
    print("Target word vocab size:", len(target_vocab_words))

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    config.filename_words = "../datasets/%s/words.txt"%datasets[source_dataset]
    config.filename_tags = "../datasets/%s/tags.txt"%datasets[source_dataset]
    config.filename_chars = "../datasets/%s/chars.txt"%datasets[source_dataset]

    print("Source+Target word vocab size:", len((source_vocab_words | target_vocab_words)))
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)
    vocab = (source_vocab_words | target_vocab_words) & vocab_glove
    print("Final word vocab size:", len(vocab))

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(source_vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Build and save char vocab
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab((source_vocab_words | target_vocab_words))
    print("Final char vocab size:", len(vocab_chars))
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)

    # Trim Word Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    config.filename_trimmed = config.filename_trimmed.replace("dataset_name",datasets[source_dataset])
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)
Esempio n. 16
def main():
    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    # should be source_x.txt

    # or ontonotes-nw if you like

    config.filename_train = "../datasets/ontonotes-nw/train"
    config.filename_dev = "../datasets/ontonotes-nw/dev"
    config.filename_test = "../datasets/ontonotes-nw/test"

    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev = NERDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = NERDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = NERDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)
    #for word, tag in train:
    #print ("tag:{}".format(tag))
    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove
    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim Word Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = NERDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 17
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant word2vec vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words

    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=False)

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)
    train2 = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train2, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test, train2])

    vocab = vocab_words
    if "w2v" in config.use_pretrained:
        vocab_word2vec = get_word_vec_vocab(config.filename_word2vec)
        vocab = vocab_words & vocab_word2vec if config.use_pretrained == "w2v" else vocab_words
    if config.replace_digits:

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim FastText vectors
    if "ft" in config.use_pretrained:
        abs_f_words = os.path.abspath(config.filename_words)
        abs_f_vec = os.path.abspath(config.filename_fasttext)
        cmd = config.get_ft_vectors_cmd.format(abs_f_words, abs_f_vec)
        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
        vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
        export_trimmed_word_vectors(vocab, config.filename_fasttext,

    if "s2v" in config.use_pretrained:
        abs_s_words = os.path.abspath(config.filename_words)
        abs_s_vec = os.path.abspath(config.filename_fasttext)
        cmd = config.get_sent2vec_vectors_cmd.format(abs_s_words, abs_s_vec)
        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
        vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
        export_trimmed_word_vectors(vocab, config.filename_sent2vec,

    # Trim Morph2Vec vectors
    if "m2v" in config.use_pretrained:
        vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)

    # Trim word2vec Vectors
    if "w2v" in config.use_pretrained:
        vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
        export_trimmed_word_vectors(vocab, config.filename_word2vec,

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train, config.use_ortho_char)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 18
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    if len(sys.argv)<2:
        sys.stderr.write("Too few arguments have been specified\n")
        sys.stderr.write("python "+sys.argv[0]+" config [additional vocabulary in conll format]\n")
    # get config and processing of words
    config_file = sys.argv[1]
    config = Config(config_file,load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(config)
#    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=config.lowercase)

    # Generators
    dev   = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test  = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    #add additional tags/vocabulary where the data is applied to!
    if len(sys.argv)>2:
        for i in range(2,len(sys.argv)):
            wo,tg = get_vocabs([CoNLLDataset(sys.argv[i],processing_word)])
            vocab_words |=  wo
            vocab_tags |=  tg
    #if config.use_pretrained:
    #    vocab_glove = get_vocab(config.filename_embeddings)
    #if config.use_pretrained:
    #    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove
    vocab = vocab_words

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)
    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)

    if config.use_pretrained:
        export_trimmed_embedding_vectors(vocab, config.filename_embeddings,
                                config.filename_embeddings_trimmed, config.dim_word, config.embedding_type)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 19
def main():
    """Procedure to build data
    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.
        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...
    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)
    logger = config.logger

    # Generators
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)
    sick = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_sick, processing_word)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test, sick])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Save vocab
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vocab, _ = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Build and save char vocab
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #split train files
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------'\n Splitting the train file into {} splits ...'.format(
    split_train(config)'Saved the train splits in {}'.format('ner/data/'))
Esempio n. 20
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    dir_output = "./results/" + sys.argv[4] + "/"
    config = Config(dir_output, load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    #dev   = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    #test  = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    #train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    dev = CoNLLDataset(sys.argv[1], processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(sys.argv[2], processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(sys.argv[3], processing_word)

    config.filename_dev = sys.argv[1]
    config.filename_test = sys.argv[2]
    config.filename_train = sys.argv[3]
    config.filename_pred = sys.argv[2].replace(".txt", ".pred")

    config.filename_words = "./data/words_" + sys.argv[4] + ".txt"
    config.filename_chars = "./data/chars_" + sys.argv[4] + ".txt"
    config.filename_tags = "./data/tags_" + sys.argv[4] + ".txt"

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...

    # get config and processing of words
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    dev   = FKDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test1  = FKDataset(config.filename_test1, processing_word)
    test2  = FKDataset(config.filename_test2, processing_word)

    train = FKDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test1,test2])
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    #print ("Inside build data and prinitng vocab_tags")

    vocab_tags_task1 =[]
    vocab_tags_task2 =[]

    for items in vocab_tags:
        if "_dress" in items:
        if "_jean" in items:


    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = FKDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 22
def generate_model_data(data_prefix=None):
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...


    # get config and processing of words
    # loads PubMeda articles
    config = Config(load=False)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)

    # Generators
    if data_prefix:
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        config.filename_dev = os.path.join(
            cwd, 'data',
            data_prefix + '_' + os.path.basename(config.filename_dev))
        config.filename_test = os.path.join(
            cwd, 'data',
            data_prefix + '_' + os.path.basename(config.filename_test))
        config.filename_train = os.path.join(
            cwd, 'data',
            data_prefix + '_' + os.path.basename(config.filename_train))

    if not os.path.isfile(config.filename_dev):
        print('Preprocessing tokens and labels to generate input data files')

    dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev, processing_word)
    test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test, processing_word)
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train, processing_word)
    print('Loaded dev, test, train')

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])
    print('Loading vocab_words')
    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)

    vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, config.filename_words)
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, config.filename_tags)

    # Trim GloVe Vectors
    vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
    export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, config.filename_glove,
                                 config.filename_trimmed, config.dim_word)

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, config.filename_chars)
Esempio n. 23
def main():
    """Procedure to build data

    You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train,
    dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words, tags, and
    characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
    writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
    It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
    such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.

        config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...


    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='conll2003')
    parser.add_argument('--train_lang', type=str, default='en')
    parser.add_argument('--dev_lang', type=str, default='en')
    parser.add_argument('--test_lang', type=str, default='en')

    parser.add_argument('--tgt_glove', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--emb_dim', type=int, default=300)


    #parser.add_argument('--init_char', type=str, default=0)
    #parser.add_argument('--trimmed_char', type=str, default='char_trimmed.npz')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # get config and processing of words
    #config = Config(emb_dim=512, load=False, dataset='ner_nl_es', use_muse=True)
    processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)
    #src_lang = 'nl'
    #tgt_lang = 'es'

    data_dir = args.dataset

    # Generators
    dev = CoNLLDataset(os.path.join(data_dir, 'dev.txt'),
    test = CoNLLDataset(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test.txt'),
    train = CoNLLDataset(os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.txt'),

    # Build Word and Tag vocab
    vocab_words, vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train, dev, test])

    vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(args.src_glove, lang=args.train_lang)
    if args.tgt_glove:
        vocab_glove_tgt = get_glove_vocab(args.tgt_glove, lang=args.test_lang)
        vocab = vocab_words & (vocab_glove | vocab_glove_tgt)
        vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove

    #vocab = vocab_words

    # Save vocab
    write_vocab(vocab, os.path.join(data_dir, 'words.txt'))
    write_vocab(vocab_tags, os.path.join(data_dir, 'tags.txt'))

    # Trim GloVe Vectors

    vocab = load_vocab(os.path.join(data_dir, 'words.txt'))
    if args.tgt_glove:
        gloves = {
            args.train_lang: args.src_glove,
            args.test_lang: args.tgt_glove
        gloves = {args.train_lang: args.src_glove}
        vocab, gloves, os.path.join(data_dir, args.trimmed_glove),

    # Build and save char vocab
    train = CoNLLDataset(os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.txt'))
    test = CoNLLDataset(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test.txt'))
    dev = CoNLLDataset(os.path.join(data_dir, 'dev.txt'))
    vocab_chars = get_char_vocab([train, test, dev])
    write_vocab(vocab_chars, os.path.join(data_dir, 'chars.txt'))