def work(): try: db.execute_sql(r""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION int2bytea(v_number bigint) RETURNS bytea AS $$ DECLARE v_str text; BEGIN v_str = to_hex(v_number)::text; return decode(concat(repeat('0', length(v_str) %% 2), v_str), 'hex'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS id_gen_seq NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE START 4096 NO CYCLE; /* 0x1000 */ CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS user_count_seq NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE START 1 NO CYCLE; """) # 请注意,这俩需要数据库的 superuser 权限,因此普通用户是做不到的 # 会提示 permission denied to create extension "hstore" 这样的错误 # db.execute_sql(""" # CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore; # CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext; # """) except peewee.ProgrammingError as e: db.rollback() traceback.print_exc() quit() sql_execute('alter table "user" drop column key') sql_execute('alter table "user" drop column key_time')
def sql_execute(sql): try: db.execute_sql(sql) except Exception as e: print(e) print('failed') db.rollback()
def work(): try: db.execute_sql( 'ALTER TABLE "topic" ADD COLUMN "update_time" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT 0;' ) except Exception as e: print(e) print('failed') db.rollback()
def work(): try: db.execute_sql( 'ALTER TABLE public.comment ADD reply_to_cmt_id BYTEA NULL;') except: db.rollback() for i in try: UserNotifRecord.create(, update_time=int(time.time())) except peewee.IntegrityError: db.rollback()
def register(): if request.method == 'POST': if check_creadentials(request.form['login'], request.form['password']): return render_template('register.html', error="User exists") else: if Cache().check_password(str(request.form['password'])) == "1": return render_template('register.html', error="Your password is too common") db.execute_sql('insert into users values(NULL, "{}", "{}")'.format( request.form['login'], request.form['password'])) Cache().validate((request.form['login'], request.form['password'])) return render_template('login.html', message="Successfully registered") else: return render_template('register.html')
def fetch_notif_of_reply(user_id, last_reply_id=b'\x00'): # TODO: 还是仅支持文章 # 某某 在文章 某某某 中回复了你的评论: XXXXXX # c2 是 user_id 的原评论,c 是回复评论的评论 cur = db.execute_sql( ''' SELECT "c".time, "c"."id", "c"."related_id", "c"."related_type", "c".user_id, "t"."title", left("c".content, 50), "u"."nickname" FROM topic AS t, comment AS c, comment AS c2, "user" as u WHERE c2.user_id = %s AND c2.state >= %s AND = c.reply_to_cmt_id AND > %s AND c.state >= %s AND = c.related_id AND = c.user_id AND "c"."user_id" != "c2"."user_id" -- 不查自己 ORDER BY "c"."id" DESC ''', (user_id, POST_STATE.NORMAL, last_reply_id, POST_STATE.NORMAL)) # 时间,评论ID,文章ID,POST类型,用户ID,文章标题,前50个字,用户昵称 def wrap(i): return { 'type': NOTIF_TYPE.BE_REPLIED, 'time': i[0], 'loc_post_type': i[3], 'loc_post_id': i[2], 'loc_post_title': i[5], 'sender_ids': (i[4], ), 'receiver_id': user_id, 'from_post_type': POST_TYPES.COMMENT, 'from_post_id': i[1], 'related_type': POST_TYPES.COMMENT, 'related_id': i[1], 'brief': i[6] } return map(wrap, cur.fetchall())
def fetch_notif_of_comment(user_id, last_comment_id=b'\x00'): # 某某 评论了你的文章 某某某: XXXXXX # 这个暂时不折叠了,全部显示在提醒中 cur = db.execute_sql( ''' SELECT "c".time, "c"."id", "c"."related_id", "c"."related_type", "c".user_id, "t"."title", left("c".content, 50), "u"."nickname" FROM topic AS t, comment AS c, "user" as u WHERE t.user_id = %s AND t.state >= %s AND = c.related_id AND > %s AND c.state >= %s AND = c.user_id AND "c"."user_id" != "t"."user_id" ORDER BY "c"."id" DESC ''', (user_id, POST_STATE.CLOSE, last_comment_id, POST_STATE.NORMAL)) # 时间,评论ID,文章ID,POST类型,用户ID,文章标题,前50个字,用户昵称 def wrap(i): return { 'type': NOTIF_TYPE.BE_COMMENTED, 'time': i[0], 'post': { 'id': i[2], 'type': i[3], 'title': i[5] }, 'comment': { 'id': i[1], 'brief': i[6], 'user': { 'id': i[4], 'nickname': i[7] } } } return map(wrap, cur.fetchall())
def set_read(cls, user_id): cur = db.execute_sql(''' WITH updated_rows as ( UPDATE notif SET is_read = TRUE WHERE "receiver_id" = %s AND "is_read" = FALSE RETURNING is_read ) SELECT count(is_read) FROM updated_rows; ''', (user_id,)) return cur.fetchone()[0]
def cabinet(): if not check_creadentials(): return redirect('/') login = request.cookies.get('login') if request.method == 'POST': city, weather, day, night, official = request.form[ 'city'], request.form['weather'], request.form[ 'day'], request.form['night'], int( request.form.get('official', 0)) db.execute_sql( 'insert into forecasts VALUES(NULL, "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}")' .format(login, city, weather, day, night, official)) Search().add(city, weather, day, night, str(official)) cursor = db.execute_sql( 'select * from forecasts where author="{}"'.format(login)) return render_template('cabinet.html', forecasts=[row for row in cursor.fetchall()])
def reset(): db.execute_sql(""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "board"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "comment"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "follow"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "notif"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "statistic"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "statistic24h"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "topic"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "user"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "user_notif_record"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "user_oauth"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wiki_history"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wiki_item"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wiki_article"; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "id_gen_seq"; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "user_count_seq"; """)
def weight_inc(self): """ 提升一点排序权重 """ try: db.execute_sql( """ WITH t1 as (SELECT "id", "weight" FROM "topic" WHERE "id" = %s), t2 as (SELECT "t2"."id", "t2"."weight" FROM t1, "topic" AS t2 WHERE "t2"."weight" > "t1".weight ORDER BY "weight" ASC LIMIT 1) UPDATE "topic" set "weight" = ( CASE WHEN "topic"."id" = "t1"."id" THEN "t2"."weight" ELSE "t1"."weight" END ) FROM t1, t2 WHERE "topic"."id" in ("t1"."id", "t2"."id"); """, (, )) except DatabaseError: pass
def check_creadentials(login=None, password=None): if not login and not password: login = request.cookies.get('login') password = request.cookies.get('password') try: cursor = db.execute_sql( 'select * from users where login="******" and password="******"'.format( login, password)) for row in cursor.fetchall(): return True except: return False
def tearDown(self): db.execute_sql( """DELETE FROM scry2.categories where name='["Aviation6", "Commercial Flights", "Airport Info"]';""" )
def weight_gen(cls): cur = db.execute_sql('select max(weight)+1 from "topic"') return cur.fetchone()[0] or 0
async def weight_redis_init(cls): cur = db.execute_sql('select max(weight)+1 from "topic"') await redis.set(RK_TOPIC_WEIGHT_MAX, cur.fetchone()[0] or 0)
def work(): try: db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "board" ADD COLUMN "parent_id" BYTEA NULL DEFAULT NULL;') except: print('failed') db.rollback()
def get_user_count_seq(): return db.execute_sql("select nextval('user_count_seq')").fetchone()[0]
def work(): try: db.execute_sql('DROP TABLE statistic24h;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "visible" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "user_id" BYTEA NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "reset_key" BYTEA NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "avatar" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "type" INTEGER DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "url" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "location" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "access_time" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "last_check_in_time" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "check_in_his" INT DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "exp" INT DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "user" RENAME "reg_time" TO "time";') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "board" RENAME "creator_id" TO "user_id";') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "comment" ADD COLUMN "post_number" INTEGER NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "bookmark_count" INTEGER DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "upvote_count" INTEGER DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "downvote_count" INTEGER DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "thank_count" INTEGER DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "vote_weight" BIGINT DEFAULT 0;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "bookmarked_users" BYTEA[] NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "upvoted_users" BYTEA[] NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "downvoted_users" BYTEA[] NULL;') db.execute_sql('ALTER TABLE "statistic" ADD COLUMN "thanked_users" BYTEA[] NULL;') except Exception as e: print(e) print('failed') db.rollback() for i in post_number = == i.related_id, <= Comment.update(post_number=post_number).where( ==
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wiki_history"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wiki_item"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wiki_article"; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "id_gen_seq"; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "user_count_seq"; """) try: db.execute_sql(r""" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION int2bytea(v_number bigint) RETURNS bytea AS $$ DECLARE v_str text; BEGIN v_str = to_hex(v_number)::text; return decode(concat(repeat('0', length(v_str) %% 2), v_str), 'hex'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS id_gen_seq NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE START 4096 NO CYCLE; /* 0x1000 */ CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS user_count_seq NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE START 1 NO CYCLE; """) db.execute_sql(""" CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext; """) except peewee.ProgrammingError: # permission denied to create extension "hstore" db.rollback() db.create_tables([
def index(): сursor = db.execute_sql( 'select forecasts.official,,(SELECT weather from forecasts WHERE AND official=0 ORDER BY id DESC limit 1),(SELECT day from forecasts WHERE AND official=0 ORDER BY id DESC limit 1),(SELECT night from forecasts WHERE AND official=0 ORDER BY id DESC limit 1) from forecasts LEFT JOIN forecasts AS f ON group by city, official HAVING official=0;' ) return render_template('index.html', forecasts=[row for row in сursor.fetchall()])
def sql_execute(sql): try: db.execute_sql(sql) except Exception as e: db.rollback()
def populate_virt_table(): db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO searchproducts SELECT product || " " || brand FROM products' )