Esempio n. 1
def getDocument(idDocument, lang):
    """Gets details of a document. Uses URL arguments:

      idDocument: mandatory, ID of the requested document
      lang: mandatory, language for document's metadata

      TODO: revisar los coalesce. Según lo último que hablamos, se
      íban a rellenar todos los campos o el documento era impublicable.

      TODO: cambiar los errores a make_response.
    if lang not in cons.lang:

    out = dict()

    m = DocumentModel()
    authorsData = m.getDocumentAuthors(idDocument)
    authors = []

    for a in authorsData:
        authors.append(helpers.authorHelper(a, lang))

    out["authors"] = authors
    labels = m.getDocumentLabels(idDocument, lang)
    pdf = m.getDocumentPdf(idDocument, lang)

    doc = m.getDocumentData(idDocument)
    if doc==None:
        return make_response(jsonify({"error": "Document not found"}), 404)

    out["id"] = doc["id_document"]
    out["time"] = str(doc["publishing_date"].isoformat())
    if lang=="en":
        out["description"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["description_en"], doc["description_es"]])
        out["theme"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["theme_en"], doc["theme_es"]])
        out["title"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["title_en"], doc["title_es"]])

        if doc["link_en"]!=None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_en"]
            out["link_lang"] = "en"
        elif doc["link_es"]!=None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_es"]
            out["link_lang"] = "es"

        out["description"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["description_es"], doc["description_en"]])
        out["theme"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["theme_es"], doc["theme_en"]])
        out["title"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["title_es"], doc["title_en"]])

        if doc["link_es"]!=None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_es"]
            out["link_lang"] = "es"
        elif doc["link_en"]!=None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_en"]
            out["link_lang"] = "en"

Esempio n. 2
def togglePublish(id_document):
    """Toggles the published status of a document."""
    m = DocumentModel()
    status = m.togglePublish(id_document)

    if status==None:
        return jsonify(cons.errors["-4"])
        return jsonify({"result" : status})
Esempio n. 3
def createDocument():
	data = json.loads(
	c = DocumentModel()
	result = c.createDocument(data)
	if data['doc_link'] and data['doc_link'].strip():
		c.updateDocumentFile(result['id_doc'], data['doc_link'])

	return jsonify({'id_doc': result['id_doc']})
Esempio n. 4
def downloadPdf():
    """Downloads a PDF. request.args:

    idPdf: mandatory, PDF ID.

    m = DocumentModel()
    pdf = m.getPdfData(request.args["idPdf"])
    return(send_file(backend["mediaFolder"]+"/"+pdf["hash"]+".pdf", \
                     mimetype="application/pdf", attachment_filename=pdf["pdf_name"]+".pdf", \
Esempio n. 5
def editDocument(id_document):
    """Edits a document. Gets the id_document in the URL, and upload this

    "title_es": "Test document ES",
    "title_en": "Test document EN",
    "labels_es": [{"id": "1", "label": "Label A"},
    {"id": "2", "label": "Label B"},
    {"id": "4", "label": "Label c"}],
    "labels_en": [{"id": "1", "label": "Label A"},
    {"id": "3", "label": "Label B"},
    {"id": "4", "label": "Label c"}],
    "theme_es": "Theme ES",
    "theme_en": "Theme EN",
    "description_es": "Description ES",
    "description_en": "Description EN",
    "authors": [{name": "Charles Powell", "position_en": "Director of the Elcano Royal Institute",
    "position_es": "Director del Real Instituto Elcano","twitter_user": "******"}, 
    {name": "Charles Powell", "position_en": "Director of the Elcano Royal Institute",
    "position_es": "Director del Real Instituto Elcano","twitter_user": "******"}, 
    {"name": "Charles Powell", "position_en": "Director of the Elcano Royal Institute",
    "position_es": "Director del Real Instituto Elcano", "twitter_user": ""}],
    "link_es": "Link ES",
    "link_en": "Link EN",
    "pdfs_es": [{"name": "pdf_es_1", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
    {"name": "pdf_es_2", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
    {"name": "pdf_es_3", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}],
    "pdfs_en": [{"name": "pdf_en_1", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
    {"name": "pdf_en_2", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
    {"name": "pdf_en_3", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}],
    "time": "20120211"
    m = DocumentModel()
    oldDocPdfEn = map(lambda p: p["hash"], m.getDocumentPdf(id_document, "en"))
    oldDocPdfEs = map(lambda p: p["hash"], m.getDocumentPdf(id_document, "es"))
    newDocPdfEn = map(lambda p: p["hash"], request.json["pdfs_en"])
    newDocPdfEs = map(lambda p: p["hash"], request.json["pdfs_es"])
    newEn = [v for v in newDocPdfEn if v not in oldDocPdfEn]
    newEs = [v for v in newDocPdfEs if v not in oldDocPdfEs]
    delEn = [v for v in oldDocPdfEn if v not in newDocPdfEn]
    delEs = [v for v in oldDocPdfEs if v not in newDocPdfEs]

    for f in newEn:

    for f in newEs:

    for f in delEn:
        m.deletePdf(id_document, f)

    for f in delEs:
        m.deletePdf(id_document, f)

    out = m.editDocument(id_document, request.json, newEn, newEs)

    return(jsonify({"results": {"id": out}}))
Esempio n. 6
def newDocument():
    """Creates a document. Needs a JSON in the form:

      "title_es": "Test document ES",
      "title_en": "Test document EN",
      "labels_es": [{"id": "1", "label": "Label A"},
                    {"id": "2", "label": "Label B"},
                    {"id": "4", "label": "Label c"}],
      "labels_en": [{"id": "1", "label": "Label A"},
                    {"id": "3", "label": "Label B"},
                    {"id": "4", "label": "Label c"}],
      "theme_es": "Theme ES",
      "theme_en": "Theme EN",
      "description_es": "Description ES",
      "description_en": "Description EN",
      "authors": [{"twitter_user": "******"}, {"twitter_user": "******"}, 
                  {"name": "Charles Powell", "position_en": "Director of the Elcano Royal Institute",
                   "position_es": "Director del Real Instituto Elcano"}],
      "link_es": "Link ES",
      "link_en": "Link EN",
      "pdfs_es": [{"name": "pdf_es_1", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
                  {"name": "pdf_es_2", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
                  {"name": "pdf_es_3", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}],
      "pdfs_en": [{"name": "pdf_en_1", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
                  {"name": "pdf_en_2", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}, 
                  {"name": "pdf_en_3", "hash": "8383e83838283e838238"}],
      "time": "20120213"
    m = DocumentModel()
    j = request.json

    if [j["title_es"], j["title_en"], j["theme_es"], j["theme_en"], 
        j["description_es"], j["description_en"]]==\
        [None, None, None, None, None, None] or \
        [j["title_es"], j["title_en"], j["theme_es"], j["theme_en"], 
        j["description_es"], j["description_en"]]==\
        return(jsonify({"Error": "void document"}))

    if j["pdfs_en"]:
        for f in j["pdfs_en"]:
    if j["pdfs_es"]:
        for f in j["pdfs_es"]:
    out = m.createDocument(j)
    return(jsonify({"id": out}))
Esempio n. 7
def upateDocument(id):
	data = json.loads(
	c = DocumentModel()
	result = c.updateDocument(id,data)

	if data['doc_link'] and data['doc_link'].strip():
		c.updateDocumentFile(id, data['doc_link'])

		for file in os.listdir(app.config['DOCUMENT_FILE_FOLDER']):
			if str(id) == file.split('.')[0]:
					os.remove(app.config['DOCUMENT_FILE_FOLDER'] + file)
				except OSError:

	return jsonify({'id_doc': id})
Esempio n. 8
def deleteDocument(id):
	c = DocumentModel()
	document = DocumentModel().getDocumentToEdit(id)
	if document['doc_link'] and 'http' not in document['doc_link']:
			os.remove(app.config['DOCUMENT_FILE_FOLDER'] + document['doc_link'].split('/documents/')[1])
		except OSError:

	for file in os.listdir(app.config['DOCUMENT_COVER_FOLDER']):
		if ('doc' + str(document['id_doc'])) == file.split('.')[0]:
				os.remove(app.config['DOCUMENT_COVER_FOLDER'] + file)
			except OSError:

	document = c.deleteDocument(id)

	return jsonify({'result': True})	
Esempio n. 9
def createFile():
	file = request.files['document']
	id_doc = request.form['id_doc']
	filename = id_doc + '.' + file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
	# try:
	# 	os.remove(app.config['DOCUMENT_FILE_FOLDER'] + filename)
	# except OSError:
	# 	pass

	for fileAux in os.listdir(app.config['DOCUMENT_FILE_FOLDER']):
		if id_doc == fileAux.split('.')[0]:
				os.remove(app.config['DOCUMENT_FILE_FOLDER'] + fileAux)
			except OSError:
				pass['DOCUMENT_FILE_FOLDER'], filename))
	c = DocumentModel()
	c.updateDocumentFile(id_doc, '/documents/' + filename)
	return jsonify({'result': True})
Esempio n. 10
def getDocumentList():

    Gets a slice of a document list. Uses URL arguments:

      page: mandatory, page to present
      search: optional, search criteria
      orderbyfield: optional, set by default to title
      orderbyorder: optional, asc / desc, set by default to asc

    TODO: modify data validation

    m = DocumentModel()
    out = []

    search = request.args["search"] if "search" in request.args else None
    orderbyfield = "last_edit_time"
    orderbyorder = "desc"

    totalSize = m.getDocumentListSize(search=search)
    docs = m.getDocumentList(request.args["page"], cons.backend["DocumentListLength"], \
                             search=search, orderByField=orderbyfield, orderByOrder=orderbyorder)

    for doc in docs:
        thisDoc = dict()
        thisDoc["id"] = doc["id"]
        if doc["title_en"]!="" and doc["theme_en"]!="" and doc["description_en"]!="":
        if doc["title_es"]!="" and doc["theme_es"]!="" and doc["description_es"]!="":

        thisDoc["title"] = doc["title"]
        thisDoc["time"] = str(doc["publishing_date"].isoformat())
        thisDoc["edit_time"] = doc["time"].isoformat()
        thisDoc["published"] = doc["published"]

        thisDoc["authors"] = m.getDocumentAuthors(doc["id"])
        thisDoc["attachments"] = False
        if len(m.getDocumentPdf(doc["id"]))>0:
            thisDoc["attachments"] = True

        thisDoc["links"] = False
        if doc["link_es"]!=None or doc["link_en"]!=None:
            thisDoc["links"] = True


    return(jsonify({"results": {"listSize": totalSize, "page": int(request.args["page"]), \
                                "data": out}}))
Esempio n. 11
def getDocument(id_document):
    Gets a document. Just state the id_document in the URL.
    m = DocumentModel()

    # Get data from Database
    d = m.getDocumentBackend(id_document)
    if d:
        pdfs_es = m.getDocumentPdf(id_document,"es")
        pdfs_en = m.getDocumentPdf(id_document,"en")
        authors = m.getDocumentAuthors(id_document)
        labels_es = m.getDocumentLabels(id_document,"es")
        labels_en = m.getDocumentLabels(id_document,"en")
        json = {
            "id" : d["id_document"],
            "title_en" : d["title_en"],
            "title_es" : d["title_es"],
            "theme_en" : d["theme_en"],
            "theme_es": d["theme_es"],
            "description_en" : d["description_en"],
            "description_es" : d["description_es"],
            "link_es" : d["link_es"],
            "link_en" : d["link_en"],
            "published" : d["published"],
            "last_edit_id_user" : d["last_edit_id_user"],
            "last_edit_time" : d["last_edit_time"],
            "pdfs_es" : pdfs_es,
            "pdfs_en" : pdfs_en,
            "labels_es" : labels_es,
            "labels_en" : labels_en,
            "authors" : authors,
            "time": str(d["publishing_date"].isoformat())
        return jsonify(json)
        return(jsonify({"error": "Document not found."}))
Esempio n. 12
def getDocumentCatalog():
    """Gets a slice of a document list. request.args:
    page: mandatory, page to present
    lang: mandatory, language (en / es)
    search: optional, search criteria
    filterbylabel: optional, comma-separated list of labels ID to filter with
    m = DocumentModel()
    lang = request.args["lang"]
    page = int(request.args["page"])
    fsearch = request.args["search"] if "search" in request.args else None
    flabels = request.args["filterbylabel"] if "filterbylabel" in request.args else None

        if fsearch:
            a = m.searchInLabels(lang, fsearch)["id_document"]
            searchLabels = set(a) if a else set([])

            a = m.searchInAuthors(fsearch)["id_document"]
            authors = set(a) if a else set([])
            searchLabels = set([])
            authors = set([])

        if flabels:
            a = m.filterByLabels(lang, flabels)["id_document"]
            filterLabels = set(a) if a else set([])

        a = m.searchInDocument(lang, fsearch)["id_document"]
        docs = set(a) if a else set([])
    except ElcanoError as e:
        return jsonify(e.dict())

    if flabels:
        docs = docs.union(searchLabels).union(authors).intersection(filterLabels)
        docs = docs.union(searchLabels).union(authors)

    for i in list(docs):
            docDetail = m.getDocumentDetails(lang, i)
            docAuthors = m.getDocumentAuthors(i)
            docLabels = m.getDocumentLabels(i, lang)
        except ElcanoError as e:
            return jsonify(e.dict())

        doc = dict()
        doc["id"] = docDetail["id_document"]
        doc["title"] = docDetail["title"]
        doc["theme"] = docDetail["theme"]
        doc["time"] = str(docDetail["publishing_date"].isoformat())
        doc["authors"] = []
        doc["labels"] = []

        for a in docAuthors:
            au = dict()
            au["id"] = a["id_author"]
            au["name"] = a["name"]
            au["twitter_user"] = a["twitter_user"]

        for l in docLabels:
            la = dict()
            la["id"] = l["id_label"]
            la["label"] = l["label"]

    sortedOut = sorted(out, key=itemgetter("time"), reverse=True)

    return(jsonify({"results": sortedOut[page*cons.frontend["documentCatalogListSize"]: \
                                         (page*cons.frontend["documentCatalogListSize"])+ \
                                         cons.frontend["documentCatalogListSize"]], \
                    "listSize": len(sortedOut), "page": page}))
Esempio n. 13
def deleteDocument(id_document):
    """Deletes a document. Just state the id_document in the URL."""
    m = DocumentModel()

    return(jsonify({"results": {"id": m.deleteDocument(id_document)}}))
Esempio n. 14
def createTag():
	data = json.loads(
	# Save topic data
	c = DocumentModel()
	result = c.createTag(data)
	return jsonify({'id_tag': result['id_tag']})
Esempio n. 15
def getDocument(idDocument, lang):
    """Gets details of a document. Uses URL arguments:

      idDocument: mandatory, ID of the requested document
      lang: mandatory, language for document's metadata

      TODO: revisar los coalesce. Según lo último que hablamos, se
      íban a rellenar todos los campos o el documento era impublicable.

      TODO: cambiar los errores a make_response.
    if lang not in cons.lang:
        return (jsonify(cons.errors["-1"]))

    out = dict()

    m = DocumentModel()
    authorsData = m.getDocumentAuthors(idDocument)
    authors = []

    for a in authorsData:
        authors.append(helpers.authorHelper(a, lang))

    out["authors"] = authors
    labels = m.getDocumentLabels(idDocument, lang)
    out["labels"] = labels
    pdf = m.getDocumentPdf(idDocument, lang)
    out["pdf"] = pdf

    doc = m.getDocumentData(idDocument)
    if doc == None:
        return make_response(jsonify({"error": "Document not found"}), 404)

    out["id"] = doc["id_document"]
    out["time"] = str(doc["publishing_date"].isoformat())
    if lang == "en":
        out["description"] = helpers.coalesce(
            [doc["description_en"], doc["description_es"]])
        out["theme"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["theme_en"], doc["theme_es"]])
        out["title"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["title_en"], doc["title_es"]])

        if doc["link_en"] != None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_en"]
            out["link_lang"] = "en"
        elif doc["link_es"] != None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_es"]
            out["link_lang"] = "es"

        out["description"] = helpers.coalesce(
            [doc["description_es"], doc["description_en"]])
        out["theme"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["theme_es"], doc["theme_en"]])
        out["title"] = helpers.coalesce([doc["title_es"], doc["title_en"]])

        if doc["link_es"] != None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_es"]
            out["link_lang"] = "es"
        elif doc["link_en"] != None:
            out["link"] = doc["link_en"]
            out["link_lang"] = "en"

    return (jsonify(out))