def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) self.main_clock = pygame.time.Clock() window.set_caption('snake game') self.surface = window.set_mode(surface_size) self.snake = Snake(self.surface) = Food(self.surface, self.snake.head) = Monster(self.surface, self.snake.head) = self.snake.grow_up self.eventHandler = EventHandler(pygame.KEYDOWN) self.add_events()
def delete(self, food_id): food = Food.objects().with_id(food_id) food.delete() if food != None: return {"message": "delete successful"} else: return {"message": "not found food"}
class SnakeGame: def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) self.main_clock = pygame.time.Clock() window.set_caption('snake game') self.surface = window.set_mode(surface_size) self.snake = Snake(self.surface) = Food(self.surface, self.snake.head) = Monster(self.surface, self.snake.head) = self.snake.grow_up self.eventHandler = EventHandler(pygame.KEYDOWN) self.add_events() def add_events(self): # exit. self.eventHandler.add_event(QUIT, lambda event: exit(0)) self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, K_q, exit) # movement. self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, K_UP, self.snake.go_up) self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, K_RIGHT, self.snake.go_right) self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, K_DOWN, self.snake.go_down) self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, K_LEFT, self.snake.go_left) self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, K_LSHIFT, self.snake.speed_up) self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, K_SPACE, self.snake.shrink) # self.eventHandler.add_subevent(KEYDOWN, pygame.K_a, self.snake.grow_down_head) def update_screen(self): self.surface.fill(white) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, black, (0, 0, surface_size[0], surface_size[1]), stroke_width) # draw borders. for i in range( pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, cp[i % 4], borders_position[i], stroke_width) pygame.display.flip() def start(self): while True: self.eventHandler.check_events() self.update_screen() self.main_clock.tick(50)
def put(self, food_id): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument(name="rate", type=float, location="json") body = parser.parse_args() # name = # url = body.url # coint_old = body.coint_old # coint_new = body.coint_new # cout_rate = body.cout_rate rate_res = body.rate food = Food.objects().with_id(food_id) cout_rate = food.cout_rate rate = food.rate rate_new = (cout_rate * rate + rate_res) / (cout_rate + 1) food.update(cout_rate=cout_rate + 1, rate=rate_new) add_food = Food.objects().with_id(food_id) return mlab.item2json(add_food)
def post(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument(name="name", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="url", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="coint_old", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="coint_new", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="cout_rate", type=int, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="rate", type=float, location="json") body = parser.parse_args() name = url = body.url coint_old = body.coint_old coint_new = body.coint_new cout_rate = body.cout_rate rate = body.rate food = Food(name=name, url=url, coint_new=coint_new, coint_old=coint_old, cout_rate=cout_rate, rate=rate) add_food = Food.objects().with_id( return mlab.item2json(add_food)
def post(self, id): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument(name="id_user", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="message", type=str, location="json") body = parser.parse_args() id_user = body["id_user"] message = body["message"] print(id_user) print(message) food = Food.objects().with_id(id) user = User.objects().with_id(id_user) date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=7) comment = Comment(user=user, message=message, date=str(date), food=food) comment_add = Comment.objects().with_id( return comment_add.get_json(), 200
def post(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument(name="items", type=list, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="address", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="phone_number", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="user", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="code", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="name", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="id", type=str, location="json") parser.add_argument(name="count", type=int, location="json") body = parser.parse_args() items = body["items"] date ='%d-%m-%Y') address = body.address phone_number = body.phone_number user_id = body.user name = code = body["code"] if items is None or date is None or address is None or phone_number is None or user_id is None: return {"message": "Thiếu trường "}, 400 if len(str(phone_number)) > 11 or len(str(phone_number)) < 10: return {"message": "Số điện thoại cc gì! sdt 10 or 11 số!"}, 402 try: sdt = float(phone_number) except: return {"message": "Số điện thoại lol gì mà có chữ?"}, 401 API_KEY = "AIzaSyCEB4QVng3uFEQ-SwxfwOWAG4H3sr7Mfi8" url_request = "{0}&destinations={1}&mode=driving&language=vi-VN&key={2}".format( "301 Trường Chinh,Hà nội", str(address) + " Hà Nội", API_KEY) ship_spend = 0 try: req = requests.get(url_request) json_data = json.loads(req.content) list_add = json_data["rows"] elements = list_add[0]["elements"] km = elements[0]["distance"]["text"] txt = str(km).split(" ") distance = txt[0].replace(",", ".") ship_spend = float(distance) * 3000 except: ship_spend = -1 order_items = [] spend = 0 for i in range(0, len(items)): count = items[i]["count"] food_id = items[i]["id"] print("count:", items[i]["count"], ";id:", items[i]["id"]) try: sl = int(count) if sl < 1: return {"message": "Số lượng >0 ok?"}, 401 except: return {"message": "count là số int ok?"}, 401 food = Food.objects().with_id(food_id) single_order = SingleOrder(count=count, food=food) order_items.append(single_order) spend += (float(food["coint_new"]) * int(count)) if spend == 0: return {"message": "Đặt hàng cc gì mà giá bằng 0?"}, 401 try: user = User.objects().with_id(user_id) user.update(address=address, phone_number=phone_number, name=name) except: return {"message": "Đm gửi cái user id mà data mlab lưu ấy"}, 401 oder = Oder() code = str(code).lower() gift = GiftCode.objects(code=code).first() try: spend_min = gift.spend_min except: spend_min = -1 if (spend > 0 and (spend >= spend_min and spend_min != -1)): use_number = gift["use_number"] use_number -= 1 if use_number == 0: gift.delete() else: gift.update(set__use_number=use_number) oder = Oder(items=order_items, date=date, address=address, phone_number=phone_number, user=User.objects().with_id(user_id), is_Succues=False, spend=spend + ship_spend - gift.price, ship_money=ship_spend, code_price=gift.price, is_Received=False, is_Shipping=False) else: oder = Oder(items=order_items, date=date, address=address, phone_number=phone_number, user=User.objects().with_id(user_id), is_Succues=False, spend=spend + ship_spend, ship_money=ship_spend, code_price=0, is_Received=False, is_Shipping=False) if oder in Oder.objects(): return {"message": "Đăth lằm đặt lốn!"}, 404 add_oder = Oder.objects().with_id( #apikey = "AAAAhgLLpbs:APA91bGLuFvqDwvWs7L7RNnMHwus426M1fi5oLSP2azB5jOhB2jW2i91uIZF7jrECoyUYk-c-h5yyp4DY0oKFhEgg3S6o7fsv7dc-M5aBDdwxbYaWgXVn3HFEqImNYEm6xfyeMqb4lAR" #push_service = FCMNotification(api_key=apikey) #push_service.notify_topic_subscribers(topic_name="admin", message_body="Có đơn hàng mới", # message_title="Kiểm tra ngay") return mlab.item2json(add_oder), 200
def get_json(self): return { "food": Food.objects().with_id(, "count": self.count }
def get(selfk, food_id): food = Food.objects().with_id(food_id) return mlab.item2json(food)
def get(self): food = Food.objects() return mlab.list2json(food)
def get(self, id): food = Food.objects().with_id(id) comments = Comment.objects(food=food) return [comment.get_json() for comment in comments], 200
def get(self): food = Food.objects() return mlab.item2json(food)
def play_game(genomes, config): global screen global best_fitness global pop dx = 1 dy = 0 best_foods = 0 generation_number = 0 best_instance = None genome_number = 0 # Create the field, the snake and a bit of food theField = Field(screen, gu.field_width, gu.field_height, gu.blockSize, gu.field_color) # Outer loop is for all the genomes for genome_id, genome in genomes: net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config) dx = 1 dy = 0 score = 0.0 calories = 100 # create food at random position theFood = Food(theField) # Snake starts from a fixed location theSnake = Snake(theField, gu.snake_color, 5, x=int(gu.field_width / 2), y=int(gu.field_height / 2)) # initialize an empty set for loop detection loopPoints = set() food_count = 0 # keep counting of food while True: event = pygame.event.wait() # Window is going to be closed if event.type == pygame.QUIT: print("Quitting the game now ...") ## save the population gu.save_object(pop, gu.pop_data_file) pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Every TIME_DURATION there will be a SNAKE_EVENT to move the snake if event.type == SNAKE_EVENT: # initially dx = 1 and dy = 0 i.e. moving to the right on X axis # current distance from the food hx, hy = theSnake.position() fx, fy = theFood.position() dist_before_move = math.sqrt((hx - fx)**2 + (hy - fy)**2) # find out current input points (total 9 for now) inputs = gu.get_inputs(theSnake.body[0], theFood.position(), (gu.field_width, gu.field_height), (dx, dy)) # it will generate 3 outputs (continue straight, left or right) outputs = net.activate(inputs) # find index of maximum value and determine the direction (0 - straight, 1 - left or 2 - right) direction = outputs.index(max(outputs)) # decide the movement direction based on the outcome if direction == 1: # turn left (dx, dy) = gu.left((dx, dy)) elif direction == 2: # turn right (dx, dy) = gu.right((dx, dy)) else: # keep going straight (direction = 0) # dx and dy values will remain same pass # because of movement calories will burn calories -= 1 # move the snake now, also check if move is invalid or calories are exausted # if not theSnake.move(dx, dy) or calories <= 0: if (theSnake.move(dx, dy) == False) or (theSnake.body[0] in loopPoints): # too bad snake died # = 0 loopPoints = set() break # Reward the snake for being alive score += gu.ALIVE_SCORE # punish for the loop # if theSnake.body[0] in loopPoints: # score -= gu.LOOP_SCORE # keep tracking head positon till next food grab loopPoints.add(theSnake.body[0]) # distance from the food after the move hx, hy = theSnake.position() dist_after_move = math.sqrt((hx - fx)**2 + (hy - fy)**2) # adjust the score if (hx, hy) == (fx, fy): # if snake grabs the food food_count += 1 score += gu.FOOD_SCORE calories += gu.FOOD_CALORIES # found food, got calories theSnake.grow() # grow by one length # Make new food now theFood = Food(theField) # Also reset loopPoints loopPoints = set() elif dist_after_move > dist_before_move: score -= gu.FAR_SCORE elif dist_after_move < dist_before_move: score += gu.NEAR_SCORE else: # place holder for something else score += 0 # end of SNAKE_EVENT # Render snake and food theField.draw() theFood.draw() theSnake.draw() pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(gu.renderdelay) # end of while loop # while loop is done for the current genome for i in range(0, 2): theField.draw() theFood.draw() theSnake.draw(damage=(i % 2 == 0)) pygame.display.update() # Tell about the fitness = score / 100 # Keep saving best instance if not best_instance or > best_fitness: best_instance = { 'num_generation': generation_number, 'fitness':, 'score': score, 'genome': genome, 'net': net, } best_foods = max(best_foods, food_count) best_fitness = max(best_fitness, # if gu.debug_on: roudn_places = 5 print(f"Generation {generation_number} \t" + \ f"Genome {genome_number} \t" + \ f"Foods {food_count} \t" + \ f"BF {best_foods} \t" + \ f"Fitness {round(, roudn_places)} \t" + \ f"Best fitness {round(best_fitness, roudn_places)} \t" + \ f"Score {round(score, roudn_places)}") genome_number += 1 # end of for loop, all genomes are done # Save end results gu.save_best_generation_instance(best_instance) generation_number += 1 if generation_number % 20 == 0: gu.save_object(pop, gu.pop_data_file) print("Exporting population") # export population # gu.save_object(pop,gu.pop_data_file) # export population global list_best_fitness global fig list_best_fitness.append(best_fitness) line_best_fitness.set_ydata(np.array(list_best_fitness)) line_best_fitness.set_xdata(list(range(len(list_best_fitness)))) plt.xlim(0, len(list_best_fitness) - 1) plt.ylim(0, max(list_best_fitness) + 0.5) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events()