Esempio n. 1
 def doc_embbedding(self, sent_topic_emb, seqLen, scope=None):
     with tf.variable_scope(scope or "sent_topic_embedding"):
         if self.cfg.doc_encode == "bigru":
             birnn_sent = biGRU(sent_topic_emb, self.cfg.sent_hidden, seqLen)
         elif self.cfg.doc_encode == 'bilstm':
             birnn_sent = biLSTM(sent_topic_emb, self.cfg.sent_hidden, seqLen)
             raise ValueError("no such encoder %s" %(self.cfg.doc_encode))
         doc_emb = mask_attention(birnn_sent, self.cfg.atten_size, seqLen) # (b_sz, sent_hidden * 2)
         return doc_emb
Esempio n. 2
 def sent_encode(self, user_word_emb, scope=None):
     with tf.variable_scope(scope or "sent_encode"):
         if self.cfg.lstm_sent_encode == 'bigru':
             sent_emb = biGRU(user_word_emb, self.cfg.word_hidden, self.ph_sNum)
             sent_emb = avg_pooling(sent_emb, self.cfg.maxseq, self.cfg.word_hidden * 2)
         elif self.cfg.lstm_sent_encode == 'bilstm':
             sent_emb = biLSTM(user_word_emb, self.cfg.word_hidden, self.ph_sNum)
             sent_emb = avg_pooling(sent_emb, self.cfg.maxseq, self.cfg.word_hidden * 2)
             raise ValueError("no such sent encode %s" % (self.cfg.lstm_sent_encode))
         return sent_emb
Esempio n. 3
 def topic_embedding(self, topic_word_emb, scope=None):
         # topic_word_emb = tf.expand_dims(topic_word_emb, axis=0)
         with tf.variable_scope(scope or "topic_encode"):
             if self.cfg.topic_encode == "bigru":
                 topic_seqLen = get_length(topic_word_emb)
                 topic_seqLen = tf.reshape(topic_seqLen, [-1, ])
                 birnn_x = biGRU(topic_word_emb, self.cfg.word_hidden, topic_seqLen)
             elif self.cfg.topic_encode == 'bilstm':
                 topic_seqLen = get_length(topic_word_emb)
                 topic_seqLen = tf.reshape(topic_seqLen, [-1, ])
                 birnn_x = biLSTM(topic_word_emb, self.cfg.word_hidden, topic_seqLen)
                 raise ValueError("no such encoder %s" %(self.cfg.rnn_encode))
         topic_emb = avg_pooling(birnn_x, self.cfg.topic_num, self.cfg.word_hidden * 2) # shape: (1, topic, word_hidden)
         # topic_emb = mask_attention(birnn_x, self.cfg.topic_num, self.cfg.word_hidden * 2, self.cfg.atten_size, topic_seqLen) # sequence_length, dim, attn_size, seqLen
         topic_emb = tf.reshape(topic_emb, [self.cfg.topic_num, self.cfg.word_hidden * 2]) # shape: (topic_num, word_hidden)
         return topic_emb
Esempio n. 4
    def sent_encode(self, user_word_emb, scope=None):
        # b_sz, ststp, wtstp, emb_sz = tf.unstack(tf.shape(user_word_emb))
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or "sent_encode"):
            sent_word = tf.reshape(user_word_emb, [-1, self.cfg.maxword, self.cfg.emb_size])
            sent_wNUm = tf.reshape(self.ph_wNum, [-1, ])

            if self.cfg.ute_sent_encode == "cnn":
                sent_emb = cnn_layer(sent_word, self.cfg.emb_size, filter_sizes=self.cfg.filter_sizes, num_filters=self.cfg.num_filters)
            elif self.cfg.ute_sent_encode == 'bigru':
                sent_emb = biGRU(sent_word,self.cfg.word_hidden, sent_wNUm)
                sent_emb = mask_attention(sent_emb, self.cfg.maxword, self.cfg.word_hidden * 2, self.cfg.atten_size, sent_wNUm)
            elif self.cfg.ute_sent_encode == 'bilstm':
                sent_emb = biLSTM(sent_word, self.cfg.word_hidden, sent_wNUm)
                sent_emb = mask_attention(sent_emb, self.cfg.maxword, self.cfg.word_hidden * 2, self.cfg.atten_size, sent_wNUm)
                raise ValueError("no such sent encode %s" % (self.cfg.ute_sent_encode))
            return sent_emb
Esempio n. 5
 def sent_encode(self, user_word_emb, scope=None):
     with tf.variable_scope(scope or "sent_encode"):
         sent_word = tf.reshape(user_word_emb,
                                [-1, self.cfg.maxword, self.cfg.emb_size])
         sent_wNUm = tf.reshape(self.ph_wNum, [
         if self.cfg.han_sent_encode == 'bigru':
             sent_emb = biGRU(sent_word, self.cfg.word_hidden, sent_wNUm)
         elif self.cfg.han_sent_encode == 'bilstm':
             sent_emb = biLSTM(sent_word, self.cfg.word_hidden, sent_wNUm)
             raise ValueError("no such sent encode %s" %
         sent_emb = mask_attention(sent_emb, self.cfg.maxword,
                                   self.cfg.word_hidden * 2,
                                   sent_wNUm)  # attention mechanism
         return sent_emb