Esempio n. 1
def initial_values():
    y0 = [0] * V.len_f_vars

    x = f_params()

    y0[V.TGFb] = 0.05
    y0[V.Rec] = 1.84
    y0[V.TGFb_pRec] = 0
    y0[V.S2] = x[C.S2tot]
    y0[V.S3] = x[C.S3tot]
    y0[V.S4] = x[C.S4tot]
    y0[V.ppS2_ppS2_ppS2] = 0
    y0[V.ppS3_ppS3_ppS3] = 0
    y0[V.S4_S4_S4] = 0
    y0[V.pS2] = 0
    y0[V.pS3] = 0
    y0[V.ppS2] = 0
    y0[V.ppS3] = 0
    y0[V.ppS2_ppS2_S4] = 0
    y0[V.ppS2_ppS2_ppS3] = 0
    y0[V.ppS2_ppS3_ppS3] = 0
    y0[V.ppS3_ppS3_S4] = 0
    y0[V.ppS2_ppS3_S4] = 0
    y0[V.ppS3_S4_S4] = 0
    y0[V.ppS2_S4_S4] = 0
    y0[V.gene] = 1
    return y0
Esempio n. 2
class Simulation(object):
    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    tspan = np.arange(0, 72, 0.01)
    t = np.array(tspan)

    Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan, args=tuple(x))
Esempio n. 3
 def get_steady_state():
     x = f_params()
     y0 = initial_values()
     ss_time = range(2401)  # 2400 min
     y0[V.Ins] = 0.01  # 0.01 nM of insulin during starvation
     Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, ss_time, args=tuple(x))
     return Y[-1,:]
Esempio n. 4
class Simulation(object):
    tspan = [i / 10 for i in range(120 * 10 + 1)]
    t = np.array(tspan)

    condition = 9

    Gwl = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    Cdc25 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    ENSAP = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    Y15 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    B55 = np.empty((len(t), condition))

    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    for i in range(condition):
        #OA insensitive phosphatase
        if i in [0, 3, 6]:
            x[C.kigwl] = 0
            x[C.kigwl_d] = 2
            x[C.kigwl_dd] = 0
        #OA sensitive phosphatase
        if i in [1, 4, 7]:
            x[C.kigwl] = 0
            x[C.kigwl_d] = 0.02
            x[C.kigwl_dd] = 2
        if i in [2, 5, 8]:
            x[C.kigwl] = 2
            x[C.kigwl_d] = 0.02
            x[C.kigwl_dd] = 0

        #Cdk1 Inhibition +OA
        if i in [3, 4, 5]:
            x[C.OA] = 100
            x[C.RO] = 25

        #Mitotic block
        if i in [6, 7, 8]:
            y0[V.MPF] = 0.96
            y0[V.Cdc25] = 0.97
            y0[V.Wee1] = 0.03
            y0[V.Gwl] = 0.9
            y0[V.ENSAPt] = 0.75
            y0[V.PP2] = 0.027

            x[C.OA] = 0
            x[C.RO] = 100

        Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan, args=tuple(x))
        Gwl[:, i] = Y[:, V.Gwl]
        Cdc25[:, i] = Y[:, V.Cdc25]
        ENSAP[:, i] = Y[:, V.ENSAPt]
        B55[:, i] = Y[:, V.PP2]
        Y15[:, i] = x[C.CycT] - Y[:, V.MPF]
Esempio n. 5
class Simulation(object):
    tspan = range(121)
    t = np.array(tspan)

    condition = 4

    IL13stimulation = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    Rec = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    Rec_i = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    IL13_Rec = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    p_IL13_Rec = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    p_IL13_Rec_i = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    JAK2 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    pJAK2 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    SHP1 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    STAT5 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    pSTAT5 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    SOCS3mRNA = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    DecoyR = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    IL13_DecoyR = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    SOCS3 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    CD274mRNA = np.empty((len(t), condition))

    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    for i in range(condition):
        if i == 0:
            y0[V.IL13stimulation] = 80.0
        elif i == 1:
            y0[V.IL13stimulation] = 20.0
        elif i == 2:
            y0[V.IL13stimulation] = 4.0
        elif i == 3:
            y0[V.IL13stimulation] = 0.0

        Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan, args=tuple(x))

        IL13stimulation[:, i] = Y[:, V.IL13stimulation]
        Rec[:, i] = Y[:, V.Rec]
        Rec_i[:, i] = Y[:, V.Rec_i]
        IL13_Rec[:, i] = Y[:, V.IL13_Rec]
        p_IL13_Rec[:, i] = Y[:, V.p_IL13_Rec]
        p_IL13_Rec_i[:, i] = Y[:, V.p_IL13_Rec_i]
        JAK2[:, i] = Y[:, V.JAK2]
        pJAK2[:, i] = Y[:, V.pJAK2]
        SHP1[:, i] = Y[:, V.SHP1]
        STAT5[:, i] = Y[:, V.STAT5]
        pSTAT5[:, i] = Y[:, V.pSTAT5]
        SOCS3mRNA[:, i] = Y[:, V.SOCS3mRNA]
        DecoyR[:, i] = Y[:, V.DecoyR]
        IL13_DecoyR[:, i] = Y[:, V.IL13_DecoyR]
        SOCS3[:, i] = Y[:, V.SOCS3]
        CD274mRNA[:, i] = Y[:, V.CD274mRNA]
Esempio n. 6
class Simulation(object):
    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    tspan = range(901)
    t = np.array(tspan)

    Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan, args=tuple(x))

    CyclinA = Y[:, V.CycAT] - Y[:, V.CycAp27]
    CyclinE = Y[:, V.CycET] - Y[:, V.CycEp27]
    p27_tot = Y[:, V.p27T]
Esempio n. 7
class Simulation(object):
    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    tspan = range(1200)
    t = np.array(tspan) / 60

    Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan, args=tuple(x))

    CycA = Y[:, V.tCa]
    CycE = Y[:, V.tCe]
    active_RC = Y[:, V.aRc]
    P21_tot = Y[:, V.tP21]
Esempio n. 8
class Simulation(object):
    t = range(121)
    condition = 3

    totalShc = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    totalGrb2 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    RSh = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    RGrb2 = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    totalSOS = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    ShGS = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    PLCg = np.empty((len(t), condition))

    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    for i in range(condition):
        if i == 0:  # 20nM
        elif i == 1:  # 2nM
            y0[V.EGF] = 68.
        elif i == 2:  # Absence of the PLCγP translocation step
            y0[V.EGF] = 680.
            x[C.k25f] = 0.
            x[C.k25b] = 0.

        Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))

                 i] = Y[:, V.
                        R_ShP] + Y[:, V.
                                   R_Sh_G] + Y[:, V.
                                               R_Sh_G_S] + Y[:, V.
                                                             ShP] + Y[:, V.
                                                                      Sh_G] + Y[:,
                  i] = Y[:, V.R_Sh_G] + Y[:,
                                          V.Sh_G] + Y[:,
                                                      V.R_Sh_G_S] + Y[:,
        RSh[:, i] = Y[:, V.R_ShP] + Y[:, V.R_Sh_G] + Y[:, V.R_Sh_G_S]
              i] = Y[:, V.R_G] + Y[:, V.R_G_S] + Y[:, V.R_Sh_G] + Y[:,
        totalSOS[:, i] = Y[:, V.R_G_S] + Y[:, V.R_Sh_G_S]
        ShGS[:, i] = Y[:, V.Sh_G_S]
        PLCg[:, i] = Y[:, V.R_PLP] + Y[:, V.PLCgP]
Esempio n. 9
class Simulation(object):
    def get_steady_state():
        x = f_params()
        y0 = initial_values()
        ss_time = range(2401)  # 2400 min
        y0[V.Ins] = 0.01  # 0.01 nM of insulin during starvation
        Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, ss_time, args=tuple(x))
        return Y[-1,:]
    tspan = range(481)
    t = np.array(tspan)
    condition = 5

    pAKT   = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    pS6K   = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    pGSK3B = np.empty((len(t), condition))
    G6Pase = np.empty((len(t), condition))

    x = f_params()
    y0 = get_steady_state()
    for i in range(condition):
        if i == 0:
            y0[V.Ins] = 0.01
        elif i == 1:
            y0[V.Ins] = 0.03
        elif i == 2:
            y0[V.Ins] = 0.1
        elif i == 3:
            y0[V.Ins] = 0.3
        elif i == 4:
            y0[V.Ins] = 1.0

        Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan, args=tuple(x))
        pAKT[:, i] = Y[:, V.pAKT]
        pS6K[:, i] = Y[:, V.pS6K] * 83.8672192461257
        pGSK3B[:, i] = Y[:, V.pGSK3B] * 0.111097316860158
        G6Pase[:, i] = Y[:, V.G6Pase] * 0.0363622452066626
Esempio n. 10
class Simulation(object):
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 480, 4801)
    t = np.array(tspan) / 60  # min -> hour
    Ton = np.linspace(0, 0.5, 6)  # 30 s pulse
    Toff = np.linspace(0, 479.5, 4796)

    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan, args=tuple(x))

    totalNumPSmad2_sustained = (Y[:,V.PSmad2c] + 2*Y[:,V.PSmad2_PSmad2_c] + Y[:,V.PSmad2_PSmad4_c])*2.3*602 \
                               + (Y[:,V.PSmad2n] + 2*Y[:,V.PSmad2_PSmad2_n] + Y[:,V.PSmad2_Smad4_n])*602

    pulse = odeint(diffeq, y0, Ton, args=tuple(x))
    Y0 = pulse[-1, :]
    # washout
    Y0[V.TGF_beta_ex] = 0
    washout = odeint(diffeq, Y0, Toff, args=tuple(x))

    Y = np.vstack((np.delete(pulse, -1, axis=0), washout))
    totalNumPSmad2_singlePulse = (Y[:,V.PSmad2c] + 2*Y[:,V.PSmad2_PSmad2_c] + Y[:,V.PSmad2_PSmad4_c])*2.3*602 \
                                 + (Y[:,V.PSmad2n] + 2*Y[:,V.PSmad2_PSmad2_n] + Y[:,V.PSmad2_Smad4_n])*602
Esempio n. 11
class Simulation(object):
    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    t = range(481)

    condition = 4

    p38_activity = np.empty((len(t),condition))

    for i in range(condition):
        # k8: the rate constant for MKP-1 protein degradation
        if i==0:
            x[C.k8] = 0.024
        elif i==1:
            x[C.k8] = 0.012
        elif i==2:
            x[C.k8] = 0.008
        elif i==3:
            x[C.k8] = 0.004

        Y = odeint(diffeq,y0,t,args=tuple(x))

        p38_activity[:,i] = Y[:,V.FRET]
Esempio n. 12
class Simulation(object):

    tspan_ss = range(3600 * 100 + 1)
    tspan_a = range(3601)
    tspan_b = range(3600 * 6 + 1)

    t = np.arange(3600 * 7 + 1) / 3600.

    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    # t < 0
    Yss = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan_ss, args=tuple(x))
    y0 = Yss[-1, :]

    # 0 <= t < 1
    Ya = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan_a, args=tuple(x))
    y0 = Ya[-1, :]
    x[C.TR] = 1

    # 1 <= t <= 7
    Yb = odeint(diffeq, y0, tspan_b, args=tuple(x))

    Y = np.vstack((np.delete(Ya, -1, axis=0), Yb))

    Neutral_IKK = Y[:, V.IKKn]
    Active_IKK = Y[:, V.IKKa]
    Inactive_IKK = Y[:, V.IKKi]
    Free_cyt_IkBa = Y[:, V.IkBa]
    Cyt = Y[:, V.IkBaNFkB]
    Free_nuclear_IkBa = Y[:, V.IkBan]
    Free_nuclear_NFkB = Y[:, V.NFkBn]
    IkBa_mRNA = Y[:, V.IkBat]
    A20_mRNA = Y[:, V.A20t]
    A20_protein = Y[:, V.A20]
    cgen_mRNA = Y[:, V.cgent]
Esempio n. 13
class Simulation(object):
    t_start = 0
    t_end = 600
    h = 10000
    t = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, h)
    conditions = 12

    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    for i in range(conditions):
        if i == 0:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Ski_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Ski_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Ski_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Ski_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Ski_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Ski_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Ski_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Ski_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])
        if i == 1:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Skil_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Skil_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Skil_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Skil_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Skil_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Skil_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Skil_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Skil_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 2:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Dnmt3a_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Dnmt3a_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Dnmt3a_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Dnmt3a_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Dnmt3a_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Dnmt3a_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Dnmt3a_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Dnmt3a_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 3:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Sox4_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Sox4_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Sox4_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Sox4_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Sox4_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Sox4_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Sox4_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Sox4_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 4:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Jun_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Jun_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Jun_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Jun_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Jun_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Jun_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Jun_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Jun_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 5:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Smad7_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Smad7_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Smad7_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Smad7_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Smad7_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Smad7_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Smad7_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Smad7_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 6:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Klf10_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Klf10_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Klf10_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Klf10_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Klf10_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Klf10_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Klf10_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Klf10_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 7:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Bmp4_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Bmp4_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Bmp4_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Bmp4_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Bmp4_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Bmp4_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Bmp4_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Bmp4_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 8:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Cxcl15_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Cxcl15_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Cxcl15_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Cxcl15_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Cxcl15_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Cxcl15_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Cxcl15_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Cxcl15_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 9:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Dusp5_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Dusp5_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Dusp5_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Dusp5_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Dusp5_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Dusp5_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Dusp5_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Dusp5_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 10:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Tgfa_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Tgfa_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Tgfa_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Tgfa_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Tgfa_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Tgfa_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Tgfa_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Tgfa_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])

        if i == 11:
            x[C.gene_turn] = x[C.Pdk4_turn]
            x[C.gene_act1] = x[C.Pdk4_act1]
            x[C.gene_act2] = x[C.Pdk4_act2]
            x[C.gene_act3] = x[C.Pdk4_act3]
            x[C.gene_inh1] = x[C.Pdk4_inh1]
            x[C.gene_inh2] = x[C.Pdk4_inh2]
            x[C.gene_inh3] = x[C.Pdk4_inh3]

            Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))
            Pdk4_treated = np.log2(Y[:, V.gene])
Esempio n. 14
def timecourse(sim):

    x = f_params()

    yticks = [np.arange(-0.4, 0.6, 0.2)]

    plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 6
    plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial'
    #plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1
    plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=1.0)

    for i in range(12):
        plt.subplot(4, 3, i + 1)
        if i == 0:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Ski_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Ski_treated - x[C.sd_Ski],
                             sim.Ski_treated + x[C.sd_Ski],
            plt.title('Ski (Cluster 1)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.7])
            plt.yticks([-0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6])
        elif i == 1:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Skil_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Skil_treated - x[C.sd_Skil],
                             sim.Skil_treated + x[C.sd_Skil],
            plt.title('Skil (Cluster 2)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.2, 1.2])
            plt.yticks([0, 0.5, 1.0])
        elif i == 2:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Dnmt3a_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Dnmt3a_treated - x[C.sd_Dnmt3a],
                             sim.Dnmt3a_treated + x[C.sd_Dnmt3a],
            plt.title('Dnmt3a (Cluster 3)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.2, 0.5])
            plt.yticks([-0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4])
        elif i == 3:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Sox4_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Sox4_treated - x[C.sd_Sox4],
                             sim.Sox4_treated + x[C.sd_Sox4],
            plt.title('Sox4 (Cluster 4)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.6, 1.0])
            plt.yticks([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5])
        elif i == 4:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Jun_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Jun_treated - x[C.sd_Jun],
                             sim.Jun_treated + x[C.sd_Jun],
            plt.title('Jun (Cluster 5)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.8, 1.0])
            plt.yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0])
        elif i == 5:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Smad7_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Smad7_treated - x[C.sd_Smad7],
                             sim.Smad7_treated + x[C.sd_Smad7],
            plt.title('Smad7 (Cluster 6)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.5, 1.1])
            plt.yticks([0, 0.5, 1.0])
        elif i == 6:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Klf10_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Klf10_treated - x[C.sd_Klf10],
                             sim.Klf10_treated + x[C.sd_Klf10],
            plt.title('Klf10 (Cluster 7)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.3, 1.5])
            plt.yticks([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5])
        elif i == 7:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Bmp4_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Bmp4_treated - x[C.sd_Bmp4],
                             sim.Bmp4_treated + x[C.sd_Bmp4],
            plt.title('Bmp4 (Cluster 8)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.6])
            plt.yticks([-0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4])
        elif i == 8:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Cxcl15_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Cxcl15_treated - x[C.sd_Cxcl15],
                             sim.Cxcl15_treated + x[C.sd_Cxcl15],
            plt.title('Cxcl15 (Cluster 9)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.4])
            plt.yticks([-0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2])
        elif i == 9:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Dusp5_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Dusp5_treated - x[C.sd_Dusp5],
                             sim.Dusp5_treated + x[C.sd_Dusp5],
            plt.title('Dusp5 (Cluster 10)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.4, 0.3])
            plt.yticks([-0.2, 0, 0.2])
        elif i == 10:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Tgfa_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Tgfa_treated - x[C.sd_Tgfa],
                             sim.Tgfa_treated + x[C.sd_Tgfa],
            plt.title('Tgfa (Cluster 11)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.6, 0.2])
            plt.yticks([-0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2])
        elif i == 11:
            plt.plot(sim.t, sim.Pdk4_treated, 'r')
                             sim.Pdk4_treated - x[C.sd_Pdk4],
                             sim.Pdk4_treated + x[C.sd_Pdk4],
            plt.title('Pdk4 (Cluster 12)', fontweight="bold")
            plt.ylim([-0.6, 0.1])
            plt.yticks([-0.4, -0.2, 0])

        if i >= 9:
            plt.xlabel('time (min)')
        plt.xticks([0, 120, 240, 360, 480, 600])
        if i % 3 == 0:
            plt.ylabel('gene expression(log2)')
Esempio n. 15
class Simulation(object):
    t_start = 0
    t_end = 300
    h = 1000
    t = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, h)
    conditions = 5

    pEGFR_au = np.empty((len(t), conditions))
    pErbB2_au = np.empty((len(t), conditions))
    pErbB3_au = np.empty((len(t), conditions))
    pIGF1R_au = np.empty((len(t), conditions))
    pERK_au = np.empty((len(t), conditions))
    pAKT_au = np.empty((len(t), conditions))
    pS6_au = np.empty((len(t), conditions))

    x = f_params()
    y0 = initial_values()

    # Cell line H322M
    for i in range(conditions):
        if i == 0:
            y0[V.dose_EGF] = 0
            y0[V.dose_HGF] = 0
            y0[V.dose_IGF1] = 0
            y0[V.dose_HRG] = 0
        elif i == 1:
            y0[V.dose_EGF] = 0.156 * x[C.scale_Ligand]
            y0[V.dose_IGF1] = 0
            y0[V.dose_HRG] = 0
        elif i == 2:
            y0[V.dose_EGF] = 0.625 * x[C.scale_Ligand]
            y0[V.dose_HGF] = 0
            y0[V.dose_IGF1] = 0
            y0[V.dose_HRG] = 0
        elif i == 3:
            y0[V.dose_EGF] = 2.5 * x[C.scale_Ligand]
            y0[V.dose_HGF] = 0
            y0[V.dose_IGF1] = 0
            y0[V.dose_HRG] = 0
        elif i == 4:
            y0[V.dose_EGF] = 10 * x[C.scale_Ligand]
            y0[V.dose_HGF] = 0
            y0[V.dose_IGF1] = 0
            y0[V.dose_HRG] = 0

        Y = odeint(diffeq, y0, t, args=tuple(x))

        pEGFR =  2*Y[:,V.pEGFRd] + 2*Y[:,V.pEGFRi] + 2*Y[:,V.pEGFRi_ph] + Y[:,V.pErbB12] \
                + Y[:,V.pErbB12i] + Y[:,V.pErbB12i_ph] + Y[:,V.pErbB13] + Y[:,V.pErbB13i] \
                + Y[:,V.pErbB13i_ph] + Y[:,V.pMetEGFR] + Y[:,V.pMetEGFRi] + Y[:,V.pMetEGFRi_ph]
        pErbB2 = Y[:,V.pErbB12] + Y[:,V.pErbB12i] + Y[:,V.pErbB12i_ph] + 2*Y[:,V.pErbB2] + 2*Y[:,V.pErbB2i] \
                + 2*Y[:,V.pErbB2i_ph] + Y[:,V.pErbB32] + Y[:,V.pErbB32i] + Y[:,V.pErbB32i_ph]
        pErbB3 = Y[:,V.pErbB13] + Y[:,V.pErbB13i] + Y[:,V.pErbB13i_ph] + Y[:,V.pErbB32] \
                + Y[:,V.pErbB32i] + Y[:,V.pErbB32i_ph] + 2*Y[:,V.pErbB3d] + 2*Y[:,V.pErbB3i] \
                + 2*Y[:,V.pErbB3i_ph] + Y[:,V.pMetErbB3] + Y[:,V.pMetErbB3i] + Y[:,V.pMetErbB3i_ph]
        pERK = Y[:, V.pERK]
        pAKT = Y[:, V.pAKT]
        pS6 = Y[:, V.pS6]

        pEGFR_au[:, i] = np.log10(x[C.offset_pEGFR_CelllineH322M] +
                                  x[C.scale_pEGFR_CelllineH322M] * pEGFR)
        pErbB2_au[:, i] = np.log10(x[C.offset_pErbB2_CelllineH322M] +
                                   x[C.scale_pErbB2_CelllineH322M] * pErbB2)
        pErbB3_au[:, i] = np.log10(x[C.offset_pErbB3_CelllineH322M] +
                                   x[C.scale_pErbB3_CelllineH322M] * pErbB3)
        pERK_au[:, i] = np.log10(x[C.offset_pERK_CelllineH322M] +
                                 x[C.scale_pERK_CelllineH322M] * pERK)
        pAKT_au[:, i] = np.log10(x[C.offset_pAKT_CelllineH322M] +
                                 x[C.scale_pAKT_CelllineH322M] * pAKT)
        pS6_au[:, i] = np.log10(x[C.offset_pS6_CelllineH322M] +
                                x[C.scale_pS6_CelllineH322M] * pS6)