def avoid_obstacle(endPoint): if endPoint is not None: minDist = 0 closestToBall_index = 0 robot = singleton.Singleton.robot robot_center = (robot.centrumX, robot.centrumY) waypoint_list = singleton.Singleton.way_points safe_points = singleton.Singleton.safe_points safe_point_dist_to_robot = [] direct_path_line = LineString([(robot_center[0], robot_center[1]), (endPoint.x, endPoint.y)]) if lines.areLineTouchingObstacleSquare(direct_path_line): for i in range(len(safe_points)): dist = calc_pix_dist(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, safe_points[i].x, safe_points[i].y) if minDist == 0: minDist = dist elif dist < minDist: minDist = dist closestToBall_index = i for i in range(len(safe_points)): dist2 = calc_pix_dist(robot.centrumX, robot.centrumY, safe_points[i].x, safe_points[i].y) index_and_dist = (dist2, i) safe_point_dist_to_robot.append(index_and_dist) safe_point_dist_to_robot.sort() for i in range(2): if i == 0: safe_point_index1 = safe_point_dist_to_robot[i][1] dist3 = calc_pix_dist(safe_points[safe_point_index1].x, safe_points[safe_point_index1].y, safe_points[closestToBall_index].x, safe_points[closestToBall_index].y) if i == 1: safe_point_index = safe_point_dist_to_robot[i][1] dist4 = calc_pix_dist(safe_points[safe_point_index].x, safe_points[safe_point_index].y, safe_points[closestToBall_index].x, safe_points[closestToBall_index].y) if dist3 < dist4: first_waypoint = point.Point( safe_points[safe_point_index1].x, safe_points[safe_point_index1].y) else: first_waypoint = point.Point( safe_points[safe_point_index].x, safe_points[safe_point_index].y) waypoint_list.append(first_waypoint) direct_path_line = LineString([(first_waypoint.x, first_waypoint.y), (endPoint.x, endPoint.y)]) if lines.areLineTouchingObstacleSquare(direct_path_line): second_waypoint = point.Point( safe_points[closestToBall_index].x, safe_points[closestToBall_index].y) waypoint_list.append(second_waypoint)
def ball_cen_correction(cam_cen, ball_cen): x_correction = round((cam_cen.x - ball_cen.x) / cam_ball_scale) y_correction = round((cam_cen.y - ball_cen.y) / cam_ball_scale) px = round(ball_cen.x + x_correction / 2) py = round(ball_cen.y + y_correction / 2) p = point.Point(px, py) return p
def obstacle_cen_correction(cam_cen, obstacle_cen): x_correction = round((cam_cen.x - obstacle_cen.x) / cam_obstacle_scale) y_correction = round((cam_cen.y - obstacle_cen.y) / cam_obstacle_scale) px = obstacle_cen.x + x_correction py = obstacle_cen.y + y_correction p = point.Point(px, py) return p
def goal_cen_correction(cam_cen, goal_cen): x_correction = round((cam_cen.x - goal_cen.x) / cam_goal_scale) y_correction = round((cam_cen.y - goal_cen.y) / cam_goal_scale) px = goal_cen.x + x_correction py = goal_cen.y + y_correction p = point.Point(px, py) return p
def point_correction(cam_cen, bl_point): x_correction = round((cam_cen.x - bl_point.x) / cam_robot_scale) y_correction = round((cam_cen.y - bl_point.y) / cam_robot_scale) px = bl_point.x + x_correction py = bl_point.y + y_correction p = point.Point(px, py) return p
def getWpGoal(direction): track = singleton.Singleton.track #False is left goal if direction == False: if track.bigGoal.x > track.smallGoal.x: wpGoal = point.Point(track.bigGoal.x - round(track.pixelConversion*35), track.bigGoal.y) elif track.bigGoal.x < track.smallGoal.x: wpGoal = (track.bigGoal.x + round(track.pixelConversion*35), track.bigGoal.y) # True is right goal elif direction == True: if track.bigGoal.x > track.smallGoal.x: wpGoal = point.Point(track.smallGoal.x + round(track.pixelConversion*35), track.smallGoal.y) elif track.bigGoal.x < track.smallGoal.x: wpGoal = point.Point(track.smallGoal.x - round(track.pixelConversion*35), track.smallGoal.y) return wpGoal
def calculateGoals(corner1, corner2): goalMidpoint = point.Point(round((corner1.x + corner2.x) / 2), round(((corner1.y + corner2.y) / 2) - 8)) # goalMidpoint.x = (corner1.x + corner2.x)/2 # goalMidpoint.y = (corner1.y + corner2.y)/2 return goalMidpoint
def getBalls(img): global tempBall gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) gray = cv2.medianBlur(gray, 3) rows = gray.shape[1] # Original: circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 10, param1=500, param2=26, minRadius=1, maxRadius=20) # Mere følsom: # circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 10, param1=500, param2=20, minRadius=1, maxRadius=20) # circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 10, param1=500, param2=15, minRadius=1, maxRadius=20) # print(circles) if circles is not None: circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles)) tempBall = [] for i in circles[0, :]: center = (i[0], i[1]) # circle center #, center, 1, (0, 100, 100), 5) # # circle outline # radius = i[2] #, center, radius, (255, 0, 255), 3) singleBall = ball.Ball(i[0], i[1], i[2]) x_val = np.amax(img, axis=0) y_val = np.amax(img, axis=1) x_val = round(len(x_val) / 2) y_val = round(len(y_val) / 2) camera_center = point.Point(x_val, y_val) corrected_ball_center = correction.ball_cen_correction( camera_center, singleBall) singleBall.x = int(corrected_ball_center.x) singleBall.y = int(corrected_ball_center.y) # print("correctedball_X: " + str(corrected_ball_center.x)) # print("correctedball_Y: " + str(corrected_ball_center.y)) tempBall.append(singleBall) else: tempBall.clear() return tempBall return tempBall
def getRobot(img): # Capture frame-by-frame tempRobot = robot.Robot blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blurred, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) boundaries = [([27, 50, 20], [35, 255, 255])] boundaries1 = [ # Dag kørsel: ([120, 40, 20], [175, 255, 255]) #Nat kørsel: # ([140, 40, 10], [190, 255, 255]) ] # roed: ([17, 15, 100], [50, 56, 200]) # blaa: ([86, 31, 4], [220, 88, 50]), # gul: ([25, 146, 190], [62, 174, 250]) # graa: ([103, 86, 65], [145, 133, 128]) # loop over the boundaries for (lower, upper) in boundaries: # create NumPy arrays from the boundaries lower = np.array(lower, dtype="uint8") upper = np.array(upper, dtype="uint8") # find the colors within the specified boundaries and apply mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper) for (lower, upper) in boundaries1: # create NumPy arrays from the boundaries lower1 = np.array(lower, dtype="uint8") upper1 = np.array(upper, dtype="uint8") mask1 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower1, upper1) # tempRobot = robot.Robot # Finding the biggest contour to find robot contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask1, 1, 1) max_area = 0 best_cnt = 0 for cnt in contours: area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) if area > max_area: max_area = area best_cnt = cnt # loop over the contours cont, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, 1, 1) bl_max_area = 0 bl_best_cnt = 0 for c in cont: # compute the center of the contour bl_area = cv2.contourArea(c) if bl_area > bl_max_area: bl_max_area = bl_area bl_best_cnt = c B = cv2.moments(bl_best_cnt) if B["m00"] != 0: cX = round(B["m10"] / B["m00"]) cY = round(B["m01"] / B["m00"]) else: # set values as what you need in the situation cX, cY = 0, 0 # # # draw the contour and center of the shape on the image # Pixel correction x_val = np.amax(img, axis=0) y_val = np.amax(img, axis=1) x_val = round(len(x_val) / 2) y_val = round(len(y_val) / 2) camera_center = point.Point(x_val, y_val) bl = point.Point(cX, cY) blSquare_corrected = point_correction(camera_center, bl) # tempRobot.blSquareX = cX # tempRobot.blSquareY = cY tempRobot.blSquareX = blSquare_corrected.x tempRobot.blSquareY = blSquare_corrected.y # Center of robot if best_cnt is not None: M = cv2.moments(best_cnt) cx, cy = round(M['m10'] / M['m00']), int(M['m01'] / M['m00']) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(best_cnt) # Rotating box box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) robot_center = point.Point(cx, cy) center_corrected = point_correction(camera_center, robot_center) # tempRobot.centrumX = cx # tempRobot.centrumY = cy tempRobot.centrumX = center_corrected.x tempRobot.centrumY = center_corrected.y = box scale_percent = 30 # percent of original size width = int(mask1.shape[1] * scale_percent / 100) height = int(mask1.shape[0] * scale_percent / 100) dim = (width, height) # resize image resized = cv2.resize(mask1, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) scale_percent = 30 # percent of original size width = int(mask.shape[1] * scale_percent / 100) height = int(mask.shape[0] * scale_percent / 100) dim = (width, height) # resize image resized1 = cv2.resize(mask, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) cv2.imshow("maskPurple", resized) cv2.imshow("maskYellow", resized1) # print("\n") return tempRobot
def getTrack(frame): tempTrack = track.Track corner_boundaries = [ #day ([37, 50, 20], [96, 255, 255]) # ([37, 50, 20], [96, 255, 255]) # ([86, 0, 0], [255, 0, 0]) ] blurred_frame = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (5, 5), 0) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blurred_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) points = [] # loop over the boundaries for (lower, upper) in corner_boundaries: # create NumPy arrays from the boundaries lower = np.array(lower, dtype="uint8") upper = np.array(upper, dtype="uint8") # find the colors within the specified boundaries and apply # the mask mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper) # coutput = cv2.bitwise_and(hsv, hsv, mask=mask) # find contours in the thresholded image cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts) areaArray = [] for i, c in enumerate(cnts): area = cv2.contourArea(c) areaArray.append(area) # first sort the array by area sorteddata = sorted(zip(areaArray, cnts), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) biggest4 = [ sorteddata[0][1], sorteddata[1][1], sorteddata[2][1], sorteddata[3][1] ] count = 0 # loop over the contours for c in biggest4: # compute the center of the contour M = cv2.moments(c) count = count + 1 # print(str(count)) if M["m00"] != 0: cX = round(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = round(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) # print("count: " + str(count) + " cX: " + str(cX) + " cY: " + str(cY)) # draw the contour and center of the shape on the image # cv2.drawContours(frame, [c], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) #, (cX, cY), 3, (255, 255, 255), -1) # cv2.putText(frame, "center", (cX - 20, cY - 20), # cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2) # print("X: " + str(cX)) # print("Y: " + str(cY)) # Add points to array of points points.append([cX, cY]) if len(points) == 4: # Set corners on track object sortedPoints = sort(points) tempTrack.topLeftCorner = corner.Corner(sortedPoints[0][0], sortedPoints[0][1]) tempTrack.bottomLeftCorner = corner.Corner(sortedPoints[1][0], sortedPoints[1][1]) tempTrack.topRightCorner = corner.Corner(sortedPoints[2][0], sortedPoints[2][1]) tempTrack.bottomRightCorner = corner.Corner(sortedPoints[3][0], sortedPoints[3][1]) # Calculate goals # Pixel correction x_val = np.amax(frame, axis=0) y_val = np.amax(frame, axis=1) x_val = round(len(x_val) / 2) y_val = round(len(y_val) / 2) camera_center = point.Point(x_val, y_val) goal_small = calculateGoals(tempTrack.topLeftCorner, tempTrack.bottomLeftCorner) goal_big = calculateGoals(tempTrack.topRightCorner, tempTrack.bottomRightCorner) goal_big_corrected = goal_cen_correction(camera_center, goal_big) goal_small_corrected = goal_cen_correction(camera_center, goal_small) tempTrack.smallGoal = goal_small_corrected tempTrack.bigGoal = goal_big_corrected # tempTrack.smallGoal = calculateGoals(tempTrack.topLeftCorner, tempTrack.bottomLeftCorner) # tempTrack.bigGoal = calculateGoals(tempTrack.topRightCorner, tempTrack.bottomRightCorner) # Calculate pixel/cm conversion LenghtX = tempTrack.topRightCorner.x - tempTrack.topLeftCorner.x LenghtY = tempTrack.topRightCorner.y - tempTrack.topLeftCorner.y HeightX = tempTrack.topRightCorner.x - tempTrack.bottomLeftCorner.x HeightY = tempTrack.topRightCorner.y - tempTrack.bottomLeftCorner.y trackLenght = math.sqrt(pow(LenghtX, 2) + pow(LenghtY, 2)) # trackHeight = math.sqrt(pow(HeightX, 2) + pow(HeightY, 2)) tempTrack.pixelConversion = trackLenght / 169 # cv2.imshow("mask", mask) return tempTrack
def findBestBall(balls): robot = singleton.Singleton.robot track = singleton.Singleton.track minDist = 0 dist = 0 maxNumberOfTries = 5 numberOfBallsLeft = len(singleton.Singleton.balls) danger = track.pixelConversion * 5 ball_dist = [] cornerSafePointX = track.pixelConversion * 3 cornerSafePointY = track.pixelConversion * 12 sideSafePoint = track.pixelConversion * 7 tempBall = Ball print("Choose ball") # return ball if numberOfBallsLeft == 0: return None else: for ball in balls: dist = math.sqrt( pow(robot.centrumX - ball.x, 2) + pow(robot.centrumY - ball.y, 2)) ball_point = point.Point(ball.x, ball.y) ball_dist.append((dist, ball_point)) if minDist == 0: minDist = dist tempBall.x = ball.x tempBall.y = ball.y elif dist < minDist: minDist = dist tempBall.x = ball.x tempBall.y = ball.y ball_dist.sort() chosen_ball = ball_dist[0][1] if is_ball_in_obstacle(chosen_ball): balls_in_obstacle = 0 # ball_dist.pop(0) for i in range(len(ball_dist) - 1, -1, -1): if is_ball_in_obstacle(ball_dist[i][1]): ball_dist.pop(i) balls_in_obstacle += 1 if numberOfBallsLeft == balls_in_obstacle: return tempBall else: chosen_ball = ball_dist[0][1] tempBall.x = chosen_ball.x tempBall.y = chosen_ball.y return tempBall # elif singleton.Singleton.firstBall: # chosen_ball = ball_dist[1][1] # tempBall.x = chosen_ball.x # tempBall.y = chosen_ball.y # return tempBall elif ball_dist[0][0] < track.pixelConversion * 15: for i in range(len(ball_dist)): if ball_dist[i][0] > track.pixelConversion * 15: chosen_ball = ball_dist[i][1] tempBall.x = chosen_ball.x tempBall.y = chosen_ball.y return tempBall chosen_ball = ball_dist[0][1] tempBall.x = chosen_ball.x tempBall.y = chosen_ball.y return tempBall else: tempBall.x = chosen_ball.x tempBall.y = chosen_ball.y return tempBall
def waypoints(endPoint): minDist = 0 closestToBall_index = 0 track = singleton.Singleton.track danger = round(track.pixelConversion * 15) cornerSafePointX = round(track.pixelConversion * 20) cornerSafePointY = round(track.pixelConversion * 45) sideSafePoint = round(track.pixelConversion * 25) line_length = round(track.pixelConversion * 23) robot = singleton.Singleton.robot robot_center = (robot.centrumX, robot.centrumY) obstacle = singleton.Singleton.obstacle singleton.Singleton.way_points.clear() waypoint_list = singleton.Singleton.way_points safe_points = singleton.Singleton.safe_points safe_point_dist_to_robot = [] obstacleDanger = round(track.pixelConversion * 12) # for i in range(len(safe_points)): # dist = calc_pix_dist(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, safe_points[i].x, safe_points[i].y) # if minDist == 0: # minDist = dist # elif dist < minDist: # minDist = dist # closestToBall_index = i # for i in range(len(safe_points)): # dist2 = calc_pix_dist(robot.centrumX, robot.centrumY, safe_points[i].x, safe_points[i].y) # index_and_dist = (dist2, i) # safe_point_dist_to_robot.append(index_and_dist) # safe_point_dist_to_robot.sort() # for i in range(2): # if i == 0: # safe_point_index1 = safe_point_dist_to_robot[i][1] # dist3 = calc_pix_dist(safe_points[safe_point_index1].x, safe_points[safe_point_index1].y, projected_point_x, # projected_point_y) # if i == 1: # safe_point_index = safe_point_dist_to_robot[i][1] # dist4 = calc_pix_dist(safe_points[safe_point_index].x, safe_points[safe_point_index].y, projected_point_x, # projected_point_y) # if dist3 < dist4: # first_waypoint = safe_points[safe_point_index1] # else: # first_waypoint = safe_points[safe_point_index] if endPoint is not None: direct_path_line = LineString([(robot_center[0], robot_center[1]), (endPoint.x, endPoint.y)]) # If the ball is inside the bounding square of the obstacle if obstacle.square_bottom_right_corner.x >= endPoint.x >= obstacle.square_top_left_corner.x and obstacle.square_bottom_right_corner.y >= endPoint.y >= obstacle.square_top_left_corner.y: print("Ball is inside the obstacle!") cm10_pix = round(10 * track.pixelConversion) center_to_ball_dist = calc_pix_dist(obstacle.center_x, obstacle.center_y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y) scale = line_length / center_to_ball_dist projected_point_x = round(( (endPoint.x - obstacle.center_x) * scale) + obstacle.center_x) projected_point_y = round(( (endPoint.y - obstacle.center_y) * scale) + obstacle.center_y) projected_point = point.Point(projected_point_x, projected_point_y) for i in range(len(safe_points)): dist = calc_pix_dist(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, safe_points[i].x, safe_points[i].y) if minDist == 0: minDist = dist elif dist < minDist: minDist = dist closestToBall_index = i for i in range(len(safe_points)): dist2 = calc_pix_dist(robot.centrumX, robot.centrumY, safe_points[i].x, safe_points[i].y) index_and_dist = (dist2, i) safe_point_dist_to_robot.append(index_and_dist) safe_point_dist_to_robot.sort() for i in range(2): if i == 0: safe_point_index1 = safe_point_dist_to_robot[i][1] dist3 = calc_pix_dist(safe_points[safe_point_index1].x, safe_points[safe_point_index1].y, safe_points[closestToBall_index].x, safe_points[closestToBall_index].y) if i == 1: safe_point_index = safe_point_dist_to_robot[i][1] dist4 = calc_pix_dist(safe_points[safe_point_index].x, safe_points[safe_point_index].y, safe_points[closestToBall_index].x, safe_points[closestToBall_index].y) if dist3 < dist4: first_waypoint = point.Point( safe_points[safe_point_index1].x, safe_points[safe_point_index1].y) else: first_waypoint = point.Point( safe_points[safe_point_index].x, safe_points[safe_point_index].y) waypoint_list.append(first_waypoint) direct_path_line = LineString([(first_waypoint.x, first_waypoint.y), (endPoint.x, endPoint.y)]) if cm10_pix > center_to_ball_dist: if lines.areLineTouchingObstacleSquare(direct_path_line): waypoint_list.append(safe_points[closestToBall_index]) waypoint_list.append(projected_point) waypoint_list.append(endPoint) singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = True singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = False # Going for goal elif singleton.Singleton.is_going_for_goal: print("Is going for goal") avoidance = round(20 * track.pixelConversion) # waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x - avoidance, endPoint.y)) if robot.centrumY <= obstacle.center_y: last_waypoint = point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y - avoidance) elif robot.centrumY >= obstacle.center_y: last_waypoint = point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y + avoidance) if last_waypoint is not None: avoid_obstacle(last_waypoint) else: avoid_obstacle(endPoint) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = False singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False singleton.Singleton.is_going_for_goal = False return # If ball is in top-left corner elif endPoint.x < track.topLeftCorner.x + danger and endPoint.y < track.topLeftCorner.y + danger: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x + cornerSafePointX), round(endPoint.y + cornerSafePointY)) print("Ball is in top left corner") avoid_obstacle(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False singleton.Singleton.wallOnLeftCorner = True singleton.Singleton.wallOnRightCorner = False return # If ball is in bottom-left corner elif endPoint.x < track.bottomLeftCorner.x + danger and endPoint.y > track.bottomLeftCorner.y - danger: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x + cornerSafePointX), round(endPoint.y - cornerSafePointY)) print("Ball is in bottom left corner") avoid_obstacle(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False singleton.Singleton.wallOnRightCorner = True singleton.Singleton.wallOnLeftCorner = False return # If ball is in top-right corner elif endPoint.x > track.topRightCorner.x - danger and endPoint.y < track.topRightCorner.y + danger: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x - cornerSafePointX), round(endPoint.y + cornerSafePointY)) print("Ball is in top right corner") avoid_obstacle(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False singleton.Singleton.wallOnRightCorner = True singleton.Singleton.wallOnLeftCorner = False return # If ball is in bottom-right corner elif endPoint.x > track.bottomRightCorner.x - danger and endPoint.y > track.bottomRightCorner.y - danger: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x - cornerSafePointX), round(endPoint.y - cornerSafePointY)) print("Ball is in bottom right corner") avoid_obstacle(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False singleton.Singleton.wallOnLeftCorner = True singleton.Singleton.wallOnRightCorner = False return # If ball is close to left side elif endPoint.x < track.bottomLeftCorner.x + danger: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x + sideSafePoint), round(endPoint.y)) print("Ball is close to left side") avoid_obstacle(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False return # If ball is close to right side elif endPoint.x > track.bottomRightCorner.x - danger: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x - sideSafePoint), round(endPoint.y)) print("Ball is close to right side") avoid_obstacle(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False return # If ball is close to bottom side elif endPoint.y > track.bottomRightCorner.y - danger: print("Ball is close to bottom side") avoid_obstacle(endPoint) if obstacle.center_x - obstacleDanger < endPoint.x < obstacle.center_x + obstacleDanger: if robot.centrumX < endPoint.x: last_waypoint = point.Point( round(obstacle.center_x - track.pixelConversion * 12), round(endPoint.y - sideSafePoint)) elif robot.centrumX > endPoint.x: last_waypoint = point.Point( round(obstacle.center_x + track.pixelConversion * 12), round(endPoint.y - sideSafePoint)) else: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x), round(endPoint.y - sideSafePoint)) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False return # If ball is close to top side elif endPoint.y < track.topLeftCorner.y + danger: print("Ball is close to top side") avoid_obstacle(endPoint) if obstacle.center_x - obstacleDanger < endPoint.x < obstacle.center_x + obstacleDanger: if robot.centrumX < endPoint.x: last_waypoint = point.Point( round(obstacle.center_x - track.pixelConversion * 12), round(endPoint.y + sideSafePoint)) elif robot.centrumX > endPoint.x: last_waypoint = point.Point( round(obstacle.center_x + track.pixelConversion * 12), round(endPoint.y + sideSafePoint)) else: last_waypoint = point.Point(round(endPoint.x), round(endPoint.y + sideSafePoint)) waypoint_list.append(last_waypoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = True singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False return else: print("Ball is an easy ball") avoid_obstacle(endPoint) waypoint_list.append(point.Point(endPoint.x, endPoint.y)) singleton.Singleton.is_dangerous = False singleton.Singleton.is_in_obstacle = False print("Are lines touching: " + str(lines.areLineTouchingObstacleSquare(direct_path_line))) return
def getObstacle(img): tempObstacle = obstacle.Obstacle tempTrack = singleton.Singleton.track if tempTrack.bottomRightCorner is not None: pixelConversion = tempTrack.pixelConversion scale = int(pixelConversion * 5) low_x_roi = tempTrack.topLeftCorner.x + scale + round(scale / 2) up_x_roi = tempTrack.bottomRightCorner.x - scale - round(scale / 2) low_y_roi = tempTrack.topLeftCorner.y + round(1.5 * scale) up_y_roi = tempTrack.bottomRightCorner.y - round(1.5 * scale) roi = img[low_y_roi:up_y_roi, low_x_roi:up_x_roi] blurred_frame = cv2.GaussianBlur(roi, (5, 5), 0) img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blurred_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # lower mask (0-10) lower_red = np.array([0, 150, 20]) upper_red = np.array([10, 255, 255]) mask0 = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, lower_red, upper_red) # upper mask (170-180) lower_red = np.array([175, 150, 20]) upper_red = np.array([180, 255, 255]) mask1 = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, lower_red, upper_red) # join my masks mask = mask0 + mask1 areaArray = [] count = 1 contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, offset=(low_x_roi, low_y_roi)) for i, c in enumerate(contours): area = cv2.contourArea(c) areaArray.append(area) # first sort the array by area sorteddata = sorted(zip(areaArray, contours), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) # find the nth largest contour [n-1][1], in this case 2 largestContour = sorteddata[0][1] # compute the center of the contour if largestContour is not None: M = cv2.moments(largestContour) cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) # Pixel correction x_val = np.amax(img, axis=0) y_val = np.amax(img, axis=1) x_val = round(len(x_val) / 2) y_val = round(len(y_val) / 2) camera_center = point.Point(x_val, y_val) obstacle_cen = point.Point(cX, cY) obstacle_cen_corrected = obstacle_cen_correction( camera_center, obstacle_cen) # Set the centerpoint of the obstacle tempObstacle.center_x = obstacle_cen_corrected.x tempObstacle.center_y = obstacle_cen_corrected.y # tempObstacle.center_x = cX # tempObstacle.center_y = cY # variables for 20 and 25 in pixels cm15_in_pix = round(15 * tempTrack.pixelConversion) cm20_in_pix = round(20 * tempTrack.pixelConversion) cm25_in_pix = round(25 * tempTrack.pixelConversion) # makes the top_left corner of the bounding square top_left_y = cY - cm20_in_pix top_left_x = cX - cm20_in_pix tempObstacle.square_top_left_corner = point.Point( top_left_x, top_left_y) # makes the top_right corner of the bounding square top_right_y = cY - cm20_in_pix top_right_x = cX + cm20_in_pix tempObstacle.square_top_right_corner = point.Point( top_right_x, top_right_y) # makes the bottom_left corner of the bounding square bottom_left_y = cY + cm20_in_pix bottom_left_x = cX - cm20_in_pix tempObstacle.square_bottom_left_corner = point.Point( bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y) # makes the bottom_right corner of the bounding square bottom_right_y = cY + cm20_in_pix bottom_right_x = cX + cm20_in_pix tempObstacle.square_bottom_right_corner = point.Point( bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y) # makes the lines of the bounding square tempObstacle.right_line = LineString([(bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y), (top_right_x, top_right_y)]) tempObstacle.top_line = LineString([(top_left_x, top_left_y), (top_right_x, top_right_y)]) tempObstacle.left_line = LineString([(bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y), (top_left_x, top_left_y)]) tempObstacle.bottom_line = LineString([ (bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y), (bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y) ]) # Make midpoints for the dangerzone lines around the obstacle rightMidPt = tempObstacle.right_line.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) topMidPt = tempObstacle.top_line.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) bottomtMidPt = tempObstacle.bottom_line.interpolate( 0.5, normalized=True) leftMidPt = tempObstacle.left_line.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) # Calculate points on border that are projected 90 degrees from midpoints - 20 cm a = (int(tempTrack.topRightCorner.x - cm15_in_pix), int(rightMidPt.y)) b = (int(topMidPt.x), int(tempTrack.topRightCorner.y + cm15_in_pix)) c = (int(bottomtMidPt.x), int(tempTrack.bottomRightCorner.y - cm15_in_pix)) d = (int(tempTrack.topLeftCorner.x + cm15_in_pix), int(leftMidPt.y)) # Find the safepoints that are halfway between the midpoints and the 90 degree points - 20 cm safePoint1 = LineString([rightMidPt, a]).interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) safePoint2 = LineString([topMidPt, b]).interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) safePoint3 = LineString([bottomtMidPt, c]).interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) safePoint4 = LineString([leftMidPt, d]).interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) # Clear old safepoints singleton.Singleton.safe_points.clear() # Add to singleton singleton.Singleton.safe_points.append( point.Point(safePoint1.x, safePoint1.y)) singleton.Singleton.safe_points.append( point.Point(safePoint2.x, safePoint2.y)) singleton.Singleton.safe_points.append( point.Point(safePoint3.x, safePoint3.y)) singleton.Singleton.safe_points.append( point.Point(safePoint4.x, safePoint4.y)) # draw the contour and center of the shape on the image cv2.drawContours(img, [largestContour], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2), (cX, cY), 7, (255, 255, 255), -1) cv2.putText(img, "center", (cX - 20, cY - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2) # cv2.imshow("image", img) # cv2.imshow("mask", mask) return tempObstacle