def __init__(self): self.db_registered_product = RegisteredProductDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_update = LogDatabase() self.db_injection = InjectData() self.interface = ConsoleCreateView()
class CreateDatabase: """ This class manages the creation of the database. """ def __init__(self): self.db_registered_product = RegisteredProductDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_update = LogDatabase() self.db_injection = InjectData() self.interface = ConsoleCreateView() def prepare(self): """ This method creates all the necessary databases for the application """ # Databases are created self.interface.start_db_creation() self.db_registered_product.create_db() self.db_product.create_db() self.db_category.create_db() self.db_update.create_db() # Foreign keys are created self.db_product.create_keys() self.db_registered_product.create_keys() # Databases are feed self.interface.start_get_categories() self.db_injection.feed_categories() self.db_injection.feed_products() # Update date is registered self.db_update.inject_update_date() self.interface.end_creation()
def __init__(self): self.daily_date = self.db_registered_product = RegisteredProductDatabase() self.db_update = LogDatabase() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_injection = InjectData() self.interface = ConsoleUpdateView() self.update = self.__update_decision()
class UpdateDatabase: """ This class manages all the actions linked to the update of the database """ def __init__(self): self.daily_date = self.db_registered_product = RegisteredProductDatabase() self.db_update = LogDatabase() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_injection = InjectData() self.interface = ConsoleUpdateView() self.update = self.__update_decision() def update_database(self, force=False): """ This method updates the database with modification identified in API response """ if self.update or force: self.interface.start_update() saved_products_ref_list = self.db_registered_product.get_products_ref() #We delete registered_product and product tables and recreate them empty self.db_registered_product.create_db() self.db_product.create_db() self.db_product.create_keys() self.db_registered_product.create_keys() #We feed the products for each get_categories self.interface.start_feed_product() self.db_injection.feed_products() #for each ref from saved_products_ref_tuple: for product_ref in saved_products_ref_list: product_id = self.db_product.get_product_from_ref(product_ref) print(product_ref) if product_id: print('injection produit disponible') self.db_registered_product.inject_product(product_ref, 'disponible') else: print('injection produit indisponible') self.db_registered_product.inject_product(product_ref, 'indisponible') #Don't forget to update the update date self.db_update.inject_update_date() self.interface.end_update() def __update_decision(self): """ This method decides if an update of the database has to be done """ last_update_date = self.db_update.get_last_update_date() #type: duration = self.daily_date - last_update_date #type: datetime.timedelta if duration.days >= 7: return True
def __init__(self): self.interface = ConsoleApplicationView() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_registered_product = RegisteredProductDatabase() self.update = UpdateDatabase() self.cat_information = () self.cat_id_selected = 0 self.prd_tuple = () self.subst_prd_tuple = () = True
class Application: """ This class is the main class of the program. It manages the main loop and all the necessary features. The start() method is the brain of the application and triggers all the features when it is necessary. """ def __init__(self): self.interface = ConsoleApplicationView() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_registered_product = RegisteredProductDatabase() self.update = UpdateDatabase() self.cat_information = () self.cat_id_selected = 0 self.prd_tuple = () self.subst_prd_tuple = () = True def start(self): """ This method manages the different steps of the application""" while self.update.update_database() action = self.action_choice() if action == 'research': self.category_selection() self.product_selection() self.selected_substitute_products() self.save_substitute_product() else: self.consult_product_saved() #Quit or new action? self.new_action() def category_selection(self): """ This method manages the category selection """ self.cat_id_selected = 0 #to be sure to ask category each time self.cat_information = self.db_category.get_categories_with_id() self.interface.print_category_selection(self.cat_information) while self.cat_id_selected < 1 or self.cat_id_selected > len( self.cat_information): try: self.cat_id_selected = int(input("numéro de la catégorie: ")) except: self.interface.print_error_input_not_int() self.interface.print_category_selected(self.cat_information, self.cat_id_selected) def product_selection(self): """ This method manages the product selection """ self.prd_tuple = self.db_product.get_dirty_product_from_category( self.cat_id_selected) self.interface.print_product_selection(self.prd_tuple) prd_number = self.__prd_input(self.prd_tuple) #prd_number - 1 because index starts from zero self.interface.print_product_selected(self.prd_tuple, prd_number - 1) def selected_substitute_products(self): """ This method manages the selection of substitute products """ self.subst_prd_tuple = self.db_product.get_subsitute_products( self.cat_id_selected) self.interface.print_subsitute_products(self.subst_prd_tuple) def save_substitute_product(self): """ This method manages the substitute product registered feature """ save = True while save: self.interface.print_save_product_question() answer = 'W' while answer != 'Y' and answer != 'N': answer = input("Votre réponse: ").upper() if answer == 'Y': self.interface.print_product_to_save_question() prd_number = self.__prd_input(self.subst_prd_tuple) self.__product_save_process(self.subst_prd_tuple[prd_number - 1][5]) else: save = False self.interface.print_end_save_process_message() def new_action(self): """ This method manages the process of reloading a research or stopping the application """ self.interface.print_new_action() answer = 'W' while answer != 'Y' and answer != 'N': answer = input("Votre réponse: ").upper() if answer == 'Y': = True else: = False self.interface.print_good_bye_message() def action_choice(self): """This method manages the choice of the user between doing a research or seeing his saved products""" self.interface.print_action_choice() answer = 0 while answer != 1 and answer != 2: try: answer = int(input("Votre choix:")) except: self.interface.print_error_input_not_int() if answer == 1: return 'research' def consult_product_saved(self): """ This method prints all the products saved by the user""" products = self.db_registered_product.get_all_products_saved() self.interface.print_products_saved(products) def __prd_input(self, product_tuple): """ This method manages the product selection """ prd_number = 0 while prd_number < 1 or prd_number > len(product_tuple): try: prd_number = int(input("numéro de produit: ")) except: self.interface.print_error_input_not_int() return prd_number def __product_save_process(self, product_ref): """ This private method manages the process to save a product """ product_to_save = self.db_registered_product.get_product_from_ref( product_ref) #Si le produit a déjà été enregistré if product_to_save: self.interface.print_product_already_saved() else: self.db_registered_product.inject_product(product_ref, 'disponible') self.interface.print_selected_product_to_save()
def __init__(self): self.api = OpenFoodFactsInteractions() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_update = LogDatabase() self.interface = ConsoleInjectionView()
class InjectData: """ This class manages all the actions linked to data injection into the database """ def __init__(self): self.api = OpenFoodFactsInteractions() self.db_category = CategoryDatabase() self.db_product = ProductDatabase() self.db_update = LogDatabase() self.interface = ConsoleInjectionView() def feed_categories(self): """ This method injects the categories from OpenFoodFacts into the database """ #self.api.get_categories() self.db_category.inject_categories(self.api.category_list) def feed_products(self): """ This method injects the products linked to the categories selected into the database """ category_list = self.db_category.get_categories_name() page_size = 1000 for category in category_list: self.interface.product_injection_per_category(category) page_number = self.api.get_product_pages_number( category, str(page_size)) for page in range(1, page_number + 1, 1): data = self.api.get_product_page(category, str(page_size), str(page)) self.__manage_products_injection(data['products'], category) def __manage_products_injection(self, data, category): for product in data: product_info = self.__get_product_information(product) if product_info['injection']: self.db_product.inject_product(product_info, category) def __get_product_information(self, product): """ This method cleans and get the needed product informations """ product_info = { 'injection': True, 'url': '', 'nutrition_grade_fr': '', 'product_name_fr': '', 'code': '', 'stores': '', 'generic_name_fr': '' } for key in product_info: try: if str(product[key]).split(): product_info[key] = str(product[key]) else: raise KeyError except KeyError: product_info[key] = 'NULL' if key == 'nutrition_grade_fr' or key == 'product_name' or key == 'code': product_info['injection'] = False return product_info