def fetch_global_info(): """ Fetch global stuff (always displayed): - Down/Up Rate. - IP (perhaps move to static global) """ res = {} for target in targets: rtorrent = RTorrent(target) try: r = rtorrent.query().get_upload_rate().get_download_rate()\ .get_upload_throttle().get_download_throttle().get_ip()\ .get_hostname().get_memory_usage().get_max_memory_usage()\ .get_libtorrent_version().get_view_list() h = hash(r) res[target['name']] = cache.get(h) if res[target['name']]: continue res[target['name']] = r.first() cache.set(h, res[target['name']], timeout=60) except InvalidConnectionException, e: print 'InvalidConnectionException:', e # Do we want to return or just not get data for this target? # I'd say return for now. return {}
def handle_rtorrent_torrent(k, m, target): if 'attributes' not in k: return None attributes = k['attributes'] try: if m == 'rtorrent': a = RTorrent(target).query() else: if 'hash' not in k: return None _hash = k['hash'] a = Torrent(target, _hash).query() for method, args in attributes: getattr(a, method)(*args) h = hash(a) r = cache.get(h) if r is None: r = a.first() cache.set(h, r, timeout=CACHE_TIMEOUT) return r except (InvalidTorrentException, InvalidTorrentCommandException), e: print e return None
def rtorrent_func(*args, **key_args): """ require_rtorrent internal torrent argument wrapper """ # Setup torrent object. r = RTorrent(key_args['target']) key_args['rtorrent'] = r return func(*args, **key_args)
def fetch_global_info(): """ Fetch global stuff (always displayed): - Down/Up Rate. - IP (perhaps move to static global) """ res = {} for target in targets: rtorrent = RTorrent(target) try: r = rtorrent.query().get_upload_rate().get_download_rate()\ .get_upload_throttle().get_download_throttle().get_ip()\ .get_hostname().get_memory_usage().get_max_memory_usage()\ .get_libtorrent_version().get_view_list() res[target['name']] = r.first() except InvalidConnectionException, e: print 'InvalidConnectionException:', e # Do we want to return or just not get data for this target? # I'd say return for now. return {}
def add_torrent_page(target): if request.method == 'POST': if 'torrent_file' in request.files: torrent_raw = request.files['torrent_file'].read() torrent_raw_bin = xmlrpclib.Binary(torrent_raw) rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw_start(torrent_raw_bin) elif 'torrent_url' in request.form: torrent_url = request.form['torrent_url'] response = urllib2.urlopen(torrent_url) torrent_raw = torrent_raw_bin = xmlrpclib.Binary(torrent_raw) rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw_start(torrent_raw_bin) elif 'magnet' in request.form: magnet_link = request.form['magnet'] torrent = 'd10:magnet-uri' + str(len(magnet_link)) + ':' + magnet_link + 'e' rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw(torrent) flash('Succesfully added torrent' if return_code == 0 else 'Failed to add torrent') rtorrent_data = fetch_global_info() return pyro_render_template('torrent_add.html', rtorrent_data=rtorrent_data, target=target['name'])
def fetch_global_info(): """ Fetch global stuff (always displayed): - Down/Up Rate. - IP (perhaps move to static global) """ res = {} for target in targets: rtorrent = RTorrent(target) try: r = ( rtorrent.query() .get_upload_rate() .get_download_rate() .get_upload_throttle() .get_download_throttle() .get_ip() .get_hostname() .get_memory_usage() .get_max_memory_usage() .get_libtorrent_version() .get_view_list() ) h = hash(r) res[target["name"]] = cache.get(h) if res[target["name"]]: continue res[target["name"]] = r.first() cache.set(h, res[target["name"]], timeout=60) except InvalidConnectionException, e: print "InvalidConnectionException:", e # Do we want to return or just not get data for this target? # I'd say return for now. return {}
def handle_rtorrent_torrent(k, m, target): if 'attributes' not in k: return None attributes = k['attributes'] try: if m == 'rtorrent': a = RTorrent(target).query() else: if 'hash' not in k: return None _hash = k['hash'] a = Torrent(target, _hash).query() for method, args in attributes: getattr(a, method)(args) return a.first() except (InvalidTorrentException, InvalidTorrentCommandException): return None
def add_torrent_page(target): if request.method == 'POST': if 'torrent_file' in request.files: torrent_raw = request.files['torrent_file'].read() torrent_raw_bin = xmlrpclib.Binary(torrent_raw) rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw_start(torrent_raw_bin) elif 'torrent_url' in request.form: torrent_url = request.form['torrent_url'] response = urllib2.urlopen(torrent_url) torrent_raw = torrent_raw_bin = xmlrpclib.Binary(torrent_raw) rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw_start(torrent_raw_bin) elif 'magnet' in request.form: magnet_link = request.form['magnet'] torrent = 'd10:magnet-uri' + str( len(magnet_link)) + ':' + magnet_link + 'e' rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw(torrent) flash('Succesfully added torrent' if return_code == 0 else 'Failed to add torrent') rtorrent_data = fetch_global_info() return pyro_render_template('torrent_add.html', rtorrent_data=rtorrent_data, target=target['name'])
from lib.torrentrequester import TorrentRequester from lib.peerrequester import PeerRequester from config import rtorrent_config from lib.config_parser import parse_config_part, RTorrentConfigException targets = [] for x in rtorrent_config: try: info = parse_config_part(rtorrent_config[x], x) except RTorrentConfigException, e: print 'Invalid config: ', e sys.exit(1) targets.append(info) if len(x) == 0: print 'No targets' sys.exit(1) r = RTorrent(targets[0]) print '''Welcome to the pyroTorrent CLI interface. We have created a RTorrent() object called 'r'. Use the help() commands to find out how to use the client interface; help(RTorrent), help(Torrent) might be helpful''' print 'RTorrent object using target: ', targets[0]
# Check for POST vars if str(env['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'POST': data = read_post_data(env) if 'torrent_url' in data: print "It's a URL!" torrent_url = data['torrent_url'].value if torrent_url: print "Loading URL:", torrent_url torrent_url = urllib.unquote_plus(torrent_url) response = urllib2.urlopen(torrent_url) torrent_raw = torrent_raw_bin = xmlrpclib.Binary(torrent_raw) rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw(torrent_raw_bin) elif 'torrent_file' in data: if not data['torrent_file'].file: return "Error: Form field 'torrent_file' not a file!" print "Loading file:", data['torrent_file'].filename torrent_raw_bin = xmlrpclib.Binary(data['torrent_file'].value) rtorrent = RTorrent(target) return_code = rtorrent.add_torrent_raw(torrent_raw_bin) else: return str("Error: Invalid POST data") rtorrent_data = fetch_global_info()
from model.rtorrent import RTorrent import socket import sys from config import rtorrent_config from lib.config_parser import parse_config_part, RTorrentConfigException targets = [] for x in rtorrent_config: try: info = parse_config_part(rtorrent_config[x], x) except RTorrentConfigException, e: print 'Invalid config: ', e sys.exit(1) targets.append(info) for x in targets: r = RTorrent(x) try: print '[', x['name'], '] libTorrent version:', r.get_libtorrent_version() except socket.error, e: print 'Failed to connect to libTorrent:', str(e)