def inference(args): indir = os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'train') outdir = os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'player') if args.out_dir is None else args.out_dir with open(indir + "/checkpoint", "r") as f: first_line = f.readline().strip() print ("first_line is : {}".format(first_line)) ckpt = first_line.split(' ')[-1].split('/')[-1][:-1] ckpt = ckpt.split('-')[-1] ckpt = indir + '/model.ckpt-' + ckpt print ("ckpt: {}".format(ckpt)) # define environment env = create_icegame_env(outdir, args.env_id) num_actions = env.action_space.n with tf.device("/cpu:0"): # define policy network with tf.variable_scope("global"): policy = LSTMPolicy(env.observation_space.shape, num_actions) policy.global_step = tf.get_variable("global_step", [], tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0, dtype=tf.int32), trainable=False) # Variable names that start with "local" are not saved in checkpoints. variables_to_restore = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if not"local")] init_all_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = FastSaver(variables_to_restore) # print trainable variables var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.get_variable_scope().name)'Trainable vars:') for v in var_list:' {} {}'.format(, v.get_shape()))"Restored the trained model.") # summary of rewards action_writers = [] summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(outdir) for act_idx in range(num_actions): action_writers.append(tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(outdir, "action_{}".format(act_idx)) ))"Inference events directory: %s", outdir) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) with tf.Session() as sess:"Initializing all parameters.")"Restoring trainable global parameters.") saver.restore(sess, ckpt)"Restored model was trained for %.2fM global steps", last_features = policy.get_initial_features() # reset lstm memory length = 0 rewards = 0 # For plotting plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 8), dpi=92, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) gs1.update(left=0.05, right=0.85, wspace=0.15) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[:-1, :]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[-1, :-1]) ax3 = plt.subplot(gs1[-1, -1]) ax1.set_title("IceGame (Agent Lives: {}, UpTimes: {})".format(env.lives, env.sim.get_updated_counter())) ind = np.arange(num_actions) width = 0.20 #action_legends = ["Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "NextUp", "NextDown", "Metropolis"] action_legends = [">", "v", "<", "^", "", "", "Metro"] for ep in range(args.num_episodes): """TODO: policy sampling strategy random, greedy and sampled policy. """ last_state = env.reset() steps_rewards=[] steps_values=[] # running policy while True: fetched = policy.act_inference(last_state, *last_features) prob_action, action, value_, features = fetched[0], fetched[1], fetched[2], fetched[3:] #TODO: policy sampling strategy # Greedy #print ("Prob of actions: {}".format(prob_action)) stepAct = action.argmax() state, reward, terminal, info = env.step(stepAct) # update stats length += 1 rewards += reward last_state = state last_features = features steps_rewards.append(rewards) steps_values.append(value_) if info: loopsize = info["Loop Size"] looparea = info["Loop Area"] """Animation for State and Actions """ ax2.clear(), prob_action) ax2.set_xticks(ind + width / 2) ax2.set_xticklabels(action_legends) ax1.imshow(state[:,:,2], 'Reds', interpolation="None", vmin=-1, vmax=1) # with hist #ax1.imshow(state[:,:,7], 'Reds', interpolation="None", vmin=-1, vmax=1) ax1.set_title("IceGame: (Agent Lives: {}, UpTimes: {})".format(env.lives, env.sim.get_updated_counter())) ax3.clear() ax3.plot(steps_rewards, linewidth=2) ax3.plot(steps_values, linewidth=2) #plt.savefig("records/{}.png".format(length)) plt.pause(0.20) # store summary summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/reward'.format(ep), simple_value=reward) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/netreward'.format(ep), simple_value=rewards) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/value'.format(ep), simple_value=float(value_[0])) if info: summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/loop_size'.format(ep), simple_value=loopsize) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/loop_area'.format(ep), simple_value=looparea) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, length) summary_writer.flush() summary = tf.Summary() for ac_id in range(num_actions): summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/a_{}'.format(ep, ac_id), simple_value=float(prob_action[ac_id])) action_writers[ac_id].add_summary(summary, length) action_writers[ac_id].flush() """TODO: 1. Need more concrete idea for playing the game when interfering. 2. Save these values for post processing. """ if terminal: #if length >= timestep_limit: # last_state, _, _, _ = env.reset() last_features = policy.get_initial_features() # reset lstm memory print("Episode finished. Sum of rewards: %.2f. Length: %d." % (rewards, length)) length = 0 rewards = 0 break'Finished %d true episodes.', args.num_episodes) plt.savefig("GameScene.png")"Save the last scene to GameScene.png") env.close()
def inference(args): """ It only restores LSTMPolicy architecture, and does inference using that. """ # get address of checkpoints indir = os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'train') outdir = os.path.join( args.log_dir, 'inference') if args.out_dir is None else args.out_dir with open(indir + '/checkpoint', 'r') as f: first_line = f.readline().strip() ckpt = first_line.split(' ')[-1].split('/')[-1][:-1] ckpt = ckpt.split('-')[-1] ckpt = indir + '/model.ckpt-' + ckpt # define environment if args.record: env = create_env(args.env_id, client_id='0', remotes=None, envWrap=args.envWrap, designHead=args.designHead, record=True, noop=args.noop, acRepeat=args.acRepeat, outdir=outdir) else: env = create_env(args.env_id, client_id='0', remotes=None, envWrap=args.envWrap, designHead=args.designHead, record=True, noop=args.noop, acRepeat=args.acRepeat) numaction = env.action_space.n with tf.device("/cpu:0"): # define policy network with tf.variable_scope("global"): policy = LSTMPolicy(env.observation_space.shape, numaction, args.designHead) policy.global_step = tf.get_variable( "global_step", [], tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0, dtype=tf.int32), trainable=False) # Variable names that start with "local" are not saved in checkpoints. if use_tf12_api: variables_to_restore = [ v for v in tf.global_variables() if not"local") ] init_all_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() else: variables_to_restore = [ v for v in tf.all_variables() if not"local") ] init_all_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver = FastSaver(variables_to_restore) # print trainable variables var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.get_variable_scope().name)'Trainable vars:') for v in var_list:' %s %s',, v.get_shape()) # summary of rewards action_writers = [] if use_tf12_api: summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(outdir) for ac_id in range(numaction): action_writers.append( tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(outdir, 'action_{}'.format(ac_id)))) else: summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(outdir) for ac_id in range(numaction): action_writers.append( tf.train.SummaryWriter( os.path.join(outdir, 'action_{}'.format(ac_id))))"Inference events directory: %s", outdir) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:"Initializing all parameters.")"Restoring trainable global parameters.") saver.restore(sess, ckpt)"Restored model was trained for %.2fM global steps", / 1000000.) #saving with meta graph: metaSaver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) sess, '/home/swagking0/noreward-rl/models/models_me/mario_me') last_state = env.reset() if args.render or args.record: env.render() last_features = policy.get_initial_features() # reset lstm memory length = 0 rewards = 0 mario_distances = np.zeros((args.num_episodes, )) for i in range(args.num_episodes): print("Starting episode %d" % (i + 1)) if args.recordSignal: from PIL import Image signalCount = 1 utils.mkdir_p(outdir + '/recordedSignal/ep_%02d/' % i) Image.fromarray( (255 * last_state[..., -1]).astype('uint8')).save( outdir + '/recordedSignal/ep_%02d/%06d.jpg' % (i, signalCount)) if args.random: print('I am random policy!') else: if args.greedy: print('I am greedy policy!') else: print('I am sampled policy!') while True: # run policy fetched = policy.act_inference(last_state, *last_features) prob_action, action, value_, features = fetched[ 0], fetched[1], fetched[2], fetched[3:] # run environment: sampled one-hot 'action' (not greedy) if args.random: stepAct = np.random.randint(0, numaction) # random policy else: if args.greedy: stepAct = prob_action.argmax() # greedy policy else: stepAct = action.argmax() # print(stepAct, prob_action.argmax(), prob_action) state, reward, terminal, info = env.step(stepAct) # update stats length += 1 rewards += reward last_state = state last_features = features if args.render or args.record: env.render() if args.recordSignal: signalCount += 1 Image.fromarray( (255 * last_state[..., -1]).astype('uint8')).save( outdir + '/recordedSignal/ep_%02d/%06d.jpg' % (i, signalCount)) # store summary summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/reward'.format(i), simple_value=reward) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/netreward'.format(i), simple_value=rewards) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/value'.format(i), simple_value=float(value_[0])) if 'NoFrameskip-v' in args.env_id: # atari summary.value.add( tag='ep_{}/lives'.format(i), simple_value=env.unwrapped.ale.lives()) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, length) summary_writer.flush() summary = tf.Summary() for ac_id in range(numaction): summary.value.add(tag='action_prob', simple_value=float( prob_action[ac_id])) action_writers[ac_id].add_summary(summary, length) action_writers[ac_id].flush() timestep_limit = env.spec.tags.get( 'wrapper_config.TimeLimit.max_episode_steps') if timestep_limit is None: timestep_limit = env.spec.timestep_limit if terminal or length >= timestep_limit: if length >= timestep_limit or not env.metadata.get( 'semantics.autoreset'): last_state = env.reset() last_features = policy.get_initial_features( ) # reset lstm memory print( "Episode finished. Sum of rewards: %.2f. Length: %d." % (rewards, length)) if 'distance' in info: print('Mario Distance Covered:', info['distance']) mario_distances[i] = info['distance'] length = 0 rewards = 0 if args.render or args.record: env.render() if args.recordSignal: signalCount += 1 Image.fromarray( (255 * last_state[..., -1]).astype('uint8')).save( outdir + '/recordedSignal/ep_%02d/%06d.jpg' % (i, signalCount)) break'Finished %d true episodes.', args.num_episodes) if 'distance' in info: print('Mario Distances:', mario_distances) + '/distances.npy', mario_distances) env.close()
def inference(args): indir = os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'train') outdir = os.path.join( args.log_dir, 'inference') if args.out_dir is None else args.out_dir with open(indir + "/checkpoint", "r") as f: first_line = f.readline().strip() print("first_line is : {}".format(first_line)) ckpt = first_line.split(' ')[-1].split('/')[-1][:-1] ckpt = ckpt.split('-')[-1] ckpt = indir + '/model.ckpt-' + ckpt print("ckpt: {}".format(ckpt)) # define environment env = create_icegame_env(outdir, args.env_id) num_actions = env.action_space.n with tf.device("/cpu:0"): # define policy network with tf.variable_scope("global"): policy = LSTMPolicy(env.observation_space.shape, num_actions) policy.global_step = tf.get_variable( "global_step", [], tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0, dtype=tf.int32), trainable=False) # Variable names that start with "local" are not saved in checkpoints. variables_to_restore = [ v for v in tf.global_variables() if not"local") ] init_all_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = FastSaver(variables_to_restore) # print trainable variables var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.get_variable_scope().name)'Trainable vars:') for v in var_list:' {} {}'.format(, v.get_shape()))"Restored the trained model.") # summary of rewards action_writers = [] summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(outdir) for act_idx in range(num_actions): action_writers.append( tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(outdir, "action_{}".format(act_idx))))"Inference events directory: %s", outdir) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) with tf.Session() as sess:"Initializing all parameters.")"Restoring trainable global parameters.") saver.restore(sess, ckpt)"Restored model was trained for %.2fM global steps", / 1000000.) last_features = policy.get_initial_features() # reset lstm memory length = 0 rewards = 0 loopsizes = [] # All Episodes records for ep in range(args.num_episodes): """TODO: policy sampling strategy random, greedy and sampled policy. """ last_state = env.reset() # Episode records # running policy while True: fetched = policy.act_inference(last_state, *last_features) prob_action, action, value_, features = fetched[ 0], fetched[1], fetched[2], fetched[3:] #TODO: policy sampling strategy # Greedy stepAct = action.argmax() state, reward, terminal, info = env.step(stepAct) # update stats length += 1 rewards += reward last_state = state last_features = features """TODO: Resonable Statistics are necessary """ if info: loopsize = info["Loop Size"] looparea = info["Loop Area"] # store summary summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/reward'.format(ep), simple_value=reward) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/netreward'.format(ep), simple_value=rewards) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/value'.format(ep), simple_value=float(value_[0])) if info: summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/loop_size'.format(ep), simple_value=loopsize) summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/loop_area'.format(ep), simple_value=looparea) loopsizes.append(loopsize) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, length) summary_writer.flush() summary = tf.Summary() for ac_id in range(num_actions): summary.value.add(tag='ep_{}/a_{}'.format(ep, ac_id), simple_value=float( prob_action[ac_id])) action_writers[ac_id].add_summary(summary, length) action_writers[ac_id].flush() """TODO: 1. Need more concrete idea for playing the game when interfering. 2. Save these values for post processing. """ if terminal: #if length >= timestep_limit: # last_state, _, _, _ = env.reset() last_features = policy.get_initial_features( ) # reset lstm memory print( "Episode finished. Sum of rewards: %.2f. Length: %d." % (rewards, length)) length = 0 rewards = 0 break'Finished %d true episodes.', args.num_episodes) # Count loop topology unique, counts = np.unique(loopsizes, return_counts=True) loopstatistics = dict(zip(unique, counts)) print(loopstatistics) env.close()