def evaluate(args): dataset = Dataset(args.dataset) model = LinearRegression() print('Loading parameters from', args.model_parameters, '\n') model.load_parameters(args.model_parameters) display_model_metrics(model, dataset) display_sklearn_metrics(dataset)
def predict(args): model = LinearRegression() print('Loading parameters from', args.model_parameters, '\n') model.load_parameters(args.model_parameters) print('Model:', model, '\n') x = [] for index in range(len(model.weights)): x.append(float(input(f'Enter feature n.{index + 1}: '))) x = Dataset.preprocess(x, model.x_max, model.x_min) print('Predicted value:', model.predict(x))
def main(): # mode argument args = argparse.ArgumentParser() args.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=0.0001) args.add_argument("--cuda", type=bool, default=True) args.add_argument("--num_epochs", type=int, default=50000) args.add_argument("--model_name", type=str, default="5") args.add_argument("--batch", type=int, default=2) args.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default="train") args.add_argument("--prediction_dir", type=str, default="prediction") args.add_argument("--print_iter", type=int, default=20000) config = args.parse_args() lr = cuda = config.cuda num_epochs = config.num_epochs model_name = config.model_name batch = config.batch mode = config.mode prediction_dir = config.prediction_dir print_iter = config.print_iter nIn = 12 nOut = 1 model = LinearRegression(nIn, nOut) device = torch.device('cuda') if cuda else torch.device('cpu') #check parameter of model print("------------------------------------------------------------") total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) print("num of parameter : ", total_params) trainable_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print("num of trainable_ parameter :", trainable_params) print("------------------------------------------------------------") if mode == 'train': print('train start') train_loader = dataloader.data_loader(DATASET_PATH, batch, phase='train') val_loader = dataloader.data_loader(DATASET_PATH, 1, phase='val') params = [p for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad] optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=params, lr=lr) lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=40, gamma=0.1) train(num_epochs, model, device, train_loader, val_loader, optimizer, lr_scheduler, prediction_dir, print_iter) elif mode == 'test': print('test start') test_loader = dataloader.data_loader(DATASET_PATH, 1, phase='test') load_model(model_name, model) test(model, device, test_loader, prediction_dir)
def estimate(self, ModelFile): if self.conf['model'] not in self.MODELS: print >> sys.stderr, 'error: invalid model - "%s"' % self.conf[ 'model'] sys.exit(1) param = cPickle.load(open(ModelFile)) sample_data = linecache.getline(self.input_file, 1).strip().split(',') if self.conf['model'] == 'linear-regression': model_lr = LinearRegression(self.conf, len(sample_data), param=param) model_lr.estimate(self.input_file)
def randomLine(): model = LinearRegression() a = random.randrange(-5, 11, 1) b = random.randrange(-5, 6, 1) print('Target: b =', b, 'a = ', a) for i in range(0, 500): X = random.randrange(-4, 7, 1) y = b + a * X + np.random.randn() model.addSample(X, y) alpha = 0.001 numOfSteps = 100 loop = 50 for i in range(0, loop): # for printing the values of theta and the cost, during the 0th iteration. if i == 0: X, y = model.getSamples() initial_cost = model.getLoss(model.theta, X, y) print( "Current Hypothesis:", "%s + %s x ," % (round(model.theta[0][0], 2), round(model.theta[1][0], 2)), "cost =", round(initial_cost, 4)) ################################################################################ theta, cost =, numOfSteps) print("Current Hypothesis:", model.__str__(), ",cost =", round(cost, 4))
def setLine(): model = LinearRegression() for i in range(0, 1000): model.addSample(i, i) alpha = 0.000000003 numOfSteps = 100 loop = 50 for i in range(0, loop): if i == 0: # for printing the values of theta and the cost, during the 0th iteration. X, y = model.getSamples() initial_cost = model.getLoss(model.theta, X, y) print( "Current Hypothesis:", "%s + %s x ," % (round(model.theta[0][0], 2), round(model.theta[1][0], 2)), "cost =", round(initial_cost, 4)) ######################################################################### theta, cost =, numOfSteps) # print(theta,round(cost,2)) # print(model.getTheta0()) # print(model.getTheta1()) # print(model.getIteration()) # print(model.getHypothesis()) print("Current Hypothesis:", model.__str__(), ",cost =", round(cost, 4))
def setLine(): model = LinearRegression() for i in range(0, 1000): model.addSample(i, i) alpha = 0.000000003 numOfSteps = 100 loop = 50 for i in range(0,loop): theta, cost=, numOfSteps) print("Current Hypothesis:", model.__str__(), ",cost =", round(cost, 4)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x = np.linspace(0, 1000) ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') plt.plot(x, x, '-b', label='y=x') plt.plot(x, round(theta[0][0], 2) + round(theta[1][0], 2) * x, '-.g', label= model.__str__()) plt.legend(loc='upper left')
def randomDimension(features): model = LinearRegression() # X = np.ndarray(shape = (features, 1)) X = [None] * features r = np.ndarray(shape = (features, 1)) theta = np.ndarray(shape = (features+1, 1)) # # data = np.ndarray(shape = (5000,features)) for f in range(0, theta.shape[1]): theta[f] = random.randrange(-100, 101, 1) # print(theta.shape) # print(type(theta)) # print(theta) for i in range(0,5000): # print(i) X = [] for f in range(0, features): # print(f) rn = random.randrange(0.0, 1.0) # X.insert(f, rn) X.append(rn) # print(X.shape) # print(type(X)) # print(X) r = X[f] * theta[f] r = r + theta[-1] + random.randrange(-20, 20, 1) # r = random.randrange(-20, 20, 1) model.addSample(X,r) alpha = 0.000000003 numOfSteps = 1000 loop = 100 for i in range(0, loop): theta, cost =, numOfSteps) print("theta values", theta,"cost", round(cost, 4))
def train(dataset, args): n_weights = np.size(dataset.x, 1) model = LinearRegression(n_weights=n_weights) optimizer = Optimizer(dataset) losses = [] for _ in range(args.epochs): losses.append(mse(model, dataset)) optimizer.step(model, args.learning_rate) print ('Model:', model, '\n') print ('Loss:', mse(model, dataset)) sklearn_model = SklearnLinearRegression().fit(dataset.x, dataset.y) print ('Loss with sklearn:', mean_squared_error(dataset.y, sklearn_model.predict(dataset.x)), '\n') if args.plot: plot(model, n_weights, losses, dataset) return model
def main(): model = LinearRegression(1, 1).to(device) x_train, y_train = get_training_data() train(model, x_train, y_train) model_save_path = "./AzureMLModel" save_pytorch_cloudpickle_model(model, path=model_save_path, local_dependencies=["."]) loaded_generic_model = load_generic_model(model_save_path) df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [[10.0], [11.0], [12.0]]}) predict_result = loaded_generic_model.predict(df) assert predict_result.shape[0] == df.shape[0] loaded_pytorch_model = loaded_generic_model.raw_model assert isinstance(loaded_pytorch_model, torch.nn.Module)
def randomLine(): model = LinearRegression() a = random.randrange(-5, 11, 1) b = random.randrange(-5, 6, 1) print('Target: b =', b, 'a = ', a) for i in range(0, 500): X = random.randrange(-4, 7, 1) y = b + a * X + np.random.randn() model.addSample(X, y) #for diagrams X, y, z = model.getSamples() temp = z #### alpha = 0.001 numOfSteps = 100 loop = 50 for i in range(0, loop): theta, cost =, numOfSteps) print("Current Hypothesis:", model.__str__(), ",cost =", round(cost, 4)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') plt.scatter(temp, y) plt.plot(temp, round(model.theta[0][0], 2) + round(model.theta[1][0], 2) * temp, '-.b', label=model.__str__()) plt.legend(loc='upper left')
def learning(self): if self.conf['model'] not in self.MODELS: print >> sys.stderr, 'error: invalid model - "%s"' % self.conf[ 'model'] sys.exit(1) if self.conf['model'] == 'linear-regression': model_lr = LinearRegression(self.conf, len(self.feature_name), param=self.fine_tune_param, loss_file=self.loss_file) model_lr.learning(self.train_data, self.train_Y, self.test_data, self.test_Y) model_lr.print_model(self.feature_name)
def main(): init_params = {"inputSize": 1, "outputSize": 1} model = LinearRegression(**init_params).to(device) x_train, y_train = get_training_data() train(model, x_train, y_train) model_save_path = "./AzureMLModel" local_dependencies = ["."] save_pytorch_state_dict_model(model, init_params=init_params, path=model_save_path, local_dependencies=local_dependencies) loaded_generic_model = load_generic_model(model_save_path) df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [[10.0], [11.0], [12.0]]}) predict_result = loaded_generic_model.predict(df) assert predict_result.shape[0] == df.shape[0] loaded_pytorch_model = loaded_generic_model.raw_model assert isinstance(loaded_pytorch_model, torch.nn.Module)
def setPlane(): model = LinearRegression() for i in range(0, 1000): model.addSample([i, 2 * i], 5 * i) model.addSample([2 * i, i], 4 * i) alpha = 0.000000006 numOfSteps = 1000 loop = 10 for i in range(0, loop): theta, cost =, numOfSteps) # print(round(theta[0][0],2),round(theta[1][0],2),round(theta[2][0],2), round(cost, 4)) # print(model.getTheta0()) # print(model.getTheta1()) # print(model.getTheta2()) # print(model.getIteration()) # print(model.getHypothesis()) print("Current Hypothesis:", model.__str__(), ",cost =", round(cost, 4))
def randomPlane(): model = LinearRegression() a = random.randrange(-100, 101, 1) b = random.randrange(-100, 101, 1) c = random.randrange(-100, 101, 1) print('Target: c =', c, 'a = ', a, 'b = ', b) for i in range(0,5000): x1 = random.randrange(0, 2, 1) x2 = random.randrange(0, 2, 1) y = (a * x1) + (b * x2) + (c) + random.randrange(-20, 20, 1) model.addSample([x1, x2], y) alpha = 0.0001 numOfSteps = 1000 loop = 100 for i in range(0, loop): theta, cost =, numOfSteps) print("Current Hypothesis:", model.__str__(), ",cost =", round(cost, 4))
from script import trainingInput, trainingOutput, testInput, testOutput from model import LinearRegression import torch print(trainingInput) print(trainingOutput) print(trainingInput.size()) print(trainingOutput.size()) inputSize = 18 outputSize = 1 model = LinearRegression(inputSize, outputSize) print(model) criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01) for epoch in range(500): # Forward pass: Compute predicted y by passing # x to the model predictedOutput = model(trainingInput) # Compute and print loss loss = criterion(predictedOutput, trainingOutput) # Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, # and update the weights. optimizer.zero_grad()
from model import Perceptron, LinearRegression # MAIN SCRIPT: # --- Classification --- # Generates some linearly separable data and applies the perceptron # Results are plotted after instantiation, one instance, one epoch, and completion # xs, ys = generate_data(binary=True) # myPerceptron = Perceptron() # plot_data(xs, ys, myPerceptron) # myPerceptron.train(xs[0], ys[0]) # plot_data(xs, ys, myPerceptron) #, ys, max_epochs=1) # plot_data(xs, ys, myPerceptron) #, ys) # plot_data(xs, ys, myPerceptron, final=True) # # --- Linear Regression --- # # Generates some linear data and applies linear regression # # Results are plotted after instantiation, one instance, one epoch, and convergence xs, ys = generate_data(binary=False) myLinearRegression = LinearRegression() plot_data(xs, ys, myLinearRegression) myLinearRegression.train(xs[0], ys[0]) plot_data(xs, ys, myLinearRegression), ys, max_epochs=1) plot_data(xs, ys, myLinearRegression), ys) plot_data(xs, ys, myLinearRegression, final=True) print(myLinearRegression)
parser.add_argument("--n_layer", type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--num_nodes", type=int, default=17531) # result args parser.add_argument("--result_folder", type=str) parser.add_argument("--gpu", type=str, default="0") args = parser.parse_args() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = args.gpu if not os.path.exists(args.result_folder): os.mkdir(args.result_folder) args.log = os.path.join(args.result_folder, args.log) src_id, dst_id = load_graph() device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if args.model == "lr": model = LinearRegression(3, args.hid_c, args.h_step) elif args.model == "norm_lr": model = NormalizeLR(3, args.hid_c, args.h_step) else: model = PredictModel(args.model, src_id, dst_id, 3, args.hid_c, args.h_step, args.n_layer, device) train_main(model, args, True) # test_main(args.log, model)
import numpy as np from util import read_data from model import LinearRegression from optimizer import SGD from functions import least_error_square # 방법 1 Gradient Decent 사용 data = read_data('../data/count_by_date.csv') x, t = list(map(lambda x: [int(x)], data['INDEX'])), list(map(lambda x: [int(x)], data['CNT'])) x, t = np.array(x), np.array(t) model = LinearRegression() optimizer = SGD(lr=0.08) epoch = 10000 for e in range(epoch): loss = model.forward(x, t) # 오차값 model.backward() optimizer.update(model.params, model.grads) m, b = model.get_params() # 기울기, 편향 # print(loss, m[0][0], b[0][0]) print(loss, m[0][0], b[0][0]) print(model.predict(np.array([[i] for i in range(31, 61)]))) # INDEX가 31부터 60까지 추론 # 방법 2 최소오차제곱법 사용 data = read_data('../data/count_by_date.csv') x, t = list(map(lambda x: [int(x), 1], data['INDEX'])), list(map(lambda x: [int(x)], data['CNT'])) x, t = np.array(x), np.array(t)