Esempio n. 1
        if epoch % print_every == 0:
            guess, guess_index = category_from_output(output)
            correct = 'Got it' if guess == category else 'Thought it was %s' % category
            print_epoch_guess(epoch, start, loss, line, guess, correct)

        if epoch % plot_every == 0:
            all_losses.append(current_loss / plot_every)
            current_loss = 0

# test_letter_to_tensor()
# test_line_to_tensor()

if RNN.model_exists():
    print('loading saved model')
    rnn = RNN.load_model()
    print('creating model')
    rnn = RNN()
    print('training model')

while True:
    input_name = raw_input()

#  plot_all_losses(all_losses)
Esempio n. 2
class dl_model():

	def __init__(self, mode):

		# Read config fielewhich contains parameters
		self.config = config
		self.mode = mode

		# Architecture name decides prefix for storing models and plots
		feature_dim = self.config['vocab_size']
		self.arch_name = '_'.join(
			[self.config['rnn'], str(self.config['num_layers']), str(self.config['hidden_dim']), str(feature_dim)])

		print("Architecture:", self.arch_name)
		# Change paths for storing models
		self.config['models'] = self.config['models'].split('/')[0] + '_' + self.arch_name + '/'
		self.config['plots'] = self.config['plots'].split('/')[0] + '_' + self.arch_name + '/'

		# Make folders if DNE
		if not os.path.exists(self.config['models']):
		if not os.path.exists(self.config['plots']):
		if not os.path.exists(self.config['pickle']):

		self.cuda = (self.config['cuda'] and torch.cuda.is_available())

		# load/initialise metrics to be stored and load model
		if mode == 'train' or mode == 'test':

			self.plots_dir = self.config['plots']
			# store hyperparameters
			self.total_epochs = self.config['epochs']
			self.test_every = self.config['test_every_epoch']
			self.test_per = self.config['test_per_epoch']
			self.print_per = self.config['print_per_epoch']
			self.save_every = self.config['save_every']
			self.plot_every = self.config['plot_every']

			# dataloader which returns batches of data
			self.train_loader = dataloader('train', self.config)
			self.test_loader = dataloader('test', self.config)
			#declare model
			self.model = RNN(self.config)

			self.start_epoch = 1
			self.edit_dist = []
			self.train_losses, self.test_losses = [], []


			self.model = RNN(self.config)

		if self.cuda:

		# resume training from some stored model
		if self.mode == 'train' and self.config['resume']:
			self.start_epoch, self.train_losses, self.test_losses = self.model.load_model(mode, self.model.rnn_name, self.model.num_layers, self.model.hidden_dim)
			self.start_epoch += 1

		# load best model for testing/inference
		elif self.mode == 'test' or mode == 'test_one':
			self.model.load_model(mode, self.config['rnn'], self.model.num_layers, self.model.hidden_dim)

		#whether using embeddings
		if self.config['use_embedding']:
			self.use_embedding = True
			self.use_embedding = False

	# Train the model
	def train(self):

		print("Starting training at t =",
		print('Batches per epoch:', len(self.train_loader))

		# when to print losses during the epoch
		print_range = list(np.linspace(0, len(self.train_loader), self.print_per + 2, dtype=np.uint32)[1:-1])
		if self.test_per == 0:
			test_range = []
			test_range = list(np.linspace(0, len(self.train_loader), self.test_per + 2, dtype=np.uint32)[1:-1])

		for epoch in range(self.start_epoch, self.total_epochs + 1):


				print("Epoch:", str(epoch))
				epoch_loss = 0.0
				# i used for monitoring batch and printing loss, etc.
				i = 0

				while True:

					i += 1

					# Get batch of inputs, labels, missed_chars and lengths along with status (when to end epoch)
					inputs, labels, miss_chars, input_lens, status = self.train_loader.return_batch()

					if self.use_embedding:
						inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).long() #embeddings should be of dtype long
						inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).float()

					#convert to torch tensors
					labels = torch.from_numpy(labels).float()
					miss_chars = torch.from_numpy(miss_chars).float()
					input_lens = torch.from_numpy(input_lens).long()

					if self.cuda:
						inputs = inputs.cuda()
						labels = labels.cuda()
						miss_chars = miss_chars.cuda()
						input_lens = input_lens.cuda()

					# zero the parameter gradients
					# forward + backward + optimize
					outputs = self.model(inputs, input_lens, miss_chars)
					loss, miss_penalty = self.model.calculate_loss(outputs, labels, input_lens, miss_chars, self.cuda)

					# clip gradient
					# torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.config['grad_clip'])

					# store loss
					epoch_loss += loss.item()

					# print loss
					if i in print_range and epoch == 1:
						print('After %i batches, Current Loss = %.7f' % (i, epoch_loss / i))
					elif i in print_range and epoch > 1:
						print('After %i batches, Current Loss = %.7f, Avg. Loss = %.7f, Miss Loss = %.7f' % (
								i, epoch_loss / i, np.mean(np.array([x[0] for x in self.train_losses])), miss_penalty))

					# test model periodically
					if i in test_range:

					# Reached end of dataset
					if status == 1:

				#refresh dataset i.e. generate a new dataset from corpurs
				if epoch % self.config['reset_after'] == 0:

				#take the last example from the epoch and print the incomplete word, target characters and missed characters
				random_eg = min(np.random.randint(self.train_loader.batch_size), inputs.shape[0]-1)
				encoded_to_string(inputs.cpu().numpy()[random_eg], labels.cpu().numpy()[random_eg], miss_chars.cpu().numpy()[random_eg],
								  input_lens.cpu().numpy()[random_eg], self.train_loader.char_to_id, self.use_embedding)

				# Store tuple of training loss and epoch number
				self.train_losses.append((epoch_loss / len(self.train_loader), epoch))

				# save model
				if epoch % self.save_every == 0:
					self.model.save_model(False, epoch, self.train_losses, self.test_losses,
										  self.model.rnn_name, self.model.num_layers, self.model.hidden_dim)

				# test every 5 epochs in the beginning and then every fixed no of epochs specified in config file
				# useful to see how loss stabilises in the beginning
				if epoch % 5 == 0 and epoch < self.test_every:
				elif epoch % self.test_every == 0:
				# plot loss and accuracy
				if epoch % self.plot_every == 0:

			except KeyboardInterrupt:
				#save model before exiting
				print("Saving model before quitting")
				self.model.save_model(False, epoch-1, self.train_losses, self.test_losses,
									  self.model.rnn_name, self.model.num_layers, self.model.hidden_dim)

	# test model
	def test(self, epoch=None):


		print('Total batches:', len(self.test_loader))
		test_loss = 0

		#generate a new dataset form corpus

		with torch.no_grad():

			while True:

				# Get batch of input, labels, missed characters and lengths along with status (when to end epoch)
				inputs, labels, miss_chars, input_lens, status = self.test_loader.return_batch()
				if self.use_embedding:
					inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).long()
					inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).float()

				labels = torch.from_numpy(labels).float()
				miss_chars = torch.from_numpy(miss_chars).float()
				input_lens= torch.from_numpy(input_lens).long()

				if self.cuda:
					inputs = inputs.cuda()
					labels = labels.cuda()
					miss_chars = miss_chars.cuda()
					input_lens = input_lens.cuda()

				# zero the parameter gradients
				# forward + backward + optimize
				outputs = self.model(inputs, input_lens, miss_chars)
				loss, miss_penalty = self.model.calculate_loss(outputs, labels, input_lens, miss_chars, self.cuda)
				test_loss += loss.item()

				# Reached end of dataset
				if status == 1:

		#take a random example from the epoch and print the incomplete word, target characters and missed characters
		#min since the last batch may not be of length batch_size
		random_eg = min(np.random.randint(self.train_loader.batch_size), inputs.shape[0]-1)
		encoded_to_string(inputs.cpu().numpy()[random_eg], labels.cpu().numpy()[random_eg], miss_chars.cpu().numpy()[random_eg],
			input_lens.cpu().numpy()[random_eg], self.train_loader.char_to_id, self.use_embedding)

		# Average out the losses and edit distance
		test_loss /= len(self.test_loader)

		print("Test Loss: %.7f, Miss Penalty: %.7f" % (test_loss, miss_penalty))

		# Store in lists for keeping track of model performance
		self.test_losses.append((test_loss, epoch))

		# if testing loss is minimum, store it as the 'best.pth' model, which is used during inference
		# store only when doing train/test together i.e. mode is train
		if test_loss == min([x[0] for x in self.test_losses]) and self.mode == 'train':
			print("Best new model found!")
			self.model.save_model(True, epoch, self.train_losses, self.test_losses,
								  self.model.rnn_name, self.model.num_layers, self.model.hidden_dim)

		return test_loss

	def predict(self, string, misses, char_to_id):
		called during inference
		:param string: word with predicted characters and blanks at remaining places
		:param misses: list of characters which were predicted but game feedback indicated that they are not present
		:param char_to_id: mapping from characters to id

		id_to_char = {v:k for k,v in char_to_id.items()}

		#convert string into desired input tensor
		if self.use_embedding:
			encoded = np.zeros((len(char_to_id)))
			for i, c in enumerate(string):
				if c == '*':
					encoded[i] = len(id_to_char) - 1 
					encoded[i] = char_to_id[c]

			inputs = np.array(encoded)[None, :]
			inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).long()


			encoded = np.zeros((len(string), len(char_to_id)))
			for i, c in enumerate(string):
				if c == '*':
					encoded[i][len(id_to_char) - 1] = 1
					encoded[i][char_to_id[c]] = 1

			inputs = np.array(encoded)[None, :, :]
			inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).float()

		#encode the missed characters
		miss_encoded = np.zeros((len(char_to_id) - 1))
		for c in misses:
			miss_encoded[char_to_id[c]] = 1
		miss_encoded = np.array(miss_encoded)[None, :]
		miss_encoded = torch.from_numpy(miss_encoded).float()

		input_lens = np.array([len(string)])
		input_lens= torch.from_numpy(input_lens).long()	

		#pass through model
		output = self.model(inputs, input_lens, miss_encoded).detach().cpu().numpy()[0]

		#sort predictions
		sorted_predictions = np.argsort(output)[::-1]
		#we cannnot consider only the argmax since a missed character may also get assigned a high probability
		#in case of a well-trained model, we shouldn't observe this
		return [id_to_char[x] for x in sorted_predictions]

	def plot_loss_acc(self, epoch):
		take train/test loss and test accuracy input and plot it over time
		:param epoch: to track performance across epochs

		fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

		ax1.plot([x[1] for x in self.train_losses], [x[0] for x in self.train_losses], color='r', label='Train Loss')
		ax1.plot([x[1] for x in self.test_losses], [x[0] for x in self.test_losses], color='b', label='Test Loss')
		ax1.legend(loc='upper left')

		fig.tight_layout()  # otherwise the right y-label is slightly clipped

		filename = self.plots_dir + 'plot_' + self.arch_name + '_' + str(epoch) + '.png'

		print("Saved plots")