Esempio n. 1
    # add omega to the list
    omega = np.arctan2(x[:, 3], x[:, 2]).reshape((len(x[:, 0]), 1))*180./np.pi
    x = np.concatenate((x, omega), axis=1)
    labels.append('$\omega$ (deg)')

    # if we want to get inferred value from the isochrones as well
    if inferredparams:
        # some important values
        FeH = x[:, 8]
        # convert to log(age) for the isochrone
        age = np.log10(x[:, 9] * 1e9)
        M = x[:, 7]

        # set up the output
        results = np.zeros((len(FeH), len(isointerp(M[0], FeH[0],
                            age[0], isobundle))))

        # get the isochrone values for each chain input
        # this is very time intensive
        for ii in np.arange(len(FeH)):
            results[ii, :] = isointerp(M[ii], FeH[ii], age[ii], isobundle)

        # add primary effective temperature
        Teff = (10.**results[:, -1]).reshape((len(x[:, 0]), 1))
        x = np.concatenate((x, Teff), axis=1)
        labels.append('$T_{eff,1}$ (K)')
        # add log(g)
        logg = (results[:, -2]).reshape((len(x[:, 0]), 1))
        x = np.concatenate((x, logg), axis=1)
        # add primary radius
Esempio n. 2
# ========================================================================== #

# the rest is all to produce Figure S4
# most of this is copied from the light_curve_model function

# set up a range of WD masses
M2s = np.linspace(0.1, 1.453, 1000)

(magobs, magerr, maglam, magname, interps, limits, fehs, ages,
 maxmasses, wdmagfunc) = isobundle
# calculate their magnitudes based on the best model
wdage = np.log10(10.**age - 10.**(msage(M2init, FeH, isobundle)))
wdmag = wdmagfunc(np.array([[M2, wdage]]))[0]

# get the magnitudes of the primary star in the best model
mags = isointerp(M1, FeH, age, isobundle)

# pull out the stellar radius
R1 = mags[-3]

# get the flux ratio between the two stars in the Kepler band
F2F1 = 0.
if np.isfinite(wdmag):
    # get the Kp magnitude of the main star
    gind = np.where(magname == 'g')[0][0]
    rind = np.where(magname == 'r')[0][0]
    iind = np.where(magname == 'i')[0][0]
    if mags[gind] - mags[rind] <= 0.3:
        kpmag1 = 0.25 * mags[gind] + 0.75 * mags[rind]
        kpmag1 = 0.3 * mags[gind] + 0.7 * mags[iind]