Esempio n. 1
def policy_impact_evaluation(model_run_SM, model_run_schelling, IssueInit,
	[Change policy tree/policy instruments -> Change in this function]
	This function is used to estimate the impact of the policy instruments and likelihood of impact of the policy families.
	The simulations for the different policies are parallelised to gain computational time.

    # policy impact evaluation

    # initialisation of the vector that will store the KPIs of the mock simulation for each policy instrument
    issues = [
        0 for l in range(model_run_SM.len_S + model_run_SM.len_PC +
    for q in range(model_run_SM.len_S + model_run_SM.len_PC +
        issues[q] = [0 for l in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments))]

    # copy of the model in its current state
    model_run_schelling_PI_test = copy.deepcopy(model_run_schelling)

    # creating the input vector for the parallelised simulation
    inputs = []
    for j in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments)):
        intermediate = []

    # running the parallel simulation
    pool = mp.Pool(8)
    results = a: model_simulation(a), inputs)
	# initialisation of the vector that will store the KPIs of the mock simulation for each policy instrument
	issues = [0 for l in range(model_run_SM.len_S + model_run_SM.len_PC + model_run_SM.len_DC)]
	for q in range(model_run_SM.len_S + model_run_SM.len_PC + model_run_SM.len_DC):
		issues[q] = [0 for l in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments))]

	# simulating all policy instruments for n ticks to obtain KPIs at the final state
	for j in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments)):
		# copy of the model in its current state
		model_run_schelling_PI_test = copy.deepcopy(model_run_schelling)

		# run the simulation with policy introduced and collect data
		policy = model_run_SM.policy_instruments[j]  # set policy vector for one step
		for k in range(interval_tick):
			IssueE, type0agents, type1agents = model_run_schelling_PI_test.step(policy)
			policy = [None for f in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments[j]))]  # reset policy vector after it has been implemented once

		# mapping the outcomes to a [0,1] interval
		IssueE = issue_mapping(IssueE, type0agents, type1agents)

		# store the final state of the belief (last simulation)
		for p in range(model_run_SM.len_S + model_run_SM.len_PC + model_run_SM.len_DC):
			issues[p][j] = IssueE[p]

    type0agents = results[0][1]
    type1agents = results[0][2]
    for i in range(len(results)):
        # mapping the outcomes to a [0,1] interval
        IssueEn = issue_mapping(results[i][0], type0agents, type1agents)

        # store the final state of the belief (last simulation)
        for p in range(model_run_SM.len_S + model_run_SM.len_PC +
            issues[p][i] = IssueEn[p]

    # change the policy tree accordingly
    # transforming initial KPIs to [0,1] interval
    IssueInit = issue_mapping(IssueInit, type0agents, type1agents)

    # looking at one policy instrument after the other
    impact_policy = [[
        0 for l in range(model_run_SM.len_S + model_run_SM.len_PC)
    ] for r in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments))]
    for j in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments)):

        # calculating the percentage change from no policy to a policy
        for q in range(model_run_SM.len_PC + model_run_SM.len_S):
            if issues[q][j] != 0:
                impact_policy[j][q] = round(
                    (IssueInit[model_run_SM.len_DC + q] - issues[q][j]) /
                    issues[q][j], 3)
            if issues[q][j] == 0 and IssueInit[model_run_SM.len_DC + q] == 0:
                impact_policy[j][q] = 0
            if issues[q][j] == 0 and IssueInit[model_run_SM.len_DC + q] != 0:
                impact_policy[j][q] = 1

        # selecting the agents of the main simulation
        for agent in model_run_SM.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
            if isinstance(agent, TruthAgent):
                # updating the policy tree of the truth agent
                    model_run_SM.len_PC +
                    j] = impact_policy[j][0:model_run_SM.len_S]
                # print("Policy instrument: ", j, " - \n", agent.policytree[model_run_SM.len_PC + j])

    # considering the policy families
    # policy family 1 (instruments: 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10)
    # policy family 2 (instruments: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
    likelihood_PF1 = [0 for f in range(model_run_SM.len_PC)]
    len_PF1 = 7
    likelihood_PF2 = [0 for f in range(model_run_SM.len_PC)]
    len_PF2 = 7
    # average the absolute value of their impact per
    for j in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments)):
        # selecting only policy instruments related to policy family 1
        if j == 0 or j == 1 or j == 2 or j == 3 or j == 8 or j == 9 or j == 10:
            likelihood_PF1[0] += impact_policy[j][model_run_SM.len_S] / len_PF1
            likelihood_PF1[1] += impact_policy[j][model_run_SM.len_S +
                                                  1] / len_PF1
        # selecting only policy instruments related to policy family 2
        if j == 4 or j == 5 or j == 6 or j == 7 or j == 8 or j == 9 or j == 10:
            likelihood_PF2[0] += impact_policy[j][model_run_SM.len_S] / len_PF2
            likelihood_PF2[1] += impact_policy[j][model_run_SM.len_S +
                                                  1] / len_PF2

    # rounding values
    likelihood_PF1[0] = round(likelihood_PF1[0], 3)
    likelihood_PF1[1] = round(likelihood_PF1[1], 3)
    likelihood_PF2[0] = round(likelihood_PF2[0], 3)
    likelihood_PF2[1] = round(likelihood_PF2[1], 3)

    for agent in model_run_SM.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
        if isinstance(agent, TruthAgent):
            # updating the policy tree of the truth agent
            agent.policytree_truth[0] = likelihood_PF1
            agent.policytree_truth[1] = likelihood_PF2
        # this is also used as a warmup time
        if i == 0:
            policy_chosen = [
                None for ite in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments[0]))
            for warmup_time in range(warmup_tick):
                IssueInit, type0agents, type1agents = model_run_schelling.step(

        # policy impact evaluation
        policy_impact_evaluation(model_run_SM, model_run_schelling, IssueInit,

        # running the policy emergence model
        if i == 0:
            KPIs = issue_mapping(IssueInit, type0agents, type1agents)
            KPIs = issue_mapping(KPIs, type0agents, type1agents)
        policy_chosen = model_run_SM.step(KPIs)

        # run of the segregation model for n ticks
        for p in range(interval_tick):
            KPIs, type0agents, type1agents = model_run_schelling.step(
            policy_chosen = [
                None for ite in range(len(model_run_SM.policy_instruments[0]))
            ]  # reset policy after it has been implemented once

    # output of the data
    # Schelling model
    # printing the data obtained from the Schelling model