def get_num_votes(self, user): if user.num_votes is None: q = Vote.all() q.filter("user_fb_id =", user.fb_uid) user.num_votes = q.count() user.put() return user.num_votes
def get(self): vote_for = int(self.request.get('which_photo')) fb_uid = str(self.request.get('fb_uid')) user = CacheController.get_user_by_fb_id(fb_uid) if not user: self.write_error("Can't add vote: User with fb_uid %s is not logged in." % fb_uid) return # Since the post is taken from the cache, it might not be the most updated version # but that's ok, as it is only used as 'parent' choosie_post = CacheController.get_model(self.request.get('post_key')) vote = Vote(parent=choosie_post, user_fb_id=fb_uid, vote_for=int(vote_for)) prev_vote = vote.prev_vote_for_user_for_post() #if the user voted to the same post but for different item, updating the vote if (prev_vote is not None and prev_vote.vote_for != vote_for): prev_vote.vote_for = vote_for prev_vote.put() choosie_post.add_vote_to_post(vote, False) self.response.write('Vote changed to photo number %d.' % vote_for) #if voted to same pic - error elif(prev_vote != None): self.write_error("already voted!") else: vote.put() ChoosiePost.add_vote_to_post(choosie_post, vote, True) # Make sure the ChoosiePost is invalidated in cache, so that next time it is asked # for, the updated one is retreived. Vote.invalidate_votes(self.request.get('post_key')) self.response.write('A new vote issued for photo number %d.' % vote_for)
def get_serialized_votes(self): # updated_post.votes is a StringListProperty. Each vote_str is inflated to a dictionary # that looks like: # {"vote_for": 1, # "user": {"fb_uid": "152343", # ...} # }'For question [%s], returning %d votes.', self.question, len(self.votes)) return [ Vote.from_string_for_choosie_post(vote_str) for vote_str in self.votes ]
def try_parse_vote(choosie_comment, post_type): # If comment is something like: 'A is nicer' or 'B: because it is better' create a Vote object too. words = re.findall(r"[\w']+", choosie_comment.text) if len(words) > 0: vote = ScrapeCommentsHandler.vote_from_comment(words, post_type) if vote: return Vote(user_fb_id=choosie_comment.user_fb_id, created_at=choosie_comment.created_at, vote_for=vote, is_scraped=choosie_comment.is_scraped, scraped_user_details=choosie_comment.scraped_user_details) else: return None
def add_vote_to_post_internal(self, new_vote):"Adding vote.") # Before adding a new vote, remove any existing votes by the same user. for existing_vote_str in self.votes: # updated_post.votes is a StringListProperty. To make the comparison, # each vote is 'inflated' to a dictionary, and its user ID is compared to the new_vote's. existing_vote_dict = Vote.from_string_for_choosie_post( existing_vote_str, keep_shallow=True) if existing_vote_dict["user"]["fb_uid"] == new_vote.user_fb_id: self.votes.remove(existing_vote_str) break # updated_post.votes is a StringListProperty. We add the new vote as a string. self.votes.append(new_vote.to_string_for_choosie_post())
def try_parse_vote(choosie_comment): # If comment is something like: 'A is nicer' or 'B: because it is better' create a Vote object too. words = re.findall(r"[\w']+", choosie_comment.text) if len(words) > 0: first_word = words[0].upper() # Any of those as first word of the comment will be considered as a vote user_string_to_photo_number = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, '1': 1, '2': 2} if first_word in user_string_to_photo_number: return Vote( user_fb_id=choosie_comment.user_fb_id, created_at=choosie_comment.created_at, vote_for=user_string_to_photo_number[first_word], is_scraped=choosie_comment.is_scraped, scraped_user_details=choosie_comment.scraped_user_details) else: return None
def get_cached_votes(self): return Vote.get_votes_for_post(str(self.key()))