def postUpdateHook(cls, districts, updated_attr_list, is_new_list): """ To run after a district has been updated. For new districts, tries to guess the names based on other year's data """ for (district, is_new, updated_attrs) in zip(districts, is_new_list, updated_attr_list): if is_new and (not district.display_name or not district.elasticsearch_name): last_year_key = District.renderKeyName(district.year - 1, district.abbreviation) last_year_district = District.get_by_id(last_year_key) update = False if last_year_district: if not district.display_name: district.display_name = last_year_district.display_name update = True if not district.elasticsearch_name: district.elasticsearch_name = last_year_district.elasticsearch_name update = True if update: cls.createOrUpdate(district, run_post_update_hook=False) if 'display_name' in updated_attrs or 'elasticsearch_name' in updated_attrs: # Set all other instances of this district to have the values all_past_years = DistrictHistoryQuery(district.abbreviation).fetch() to_put = [] for other_district in all_past_years: if other_district.year != district.year: other_district.display_name = district.display_name other_district.elasticsearch_name = district.elasticsearch_name to_put.append(other_district) cls.createOrUpdate(to_put, run_post_update_hook=False)
def postUpdateHook(cls, districts, updated_attr_list, is_new_list): """ To run after a district has been updated. For new districts, tries to guess the names based on other year's data """ for (district, is_new, updated_attrs) in zip(districts, is_new_list, updated_attr_list): if is_new and (not district.display_name or not district.elasticsearch_name): last_year_key = District.renderKeyName(district.year - 1, district.abbreviation) last_year_district = District.get_by_id(last_year_key) update = False if last_year_district: if not district.display_name: district.display_name = last_year_district.display_name update = True if not district.elasticsearch_name: district.elasticsearch_name = last_year_district.elasticsearch_name update = True if update: cls.createOrUpdate(district, run_post_update_hook=False) if 'display_name' in updated_attrs or 'elasticsearch_name' in updated_attrs: # Set all other instances of this district to have the values all_past_years = DistrictHistoryQuery( district.abbreviation).fetch() to_put = [] for other_district in all_past_years: if other_district.year != district.year: other_district.display_name = district.display_name other_district.elasticsearch_name = district.elasticsearch_name to_put.append(other_district) cls.createOrUpdate(to_put, run_post_update_hook=False)
def get(self, district_key): self._require_admin() district = District.get_by_id(district_key) self.template_values.update({ "district": district, }) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/admin/district_edit.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, self.template_values))
def get(self, type): self._require_registration('/account/') user_id ="Sending for {}".format(type)) try: type = int(type) except ValueError: # Not passed a valid int, just stop here"Invalid number passed") self.redirect('/apidocs/webhooks') return event = Event.get_by_id('2014necmp') match = Match.get_by_id('2014necmp_f1m1') district = District.get_by_id('2014ne') if type == NotificationType.UPCOMING_MATCH: notification = UpcomingMatchNotification(match, event) elif type == NotificationType.MATCH_SCORE: notification = MatchScoreNotification(match) elif type == NotificationType.LEVEL_STARTING: notification = CompLevelStartingNotification(match, event) elif type == NotificationType.ALLIANCE_SELECTION: notification = AllianceSelectionNotification(event) elif type == NotificationType.AWARDS: notification = AwardsUpdatedNotification(event) elif type == NotificationType.MEDIA_POSTED: # Not implemented yet pass elif type == NotificationType.DISTRICT_POINTS_UPDATED: notification = DistrictPointsUpdatedNotification(district) elif type == NotificationType.SCHEDULE_UPDATED: notification = ScheduleUpdatedNotification(event, match) elif type == NotificationType.FINAL_RESULTS: # Not implemented yet pass elif type == NotificationType.MATCH_VIDEO: notification = MatchVideoNotification(match) elif type == NotificationType.EVENT_MATCH_VIDEO: notification = EventMatchVideoNotification(match) else: # Not passed a valid int, return self.redirect('/apidocs/webhooks') return keys = PushHelper.get_client_ids_for_users([user_id])"Keys: {}".format(keys)) if notification: # This page should not push notifications to the firebase queue # Nor should its notifications be tracked in analytics notification.send(keys, push_firebase=False, track_call=False) self.redirect('/apidocs/webhooks')
def get(self, district_key): district = District.get_by_id(district_key) if not district: self.response.out.write( "District {} does not exist!".format(district_key)) return events_future = DistrictEventsQuery(district_key).fetch_async() teams_future = DistrictTeamsQuery(district_key).fetch_async() events = events_future.get_result() for event in events: event.prep_details() EventHelper.sort_events(events) team_totals = DistrictHelper.calculate_rankings( events, teams_future, district.year) rankings = [] current_rank = 1 for key, points in team_totals: point_detail = {} point_detail["rank"] = current_rank point_detail["team_key"] = key point_detail["event_points"] = [] for event, event_points in points["event_points"]: event_points['event_key'] = event_points['district_cmp'] = ( event.event_type_enum == EventType.DISTRICT_CMP or event.event_type_enum == EventType.DISTRICT_CMP_DIVISION) point_detail["event_points"].append(event_points) point_detail["rookie_bonus"] = points.get("rookie_bonus", 0) point_detail["point_total"] = points["point_total"] rankings.append(point_detail) current_rank += 1 if rankings: district.rankings = rankings DistrictManipulator.createOrUpdate(district) if 'X-Appengine-Taskname' not in self.request.headers: # Only write out if not in taskqueue self.response.out.write( "Finished calculating rankings for: {}".format(district_key))
def getDistrictRankings(self, district_key): district = District.get_by_id(district_key) if not district: return None year = int(district_key[:4]) district_short = district_key[4:] advancement = {} for page in range(1, 15): # Ensure this won't loop forever url = self.FMS_API_DISTRICT_RANKINGS_PATTERN % (year, district_short.upper(), page) result = self._parse(url, FMSAPIDistrictRankingsParser(advancement)) if not result: break advancement, more_pages = result if not more_pages: break district.advancement = advancement return [district]
def getDistrictRankings(self, district_key): district = District.get_by_id(district_key) if not district: return None year = int(district_key[:4]) district_short = district_key[4:] advancement = {} for page in range(1, 15): # Ensure this won't loop forever url = self.FMS_API_DISTRICT_RANKINGS_PATTERN % ( year, district_short.upper(), page) result = self._parse(url, FMSAPIDistrictRankingsParser(advancement)) if not result: break advancement, more_pages = result if not more_pages: break district.advancement = advancement return [district]
def get(self, district_key): district = District.get_by_id(district_key) if not district: self.response.out.write("District {} does not exist!".format(district_key)) return events_future = DistrictEventsQuery(district_key).fetch_async() teams_future = DistrictTeamsQuery(district_key).fetch_async() events = events_future.get_result() for event in events: event.prep_details() EventHelper.sort_events(events) team_totals = DistrictHelper.calculate_rankings(events, teams_future, district.year) rankings = [] current_rank = 1 for key, points in team_totals: point_detail = {} point_detail["rank"] = current_rank point_detail["team_key"] = key point_detail["event_points"] = [] for event, event_points in points["event_points"]: event_points['event_key'] = event_points['district_cmp'] = ( event.event_type_enum == EventType.DISTRICT_CMP or event.event_type_enum == EventType.DISTRICT_CMP_DIVISION) point_detail["event_points"].append(event_points) point_detail["rookie_bonus"] = points.get("rookie_bonus", 0) point_detail["point_total"] = points["point_total"] rankings.append(point_detail) current_rank += 1 if rankings: district.rankings = rankings DistrictManipulator.createOrUpdate(district) if 'X-Appengine-Taskname' not in self.request.headers: # Only write out if not in taskqueue self.response.out.write("Finished calculating rankings for: {}".format(district_key))
def getDistrictRankings(self, district_key): district = District.get_by_id(district_key) if not district: return None year = int(district_key[:4]) district_short = district_key[4:] advancement = {} more_pages = True page = 1 while more_pages: url = self.FMS_API_DISTRICT_RANKINGS_PATTERN % (year, district_short.upper(), page) result = self._parse(url, FMSAPIDistrictRankingsParser(advancement)) if not result: break advancement, more_pages = result page = page + 1 district.advancement = advancement return [district]
def post(self, type): self._require_registration('/account/') event_key = self.request.get('event_key') match_key = self.request.get('match_key') district_key = self.request.get('district_key') user_id ="Sending for {}".format(type)) try: type = int(type) except ValueError: # Not passed a valid int, just stop here"Invalid number passed") return event = None if type != NotificationType.DISTRICT_POINTS_UPDATED: if event_key == "":"No event key") self.response.out.write("No event key specified!") return event = Event.get_by_id(event_key) if event is None:"Invalid event key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid event key!") return if type == NotificationType.UPCOMING_MATCH: if match_key == "":"No match key") self.response.out.write("No match key specified!") return match = Match.get_by_id(match_key) if match is None:"Invalid match key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid match key!") return notification = UpcomingMatchNotification(match, event) elif type == NotificationType.MATCH_SCORE: if match_key == "":"No match key") self.response.out.write("No match key specified!") return match = Match.get_by_id(match_key) if match is None:"Invalid match key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid match key!") return notification = MatchScoreNotification(match) elif type == NotificationType.LEVEL_STARTING: if match_key == "":"No match key") self.response.out.write("No match key specified!") return match = Match.get_by_id(match_key) if match is None:"Invalid match key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid match key!") return notification = CompLevelStartingNotification(match, event) elif type == NotificationType.ALLIANCE_SELECTION: notification = AllianceSelectionNotification(event) elif type == NotificationType.AWARDS: notification = AwardsUpdatedNotification(event) elif type == NotificationType.MEDIA_POSTED: # Not implemented yet pass elif type == NotificationType.DISTRICT_POINTS_UPDATED: if district_key == "":"No district key") self.response.out.write("No district key specified!") return district = District.get_by_id(district_key) if district is None:"Invalid district key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid district key!") return notification = DistrictPointsUpdatedNotification(district) elif type == NotificationType.SCHEDULE_UPDATED: if match_key == "":"No match key") self.response.out.write("No match key specified!") return match = Match.get_by_id(match_key) if match is None:"Invalid match key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid match key!") return notification = ScheduleUpdatedNotification(event, match) elif type == NotificationType.FINAL_RESULTS: # Not implemented yet pass elif type == NotificationType.MATCH_VIDEO: if match_key == "":"No match key") self.response.out.write("No match key specified!") return match = Match.get_by_id(match_key) if match is None:"Invalid match key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid match key!") return notification = MatchVideoNotification(match) elif type == NotificationType.EVENT_MATCH_VIDEO: if match_key == "":"No match key") self.response.out.write("No match key specified!") return match = Match.get_by_id(match_key) if match is None:"Invalid match key passed") self.response.out.write("Invalid match key!") return notification = EventMatchVideoNotification(match) else: # Not passed a valid int, return return keys = PushHelper.get_client_ids_for_users([user_id])"Keys: {}".format(keys)) if notification: # This page should not push notifications to the firebase queue # Nor should its notifications be tracked in analytics notification.send(keys, push_firebase=False, track_call=False) self.response.out.write("ok")