def add_records(self, stock_historical): """ This Function receives a historical dictionary, assign each element and finally add to a list. """ for day in stock_historical: record = Historical(self.__symbol, day, stock_historical[ day ][ '1. open' ], stock_historical[ day ][ '2. high' ], stock_historical[ day ][ '3. low' ], stock_historical[ day ][ '4. close' ], stock_historical[ day ][ '5. volume' ]) self.__records.append(record)
def __create_historical(self, character, date: datetime): update = Historical.create({ 'type': "update", 'char_class':character.char_class.upper(), 'timestamp': date, 'level': float(str(character.level) + '.' + str(round(character.progress))) , 'ap': character.ap, 'aap': character.aap, 'dp': character.dp, 'gear_score': character.gear_score, 'renown_score': character.renown_score }) return update
async def reroll(self, ctx, new_char_name, level: int, ap: int, aap: int, dp: int, new_char_class): """Just for someone special: Allows you to reroll your main character """ author = character = Character.primary_chars(member=author).first() date = if not character: await "Can't reroll if you're not in the database :(, try adding a character first" ) return if not await check_character_name(, new_char_class): return else: try: ## Adds historical data to database update = Historical.create({ 'type': "reroll", 'char_class': character.char_class.upper(), 'timestamp': date, 'level': float( str(character.level) + '.' + str(round(character.progress))), 'ap': character.ap, 'aap': character.aap, 'dp': character.dp, 'gear_score': character.gear_score, 'renown_score': character.renown_score, }) historical_data = character.hist_data fame = character.fame or 0 historical_data.append(update) character.update_attributes({ 'char_name': new_char_name.upper(), 'ap': ap, 'aap': aap, 'dp': dp, 'level': level, 'gear_score': max(aap, ap) + dp, 'renown_score': math.trunc((ap + aap) / 2 + dp) + fame, 'char_class': new_char_class.upper(), 'updated': date, 'hist_data': historical_data }) row = get_row([character], False) data = tabulate(row, HEADERS, 'simple') logActivity( '{} has rerolled a character'.format(character.fam_name), reminder = '\n\nRemember to add a new pic with gsbot attach_pic!' await codify("Success Rerolling\n\n" + data + reminder)) except Exception as e: print_error(e) await"Could not reroll")