def prompt_vote_poll(): poll_id = int(input("Enter poll you would like to vote on: ")) _print_poll_options(Poll.get(poll_id).options) option_id = int(input("Enter option you'd like to vote for: ")) username = input("Enter the username you'd like to vote as: ") Option.get(option_id).vote(username)
def generate_questions(conf, group_conf): df = group_conf['df'] name = f"Comité exécutif {group_conf['semester']}" description = "Pour cette section, seulement une personne peut-être élue par poste." group = Group(name, description) postes = conf['postes_exec'] questions = [] questions_map = {} # clean poste vise for poste in postes: df.loc[df[POSTE_VISE].str. contains(pat=f"(?:^{postes[poste]}|{poste})", regex=True), POSTE_VISE] = poste applied_posts = [ poste for poste in postes if poste in df[POSTE_VISE].unique().tolist() ] for i, poste in enumerate(applied_posts): question = Question( code=poste + group_conf['semester'], gid=group.gid, title=f"Qui voulez-vous au poste de {postes[poste]}?", qtype='L', order=i) questions.append(question) questions_map[poste] = question if 'unused_posts' not in group_conf.keys(): group_conf['unused_posts'] = [] for poste in postes: if poste not in applied_posts: group_conf['unused_posts'].append(poste) for _, candidat in df.iterrows(): poste = candidat[POSTE_VISE] option = Option(nom=candidat[NOM_USUEL], promotion=candidat[PROMOTION], concentration=candidat[CONCENTRATION], order=questions_map[poste].answer_count(), description=candidat[TEXTE_DESCRIPTIF], image=candidat[PHOTO]) questions_map[poste].add_answer(option) questions_map[poste].add_option(option) for poste in questions_map: lachaise = Option.add_chaise(questions_map[poste].answer_count()) questions_map[poste].add_answer(lachaise) questions_map[poste].add_option(lachaise) return group, questions
def prompt_vote_poll(): poll_id = int(input("Введите номер опроса, где хотели бы проголосовать: ")) try: _print_poll_options(Poll.get(poll_id).options) option_id = int(input("Выберете интересующий Вас пункт: ")) username = input("Введите свой ник: ") Option.get(option_id).vote(username) except TypeError: print("Нет опроса под этим номером!")
def __init__(self, i, x, y, nombre1, nombre2, width=500, height=500): Component.__init__(self, x, y, width, height) if i == 1: self.asset = n_player else: self.asset = n_ia self.i = i #options self.opt1 = Option(1, x + 80, y + 100) self.opt2 = Option(2, x + 80, y + 160) self.opcion1 = nombre1 self.opcion2 = nombre2 self.opciones_seleccionadas = 0
def create_new_poll(cls): owner = input("Please provide your name: ") while not owner: owner = input("Try again. Please provide your name: ") poll_question = input( "Please provide a question you want your poll respond for: ") while not poll_question: poll_question = input( "Try again. Please provide a question you want your poll responds for: " ) options = [] option = input("Please provide the first option: ") while option != '': options.append(option) option = input( "Please provide the next option or leave it blank to finish the process, then press Enter : " ) try: new_poll = Poll(poll_question, owner) poll_id = new_poll.save_to_db()[0] for option in options: Option(poll_id, option).save_to_db() except Exception as e: print(e) return input("Your poll has been created! Press Enter to see it...") print("\nPoll id: ", poll_id) print(poll_question) for option in options: print("\t", option) input("\nPres Enter to continue...") cls.select_from_menu()
def randomize_poll_winner(): poll_id = int(input("Enter poll you'd like to pick a winner for: ")) _print_poll_options(Poll.get(poll_id).options) option_id = int(input("Enter which is the winning option, we'll pick a random winner from voters: ")) votes = Option.get(option_id).votes winner = random.choice(votes) print(f"The randomly selected winner is {winner[0]}.")
def randomize_poll_winner(): poll_id = int(input("Enter poll you'd like to see a winner for: ")) poll = Poll.get(poll_id) print_poll_options(poll.options) option_id = int(input("Input id of option: ")) option = Option.get(option_id) votes = option.votes winner = random.choice(votes) print(f"winner is {winner[0]}!")
def prompt_vote_poll(): poll_id = int(input("Enter poll would you like to vote: ")) poll = Poll.get(poll_id) poll_options = poll.options print_poll_options(poll_options) users_choice = int(input("Now choice the option: ")) option = Option.get(users_choice) users_name = input("Enter your name: ")
def __init__(self, window, pipeline, som): self.window = window self.sbar = SearchBar(70, 140) self.tbar = ToolBar(0, 20) self.btn = Button(480, 200) self.good_option = Option(1, 200, 550) self.bad_option = Option(2, 400, 550) self.searched = False cwd = os.getcwd() files = os.listdir(cwd) print("Files in %r: %s" % (cwd, files)) #CREACION DE INSTANCIA SOM self.som = som self.pipeline = pipeline # Pasando el pipeline como parámetro al TweetDetail # TweetDetail: Clase en donde se realiza la extracción y muestra del tweet self.tweet_detail = TweetDetail(120, 260, self.pipeline, self.som) self.tweet_id = '' self.clicked_bar = False
def randomize_poll_winner(): poll_id = int( input("Введите номер опроса, где хотите выбрать победителя: ")) _print_poll_options(Poll.get(poll_id).options) option_id = int( input( "Введите номер выигрышного ответа, победитель будет выбран из проголосавших за него: " )) votes = Option.get(option_id).votes winner = random.choice(votes) print(f"Произвольно выбранный победитель: {winner[0]}.")
def generate_questions(group_conf): df = group_conf['df'] name = f"Conseil d'administration {group_conf['semester']}" if group_conf['semester'] == 'Annuel': description = "Vote de confiance pour les postes annuels au conseil d'administration de l'AGEG." code = f"CA{group_conf['semester']}" title = "Qui voulez-vous comme administrateurs annuels de l'AGEG?" else: description = "Vote de confiance pour les postes saisonniers au conseil d'administration de l'AGEG." code = "CAS" + group_conf['semester'] title = "Qui voulez-vous comme administrateurs saisonniers de l'AGEG?" group = Group(name, description) question_admin = Question(code=code, gid=group.gid, title=title, qtype='F') question_admin.add_answer( Answer(qid=question_admin.qid, value="Oui", code="A1", order=1)) question_admin.add_answer( Answer(qid=question_admin.qid, value="Non", code="A2", order=2)) question_admin.add_answer( Answer(qid=question_admin.qid, value="Non confiance", code="A3", order=3)) sous_questions = [] for index, candidat in df.iterrows(): subquestion = Subquestion(parent=question_admin.qid, gid=question_admin.gid, code=f"SQ{index + 1:02}", value=candidat[NOM_USUEL], order=index, qtype='T') sous_questions.append(subquestion) question_admin.add_option( Option(nom=candidat[NOM_USUEL], promotion=candidat[PROMOTION], concentration=candidat[CONCENTRATION], order=index, description=candidat[TEXTE_DESCRIPTIF], image=candidat[PHOTO])) return group, question_admin, sous_questions
def vote_on_a_poll(cls): poll_id = input("Enter the id of the poll you want to vote on: ") try: poll = Poll.select_by_id(int(poll_id)) except: print( "An error occurred. I can't find the poll id '{}' in the database. Please make sure you've entered a valid poll id." .format(poll_id)) cls.vote_on_a_poll() return options_list = Option.select_by_poll_id(poll_id) poll.print_poll_question() for option in options_list: option.print_option() users_vote = input("Enter an id of you answer: ") while users_vote not in [ str(option.option_id) for option in options_list ]: users_vote = input( "This is not a valid answer. Enter an id of you answer: ") users_name = input("Enter your name: ") while not users_name: users_name = input("Enter your name: ") users_timezone = input("Enter your timezone: ") while users_timezone not in pytz.all_timezones: users_timezone = input( "This is not a valid timezone. Try again. Enter your timezone: " ) users_timezone_obj = pytz.timezone(users_timezone) local_time_of_vote = users_timezone_obj.localize( utc_timestamp = local_time_of_vote.astimezone(pytz.utc).timestamp() vote = Vote(users_vote, users_name, utc_timestamp) vote.save_to_db() input( f'\nThank you for participating in the poll, {users_name}! Press Enter to continue...' ) cls.select_from_menu()
def generer_options_admin(): options = [] for index, candidat in enumerate(fichier_admin.values): nom = candidat[colonnes[NOM_USUEL]] concentration = candidat[colonnes[CONCENTRATION]] promotion = candidat[colonnes[PROMOTION]] description = "<p><strong>{nom} ({concentration}, {promotion})</strong></p>".format( nom=nom, concentration=concentration, promotion=promotion) for line in candidat[colonnes[TEXTE_DESCRIPTIF]].split('\n'): description += "<p>{line}</p>\n".format(line=line) options.append( Option(value=candidat[colonnes[NOM_USUEL]], code="A{numeral}".format(numeral=index + 1), order=index, description=description, image=candidat[colonnes[PHOTO]])) return options
for POSTE in POSTES_VISES: poste = candidat[colonnes[POSTE]] if isinstance(poste, str): nom = candidat[colonnes[NOM_USUEL]] order = questions_map[poste].answer_count() code = "A{numeral}".format(numeral=order + 1) concentration = candidat[colonnes[CONCENTRATION]] description = "<p><strong>{name} ({concentration})</strong></p>".format( name=nom, concentration=concentration) for line in candidat[colonnes[TEXTE_DESCRIPTIF]].split('\n'): description += "<p>{line}</p>\n".format(line=line) option = Option(value=nom, code=code, order=order, description=description, image=candidat[colonnes[PHOTO]]) questions_map[poste].add_option(option) questions_map[poste].add_answer(option) for poste in questions_map: order = questions_map[poste].answer_count() lachaise = Option( value="La chaise", code="A{numeral}".format(numeral=order + 1), order=order, description= "<p><strong>La chaise (Whatever)</strong></p><p>La chaise ne vous laisseras pas tomber. Elle offre un bon support et connait bien son dossier. Elle connait sa place et ne s'exprime pas quand ce n'est pas son tour.</p>", image="") questions_map[poste].add_option(lachaise)
def options(self) -> List[Option]: with get_connection() as connection: options = database.get_poll_options(connection, return [ Option(option[1], option[2], option[0]) for option in options ]
class Player(Component): def __init__(self, i, x, y, nombre1, nombre2, width=500, height=500): Component.__init__(self, x, y, width, height) if i == 1: self.asset = n_player else: self.asset = n_ia self.i = i #options self.opt1 = Option(1, x + 80, y + 100) self.opt2 = Option(2, x + 80, y + 160) self.opcion1 = nombre1 self.opcion2 = nombre2 self.opciones_seleccionadas = 0 def draw_player(self, window): window.blit(self.asset, (self.x, self.y)) if self.opt1.get_selected(): self.opt2.to_block() if self.opt2.get_selected(): self.opt1.to_block() #options self.opt1.draw_option(window, self.opcion1) self.opt2.draw_option(window, self.opcion2) #points if self.i == 1: global puntos_player points = font.render("Puntos: " + str(puntos_player), 1, (0, 0, 0)) if self.i == 2: global puntos_ia points = font.render("Puntos: " + str(puntos_ia), 1, (0, 0, 0)) window.blit(points, (self.x + 60, self.y + 30)) def select_option(self, pos): self.opt1.is_over(pos) self.opt2.is_over(pos) def click_option(self, pos): def answer(self, opcion): if opcion == 0: self.opt1.ia_options() elif opcion == 1: self.opt2.ia_options() def validar_opciones(self): if self.opt1.get_selected() == True or self.opt2.get_selected( ) == True: self.opciones_seleccionadas += 1 return self.opciones_seleccionadas def opcion_elegida(self): if self.opt1.get_selected() == True: return 0 elif self.opt2.get_selected() == True: return 1 def sumar_puntos(self): if self.i == 1: global puntos_player puntos_player += 1 if self.i == 2: global puntos_ia puntos_ia += 1 def reset(self): self.opt1.deselect() self.opt2.deselect() def get_puntos(self): if self.i == 1: global puntos_player return puntos_player if self.i == 2: global puntos_ia return puntos_ia
def add_option(self, option_text: str): Option(option_text,
def generer_questions_exec(gid): questions = [] questions_map = {} fichier_exec = read_csv('example/executif.csv') colonnes = { CONCENTRATION: -1, PROMOTION: -1, NOM_USUEL: -1, PHOTO: -1, TEXTE_DESCRIPTIF: -1, POSTE_VISE: -1 } for col in colonnes.keys(): try: colonnes[col] = fichier_exec.columns.get_loc(col) except KeyError: print(f"Colonne \"{col}\" manquante") exit() for i in range(0, len(postes)): question_code = abbreviations[postes[i]] + SESSION question_name = "Qui voulez-vous au poste de {poste}?".format( poste=postes[i]) question = Question(id=i, code=question_code, gid=gid, title=question_name, type='L', order=i) questions.append(question) questions_map[postes[i]] = question for candidat in fichier_exec.values: poste = candidat[colonnes[POSTE_VISE]] nom = candidat[colonnes[NOM_USUEL]] order = questions_map[poste].answer_count() code = "A{numeral}".format(numeral=order + 1) concentration = candidat[colonnes[CONCENTRATION]] promotion = candidat[colonnes[PROMOTION]] description = "<p><strong>{name} ({concentration}, {promotion})</strong></p>".format( name=nom, concentration=concentration, promotion=promotion) for line in candidat[colonnes[TEXTE_DESCRIPTIF]].split('\n'): description += "<p>{line}</p>\n".format(line=line) option = Option(value=nom, code=code, order=order, description=description, image=candidat[colonnes[PHOTO]]) questions_map[poste].add_answer(option) questions_map[poste].add_option(option) for poste in questions_map: order = questions_map[poste].answer_count() lachaise = Option( value="La chaise", code="A{numeral}".format(numeral=order + 1), order=order, description= "<p><strong>La chaise</strong></p><p>La chaise ne vous laisseras pas tomber. Elle offre un bon support et connait bien son dossier. Elle connait sa place et ne s'exprime pas quand ce n'est pas son tour.</p>", image="") questions_map[poste].add_answer(lachaise) questions_map[poste].add_option(lachaise) return questions
def options(self) -> List[Option]: connection = pool.getconn() options = database.get_poll_options(connection, pool.putconn(connection) return [Option(option[1], option[2], option[0]) for option in options]
for x in POSTE_VISES: poste = candidat[x] if isinstance(poste, str): nom = candidat[NOM_USUEL] order = questions_map[poste].option_count() code = "A{numeral}".format(numeral=order + 1) concentration = candidat[CONCENTRATION] description = "<p><strong>{name} ({concentration})</strong></p>".format( name=nom, concentration=concentration) for line in candidat[9].split('\n'): description += "<p>{line}</p>\n".format(line=line) option = Option(value=nom, code=code, order=order, description=description, image=candidat[PHOTO]) questions_map[poste].add_option(option) for poste in questions_map: order = questions_map[poste].option_count() lachaise = Option( value="La chaise", code="A{numeral}".format(numeral=order + 1), order=order, description= "<p><strong>La chaise (Whatever)</strong></p><p>La chaise ne vous laisseras pas tomber. Elle offre un bon support et connait bien son dossier. Elle connait sa place et ne s'exprime pas quand ce n'est pas son tour.</p>", image= "/upload/surveys/893586/images/markus_1.jpgd2fe39c4-d929-477e-ae08-ca0ec8e8a9e7Original.jpg" )
class App(): def __init__(self, window, pipeline, som): self.window = window self.sbar = SearchBar(70, 140) self.tbar = ToolBar(0, 20) self.btn = Button(480, 200) self.good_option = Option(1, 200, 550) self.bad_option = Option(2, 400, 550) self.searched = False cwd = os.getcwd() files = os.listdir(cwd) print("Files in %r: %s" % (cwd, files)) #CREACION DE INSTANCIA SOM self.som = som self.pipeline = pipeline # Pasando el pipeline como parámetro al TweetDetail # TweetDetail: Clase en donde se realiza la extracción y muestra del tweet self.tweet_detail = TweetDetail(120, 260, self.pipeline, self.som) self.tweet_id = '' self.clicked_bar = False def draw_app(self): self.sbar.draw_search_bar(self.window) self.tbar.draw_tool_bar(self.window) self.btn.draw_button(self.window) if self.searched == False: self.good_option.draw_option(self.window) self.bad_option.draw_option(self.window) if self.searched == True: self.tweet_detail.draw_tweet(self.window) if self.tweet_detail.get_result() == 0: self.good_option.change_opacity(self.window) self.bad_option.increment(self.window) if self.tweet_detail.get_result() == 1: self.bad_option.change_opacity(self.window) self.good_option.increment(self.window) def search(self, pos): self.sbar.is_clicked(pos) if self.clicked_bar == False: self.clicked_bar = True elif self.clicked_bar == True: self.clicked_bar = False def erase_text(self, pos): if self.clicked_bar == True: self.sbar.erase_text(pos) def search_text_write(self, event): if self.clicked_bar == True: self.sbar.write_search_text(event) def search_text_space(self, event): self.sbar.space_search_text(event) def search_text_paste(self): self.sbar.paste_search_text() def over_button(self, pos): self.btn.is_over(pos) def click_button(self, pos): if self.sbar.get_text() != '': self.btn.is_over(pos) self.tweet_id = self.sbar.get_tweet_id() self.tweet_detail.get_tweet(self.tweet_id) self.searched = True