Esempio n. 1
def main(_):
    """High level pipeline.
    This script performs the trainsing, evaling and testing state of the model.
    learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate
    w_decay_factor = FLAGS.w_decay_factor
    num_steps = FLAGS.num_steps
    opt_method = FLAGS.opt_method
    feature_type = FLAGS.feature_type

    # Load dataset and data processing.
    train_set = read_dataset("data/train.txt", "data/image_data/")
    train_set = preprocess_data(train_set, feature_type)

    # Initialize model.
    ndim = train_set['image'][0].shape[0]
    model = SupportVectorMachine(ndim,

    # Train model.
    if opt_method == 'iter':
        # Perform gradient descent.
        print('Performed gradient descent.')
        # Compute closed form solution.
        train_model_qp(train_set, model)
        print('Finished QP Solver')

    train_loss, train_acc = eval_model(train_set, model)
    print("Train loss: %s" % train_loss)
    print("Train acc: %s" % train_acc)

    # Eval model.
    eval_set = read_dataset("data/val.txt", "data/image_data/")
    eval_set = preprocess_data(eval_set, feature_type)
    eval_loss, eval_acc = eval_model(eval_set, model)
    print("Eval loss: %s" % eval_loss)
    print("Eval acc: %s" % eval_acc)

    # Test model.
    test_set = read_dataset("data/test.txt", "data/image_data/")
    test_set = preprocess_data(test_set, feature_type)
    test_loss, test_acc = eval_model(test_set, model)
    print("Test loss: %s" % test_loss)
    print("Test ac: %s" % test_acc)
def main(_):
    """High level pipeline.
    This script performs the trainsing, evaling and testing state of the model.
    #    learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate
    #    feature_type = FLAGS.feature_type
    #    model_type = FLAGS.model_type
    #    num_steps = FLAGS.num_steps

    feature_type = 'default'
    model_type = 'svm'
    # Load dataset.
    data = read_dataset('data/train_lab.txt', 'data/image_data')

    # Data Processing.
    data = preprocess_data(data, 'default')
    print("Finish preprocessing...")

    # Initialize model.
    ndim = data['image'].shape[1]
    if model_type == 'linear':
        model = LinearRegression(ndim, 'uniform')
    elif model_type == 'logistic':
        model = LogisticRegression(ndim, 'uniform')
    elif model_type == 'svm':
        model = SupportVectorMachine(ndim, 'uniform')

    # Train Model.
    print("Start to train the model...")
    model = train_model(data, model)

    # Eval Model.
    print("Start to evaluate the model...")
    data_val = read_dataset('data/val_lab.txt', 'data/image_data')
    data_val = preprocess_data(data_val, feature_type)
    loss, acc = eval_model(data_val, model)
    print(loss, acc)

    # Test Model.
    print("Start doing the test")
    data_test = read_dataset('data/test_lab.txt', 'data/image_data')
    print("Start preprocess testing data")
    data_test = preprocess_data(data_test, feature_type)
    print("Making predictions")
    data_test['label'] = model.predict(model.forward(data_test['image']))
    print("Output the results to csv file")
    write_dataset('data/test_lab.txt', data_test)
    # Generate Kaggle output.
Esempio n. 3
def main(_):
    """High level pipeline.
    This script performs the trainsing, evaling and testing state of the model.
    learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate
    feature_type = FLAGS.feature_type
    model_type = FLAGS.model_type
    num_steps = FLAGS.num_steps

    # Load dataset.
    data = read_dataset('data/val_lab.txt', 'data/image_data')

    # Data Processing.
    data = preprocess_data(data, feature_type)

    # Initialize model.
    ndim = data['image'].shape[1]

    if model_type == 'linear':
        model = LinearRegression(ndim, 'ones')
    elif model_type == 'logistic':
        model = LogisticRegression(ndim, 'zeros')
    elif model_type == 'svm':
        model = SupportVectorMachine(ndim, 'zeros')

    # Train Model.
    model = train_model(data, model, learning_rate, num_steps=num_steps)

    # Eval Model.
    data_test = read_dataset('data/test_lab.txt', 'data/image_data')
    data_test = preprocess_data(data_test, feature_type)
    acc, loss = eval_model(data_test, model)

    # Test Model.
    data_test = read_dataset('data/test_lab.txt', 'data/image_data')
    data_test = preprocess_data(data_test, feature_type)