Esempio n. 1
    def post(self) -> ({str: str}, HTTPStatus):
        Delete an existing Theme.
        :param  name:   name of Theme to delete.
        :param id:      id of Theme to delete.
        :type  name:    str
        :type  id:      str
        :returns: A no content with a http status code of 204, otherwise a JSON of the error details
                  and the appropriate http status code
        if not get_jwt_claims()['admin']:
            return {"error": "administration privileges required"}, HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN

        # Get arguments
        args = self.reqparser.parse_args()

        # does the theme exist?
        theme = Theme.get_by_name(args["name"]) if "name" in args else Theme.get_by_id(args["id"])
        if not theme:
            # cannot delete a theme that does not exist.
            return {'error': 'Theme does not exists.', 'id': " ", 'name': args["name"]}, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST

        sub_themes = SubTheme.get_by_theme_id(
        for sub_theme in sub_themes:

        # delete the theme

        return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
    def get(self):
        args = self.parser.parse_args()
        theme, subtheme = None, None

        if "subtheme" in args:
            subtheme = args['subtheme']
            if subtheme is not None and subtheme != '':
                attributes = Attributes.get_by_sub_theme_id(subtheme)
                return [a.json() for a in attributes], 200
        elif "theme" in args:
            theme = args['theme']
            if theme != "":
                subthemes = SubTheme.get_by_theme_id(theme)
                return [a.json() for a in subthemes], 200

        if theme is None and subtheme is None:
            themes = Theme.get_all()
            return [a.json() for a in themes], 200

        return {"error": "error occured while processing request"}, 400
    def create_theme_tree(self, theme_id: int, user_id: int) -> None:
        Create Theme Tree
        :param theme_id: Theme Id
        :param user_id: User Id
        theme = Theme.get_by_id(theme_id)
        if not theme:
            # Theme does not exist
        # Create Theme Trunk
        theme_tree = theme.serializable

        sub_themes = SubTheme.get_by_theme_id(theme_id)
        if not sub_themes:
            # No SubThemes in Theme return Trunk
            return theme_tree

        sub_theme_ids = { for sub in sub_themes}

        sub_list = []
        for sub in sub_themes:

        attribute_by_sub_id = self.get_attributes(user_id, sub_theme_ids,

        for sub in sub_list:
            # Add Attribute branches
            attr = attribute_by_sub_id.get(sub["id"])
            if attr:
                sub["attributes"] = attr
        # Add SubTheme branches
        theme_tree["sub_themes"] = sub_list

	def get(self):
		args = self.parser.parse_args()
		theme, subtheme, attribute_data, sensor, sensor_name, sensor_attribute, attributes, sensorid, n_predictions, predictions, grouped, harmonising_method, per_sensor, freq = None, None, None, None, None, None, [], None, 100, None, None, None, None, '1H'

		if 'theme' in args:
			theme = args['theme']

		if 'subtheme' in args:
			subtheme = args['subtheme']

		if 'attributedata' in args:
			attribute_data = args['attributedata']

		if 'attribute' in args and args['attribute'] is not None:
			_attributes = args['attribute']
			if _attributes != '':
				attributes = _attributes.split(',')

		if 'sensor' in args and args['sensor'] is not None:
			sensor = args['sensor']
			if sensor != '':
				if sensor == 'all':
					sensors = Sensor.get_all()
					return [a.json() for a in sensors], 200
					return (Sensor.get_by_id(sensor)).json(), 200

		if 'sensorname' in args and args['sensorname'] is not None:
			sensor_name = args['sensorname']
			if sensor_name != '':
				_sensors = sensor_name.split(',')
				_by_name = Sensor.get_by_name_in(_sensors)
				return [a.json() for a in _by_name], 200

		if 'sensorattribute' in args and args['sensorattribute'] is not None:
			sensor_attribute = args['sensorattribute']
			if sensor_attribute != '':
				_sen_attrs_ids = sensor_attribute.split(',')
				_sen_attrs = SensorAttribute.get_by_id_in(_sen_attrs_ids)
				attrs_ids = [_id.a_id for _id in _sen_attrs]
				_attributes = Attributes.get_by_id_in(attrs_ids)
				return [a.json() for a in _attributes], 200

		if 'grouped' in args:
			grouped = args['grouped']

		if 'harmonising_method' in args:
			harmonising_method = args['harmonising_method']

		if 'per_sensor' in args:
			per_sensor = args['per_sensor']

		if 'freq' in args:
			freq = args['freq']

		if 'predictions' in args:
			predictions = args['predictions']
			if predictions >=100:
				predictions = 100

		if 'n_predictions' in args:
			n_predictions = args['n_predictions']

		if 'sensorid' in args:
			sensorid = args['sensorid']

		if theme is None and subtheme is None \
			and len(attributes) == 0 and attribute_data is None \
			and sensor is None and sensor_name is None and sensor_attribute is None:
			themes = Theme.get_all()
			return [a.json() for a in themes], 200

		if attribute_data is not None:
			global LIMIT, OFFSET
			data = None
			operation = None
			if 'limit' in args and args['limit'] is not None:
				LIMIT = args['limit']

			if 'offset' in args and args['offset'] is not None:
				OFFSET = args['offset']

			if 'operation' in args and args['operation'] is not None:
				operation = args['operation']

			if ('fromdate' in args and args['fromdate'] is not None 
				and 'todate' in args and args['todate'] is not None):
				data = self.get_attribute_data(attribute_data, LIMIT, OFFSET, 
												args['fromdate'], args['todate'], operation)
				if predictions:
					data.append(self.get_predictions(attribute_table = data[0]["Attribute_Table"],
														sensor_id = sensorid,
														n_pred = n_predictions))
				if grouped:
					if harmonising_method:
						data = self.get_attribute_data(attribute_data, LIMIT, OFFSET, operation=operation)
						data = request_harmonised_data(data, harmonising_method=harmonising_method)
						data = self.get_attribute_data(attribute_data, LIMIT, OFFSET, operation=operation)
						data = request_grouped_data(data, per_sensor=per_sensor, freq=freq)
					data = self.get_attribute_data(attribute_data, LIMIT, OFFSET, operation=operation)

				if predictions:
					#### Ceck for data
					if data[0]["Total_Records"] != 0:
					#### Check for non numeric data
						if is_number(data[0]["Attribute_Values"][0]["Value"]):
							data.append(self.get_predictions(attribute_table = data[0]["Attribute_Table"],
																sensor_id = sensorid,
																n_pred = n_predictions))
							print("Cannot predict non-numeric data")
			return data, 200

		if attributes:
			_attrs = []
			attr = Attributes.get_by_name_in(attributes)
			for a in attr:
			return _attrs, 200

		if subtheme is not None and subtheme != '':
			attributes = Attributes.get_by_sub_theme_id(subtheme)
			return [a.json() for a in attributes], 200

		if theme is not None and theme != '':
			subthemes = SubTheme.get_by_theme_id(theme)
			return [a.json() for a in subthemes], 200

		return {
			"error": "error occured while processing request"
		}, 400