def test_legislative_house_periods_with_no_votes_list(self): # Receives objects of legislative house where name is equal to casa_nova to # perform home test without legislative voting list new_house = models.CasaLegislativa(nome="Casa Nova") # Stores the objects of new house and the year from models retriever = utils.PeriodosRetriever(new_house, models.ANO) # Stores the retriever periods retriever_periods = retriever.get_periods() self.assertEquals(len(retriever_periods), 0)
def test_deleta_casa(self): partidoTest1 = models.Partido() partidoTest1.nome = 'PA' partidoTest1.numero = '01' partidoTest1.cor = '#FFFAAA' partidoTest2 = models.Partido() partidoTest2.nome = 'PB' partidoTest2.numero = '02' partidoTest1.cor = '#FFFFFF' casa_legislativaTest1 = models.CasaLegislativa() casa_legislativaTest1.nome = 'Casa1' casa_legislativaTest1.nome_curto = 'cs1' casa_legislativaTest1.esfera = 'FEDERAL' casa_legislativaTest1.local = '' casa_legislativaTest2 = models.CasaLegislativa() casa_legislativaTest2.nome = 'Casa2' casa_legislativaTest2.nome_curto = 'cs2' casa_legislativaTest2.esfera = 'MUNICIPAL' casa_legislativaTest2.local = 'local2' parlamentarTest1 = models.Parlamentar() parlamentarTest1.id_parlamentar = '' parlamentarTest1.nome = 'Pierre' parlamentarTest1.genero = '' parlamentarTest1.casa_legislativa = casa_legislativaTest1 parlamentarTest1.partido = partidoTest1 parlamentarTest1.localidade = 'PB' parlamentarTest2 = models.Parlamentar() parlamentarTest2.id_parlamentar = '' parlamentarTest2.nome = 'Napoleao' parlamentarTest2.genero = '' parlamentarTest2.casa_legislativa = casa_legislativaTest2 parlamentarTest2.partido = partidoTest2 parlamentarTest2.localidade = 'PR' proposicaoTest1 = models.Proposicao() proposicaoTest1.id_prop = '0001' proposicaoTest1.sigla = 'PR1' proposicaoTest1.numero = '0001' proposicaoTest1.ano = '2013' proposicaoTest1.data_apresentacao = '2013-01-02' proposicaoTest1.casa_legislativa = casa_legislativaTest1 proposicaoTest2 = models.Proposicao() proposicaoTest2.id_prop = '0002' proposicaoTest2.sigla = 'PR2' proposicaoTest2.numero = '0002' proposicaoTest2.ano = '2013' proposicaoTest2.data_apresentacao = '2013-02-02' proposicaoTest2.casa_legislativa = casa_legislativaTest2 votacaoTest1 = models.Votacao(id_vot=' 12345', descricao='Teste da votacao', data='1900-12-05', resultado='Teste', proposicao=proposicaoTest1) votoTest1 = models.Voto(votacao=votacaoTest1, parlamentar=parlamentarTest1, opcao='TESTE') antes_objetos_partido = models.Partido.objects.all() antes_objetos_casa = models.CasaLegislativa.objects.all() antes_objetos_parlamentar = models.Parlamentar.objects.all() antes_objetos_proposicao = models.Proposicao.objects.all() antes_objetos_voto = models.Voto.objects.all() antes_objetos_votacao = models.Votacao.objects.all() nomes_partido = [p.nome for p in antes_objetos_partido] self.assertTrue('PA' in nomes_partido) self.assertTrue('PB' in nomes_partido) nomes_parlamentar = [pl.nome for pl in antes_objetos_parlamentar] self.assertTrue('Pierre' in nomes_parlamentar) self.assertTrue('Napoleao' in nomes_parlamentar) nomes_casa = [c.nome for c in antes_objetos_casa] self.assertTrue('Casa1' in nomes_casa) self.assertTrue('Casa2' in nomes_casa) localidades = [p.localidade for p in antes_objetos_parlamentar] self.assertTrue('PB' in localidades) self.assertTrue('PR' in localidades) nomes_proposicao = [lg.sigla for lg in antes_objetos_proposicao] self.assertTrue('PR1' in nomes_proposicao) self.assertTrue('PR2' in nomes_proposicao) nomes_voto = [v.votacao for v in antes_objetos_voto] self.assertTrue(votacaoTest1 in nomes_voto) nomes_votacao = [vt.id_vot for vt in antes_objetos_votacao] self.assertTrue(' 12345' in nomes_votacao) # Tentando excluir uma casa que não existe models.CasaLegislativa.deleta_casa('casa_qualquer') models.CasaLegislativa.deleta_casa('cs1') depois_objetos_partido = models.Partido.objects.all() depois_objetos_casa = models.CasaLegislativa.objects.all() depois_objetos_parlamentar = models.Parlamentar.objects.all() depois_objetos_proposicao = models.Proposicao.objects.all() depois_objetos_voto = models.Voto.objects.all() depois_objetos_votacao = models.Votacao.objects.all() nomes_partido = [p.nome for p in depois_objetos_partido] self.assertTrue('PA' in nomes_partido) self.assertTrue('PB' in nomes_partido) nomes_parlamentar = [pl.nome for pl in depois_objetos_parlamentar] self.assertTrue('Pierre' in nomes_parlamentar) self.assertTrue('Napoleao' in nomes_parlamentar) nomes_casa = [c.nome for c in depois_objetos_casa] self.assertFalse('Casa1' in nomes_casa) self.assertTrue('Casa2' in nomes_casa) localidades = [p.localidade for p in depois_objetos_parlamentar] self.assertFalse('PB' in localidades) self.assertTrue('PR' in localidades) nomes_proposicao = [lg.sigla for lg in depois_objetos_proposicao] self.assertFalse('PR1' in nomes_proposicao) self.assertTrue('PR2' in nomes_proposicao) nomes_voto = [v.votacao for v in depois_objetos_voto] self.assertFalse(votacaoTest1 in nomes_voto) nomes_votacao = [vt.id_vot for vt in depois_objetos_votacao] self.assertFalse(' 12345' in nomes_votacao)
def test_casa_legislativa_periodos_sem_lista_votacoes(self): casa_nova = models.CasaLegislativa(nome="Casa Nova") retriever = utils.PeriodosRetriever(casa_nova, models.ANO) periodos = retriever.get_periodos() self.assertEquals(len(periodos), 0)
def test_remove_house(self): # Receives objects of Partido for inserting data to removal house test partyTest1 = models.Partido() partyTest1.nome = 'PA' partyTest1.numero = '01' partyTest1.cor = '#FFFAAA' # Receives objects of Partido for inserting data to removal house test partyTest2 = models.Partido() partyTest2.nome = 'PB' partyTest2.numero = '02' partyTest1.cor = '#FFFFFF' # Receives objects of Parlamentar for inserting data to removal house test parliamentaryTest1 = models.Parlamentar() parliamentaryTest1.id_parlamentar = '' parliamentaryTest1.nome = 'Pierre' parliamentaryTest1.genero = '' # Receives objects of Parlamentar for inserting data to removal house test parliamentaryTest2 = models.Parlamentar() parliamentaryTest2.id_parlamentar = '' parliamentaryTest2.nome = 'Napoleao' parliamentaryTest2.genero = '' # Receives objects of CasaLegislativa for inserting data to removal house test lesgilativeHouseTest1 = models.CasaLegislativa() lesgilativeHouseTest1.nome = 'Casa1' lesgilativeHouseTest1.nome_curto = 'cs1' lesgilativeHouseTest1.esfera = 'FEDERAL' lesgilativeHouseTest1.local = '' lesgilativeHouseTest1.atualizacao = '2012-06-01' # Receives objects of CasaLegislativa for inserting data to removal house test lesgilativeHouseTest2 = models.CasaLegislativa() lesgilativeHouseTest2.nome = 'Casa2' lesgilativeHouseTest2.nome_curto = 'cs2' lesgilativeHouseTest2.esfera = 'MUNICIPAL' lesgilativeHouseTest2.local = 'local2' lesgilativeHouseTest2.atualizacao = '2012-12-31' # Receives objects of Legislature for inserting data to removal house test legislatureTest1 = models.Legislatura() legislatureTest1.parlamentar = parliamentaryTest1 legislatureTest1.casa_legislativa = lesgilativeHouseTest1 legislatureTest1.inicio = '2013-01-01' legislatureTest1.fim = '2013-02-01' legislatureTest1.partido = partyTest1 legislatureTest1.localidade = 'PB' # Receives objects of Legislature for inserting data to removal house test legislatureTest2 = models.Legislatura() legislatureTest2.parlamentar = parliamentaryTest2 legislatureTest2.casa_legislativa = lesgilativeHouseTest2 legislatureTest2.inicio = '2013-01-02' legislatureTest2.fim = '2013-02-02' legislatureTest2.partido = partyTest2 legislatureTest2.localidade = 'PR' # Receives objects of Proposicao for inserting data to removal house test propositionTest1 = models.Proposicao() propositionTest1.id_prop = '0001' propositionTest1.sigla = 'PR1' propositionTest1.numero = '0001' propositionTest1.ano = '2013' propositionTest1.data_apresentacao = '2013-01-02' propositionTest1.casa_legislativa = lesgilativeHouseTest1 # Receives objects of Proposicao for inserting data to removal house test propositionTest2 = models.Proposicao() propositionTest2.id_prop = '0002' propositionTest2.sigla = 'PR2' propositionTest2.numero = '0002' propositionTest2.ano = '2013' propositionTest2.data_apresentacao = '2013-02-02' propositionTest2.casa_legislativa = lesgilativeHouseTest2 # Receives objects of Votaçao for inserting data to removal house test votingTest1 = models.Votacao(id_vot=' 12345', descricao='Teste da votacao', data='1900-12-05', resultado='Teste', proposicao=propositionTest1) # Receives objects of Votaçao for inserting data to removal house test voteTest1 = models.Voto(votacao=votingTest1, legislatura=legislatureTest1, opcao='TESTE') # Receives all objects of Partido from models before removal before_party_objects = models.Partido.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Parlamentar from models before removal before_parliamentary_objects = models.Parlamentar.objects.all() # Receives all objects of CasaLegislativa from models before removal before_house_objects = models.CasaLegislativa.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Legislatura from models before removal before_legislature_objects = models.Legislatura.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Proposicao from models before removal before_proposition_objects = models.Proposicao.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Voto from models before removal before_vote_objects = models.Voto.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Votacao from models before removal before_voting_objects = models.Votacao.objects.all() # Receives the names of partidos before removal party_names = [p.nome for p in before_party_objects] self.assertTrue('PA' in party_names) self.assertTrue('PB' in party_names) # Receives the names of parliamentaries before removal parliamentary_names = [pl.nome for pl in before_parliamentary_objects] self.assertTrue('Pierre' in parliamentary_names) self.assertTrue('Napoleao' in parliamentary_names) # Receives the names of houses before removal house_names = [c.nome for c in before_house_objects] self.assertTrue('Casa1' in house_names) self.assertTrue('Casa2' in house_names) # Receives the names of legislaturas before removal legislature_names = [l.localidade for l in before_legislature_objects] self.assertTrue('PB' in legislature_names) self.assertTrue('PR' in legislature_names) # Receives the names of ppropositions before removal proposition_names = [lg.sigla for lg in before_proposition_objects] self.assertTrue('PR1' in proposition_names) self.assertTrue('PR2' in proposition_names) # Receives the names of votes before removal vote_names = [v.votacao for v in before_vote_objects] self.assertTrue(votingTest1 in vote_names) # Receives the names of voting before removal voting_names = [vt.id_vot for vt in before_voting_objects] self.assertTrue(' 12345' in voting_names) # Trying to delete a house that does not exist models.CasaLegislativa.remove_house('casa_qualquer') models.CasaLegislativa.remove_house('cs1') # Receives all objects of Partido from models after removal after_party_objects = models.Partido.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Parlamentar from models after removal after_parliamentary_objects = models.Parlamentar.objects.all() # Receives all objects of CasaLegislativa from models after removal after_house_objects = models.CasaLegislativa.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Legislatura from models after removal after_legislature_objects = models.Legislatura.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Propositcao from models after removal after_proposition_objects = models.Proposicao.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Voto from models after removal after_vote_objects = models.Voto.objects.all() # Receives all objects of Votacao from models after removal after_voting_objects = models.Votacao.objects.all() # Receives the names of partidos after removal party_names = [p.nome for p in after_party_objects] self.assertTrue('PA' in party_names) self.assertTrue('PB' in party_names) # Receives the names of parliamentaries after removal parliamentary_names = [pl.nome for pl in after_parliamentary_objects] self.assertTrue('Pierre' in parliamentary_names) self.assertTrue('Napoleao' in parliamentary_names) # Receives the names of houses after removal house_names = [c.nome for c in after_house_objects] self.assertFalse('Casa1' in house_names) self.assertTrue('Casa2' in house_names) # Receives the names of legislaturas after removal legislature_names = [l.localidade for l in after_legislature_objects] self.assertFalse('PB' in legislature_names) self.assertTrue('PR' in legislature_names) # Receives the names of propositions after removal proposition_names = [lg.sigla for lg in after_proposition_objects] self.assertFalse('PR1' in proposition_names) self.assertTrue('PR2' in proposition_names) # Receives the names of votes after removal vote_names = [v.votacao for v in after_vote_objects] self.assertFalse(votingTest1 in vote_names) # Receives the names of voting after removal voting_names = [vt.id_vot for vt in after_voting_objects] self.assertFalse(' 12345' in voting_names)
def test_casa_legislativa_periodos_sem_lista_votacoes(self): casa_nova = models.CasaLegislativa(nome="Casa Nova") self.assertRaises(ValueError, casa_nova.periodos,models.ANO)