Esempio n. 1
  def get(self):
    user = users.get_current_user()
    if user:
      oauth_token = self.request.get("oauth_token")

      def get_new_fs_and_credentials():
        oauth_token, oauth_secret = constants.get_oauth_strings()
        credentials = foursquare.OAuthCredentials(oauth_token, oauth_secret)
        fs = foursquare.Foursquare(credentials)
        return fs, credentials

      if oauth_token:
        old_userinfos = UserInfo.all().filter('user ='******'token =', oauth_token).get()
          user_token = fs.access_token(oauth.OAuthToken(apptoken.token, apptoken.secret))
          userinfo = UserInfo(user = user, token = credentials.access_token.key, secret = credentials.access_token.secret, is_ready=False, is_authorized=True, last_checkin=0,, color_scheme='fire', level_max=int(constants.level_const), checkin_count=0, venue_count=0)
        except DownloadError, err:
          if str(err).find('ApplicationError: 5') >= 0:
            pass # if something bad happens on OAuth, then it currently just redirects to the signup page
                 #TODO find a better way to handle this case, but it's not clear there is a simple way to do it without messing up a bunch of code
            raise err
          fetch_foursquare_data.fetch_and_store_checkins(userinfo, limit=10)
          taskqueue.add(url='/fetch_foursquare_data/all_for_user/%s' % userinfo.key())
        except foursquare.FoursquareRemoteException, err:
          if str(err).find('403 Forbidden') >= 0:
            pass # if a user tries to sign up while my app is blocked, then it currently just redirects to the signup page
                 #TODO find a better way to handle this case, but it's not clear there is a simple way to do it without messing up a bunch of code
            raise err
        except DownloadError:
          pass #TODO make this better, but I'd rather throw the user back to the main page to try again than show the user an error.