Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, L, Nmax, t, U, mu, V, Vint, offset):
        Input: system size L (int), maximum occupation number N (int), t, U, mu, V, Vint
               (all are either float or numpy float array of length L) and offset (float).
        Will generate the MPO of Hamiltonian in self.hamil.
        self.L = L
        self.d = Nmax + 1
        self.t = Common.toArray(L, t)
        self.U = Common.toArray(L, U) = Common.toArray(L, mu)
        self.V = Common.toArray(L, V)
        self.Vint = Common.toArray(L, Vint)
        self.hamil = MPO.MPO(L, 5, self.d)
        self.offset = offset
        delta = offset / L

        self.Z = np.zeros((5, self.d, self.d), dtype=complex)
        self.Z[0, :, :] = np.identity(self.d, dtype=complex)  # Id
        self.Z[1, :, :] = np.diag(
            np.arange(self.d) * (np.arange(self.d) - 1) + 0j)  # n(n-1)
        self.Z[2, :, :] = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(self.d - 1) + 1) + 0j,
                                  -1)  # b^dag
        self.Z[3, :, :] = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(self.d - 1) + 1) + 0j,
                                  1)  # b
        self.Z[4, :, :] = np.diag(np.arange(self.d) + 0j)  # n

        opL = np.zeros((1, 5, 5), dtype=complex)
        opL[0, 0, 0] = 1
        opL[0, 1, 2] = 1
        opL[0, 2, 3] = 1
        opL[0, 3, 4] = 1
        opL[0, 4, 4] = self.V[0] -[0]
        opL[0, 4, 1] = self.U[0] / 2
        opL[0, 4, 0] = delta
        self.hamil.setA(0, np.einsum('ijk,kmn->mnij', opL, self.Z))
        opR = np.zeros((5, 1, 5), dtype=complex)
        opR[0, 0, 4] = self.V[self.L - 1] -[self.L - 1]
        opR[0, 0, 1] = self.U[self.L - 1] / 2
        opR[0, 0, 0] = delta
        opR[1, 0, 3] = -self.t[self.L - 1]
        opR[2, 0, 2] = -self.t[self.L - 1]
        opR[3, 0, 4] = self.Vint[self.L - 2]
        opR[4, 0, 0] = 1
        self.hamil.setA(L - 1, np.einsum('ijk,kmn->mnij', opR, self.Z))
        for i in range(1, L - 1):
            opM = np.zeros((5, 5, 5), dtype=complex)
            opM[0, 0, 0] = 1
            opM[0, 1, 2] = 1
            opM[0, 2, 3] = 1
            opM[0, 3, 4] = 1
            opM[0, 4, 4] = self.V[i] -[i]
            opM[0, 4, 1] = self.U[i] / 2
            opM[0, 4, 0] = delta
            opM[1, 4, 3] = -self.t[i]
            opM[2, 4, 2] = -self.t[i]
            opM[3, 4, 4] = self.Vint[i - 1]
            opM[4, 4, 0] = 1
            self.hamil.setA(i, np.einsum('ijk,kmn->mnij', opM, self.Z))
	def test_common_populate2(self):
		temp_com = Common()
		xml_string = "<Common><Citations><li>Random Citation</li></Citations><Summary>Random Summary</Summary></Common>"
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)

		self.assertEqual(temp_com.citations[0].floating_text, "Random Citation")
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, L, Jx, Jy, Jz, g, h, offset):
     Input: system size L (int), interaction Jx, Jy and Jz, longitudinal field g, transverse field h 
            (Jx, Jy, Jz, g and h are either float or numpy float array of length L) and offset (float).
     Will generate the MPO of Hamiltonian in self.hamil.
     self.L = L
     self.Jx = Common.toArray(L, Jx)
     self.Jy = Common.toArray(L, Jy)
     self.Jz = Common.toArray(L, Jz)
     self.g = Common.toArray(L, g)
     self.h = Common.toArray(L, h)
     self.offset = offset
     self.hamil = MPO.MPO(L, 5, 2)
     opL = np.array([[[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, self.Jx[0], 0, 0], [0, 0, self.Jy[0], 0], [0, 0, 0, self.Jz[0]],
                      [offset / L, self.g[0], 0, self.h[0]]]])
     opR = np.array([[[offset / L, self.g[L - 1], 0, self.h[L - 1]]], [[0, 1, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 1, 0]],
                     [[0, 0, 0, 1]], [[1, 0, 0, 0]]])
     self.hamil.ops[0].A = np.einsum('ijk,kml->mlij', opL, PauliSigma)
     self.hamil.ops[L - 1].A = np.einsum('ijk,kml->mlij', opR, PauliSigma)
     for i in range(1, L - 1):
         opM = np.array([[[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, self.Jx[i], 0, 0], [0, 0, self.Jy[i], 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, self.Jz[i]], [offset / L, self.g[i], 0, self.h[i]]],
                         [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [
                             0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]],
                         [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [
                             0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]],
                         [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [
                             0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]],
                         [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [
                             0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]
         self.hamil.ops[i].A = np.einsum('ijk,kml->mlij', opM, PauliSigma)
	def test_print_xml2(self):
		temp_com = Common()
		xml_string = "<Common><Citations><li>dvfjnkjdnv</li></Citations><ExternalLinks><li>sdcbkjsnbd</li></ExternalLinks><Images><li>efvdjkjnfv</li></Images><Videos><li>dfvnldkfjvnbo</li></Videos></Common>"
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)
		common_xml = temp_com.print_xml()

		self.assertEqual(xml_string, common_xml)
	def test_print_xml1(self):
		temp_com = Common()
		xml_string = "<Common><Citations><li>Citation</li></Citations><ExternalLinks><li>Link</li></ExternalLinks><Images><li>Image</li></Images><Videos><li>Video</li></Videos></Common>"
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)
		common_xml = temp_com.print_xml()

		self.assertEqual(xml_string, common_xml)
	def test_common_populate1(self):
		temp_com = Common()
		xml_string = '<Common><Citations><li>Random Citation</li></Citations><ExternalLinks><li href="">Wikipedia</li></ExternalLinks><Images><li embed="" /></Images><Summary>Random Summary</Summary></Common>'
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)

		self.assertEqual(temp_com.citations[0].floating_text, "Random Citation")
		self.assertEqual(temp_com.external_links[0].href, "")
		self.assertEqual(temp_com.images[0].embed, "")
	def test_common_populate0(self):
		temp_com = Common()
		xml_string = '<Common><Citations><li>The Hindustan Times</li></Citations><ExternalLinks><li href="">Wikipedia</li></ExternalLinks><Images><li embed="" /></Images><Videos><li embed="//" /></Videos><Maps><li embed=",79.31189246107706&amp;sspn=3.2522150867582833,7.2072687770004205&amp;t=m&amp;q=uttarakhand&amp;dg=opt&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Uttarakhand,+India&amp;ll=30.066753,79.0193&amp;spn=2.77128,5.07019&amp;z=8&amp;output=embed" /></Maps><Feeds><li embed="[WHATEVER A FEED URL LOOKS LIKE]" /></Feeds><Summary>Lorem ipsum...</Summary></Common>'
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)

		self.assertEqual(temp_com.citations[0].floating_text, "The Hindustan Times")
		self.assertEqual(temp_com.external_links[0].href, "")
		self.assertEqual(temp_com.images[0].embed, "")
		self.assertEqual(temp_com.videos[0].embed, "//")
		#self.assertEqual(temp_com.maps[0].href, ",79.31189246107706&amp;sspn=3.2522150867582833,7.2072687770004205&amp;t=m&amp;q=uttarakhand&amp;dg=opt&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Uttarakhand,+India&amp;ll=30.066753,79.0193&amp;spn=2.77128,5.07019&amp;z=8&amp;output=embed")
		self.assertEqual(temp_com.feeds[0].embed, "[WHATEVER A FEED URL LOOKS LIKE]")
		self.assertEqual(temp_com.videos[0].embed, "//")
Esempio n. 8
def populate_common(node, modl_id, model_instance):
	Searches through node's tree for a common node and calls common's populate method
	on it. 

	@type  node:           Element
	@param node:           a node in the ElementTree passed in to populate_models()
	@type  modl_id:        string
	@param modl_id:        the idref of the model the common instance maps to
	@type  model_instance: element
	@param model_instance: a node in the ElementTree passed in to populate_models()
	@rtype:                N/A
	@return:               function does not return
    found_common = node.find('Common')
    if found_common is not None:
        common = Common()
        common.populate(found_common, modl_id)
        found_summary = found_common.find("Summary")

        if found_summary is not None and found_summary is not "":
            if found_summary.text is not None and found_summary.text is not "":
                model_instance.common_summary = found_summary.text
Esempio n. 9
def populate_common(node, modl_id, model_instance):
	Searches through node's tree for a common node and calls common's populate method
	on it. 

	@type  node:           Element
	@param node:           a node in the ElementTree passed in to populate_models()
	@type  modl_id:        string
	@param modl_id:        the idref of the model the common instance maps to
	@type  model_instance: element
	@param model_instance: a node in the ElementTree passed in to populate_models()
	@rtype:                N/A
	@return:               function does not return
	found_common = node.find('Common')
	if found_common is not None:
		common = Common()
		common.populate(found_common, modl_id)
		found_summary = found_common.find("Summary")

		if found_summary is not None and found_summary is not "" :
			if found_summary.text is not None and found_summary.text is not "" :
				model_instance.common_summary = found_summary.text
	def test_xml_from_li2(self):
		temp_com = Common()
		xml_string = "<Common><Citations><li>dvfjnkjdnv</li></Citations><ExternalLinks><li>sdcbkjsnbd</li></ExternalLinks><Images><li>efvdjkjnfv</li></Images><Videos><li>dfvnldkfjvnbo</li></Videos></Common>"
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)
		li_xml = "<Common>"
		c_cites = temp_com.xml_from_li("Citations", temp_com.citations)
		li_xml += c_cites
		c_links = temp_com.xml_from_li("ExternalLinks", temp_com.external_links)
		li_xml += c_links
		c_ims = temp_com.xml_from_li("Images", temp_com.images)
		li_xml += c_ims
		c_vids = temp_com.xml_from_li("Videos", temp_com.videos)
		li_xml += c_vids
		li_xml += "</Common>"
		self.assertEqual(li_xml, xml_string )
	def test_xml_from_li1(self):
		temp_com = Common()
		xml_string = "<Common><Citations><li>Citation</li></Citations><ExternalLinks><li>Link</li></ExternalLinks><Images><li>Image</li></Images><Videos><li>Video</li></Videos></Common>"
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_string)
		li_xml = "<Common>"
		c_cites = temp_com.xml_from_li("Citations", temp_com.citations)
		li_xml += c_cites
		c_links = temp_com.xml_from_li("ExternalLinks", temp_com.external_links)
		li_xml += c_links
		c_ims = temp_com.xml_from_li("Images", temp_com.images)
		li_xml += c_ims
		c_vids = temp_com.xml_from_li("Videos", temp_com.videos)
		li_xml += c_vids
		li_xml += "</Common>"
		self.assertEqual(li_xml, xml_string )