def get(self, channel_id, video_id): data_source.view_video(channel_id, video_id) video = data_source.get_video(channel_id, video_id) if video: self.render_dict_as_json(video) else: self.response.out.write("{}")
def get(self): channel_id = self.request.get("channel_id") values = {} if channel_id: offset, limit = handlers.parse_offset_and_limit(self) videos = data_source.get_videos_model_in_channel(channel_id, offset, limit) channel = data_source.get_channel(channel_id) if channel: values["channel"] = channel # If delete is set we will delete all the channel as well as its videos. delete = self.request.get("delete") if delete == "true": q = VideoModel.all() q.ancestor(channel) for video in q: video.delete() channel.delete() self.redirect(router_path["admin_channel_list"]) return if videos: values["videos"] = videos values["offset"] = offset values["limit"] = limit self.render("ChannelUpdate.html", values)
def workspace_test(): print_data('workspaces objects', br=False) for index in range(3): w = Workspace() = 'New workspace name' w.description = 'Some new description' workspaces = Workspace.all() print_data('new objects -> model.all()', workspaces) = 'Updated name' workspaces = Workspace.all() print_data('UPDATED -> model.all()', workspaces) workspaces = Workspace.get(, print_data('GET -> model.get()', [workspaces]) workspaces = Workspace.filter(name='New workspace name') print_data('FILTER -> model.filter()', workspaces) for index in range(2): o = Application() o.workspace_id = w.guid a = View() a.application_id = o.guid a = Resource() a.application_id = o.guid for index in range(3): o = Widget() o.workspace_id = w.guid for index in range(3): o = DataSource() o.workspace_id = w.guid objects = Workspace.all() + Resource.all() + Application.all() + Widget.all() + DataSource.all() + View.all() print_data('All objects in db', objects) # [w.delete() for w in Workspace.all()] workspaces = Workspace.all() print_data('cleaned', workspaces) workspaces = Workspace.filter(include_deleted=True) print_data('cleaned with deleted if exists', workspaces) objects = Workspace.all() + Resource.all() + Application.all() + Widget.all() + DataSource.all() + View.all() print_data('no objects left', objects)
def post(self): channel_id = self.request.get("channel_id") video_id = int(self.request.get("video_id")) video = data_source.get_video(channel_id, video_id) key = self.user if not key: key = self.request.remote_addr if video: data_source.dislike_video(key, channel_id, video_id) video["dislike"] += 1 self.render_dict_as_json(video)
def get(self, channel_id, video_id = '', comment_id = ''): channel = data_source.get_channel(channel_id) offset, limit = handlers.parse_offset_and_limit(self) videos = data_source.get_videos_in_channel(channel_id, offset = offset, limit = limit) ret = {} ret["channel"] = channel ret["videos"] = videos ret["offset"] = offset ret["limit"] = limit self.render("ChannelListPage.html", ret)
def post(self): channel_id = self.request.get("channel_id")"Persisting data in channel: %s" % channel_id) videos = data_source.get_videos_in_channel(channel_id, 0, data_source.MAX_CHANNEL_SIZE)"Got videos: %d" % len(videos)) for v in videos: video_model = data_source.get_video_model(channel_id, v["video_id"]) video_model.final_score = v["final_score"]"Updating video %d with final_score %f" % (v["video_id"], v["final_score"])) video_model.put()
def post(self):"Start to execute a parse task.") name = self.request.get("name") if name == "youku_girls": from tools import youku_parser video_infos = youku_parser.parse_url("") for video_info in video_infos: if not data_source.get_video_by_external_id(video_info["source"], video_info["external_id"]): video = data_source.create_video_from_dict("girls", video_info) video.calculate_score() video.put()
def post(self): channel_id = self.request.get("channel_id") video_id = self.request.get("video_id") video = data_source.get_video(channel_id, video_id) key = self.user if not key: key = self.request.remote_addr if video: data_source.like_video(key, channel_id, video_id) video["like"] += 1 self.render_dict_as_json(video) else: self.render_dict_as_json({"error" : "Video not found channel_id=%s, video_id=%s" % (channel_id, video_id)})
def get(self, channel_id): channel = data_source.get_channel(channel_id) if not channel: self.render_dict_as_json({"error" : "Channel not found. channel_id=%s" % channel_id}) return offset, limit = handlers.parse_offset_and_limit(self) videos = data_source.get_videos_in_channel(channel_id, offset = offset, limit = limit) ret = {} ret["channel"] = channel.to_dict() ret["videos"] = videos ret["offset"] = offset ret["limit"] = limit self.render_dict_as_json(ret)
def get(self): channel_id = self.request.get("channel_id") video_id = self.request.get("video_id") video = data_source.get_video(channel_id, video_id) values = {} if channel_id: values["channel_id"] = channel_id if video: values["video"] = video self.render("VideoUpdate.html", values)
def post(self): channel_id = self.request.get("channel_id") title = self.request.get("title") cover_img = self.request.get("cover_img") channel = data_source.get_channel(channel_id) if channel: self.response.out.write("exist") else: channel = ChannelModel(key_name = channel_id, title = title, cover_img = cover_img) channel.put() self.redirect(router_path["admin_channel_list"])
def make_data_source(name, func, func_lang, description="", dependencies=[]): data_source = DataSource( name=name, description=description, dependencies=dependencies, transform_function=func, transform_function_language=func_lang ) db.session.add(data_source) db.session.commit() return data_source
def test_MySQL(): ds = DataSource(db_type="MySQL", host="", database="fdm_db", port=4000, user="******", password="******") conn = get_Connection(ds) sql = 'select spbm,spmc from fdm_db.f_dm_gy_spbm' rows = conn.query(sql) for row in rows: print("spbm:%s, spmc:%s" % (row[0], row[1]))
def test_Impala(): ds = DataSource(db_type="Impala", host="", database="fdm_db", port=21050) conn = get_Connection(ds) sql = 'select zsxm_dm,zsxmmc,zsxmjc,xybz,yxbz,sjzsxm_dm,yxqz,yxqq from odm_db.o_hx_qg_dm_gy_zsxm' rows = conn.query(sql) for row in rows: print( "zsxm_dm:%s, zsxmmc:%s, zsxmjc:%s, xybz:%s, yxbz:%s, sjzsxm_dm:%s, yxqz:%s, yxqq:%s" % (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7]))
def add_data_source(uri): db = connect() matching = db.query(DataSource).filter_by(uri=uri).first() if matching is None: source = DataSource(uri=uri,, times_used=1) db.add(source) else: matching.last_accessed = matching.times_used += 1 db.commit()
def post(self): channel_id = self.request.get("channel_id") video_id = self.request.get("video_id") channel = data_source.get_channel(channel_id) video = data_source.get_video(channel_id, video_id) if channel: title = self.request.get("title") cover_img = self.request.get("cover_img") video_url = self.request.get("video_url") editor_score = int(self.request.get("editor_score")) if not video: video = VideoModel(parent = channel, title = title, cover_img = cover_img, video_url = video_url, editor_score = editor_score) else: video.title = title video.cover_img = cover_img video.video_url = video_url video.editor_score = editor_score video.calculate_score() video.put() self.redirect(router_path["admin_channel_update"] + "?channel_id=%s" % (channel_id)) return self.get() else: self.response.out.write("channel not exist")
from models import DataSource data_source_id = request.arguments.get('data_source_id', '') command = request.arguments.get('command', 'update') data_source = DataSource.get(guid=data_source_id) if data_source: disabled = '2' if command == 'delete' else '0' form = self.dialog_update.form_update form.connector.value = data_source.connector form.connector.mode = disabled form.workspace_id.value = data_source.workspace_id form.data_source_id.value = data_source.guid form.command.value = command self.dialog_update.form_update.btn_update.label = command.title() form.btn_update.action("setLabel", [command.title()]) form.btn_update.action( "setClass", ['btn btn-danger' if command == 'delete' else 'btn btn-success']) self.dialog_update.title = 'Data Source {}'.format(command.title()) = '1'
def get(self, channel_id, video_id, comment_id=''): data_source.view_video(channel_id, video_id) video = data_source.get_video(channel_id, video_id) values = {}; values["video"] = video; self.render("ChannelListPage.html", values)
""" GOOGLE API """ GOOGLE_API_GEOCODE_COORD_URL = ",%s&sensor=false&key=%s" GOOGLE_API_GEOCODE_ADDR_URL = "" GOOGLE_API_KEY = environ.get("GOOGLE_API_KEY") """ US PREPROCESSOR - US_PROCESSOR_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS: The columns in the data files is inconsistent. This defines the fields for each file - US_PROCESSOR_DATA_SOURCES: series component and file location tuple """ US_PROCESSOR_FILTERED_KEYS = set(["united_states"]) US_PROCESSOR_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS = {'confirmed': {'name': 5, 'key': 10, 'data': 11}, 'deaths': {'name': 5, 'key': 10, 'data': 12}} US_PROCESSOR_DATA_SOURCES = [ DataSource("covid19", "confirmed", join(GITHUB_DIRECTORY, "CSSEGISandData/confirmed_us.csv")), DataSource("covid19", "deaths", join(GITHUB_DIRECTORY, "CSSEGISandData/deaths_us.csv")) ] """ MX PREPROCESSOR """ MX_PROCESSOR_DATA_START_DATE = date(2020, 1, 23) MX_PROCESSOR_DATA_FILE = join(GITHUB_DIRECTORY, 'carranco-sga/mx_data.csv') MX_PROCESSOR_DATA_SOURCES = [ DataSource("covid19", "confirmed", join(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, "confirmed_mx.csv")), DataSource("covid19", "deaths", join(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, "deaths_mx.csv")) ] MX_PROCESSOR_COLUMN_SUFFIXES = { 'confirmed': '', 'deaths': '_D'
raise Exception('Workspace ID is not provided') workspace_id = request.arguments.get('workspace_id') command = request.arguments.get('command', u'') workspace = Workspace.get(guid=workspace_id) if not workspace: self.action('goTo', ['/main']) elif command in ['delete', 'update']: if 'data_source_id' not in request.arguments: raise Exception(u'DataSource ID is not provided') data_source_id = request.arguments['data_source_id'] data_source = DataSource.get(guid=data_source_id, workspace_id=workspace.guid) if data_source: if command == 'delete': data_source.delete() else: connector = request.arguments['connector'] if connector: data_source.connector = connector self.dialog_update.action('hide', ['0']) elif command == 'create': connector = request.arguments['connector'] if connector:
from app import create_app from database import db from models import DataSource, DataRange, Data app = create_app() with app.app_context(): db.init_app(app) with app.app_context(): DataSource.query.all() dsd = {} dsd["name"] = "test" dsd["description"] = "" dsd["dependencies"] = [] dsd["transform_function"] = 'return [{"timestamp": "2017-10-05T14:48:00.000Z", "value": "1"}]' dsd["transform_function_language"] = 'python' ds = DataSource(**dsd) with app.app_context(): db.session.add(ds) db.session.commit() with app.app_context(): print( f = """ def foo(): return 5+5 print(foo()) """ exec(f, {'__builtins__':{}, 'print': print})