def justify_developer_choice(demand_id): """ The '/bid/<demand_id>/justify-developer' route is where the client fills out a form to explain his/her reason for choosing a developer who did not offer the lowest bid. """ bids = Bid.get_bids_for_demand(demand_id) bids_info = [] bidders_info = {} for bid in bids: info = Bid.get_info(bid) bids_info.append(info) if info['developer_username'] not in bidders_info: username = info['developer_username'] bidders_info[username] = User.get_user_info(username) bidders_info[username]['lowest_bid'] = info['bid_amount'] form = JustifyDeveloperChoiceForm() if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): Demand.choose_developer( demand_id, session['chosen_developer'], session['username'], bidders_info[session['chosen_developer']]['lowest_bid'], return render_template("developer_chosen.html") else: return render_template("justify_developer_choice.html", demand_id=demand_id, form=form) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("justify_developer_choice.html", demand_id=demand_id, form=form)
def add(request): c = {} c.update(csrf(request)) isvalid = True u = Demand if request.method == "POST": u = Demand() member_id = request.POST["member_id"] name_en = request.POST["name_en"] if member_id == "0" or member_id == "": isvalid = False messages.warning(request, "please select member") if name_en == "": isvalid = False messages.warning(request, "please input english name") # _bind_data(request, u) if isvalid: try: _save_items(request, u) return redirect("demand.index") except Exception, e: messages.warning(request, e.message) logging.error(e.message) logging.debug(e.message)
def browse(): """ The '/browse' route directs anyone on the website to a page where they can browse the demands in the system. """ start_date = request.args.get('start_date', default=None, type=str) end_date = request.args.get('end_date', default=None, type=str) client = request.args.get('client', default=None, type=str) client_rating = None for i in range(1, 5): if request.args.get('rating' + str(i)) == 'on': client_rating = i break tags = request.args.get('tags', default=None, type=str) min_bid = request.args.get('min_bid', default=None, type=float) active = request.args.get('show_active', default=False) demands = Demand.get_filtered_demands(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, client=client, client_rating=client_rating, tags=tags, min_bid=min_bid, active=active) demands_info = [] for demand in demands: demands_info.append(Demand.get_info(demand)) return render_template("browse.html", demands_info=demands_info)
def createDemand(): """ The '/createDemand' route directs a client to the form where he/she can create and post a demand on the Turk System. """ if 'username' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) if session['role'] != 'client': return render_template('access_denied.html') form = DemandForm() if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): format = '%m-%d-%Y %I:%M %p' dt_bid = dt_submit = Demand(session['username'],,,, dt_bid, dt_submit) new_demand_id = Demand.get_most_recent_demand_id() return redirect(url_for('bidInfo', demand_id=new_demand_id)) else: return render_template('createDemand.html', form=form) elif request.method == 'GET': return render_template('createDemand.html', form=form)
def choose_developer(demand_id): """ The '/bid/<demand_id>/choose-developer' route directs a client to a page where he/she can select the developer he/she wants to hire to implement the system that was demanded. """ demand_info = Demand.get_info(demand_id) bids = Bid.get_bids_for_demand(demand_id) bids_info = [] bidders_info = {} for bid in bids: info = Bid.get_info(bid) bids_info.append(info) if info['developer_username'] not in bidders_info: username = info['developer_username'] bidders_info[username] = User.get_user_info(username) bidders_info[username]['lowest_bid'] = info['bid_amount'] rating = Developer.get_info(username)['avg_rating'] # round rating to the nearest 0.5 rating = round(0.5 * round(float(rating) / 0.5), 1) bidders_info[username]['full_stars'] = int(rating) bidders_info[username]['has_half_star'] = rating % 1 == .5 if request.method == 'POST': chosen_developer = request.form['developer'] session['chosen_developer'] = request.form['developer'] # if the chosen developer had the lowest bid, # update the demand's chosen developer if chosen_developer == bids_info[0]['developer_username']: # updates the table, notifies the developer, and also starts the transaction request Demand.choose_developer(demand_id, chosen_developer, session['username'], bids_info[0]['bid_amount']) return render_template("developer_chosen.html") # if the chosen developer did not have the lowest bid, # the client must provide a reason for choosing this developer else: return redirect( url_for('justify_developer_choice', demand_id=demand_id)) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("choose_developer.html", demand_id=demand_id, bidders_info=bidders_info)
def upload_system(demand_id): """ The '/bid/<demand_id>/upload-system' route is where the developer can upload the system that they have created for a demand they have been chosen for. """ form = SubmitSystemForm() demand_info = Demand.get_info(demand_id) client = demand_info['client_username'] if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): # will not actually store the file # project is now completed Developer.submit_system(demand_id, session['username']) return redirect( url_for('rating', demand_id=demand_id, recipient=client)) else: return render_template("upload_system.html", demand_id=demand_id, form=form) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("upload_system.html", demand_id=demand_id, form=form)
def user(name): """ The '/user/<name>' route directs a user to the profile page of the user with the username of [name]. """ # if User.has_user_id(name): # get basic info info = User.get_user_info(name) if info['type_of_user'] == 'client': rating = Client.get_info(name)['avg_rating'] projects = Client.get_projects_posted(name) elif info['type_of_user'] == 'developer': rating = Developer.get_info(name)['avg_rating'] projects = Developer.get_past_projects(name) projects_info = [] for demand_id in projects: projects_info.append(Demand.get_info(demand_id)) # round rating to the nearest 0.5 rating = round(0.5 * round(float(rating) / 0.5), 1) has_half_star = rating % 1 == .5 return render_template("profile.html", info=info, rating=int(rating), half_star=has_half_star, projects=projects_info)
def three(request, key): objects = Demand.objects(key=key)[0] work_year = objects.workYear work_year_list = [] for each in work_year: work_year_list.append({'name': each, 'value': work_year[each]}) position = objects.position position_list = [] for each in position: position_list.append({'name': each, 'value': position[each]}) education = education_list = [] for each in education: education_list.append({'name': each, 'value': education[each]}) company_stage = objects.companyStage company_stage_list = [] for each in company_stage: company_stage_list.append({'name': each, 'value': company_stage[each]}) render_data = {'work_year': work_year_list, 'position': position_list, 'education': education_list, 'company_stage': company_stage_list} return render(request, 'chart03.html', {'key': key, 'data': json.dumps(render_data, encoding="UTF-8", ensure_ascii=False)})
def save(request): response_data = {} response_data['result'] = 'failed' if request.method == "POST": try: name_en = request.POST["name_en"] name_cn = request.POST["name_cn"] if name_en == "" and name_cn == "": response_data['message'] = _("please input demand name") else: #check stock_symbol is correct company_stock_symbol = request.POST.get( "company_stock_symbol", False) is_list_company = int(request.POST.get("is_list_company", 0)) if company_stock_symbol and is_list_company == 1: checksymbolExsit = ListedCompany.objects.filter( stock_symbol=company_stock_symbol) if len(checksymbolExsit) == 0: response_data['message'] = 'symbolNotExsit' return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_data), content_type="text/plain") submitStatus = request.POST["submitStatus"] u = Demand() isExsit = False id_post = request.POST.get("id", False) #check the demand is exsit with member_id condition = Q(member_id=request.POST.get("member_id")) condition2 = Q() if id_post: condition = condition & ~Q(pk=id_post) if name_cn.strip() != "": condition2 = condition2 | Q(name_cn=name_cn.strip()) if name_en.strip() != "": condition2 = condition2 | Q(name_en=name_en.strip()) project = Demand.objects.filter(condition & condition2) if project: isExsit = True response_data['message'] = "demandExsit" if isExsit is False: if id_post: u = Demand.objects.get(pk=id_post) # if submitStatus == "draft": # u.status = StatusDemand.draft # else: # u.status = StatusDemand.pending bool, msg = _bind_data(request, u) if bool: response_data['result'] = 'success' response_data['id'] = response_data['message'] = '操作成功' else: response_data['message'] = msg except Exception, e: logger.error(e.message) response_data['message'] = e.message
def DemandRegister(): demand = request.get_json() db.session.add( Demand(field_demands=Field.query.filter_by( name=demand['field_name']).first(), local_demands=Local.query.filter_by( name=demand['local_name']).first())) db.session.commit() return Response(status=200, mimetype='application/json')
def one(request, key): objects = Demand.objects(key=key)[0] demand_job = objects.demandJob demand_company = objects.demandCompany sort_demand_job = sorted(demand_job.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True) # 按招聘职位数量降序 city = [each[0] for each in sort_demand_job][0:10] job_top10 = [each[1] for each in sort_demand_job][0:10] company_top10 = [demand_company[each] for each in city] data = {'city': city, 'jobTop10': job_top10, 'companyTop10': company_top10} return render(request, 'chart01.html', {'key': key, 'data': json.dumps(data, encoding="UTF-8", ensure_ascii=False), })
def two(request, keys): objects = Demand.objects(key=keys)[0] demand_job = objects.demandJob sort_demand_job = sorted(demand_job.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True) city = [each[0] for each in sort_demand_job] job_number = [each[1] for each in sort_demand_job] map_data = [] for each in city: map_data.append({'name': each, 'value': demand_job[each]}) data_top10 = map_data[0:10] max_data = job_number[0] data = {'mapData': map_data, 'city': city, 'jobNumber': job_number, 'dataTop10': data_top10, 'maxData': max_data} return render(request, 'chart02.html', {'key': keys, 'data': json.dumps(data, encoding="UTF-8", ensure_ascii=False)})
def post(self): # client # client = Client(name='Joãoson', email='*****@*****.**', password='******') # db.session.add(client) # print(Client.query.all()) requestData = request.get_json() date = datetime.datetime.strptime(requestData.get('maxDate'), '%d/%m/%Y') demand = Demand(name=requestData.get('name'), description=requestData.get('description'), funcionalities=requestData.get('funcionalities'), final_date=date, platform='desktop', client_id='1') db.session.add(demand) db.session.commit() print(Demand.query.all()) return {'status': 'criada'}
def post(self): requestData = request.get_json() date = datetime.datetime.strptime(requestData.get('maxDate'), '%d/%m/%Y') demand = Demand(name=requestData.get('name'), description=requestData.get('description'), funcionalities=requestData.get('funcionalities'), final_date=date, platform='desktop', client_id=requestData.get('user_id')) db.session.add(demand) db.session.commit() print(Demand.query.all()) return {'status': 'criada'}
def bidInfo(demand_id): """ The '/bid/<demand_id>' route directs a user to the page with complete specifications for the demand. """ demand_info = Demand.get_info(demand_id) client_info = User.get_user_info(demand_info['client_username']) bids = Bid.get_bids_for_demand(demand_id) bids_info = [] bidders_info = {} if (len(bids) > 0): lowest_bid = Bid.get_info(bids[0])['bid_amount'] else: lowest_bid = 'None' for bid in bids: info = Bid.get_info(bid) bids_info.append(info) if info['developer_username'] not in bidders_info: bidders_info[info['developer_username']] = User.get_user_info( info['developer_username']) form = BidForm() if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): Bid(demand_id, session['username'], return redirect(url_for('bidInfo', demand_id=demand_id)) else: return redirect(url_for('bidInfo', demand_id=demand_id)) elif request.method == 'GET': return render_template("bidPage.html", demand_info=demand_info, client_info=client_info, bids_info=bids_info, bidders_info=bidders_info, lowest_bid=lowest_bid, form=form, demand_id=demand_id)
def my_projects(): """ The '/dashboard/projects' route directs a user to view their projects. """ if 'username' in session: if not session['type_of_user'] == "user": return render_template("access_denied.html") user_type = User.get_user_info(session['username'])['type_of_user'] current = list( Demand.get_info(x) for x in Demand.get_current_projects(session['username'])) mid = [] completed = [] if user_type == "developer": bids_by_username = Bid.get_bids_by_username(session['username']) temp = [] for i in bids_by_username: info = Bid.get_info(i)['demand_id'] if info not in temp: temp.append(info) mid = list(Demand.get_info(y) for y in temp) completed = list( Demand.get_info(x) for x in Developer.get_past_projects(session['username'])) else: temp = (Demand.get_info(x) for x in Demand.get_filtered_demands( None, None, session['username'], None, None, None, True)) for demand in temp: if demand['chosen_developer_username'] is np.nan: mid.append(demand) completed = list( Demand.get_info(x) for x in Client.get_past_projects(session['username'])) return render_template("myProjects.html", user_type=user_type, current=current, mid=mid, completed=completed) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def rating(demand_id, recipient): """ The '/bid/<demand_id>/rating/<recipient>' route is where the user can rate another user for a demand they were involved in. """ if 'username' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) demand_info = Demand.get_info(demand_id) # make sure the user is authorized to rate the recipient if session['role'] == 'developer': # developer rates the client, so client is recipient if session['username'] != demand_info['chosen_developer_username']: return render_template('access_denied.html') elif session['role'] == 'client': # client rates the developer, so developer is recipient if session['username'] != demand_info['client_username']: return render_template('access_denied.html') if Rating.check_if_valid_rating_form(int(demand_id), recipient, session['username']): form = RatingForm() if request.method == "GET": return render_template("rating.html", form=form, recipient=recipient, demand_id=demand_id) elif request.method == "POST": # low rating if <= 2: session['rating' + demand_id] = return redirect( url_for('ratingMessage', demand_id=demand_id, recipient=recipient)) elif == None: return render_template('rating.html', form=form, recipient=recipient, demand_id=demand_id) else: # add to form data Rating(demand_id, recipient, session['username'], # if the client gave a good rating to a developer (<= 3) # the remaining half of the bid amount gets transferred over to the developer if session['role'] == 'client': bid_amount = Demand.get_info( demand_id)['chosen_bid_amount'] Transaction(recipient, session['username'], round(bid_amount / 2, 2)) # update developer's earnings Developer.add_earnings(recipient, bid_amount) return render_template('ratingFinished.html', recipient=recipient) return render_template('access_denied.html')