Esempio n. 1
def get_team_stats_lead_time(team_name='PAYPROC', show_points=True):
    issues = jra.get_all_issues_for_project(team_name)
    time_to_dev = []
    time_in_dev = []
    time_in_qa = []
    time_to_dep = []
    story_points = []
    now =
    now_week = now.isocalendar()[1]
    arr_issues = []
    for issue in issues:
        i = Issue() = team_name = issue.key
        i.status =
        # if not in final_statuses:
        #     continue
        history = [(h.created, i.fromString, i.toString) for h in issue.changelog.histories for i in h.items if i.field == 'status']
        if len(history) > 0:
            created_dt = datetime.strptime(created_dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            dev_dt= next((i[0] for i in history if i[2] in {'In Development', 'Selected for Development'}), created_dt)
            if  isinstance(dev_dt, str):
                dev_dt = datetime.strptime(dev_dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            qa_dt= next((i[0] for i in history if i[2]in {'Ready For Review', 'Needs Review'}), dev_dt)
            if  isinstance(qa_dt, str):
                qa_dt = datetime.strptime(qa_dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            dep_dt= next((i[0] for i in history if i[2]=='Ready for Deployment'), qa_dt)
            if  isinstance(dep_dt, str):
                dep_dt = datetime.strptime(dep_dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            last_dt = next((i[0] for i in history if i[2] in final_statuses), now)
            if  isinstance(last_dt, str):
                last_dt = datetime.strptime(last_dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            i.create_dt = created_dt
            i.close_dt = last_dt
            i.time_to_dev = _time_to_dev.days
            i.time_in_dev = _time_in_dev.days
            i.time_in_qa = _time_in_qa.days
            i.time_to_dep = _time_to_dep.days
            for h in history:
                _h = IssueHistory(h[2], h[0])
            yr = last_dt.isocalendar()[0]
            week = last_dt.isocalendar()[1]
            sp = 0
            if hasattr(issue.fields, 'customfield_10002'):
                sp = issue.fields.customfield_10002
            i.story_points = sp
            story_points.append((yr, week, sp))
    if len(time_to_dev)>0:
        print(f'    days to start ticket development: avg={avg(time_to_dev):.4f} mean={mean(time_to_dev):.4f} median={median(time_to_dev):.4f}')
    if len(time_in_dev)>0:
        print(f'    days of ticket in development: avg={avg(time_in_dev):.4f} mean={mean(time_in_dev):.4f} median={median(time_in_dev):.4f}')
    if len(time_in_qa)>0:
        print(f'    days of ticket in qa: avg={avg(time_in_qa):.4f} mean={mean(time_in_qa):.4f} median={median(time_in_qa):.4f}')
    if len(time_to_dep)>0:
        print(f'    Lead time (days from start of development to deployment) : avg={avg(time_to_dep):.4f} mean={mean(time_to_dep):.4f} median={median(time_to_dep):.4f}')
    if show_points:
        print('\n    story point stats')
        story_points = [i for i in story_points if i[2] is not None]
        story_points = sorted(story_points, key= lambda d: (d[0], d[1]))
        groups = groupby(story_points, key= lambda d: (d[0], d[1]))
        for key, data in groups:
            sp = [i[2] for i in data if i[2] is not None and i[0]==2019 and i[1] != now_week]
            if len(sp)> 0:
                print(f'        key={key} story points={sum(sp)}')
    if len(arr_issues) > 0:
        filename = get_filename(team=team_name)
        print(f'backup file name: {filename}')
        write_issues(filename, arr_issues)
        print(f'count = {len(arr_issues)}')