def import_to_datastore(): from models import User, Marker from google.appengine.ext import db my_user = User.all().filter("email", "*****@*****.**").get() i = 0 markers = [] for data in import_data(): #old_marker = Marker.get_by_key_name(str(data["id"])) #if old_marker: # old_marker.delete() marker = Marker( key_name=str(data["id"]), user = my_user, title = "Accident", description = data["description"].decode("utf8"), address = data["address"].decode("utf8"), location = db.GeoPt(data["lat"], data["lng"]), type = Marker.MARKER_TYPE_ACCIDENT, subtype = data["severity"], created = data["date"], modified = data["date"], ) #marker.put() #marker.update_location() markers.append(marker) print marker.key().name() if len(markers) == 100: print "Writing to datastore..." db.put(markers) markers = []
async def new_marker(sid: int, data): pr: PlayerRoom = game_state.get(sid) marker = Marker.get_or_none(shape=data, user=pr.player) if marker is not None: return Marker.create(shape=data, user=pr.player, location=pr.active_location)
def add_marker(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return False, 0 longitude = request.POST['longitude'] latitude = request.POST['latitude'] title = request.POST['title'] description = request.POST['description'] marker = Marker(user=User.objects.get(username=request.user.username), longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, title=title, description=description) return True,
def get(self): timestamps = self.request.params.getall('timestamp') row = self.request.params.get('row_key') for timestamp in timestamps: t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp)) r = db.get(row) m = Marker(time = t, row = r, value = 3) m.put() referer = self.request.environ.get('HTTP_REFERER') if referer: self.redirect(referer) else: show = '/show?key=%s' % row.key() self.redirect(show)
def retrieve_clusters(ne_lat, ne_lng, sw_lat, sw_lng, start_date, end_date, fatal, severe, light, inaccurate, zoom): marker_boxes = divide_to_boxes(ne_lat, ne_lng, sw_lat, sw_lng) result_futures = []"number of cores: " + str(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor: for marker_box in marker_boxes: markers_in_box = Marker.bounding_box_query( marker_box[0], marker_box[1], marker_box[2], marker_box[3], start_date, end_date, fatal, severe, light, inaccurate, ).all() result_futures.append(executor.submit(calculate_clusters, markers_in_box, zoom)) completed_futures = concurrent.futures.wait(result_futures) result = [] for future in completed_futures.done: result.extend(future.result()) return result
def import_accidents(provider_code, accidents, streets, roads): print("reading accidents from file %s" % (, )) for accident in accidents: if field_names.x_coordinate not in accident or field_names.y_coordinate not in accident: raise ValueError( "x and y coordinates are missing from the accidents file!") if not accident[field_names.x_coordinate] or not accident[ field_names.y_coordinate]: continue lng, lat = coordinates_converter.convert( accident[field_names.x_coordinate], accident[field_names.y_coordinate]) marker = Marker( user=None, id=int("{0}{1}".format(provider_code, accident[])), title="Accident", description=json.dumps(load_extra_data(accident, streets, roads), encoding=models.db_encoding), address=get_address(accident, streets), latitude=lat, longitude=lng, type=Marker.MARKER_TYPE_ACCIDENT, subtype=int(accident[field_names.accident_type]), severity=int(accident[field_names.accident_severity]), created=parse_date(accident), locationAccuracy=int(accident[field_names.igun]), ) yield marker accidents.close()
def markers(): logging.debug('getting markers') kwargs = get_kwargs() logging.debug('querying markers in bounding box: %s' % kwargs) is_thin = (kwargs['zoom'] < CONST.MINIMAL_ZOOM) accidents = Marker.bounding_box_query(is_thin, yield_per=50, involved_and_vehicles=False, **kwargs) discussion_args = ('ne_lat', 'ne_lng', 'sw_lat', 'sw_lng', 'show_discussions') discussions = DiscussionMarker.bounding_box_query( **{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in discussion_args}) if request.values.get('format') == 'csv': date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' return Response( generate_csv(accidents), headers={ "Content-Type": "text/csv", "Content-Disposition": 'attachment; ' 'filename="Anyway-accidents-from-{0}-to-{1}.csv"'.format( kwargs["start_date"].strftime(date_format), kwargs["end_date"].strftime(date_format)) }) else: # defaults to json return generate_json(accidents, discussions, is_thin)
def charts_data(): logging.debug('getting charts data') kwargs = get_kwargs() accidents, vehicles, involved = Marker.bounding_box_query(is_thin=False, yield_per=50, involved_and_vehicles=True, **kwargs) accidents_list = [acc.serialize() for acc in accidents] vehicles_list = [vehicles_data_refinement(veh.serialize()) for veh in vehicles] involved_list = [involved_data_refinement(inv.serialize()) for inv in involved] return Response(json.dumps({'accidents': accidents_list, 'vehicles': vehicles_list, 'involved': involved_list}), mimetype="application/json")
async def delete_marker(sid: int, uuid: str): pr: PlayerRoom = game_state.get(sid) marker = Marker.get_or_none(shape_id=uuid, user=pr.player) if not marker: return marker.delete_instance()
def setUp(self): kwargs = {'approx': True, 'show_day': 7, 'show_discussions': True, 'accurate': True, 'surface': 0, 'weather': 0, 'district': 0, 'show_markers': True, 'show_fatal': True, 'show_time': 24, 'show_intersection': 3, 'show_light': True, 'sw_lat': 32.06711066128336, 'controlmeasure': 0, 'ne_lng': 34.799307929669226, 'show_severe': True, 'start_time': 25, 'acctype': 0, 'separation': 0, 'show_urban': 3, 'show_lane': 3, 'sw_lng': 34.78879367033085, 'zoom': 17, 'show_holiday': 0, 'end_time': 25, 'road': 0, 'ne_lat': 32.07254745790576, 'start_date': "01/01/2014", 'end_date': "01/01/2015"} self.query = Marker.bounding_box_query(yield_per=50, **kwargs) print self.query
def setUp(self): kwargs = {'approx': True, 'show_day': 7, 'show_discussions': True, 'accurate': True, 'surface': 0, 'weather': 0, 'district': 0, 'show_markers': True, 'show_fatal': True, 'show_time': 24, 'show_intersection': 3, 'show_light': True, 'sw_lat': 32.067363446951944, 'controlmeasure': 0, 'start_date':, 1, 1), 'ne_lng': 34.79928962966915, 'show_severe': True, 'end_date':, 1, 1), 'start_time': 25, 'acctype': 0, 'separation': 0, 'show_urban': 3, 'show_lane': 3, 'sw_lng': 34.78877537033077, 'zoom': 17, 'show_holiday': 0, 'end_time': 25, 'road': 0, 'ne_lat': 32.072427482938345} self.query_args = kwargs self.query = Marker.bounding_box_query(yield_per=50, **kwargs)
def load_markers(self): marker_data = self.__read_csv("marker") #load marker self.marker = [] for item in marker_data: m = Marker() self.__fill_members_with_csv_data( m, ('spot_id', 'qr', 'nfc', 'eddystone', 'ibeacon_region_uid', 'ibeacon_major', 'ibeacon_minor'), item) self.marker.append(m)
def get(self): rows = db.Query(Row) text = [] for row in rows: text.append('%s %s' % (row.key(), row.owner)) for marker in Marker.all().filter("row =", row): text.append(' - %s %s' % (marker.time, marker.value)) text.append(str(self.request.environ)) text = '\n'.join(text) self.response.out.write(template.render('templates/pre.html', { 'text': text}))
async def load_location(sid: int, location: Location): pr: PlayerRoom = game_state.get(sid) if pr.active_location != location: pr.active_location = location data = {} data["locations"] = [ {"id":, "name":} for l in ] data["floors"] = [ f.as_dict(pr.player, pr.player == for f in location.floors.order_by(Floor.index) ] client_options = pr.player.as_dict() client_options.update( **LocationUserOption.get(user=pr.player, location=location).as_dict() ) await sio.emit("Board.Set", data, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS) await sio.emit("Location.Set", location.as_dict(), room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS) await sio.emit("Client.Options.Set", client_options, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS) await sio.emit( "Notes.Set", [ note.as_dict() for note in (Note.user == pr.player) & ( == ) ], room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) await sio.emit( "Markers.Set", [ marker.as_string() for marker in (Marker.user == pr.player) & (Marker.location == location) ) ], room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) location_data = InitiativeLocationData.get_or_none(location=location) if location_data: await send_client_initiatives(pr, pr.player) await sio.emit( "Initiative.Round.Update", location_data.round, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) await sio.emit( "Initiative.Turn.Set", location_data.turn, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS )
def addmarker(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = MarkerForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): marker = Marker() = form.cleaned_data.get("phone") marker.latitude = form.cleaned_data.get("latitude", "32.0") marker.longitude = form.cleaned_data.get("longitude", "118.0") marker.message = form.cleaned_data.get("message", "") = return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('location:index')) else: form = MarkerForm() return render_to_response('location/addmarker.html', {'form': form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def image_markers(image_id, stack_id, project_id): with DATABASE.transaction(): project_stack = models.ProjectStack.get(models.ProjectStack.project == project_id, models.ProjectStack.stack == stack_id) stack_image = models.StackImage.get(models.StackImage.stack == stack_id, models.StackImage.image == image_id) user = models.AppUser.get( == g.user_id) markers = ( Marker.app_user == g.user_id, Marker.stack_image ==, Marker.project_stack == ) return jsonify({ 'markers': [marker.serialized for marker in markers] })
def setUp(self): self.query = Marker.bounding_box_query(ne_lat=32.36, ne_lng=35.088, sw_lat=32.292, sw_lng=34.884, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, fatal=False, severe=True, light=True, inaccurate=False, is_thin=False, yield_per=None)
def addmarker(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = MarkerForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): marker = Marker() = form.cleaned_data.get("phone") marker.latitude = form.cleaned_data.get("latitude", "32.0") marker.longitude = form.cleaned_data.get("longitude", "118.0") marker.message = form.cleaned_data.get("message", "") = return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('location:index')) else: form = MarkerForm() return render_to_response('location/addmarker.html', {'form':form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def xml(map_id): if'^\d+$', map_id): maps = Map.all().filter("id = ", int(map_id)).fetch(1) else: map_id_list = [int(x) for x in map_id.split(',')] maps = Map.all().filter("id IN", map_id_list).fetch(1000) for map in maps: map.polylines = Polyline.all().filter("map =", map).fetch(1000) map.markers = Marker.all().filter("map =", map).fetch(1000) xml = render_template('map.xml', maps=maps) resp = app.make_response(xml) resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8' return resp
def retrieve_clusters(**kwargs): marker_boxes = divide_to_boxes(kwargs['ne_lat'], kwargs['ne_lng'], kwargs['sw_lat'], kwargs['sw_lng']) result_futures = []'number of cores: ' + str(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor: for marker_box in marker_boxes: kwargs.update(marker_box) markers_in_box = Marker.bounding_box_query(**kwargs).all() result_futures.append(executor.submit(calculate_clusters, markers_in_box, kwargs['zoom'])) completed_futures = concurrent.futures.wait(result_futures) result = [] for future in completed_futures.done: result.extend(future.result()) return result
def retrieve_clusters(**kwargs): marker_boxes = divide_to_boxes(kwargs["ne_lat"], kwargs["ne_lng"], kwargs["sw_lat"], kwargs["sw_lng"]) result_futures = []"number of cores: " + str(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor: for marker_box in marker_boxes: kwargs.update(marker_box) markers_in_box = Marker.bounding_box_query(**kwargs).all() result_futures.append(executor.submit(calculate_clusters, markers_in_box, kwargs["zoom"])) completed_futures = concurrent.futures.wait(result_futures) result = [] for future in completed_futures.done: result.extend(future.result()) return result
def charts_data(): logging.debug('getting charts data') kwargs = get_kwargs() accidents, vehicles, involved = Marker.bounding_box_query( is_thin=False, yield_per=50, involved_and_vehicles=True, **kwargs) accidents_list = [acc.serialize() for acc in accidents] vehicles_list = [ vehicles_data_refinement(veh.serialize()) for veh in vehicles ] involved_list = [ involved_data_refinement(inv.serialize()) for inv in involved ] return Response(json.dumps({ 'accidents': accidents_list, 'vehicles': vehicles_list, 'involved': involved_list }), mimetype="application/json")
def generate_report_xlsx(self, project_id, report_type): project = Project.get( == project_id) total_probes = len([p for p in project.project_stacks]) project_users = == project) project_info = project.title.split('_') report = {} total_iteration = 0 for iteration, project_stack in enumerate(project.project_stacks): stack = {} stack_images = == for stack_image in stack_images: users = {} for user in project_users: markers = Marker.app_user ==, Marker.stack_image ==, Marker.project_stack == ) user_markers = [m.serialized for m in markers] if user_markers: users[] = user_markers stack[] = users report[project_stack.stack.title] = stack self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={ 'current': iteration, 'total': total_probes, 'projectId': project_id, 'reportType': report_type }) total_iteration += 1 return { 'current': total_iteration, 'total': total_probes, 'status': 'Task complete', 'projectId': project_id, 'report': report, 'reportType': report_type }
def retrieve_clusters(ne_lat, ne_lng, sw_lat, sw_lng, start_date, end_date, fatal, severe, light, inaccurate, zoom): marker_boxes = divide_to_boxes(ne_lat, ne_lng, sw_lat, sw_lng) result_futures = []'number of cores: ' + str(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor: for marker_box in marker_boxes: markers_in_box = Marker.bounding_box_query( marker_box[0], marker_box[1], marker_box[2], marker_box[3], start_date, end_date, fatal, severe, light, inaccurate).all() result_futures.append( executor.submit(calculate_clusters, markers_in_box, zoom)) completed_futures = concurrent.futures.wait(result_futures) result = [] for future in completed_futures.done: result.extend(future.result()) return result
def markers(): logging.debug('getting markers') kwargs = get_kwargs() logging.debug('querying markers in bounding box: %s' % kwargs) is_thin = (kwargs['zoom'] < CONST.MINIMAL_ZOOM) accidents = Marker.bounding_box_query(is_thin, yield_per=50, involved_and_vehicles=False, **kwargs) discussion_args = ('ne_lat', 'ne_lng', 'sw_lat', 'sw_lng', 'show_discussions') discussions = DiscussionMarker.bounding_box_query(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in discussion_args}) if request.values.get('format') == 'csv': date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' return Response(generate_csv(accidents), headers={ "Content-Type": "text/csv", "Content-Disposition": 'attachment; ' 'filename="Anyway-accidents-from-{0}-to-{1}.csv"' .format(kwargs["start_date"].strftime(date_format), kwargs["end_date"].strftime(date_format)) }) else: # defaults to json return generate_json(accidents, discussions, is_thin)
def import_to_datastore(): from models import User, Marker i = 0 session = db_session() commit_every = 500 for irow, data in enumerate(import_data()): show_progress_spinner() marker = Marker( user=None, title="Accident", description=data["description"].decode("utf8"), address=data["address"].decode("utf8"), latitude=data["lat"], longitude=data["lng"], type=Marker.MARKER_TYPE_ACCIDENT, subtype=data["severity"], created=data["date"], ) session.add(marker) if irow > 0 and irow % commit_every == 0: flush_and_commit(session)
@app.route('/json/places/<int:place_id>/<int:marker_id>/', methods=['GET']) def json_catalog_catagory_items(place_id, marker_id): """Handle JSON-requests for a marker""" marker = Marker.query.filter_by(place_id=place_id, id=marker_id, archived=False).first() return jsonify(marker.serialize) # hook up extensions to app db.init_app(app) if __name__ == "__main__": if "--setup" in sys.argv: with app.app_context(): db.drop_all() db.create_all() import setup for setup_place in setup.places: db.session.add(Place(**setup_place)) for setup_marker in setup.markers: db.session.add(Marker(**setup_marker)) db.session.commit() print("Database tables created") else: if app.config['DEBUG'] is True: # setup scss-folders Scss(app, static_dir='static/css/', asset_dir='assets/scss/') get_yelp_access_token()'', port=app.config['PORT'])
def test_approx_filter(self): kwargs = self.query_args.copy() kwargs['accurate'] = False markers = Marker.bounding_box_query(yield_per=50, **kwargs) for marker in markers: self.assertTrue(marker.locationAccuracy != 1)
def test_light_severity_filter(self): kwargs = self.query_args.copy() kwargs['show_light'] = False markers = Marker.bounding_box_query(yield_per=50, **kwargs) for marker in markers: self.assertTrue(marker.severity != 3)
async def load_location(sid: str, location: Location, *, complete=False): pr: PlayerRoom = game_state.get(sid) if pr.active_location != location: pr.active_location = location # 1. Load client options client_options = pr.player.as_dict() client_options["location_user_options"] = LocationUserOption.get( user=pr.player, location=location).as_dict() client_options["default_user_options"] = pr.player.default_options.as_dict( ) if pr.user_options: client_options["room_user_options"] = pr.user_options.as_dict() await sio.emit("Client.Options.Set", client_options, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS) # 2. Load room info if complete: await sio.emit( "Room.Info.Set", { "name":, "creator":, "invitationCode": str(, "isLocked":, "default_options":, "players": [{ "id":, "name":, "location":, "role": rp.role, } for rp in], "publicName": config.get("General", "public_name", fallback=""), }, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) # 3. Load location await sio.emit("Location.Set", location.as_dict(), room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS) # 4. Load all location settings (DM) if complete and pr.role == Role.DM: await sio.emit( "Locations.Settings.Set", { {} if l.options is None else l.options.as_dict() for l in }, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) # 5. Load Board locations = [{ "id":, "name":, "archived": l.archived } for l in] await sio.emit("Board.Locations.Set", locations, room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS) floors = [floor for floor in location.floors.order_by(Floor.index)] if "active_floor" in client_options["location_user_options"]: index = next(i for i, f in enumerate(floors) if == client_options["location_user_options"]["active_floor"]) lower_floors = floors[index - 1::-1] if index > 0 else [] higher_floors = floors[index + 1:] if index < len(floors) else [] floors = [floors[index], *lower_floors, *higher_floors] for floor in floors: await sio.emit( "Board.Floor.Set", floor.as_dict(pr.player, pr.role == Role.DM), room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) # 6. Load Initiative location_data = Initiative.get_or_none(location=location) if location_data: await sio.emit("Initiative.Set", location_data.as_dict(), room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS) # 7. Load labels if complete: labels = == pr.player) | (Label.visible == True)) label_filters = (LabelSelection.user == pr.player) & ( == await sio.emit( "Labels.Set", [l.as_dict() for l in labels], room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) await sio.emit( "Labels.Filters.Set", [l.label.uuid for l in label_filters], room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) # 8. Load Notes await sio.emit( "Notes.Set", [ note.as_dict() for note in == pr.player) & ( == ], room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) # 9. Load Markers await sio.emit( "Markers.Set", [ marker.as_string() for marker in (Marker.user == pr.player) & (Marker.location == location)) ], room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, ) # 10. Load Assets if complete: await sio.emit( "Asset.List.Set", Asset.get_user_structure(pr.player), room=sid, namespace=GAME_NS, )
def index(marker=None, message=None): context = {'url': request.base_url, 'index_url': request.url_root} context['CONST'] = CONST.to_dict() #logging.debug("Debug CONST:{0}",context['CONST']) if 'marker' in request.values: markers = Marker.get_marker(request.values['marker']) if markers.count() == 1: marker = markers[0] context['coordinates'] = (marker.latitude, marker.longitude) context['marker'] = else: message = u"תאונה לא נמצאה: " + request.values['marker'] elif 'discussion' in request.values: discussions = DiscussionMarker.get_by_identifier(request.values['discussion']) if discussions.count() == 1: marker = discussions[0] context['coordinates'] = (marker.latitude, marker.longitude) context['discussion'] = marker.identifier else: message = gettext(u"Discussion not found:") + request.values['discussion'] if 'start_date' in request.values: context['start_date'] = string2timestamp(request.values['start_date']) elif marker: context['start_date'] = year2timestamp(marker.created.year) if 'end_date' in request.values: context['end_date'] = string2timestamp(request.values['end_date']) elif marker: context['end_date'] = year2timestamp(marker.created.year + 1) for attr in 'show_inaccurate', 'zoom': if attr in request.values: context[attr] = request.values[attr] if 'map_only' in request.values: if request.values['map_only'] in ('1', 'true'): context['map_only'] = 1 if 'lat' in request.values and 'lon' in request.values: context['coordinates'] = (request.values['lat'], request.values['lon']) for attr in 'approx', 'accurate', 'show_markers', 'show_discussions', 'show_urban', 'show_intersection', 'show_lane',\ 'show_day', 'show_holiday', 'show_time', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'weather', 'road', 'separation',\ 'surface', 'acctype', 'controlmeasure', 'district', 'case_type', 'show_fatal', 'show_severe', 'show_light': value = request.values.get(attr) if value is not None: context[attr] = value or '-1' if message: context['message'] = message pref_accident_severity = [] pref_light = PreferenceObject('prefLight', '2', u"קלה") pref_severe = PreferenceObject('prefSevere', '1', u"חמורה") pref_fatal = PreferenceObject('prefFatal', '0', u"קטלנית") pref_accident_severity.extend([pref_light,pref_severe,pref_fatal]) context['pref_accident_severity'] = pref_accident_severity pref_accident_report_severity = [] pref_report_light = PreferenceObject('prefReportLight', '2', u"קלה") pref_report_severe = PreferenceObject('prefReportSevere', '1', u"חמורה") pref_report_fatal = PreferenceObject('prefReportFatal', '0', u"קטלנית") pref_accident_report_severity.extend([pref_report_light,pref_report_severe,pref_report_fatal]) context['pref_accident_report_severity'] = pref_accident_report_severity pref_historical_report_periods = [] month_strings = [u"אחד", u"שניים", u"שלושה", u"ארבעה", u"חמישה", u"שישה", u"שבעה", u"שמונה", u"תשעה", \ u"עשרה", u"אחד עשר", u"שניים עשר"] for x in range(0, 12): pref_historical_report_periods.append(PreferenceObject('prefHistoricalReport' + str(x+1) + 'Month', str(x+1), month_strings[x])) context['pref_historical_report_periods'] = pref_historical_report_periods pref_radius = [] for x in range(1,5): pref_radius.append(PreferenceObject('prefRadius' + str(x * 500), x * 500, x * 500)) context['pref_radius'] = pref_radius today = context['default_end_date_format'] = request.values.get('end_date', today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) context['default_start_date_format'] = request.values.get('start_date', (today - datetime.timedelta(days=1095)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) return render_template('index.html', **context)
def parse_xml(self, path, module): logger.debug("parsing xml: %s", path) # lookup tables lookup = {} lookup["encounter"] = {} lookup["page"] = {} lookup["map"] = {} lookup["image"] = {} lookup["npc"] = {} lookup["quest"] = {} # arrays pages = [] maps = [] groups = [] encounters = [] # xml tree tree = ElementTree.parse(path) root = tree.getroot() # NPCS"parsing npcs") for category in root.findall("./npc/category"): for node in category.findall("*"): tag = node.tag name = node.find("name").text npc = NPC() = name lookup["npc"][tag] = npc # PAGES"parsing pages") parent = Group() = "Story" parent.slug = slugify( groups.append(parent) for category in root.findall("./encounter/category"): group = Group() = category.get("name") group.slug = slugify( group.parent = parent if == None or == "": group = parent else: groups.append(group) # get all pages for node in category.findall("*"): # tag tag = node.tag # create page page = Page() page.meta["tag"] = tag = node.find("name").text page.slug = slugify( page.content = ElementTree.tostring( node.find("text"), encoding='utf-8', method='xml').decode('utf-8') page.parent = group pages.append(page) lookup["page"][tag] = page # QUESTS"parsing quests") parent = Group() = "Quests" parent.slug = slugify( groups.append(parent) # some modules got, so use this instead for node in root.findall("./quest/*/*"): # for node in root.findall("./quest/*"): # tag tag = node.tag # create quest page = Page() page.meta["tag"] = id = node.find("name").text page.slug = slugify( page.content = ElementTree.tostring(node.find("description"), encoding='utf-8', method='xml').decode('utf-8') cr = node.find("cr").text if node.find("cr") else "" xp = node.find("xp").text if node.find("xp") else "" page.content += '<p><strong>CR:</strong> ' + cr + ' <strong>XP:</strong> ' + xp + '</p>' page.parent = parent pages.append(page) lookup["quest"][tag] = page # sort pages_sorted = humansorted(pages, key=lambda x: # MAPS & IMAGES"parsing images and maps") parent = Group() = "Maps & Images" parent.slug = slugify( groups.append(parent) for category in root.findall("./image/category"): group = Group() = category.get("name") group.slug = slugify( group.parent = parent if == None or == "": group = parent else: groups.append(group) for node in category.findall("*"): # tag tag = node.tag # create image image = Image() image.tag = tag image.bitmap = node.find("./image/bitmap").text.replace( "\\", "/") = node.find("name").text lookup["image"][tag] = image markers = [] # get shortcouts (markers) for shortcut in node.findall("./image/shortcuts/shortcut"): # create marker marker = Marker() marker.x = shortcut.find("x").text marker.y = shortcut.find("y").text shortcut_ref = shortcut.find("recordname").text.replace( "encounter.", "").replace("@*", "") page = None if shortcut_ref in lookup["page"]: page = lookup["page"][shortcut_ref] # remove chapter numbers from page name # maybe use a regex? name = if " " in first, second =' ', 1) if "." in first: name = second = name marker.contentRef = "/page/" + page.slug markers.append(marker) if markers: # if markers not empty, its a map map = Map() map.parent = group map.meta["tag"] = tag = map.slug = slugify( map.image = image.bitmap if node.find("./image/gridsize") != None: map.gridSize = node.find("./image/gridsize").text if node.find("./image/gridoffset") != None: gridOffset = node.find("./image/gridoffset").text map.gridOffsetX = gridOffset.split(",")[0] map.gridOffsetY = gridOffset.split(",")[1] map.markers = markers maps.append(map) lookup["map"][tag] = map else: # otherwise, its a image page = Page() page.parent = group page.meta["tag"] = tag = page.slug = slugify( page.content = '<p><img class="size-full" src="' + image.bitmap + '" /></p>' pages_sorted.append(page) # do not add to lookup tables # sort maps_sorted = humansorted(maps, key=lambda x: # ENCOUNTERS"parsing encounters") parent = Group() = "Encounters" parent.slug = slugify( groups.append(parent) for category in root.findall("./battle/category"): group = Group() = category.get("name") group.slug = slugify( group.parent = parent if == None or == "": group = parent else: groups.append(group) for node in category.findall("*"): # tag tag = node.tag # create encounter encounter = Encounter() encounter.meta["tag"] = tag encounter.parent = group = node.find("name").text encounter.slug = slugify( encounters.append(encounter) lookup["encounter"][tag] = encounter # get combatants for npcnode in node.find("npclist").findall("*"): # get positions maplinks = npcnode.findall("./maplink/*") # combatants count count = int(npcnode.find("count").text) # iterate for x in range(count): combatant = Combatant() = npcnode.find("name").text encounter.combatants.append(combatant) # if position on map if len(maplinks) == count: maplinknode = maplinks[x] if maplinknode.find("./imagex") != None: combatant.x = maplinknode.find("./imagex").text if maplinknode.find("./imagey") != None: combatant.y = maplinknode.find("./imagey").text encounters_sorted = humansorted(encounters, key=lambda x: # custom regex for processing links def href_replace(match): key = str("@")[0] type = if type == "image" and key in lookup["map"]: return 'href="/map/' + lookup["map"][key].slug elif type == "image" and key in lookup["image"]: return 'href="' + lookup["image"][key].bitmap elif type == "encounter" and key in lookup["page"]: return 'href="' + lookup["page"][key].slug elif type == "battle" and key in lookup["encounter"]: return 'href="/encounter/' + lookup["encounter"][key].slug elif type == "quest" and key in lookup["quest"]: return 'href="' + lookup["quest"][key].slug else: return key # fix content tags in pages for page in pages_sorted: content = page.content # maybe regex content = content.replace('<text type="formattedtext">', '').replace('<text>', '').replace('</text>', '') content = content.replace('<description type="formattedtext">', '').replace('<description>', '').replace( '</description>', '') content = content.replace('<frame>', '<blockquote class="read">').replace( '</frame>', '</blockquote>') content = content.replace('<frameid>DM</frameid>', '') content = content.replace('\r', '<br />') content = content.replace('<h>', '<h3>').replace('</h>', '</h3>') content = content.replace('<list>', '<ul>').replace('</list>', '</ul>') # content = content.replace("<linklist>", "<ul>").replace("</linklist>", "</ul>") content = content.replace('<linklist>', '').replace('</linklist>', '') content = content.replace('<link', '<p><a').replace('</link>', '</a></p>') content = content.replace(' recordname', ' href') content = content.strip() # fix links content = re.sub( r'href=[\'"]?(encounter|battle|image|quest)\.([^\'">]+)', href_replace, content) # add title if content.startswith('<h3>'): page.content = content.replace('<h3>', '<h2>', 1).replace('</h3>', '</h2>', 1) else: page.content = '<h2>' + + '</h2>' + content # assign data to module module.groups = groups module.pages = pages_sorted module.maps = maps_sorted module.encounters = encounters_sorted return module
def retrieve_clusters(ne_lat, ne_lng, sw_lat, sw_lng, start_date, end_date, fatal, severe, light, inaccurate, zoom): start_time = time.time() filtered_markers = Marker.bounding_box_query(ne_lat, ne_lng, sw_lat, sw_lng, start_date, end_date, fatal, severe, light, inaccurate).all() print('bounding_box_query took ' + str(time.time() - start_time)) return generate_clusters_json(filtered_markers, zoom)
def index(marker=None, message=None): context = {'url': request.base_url, 'index_url': request.url_root} context['CONST'] = CONST.to_dict() #logging.debug("Debug CONST:{0}",context['CONST']) if 'marker' in request.values: markers = Marker.get_marker(request.values['marker']) if markers.count() == 1: marker = markers[0] context['coordinates'] = (marker.latitude, marker.longitude) context['marker'] = else: message = u"תאונה לא נמצאה: " + request.values['marker'] elif 'discussion' in request.values: discussions = DiscussionMarker.get_by_identifier( request.values['discussion']) if discussions.count() == 1: marker = discussions[0] context['coordinates'] = (marker.latitude, marker.longitude) context['discussion'] = marker.identifier else: message = gettext( u"Discussion not found:") + request.values['discussion'] if 'start_date' in request.values: context['start_date'] = string2timestamp(request.values['start_date']) elif marker: context['start_date'] = year2timestamp(marker.created.year) if 'end_date' in request.values: context['end_date'] = string2timestamp(request.values['end_date']) elif marker: context['end_date'] = year2timestamp(marker.created.year + 1) for attr in 'show_inaccurate', 'zoom': if attr in request.values: context[attr] = request.values[attr] if 'map_only' in request.values: if request.values['map_only'] in ('1', 'true'): context['map_only'] = 1 if 'lat' in request.values and 'lon' in request.values: context['coordinates'] = (request.values['lat'], request.values['lon']) for attr in 'approx', 'accurate', 'show_markers', 'show_discussions', 'show_urban', 'show_intersection', 'show_lane',\ 'show_day', 'show_holiday', 'show_time', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'weather', 'road', 'separation',\ 'surface', 'acctype', 'controlmeasure', 'district', 'case_type', 'show_fatal', 'show_severe', 'show_light': value = request.values.get(attr) if value is not None: context[attr] = value or '-1' if message: context['message'] = message pref_accident_severity = [] pref_light = PreferenceObject('prefLight', '2', u"קלה") pref_severe = PreferenceObject('prefSevere', '1', u"חמורה") pref_fatal = PreferenceObject('prefFatal', '0', u"קטלנית") pref_accident_severity.extend([pref_light, pref_severe, pref_fatal]) context['pref_accident_severity'] = pref_accident_severity pref_accident_report_severity = [] pref_report_light = PreferenceObject('prefReportLight', '2', u"קלה") pref_report_severe = PreferenceObject('prefReportSevere', '1', u"חמורה") pref_report_fatal = PreferenceObject('prefReportFatal', '0', u"קטלנית") pref_accident_report_severity.extend( [pref_report_light, pref_report_severe, pref_report_fatal]) context['pref_accident_report_severity'] = pref_accident_report_severity pref_historical_report_periods = [] month_strings = [u"אחד", u"שניים", u"שלושה", u"ארבעה", u"חמישה", u"שישה", u"שבעה", u"שמונה", u"תשעה", \ u"עשרה", u"אחד עשר", u"שניים עשר"] for x in range(0, 12): pref_historical_report_periods.append( PreferenceObject('prefHistoricalReport' + str(x + 1) + 'Month', str(x + 1), month_strings[x])) context['pref_historical_report_periods'] = pref_historical_report_periods pref_radius = [] for x in range(1, 5): pref_radius.append( PreferenceObject('prefRadius' + str(x * 500), x * 500, x * 500)) context['pref_radius'] = pref_radius today = context['default_end_date_format'] = request.values.get( 'end_date', today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) context['default_start_date_format'] = request.values.get( 'start_date', (today - datetime.timedelta(days=1095)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) return render_template('index.html', **context)
def get_project_report_user(project_id, user_id): markers = ProjectStack.project == project_id, Marker.app_user == user_id) markers = [m.marker_type for m in markers] return jsonify({ 'markers': [markers] })
import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base import datetime from constants import CONST db_connection_string = os.environ.get('CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL') print "using connection string: %s" % db_connection_string engine = create_engine(db_connection_string, convert_unicode=True, echo=True) autocommit = False # Autocommit does not seem to work db_session = sessionmaker(autocommit=autocommit, autoflush=True, bind=engine) Base = declarative_base() session = db_session() from models import Marker marker = Marker( user=None, title="Accident", description="sample accident", address="sample address", latitude="00.33", longitude="00.22", type=CONST.MARKER_TYPE_ACCIDENT, subtype="",, ) session.add(marker) if not autocommit: session.commit()