def deleteSessionInWishlist(self, request):
        """Delete sessions in users wishlist."""
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # item = WishList.query(ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.sessionKey))
        # item.delete()

        # key = ndb.Key(
        # print key
        # print "I just used the key"
        testQ = WishList.query()
        filtered = testQ.filter(WishList.sessionKey ==
        # print filtered
        # p = testQ.filter(WishList.sessionKey == and WishList.userID == user_id)
        for t in filtered:

        websafeKey = StringMessage()
        # Fedback to user, confirming item in wishlist was deleted. = "wishlist item deleted"

        return websafeKey
    def addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
        """Adds conference to users wishlist."""
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        p_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.sessionKey)
        print p_key

        wishItem = WishList(parent=p_key)

        #Assign the wishlist item to have both a sessionkey to get he session and the user_id to correctly call it
        #back uniquely to that user.
        wishItem.sessionKey = request.sessionKey
        wishItem.userID = user_id


        # This is just setting up the message to return to the user
        websafeKey = StringMessage() = "Successfully added to wishlist: " + request.sessionKey

        testQ = WishList.query()

        #Just return the message confirming that the session was added to the wishlist
        return websafeKey