def _createWishlistObject(self, request):
        """ Create or update Wishlist object, returning WishlistForm
        # Preload and validate necessary data items
        user = self.get_authed_user()
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        prof_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)

        if not request.websafeKey:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('Session websafeKey required')

        session = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeKey)
        if not session:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No session found with key: {}'.format(request.websafeKey))

        # copy WishlistForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = {
            for field in request.all_fields()
        del data['websafeKey']

        sess_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeKey)
        data['session'] = sess_key

        wishlist_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=prof_key)[0]
        wishlist_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, wishlist_id, parent=prof_key)
        data['key'] = wishlist_key


        return self._copyWishlistToForm(wishlist_key.get())
    def addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
        """ Add a session to the current user's Wishlist """
        # get current user
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)

            # get the session to be wishlisted
            session = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeSessionKey).get()
        except ProtocolBufferDecodeError:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No session found with key: %s' % request.websafeSessionKey)
        # first try to find wishlist of the current user
        wishlist = Wishlist.query(ancestor=p_key).get()
        if not wishlist:
            # create a wishlist if nothing was found
            wishlist = Wishlist(userId = user_id)
            w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
            w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)

        # Add session key to wishlist

        # Update the session wishlist counter
        session.wishlistCount += 1

        return self._copyWishlistToForm(wishlist)
Esempio n. 3
    def _createWishlistObject(self, request):
        """Create Wishlist object,
         returning WishlistForm/request."""
        # preload necessary data items
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        if not request.websafeSessionKey:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                "Session 'websafeSessionKey' field required")

        # copy WishlistForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = {
            for field in request.all_fields()

        data['user'] = user_id

        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
        w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
        w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)
        data['key'] = w_key

        return request
    def _createWishlistObject(self, request):
        """Create or update Wishlist object, returning WishlistForm/request."""
        user_id = self._getUser()
        p_key = self._getUserProfileKey(user_id)

        wssk = request.websafeSessionKey
        sess = ndb.Key(urlsafe=wssk).get()
        if not sess:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException("No session found with key: %s" % wssk)

        w = {}

        # Create a unique key
        w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
        w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)
        w["key"] = w_key

        # Check for an existing wishlist
        wish = Wishlist.query(ancestor=p_key).get()

        # If there is already a wishlist record, append this session to it,
        # otherwise create a new wishlist (unless its already in the wishlist)
        if not wish:
            w["sessions"] = [wssk]
        elif wssk in wish.sessions:
            raise ConflictException("You have already placed this session in your wishlist")
            w["sessions"] = [self._retrieveSession(cs_id) for cs_id in wish.sessions]

        return self.toWishlistForm(w)
Esempio n. 5
    def _createWishlistObject(self, request):
        """Create Wishlist object, returning WishlistForm/request."""
        # as usual make sure user is logged in
        user = self._getAuthUser()
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        data = { getattr(request, for field in request.all_fields()}
        sess  = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeSessionKey).get()
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
        q = Wishlist.query(ancestor=p_key). \

        if q:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('Session already in Wishlist')

        data['sessionName'] =
        data['userId'] = user_id
        data['duration'] = sess.duration
        # create Wishlist key with logged in user as the parent
        w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]          
        w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)
        data['key'] = w_key
        # create Wishlist entry
        wishlist = Wishlist(**data)
        return self._copyWishlistToForm(wishlist)
    def _getProfileFromUser(self):
        """Return user Profile from datastore, creating new one if non-existent."""
        # make sure user is authed
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        # get Profile from datastore
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
        profile = p_key.get()
        # create new Profile if not there
        if not profile:
            profile = Profile(
                key = p_key,
                displayName = user.nickname(),
                teeShirtSize = str(TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED),

            w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
            w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)

            wishlist = Wishlist(
                key = w_key,
                sessionKeys = []


        return profile      # return Profile
    def _createWishlistObject(self, request):
        """ Create or update Wishlist object, returning WishlistForm
        # Preload and validate necessary data items
        user = self.get_authed_user()
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        prof_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)

        if not request.websafeKey:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('Session websafeKey required')

        session = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeKey)
        if not session:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No session found with key: {}'.format(request.websafeKey)

        # copy WishlistForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = { getattr(request,
                for field in request.all_fields()}
        del data['websafeKey']

        sess_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeKey)
        data['session'] = sess_key

        wishlist_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=prof_key)[0]
        wishlist_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, wishlist_id, parent=prof_key)
        data['key'] = wishlist_key


        return self._copyWishlistToForm(wishlist_key.get())
Esempio n. 8
    def addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
        """This function adds given session to wishlist."""
        # check for authentication
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # check for SessionKey
        if not request.SessionKey:
                raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                    "'SessionKey' field required")

        # Try and get the session object
        s_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.SessionKey)
        sess = s_key.get()
        if not sess:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No Session found with key: %s' % request.SessionKey)

        # Add to wishlist
        # get Profile from datastore
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
        profile = p_key.get()
        if not profile:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No profile found')

        # Check that the session does not already exist
        # Prevent the same session from being added to wishlist
        query = Wishlist.query(ancestor=p_key)
        query = query.filter(Wishlist.sessionKey == request.SessionKey)
        if len(query.fetch()) != 0:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                "That session is already in your wishlist")

        # generate Wishlist ID based on User ID
        w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
        w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)

        # save new wishlist to datastore
        newWish = Wishlist(sessionKey=request.SessionKey)
        newWish.key = w_key

        return request
Esempio n. 9
    def addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
        """This function adds given session to wishlist."""
        # check for authentication
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # check for SessionKey
        if not request.SessionKey:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("'SessionKey' field required")

        # Try and get the session object
        s_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.SessionKey)
        sess = s_key.get()
        if not sess:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No Session found with key: %s' %

        # Add to wishlist
        # get Profile from datastore
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
        profile = p_key.get()
        if not profile:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No profile found')

        # Check that the session does not already exist
        # Prevent the same session from being added to wishlist
        query = Wishlist.query(ancestor=p_key)
        query = query.filter(Wishlist.sessionKey == request.SessionKey)
        if len(query.fetch()) != 0:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                "That session is already in your wishlist")

        # generate Wishlist ID based on User ID
        w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
        w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)

        # save new wishlist to datastore
        newWish = Wishlist(sessionKey=request.SessionKey)
        newWish.key = w_key

        return request
Esempio n. 10
    def _createWishlistObject(self, request):
        """Create or update Wishlist object, returning WishlistForm/request."""

        # check auth
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        # check sessionName exists
        if not request.sessionName:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Name required')
        # get userId
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # get session key
        this_session = Session.query( == request.sessionName).get()

        # populate dict
        data = {
            'userId': user_id,
            'sessionName': request.sessionName,
            'sessionKey': this_session.key,
            'typeOfSession': this_session.typeOfSession

        # generate wishlist key from session key
        p_key = this_session.key
        c_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
        c_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, c_id, parent=p_key)
        data['key'] = c_key

        # query wishlist, filter by userId and sessionName, then count
        q = Wishlist.query()
        q = q.filter(Wishlist.userId == user_id)

        # if this session already in user's wishlist, bounce
        for i in q:
            if i.sessionKey == this_session.key:
                raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException(
                    'Session already added to wishlist')

        # save to wishlist
        return request
Esempio n. 11
 def addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
     """Copy Session to Wishlist"""
     # first of all there is a need to check if this session is
     # already in wishlist:
     sessInWishlist = Wishlist.query(
         Wishlist.sessionKey == request.SessionKey).count()
     if sessInWishlist != 0:
         raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
             "Denied, you can't create one session in wishlist twice")
         # get session and key:
         session_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.SessionKey)
         session = session_key.get()
         # allocating id for session in wishlist:
         sess_wish_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=session.key)[0]
         # making key for session in wish, parent is just session:
         sess_wish_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, sess_wish_id, parent=session.key)
         # in order not to deal with converting
         # dateandtime objects to string setting new
         # variables:
         date, startTime = None, None
         if is not None:
             date =
         if session.startTime is not None:
             startTime = session.startTime
             del session.startTime
         # making form from session to make dict and then give
         # that dict into Wishlist:
         session_form = self._copySessionToForm(session)
         # making dict with all data:
         data = { getattr(session_form,
                 for field in session_form.all_fields()}
         data['date'] = date
         data['startTime'] = startTime
         data['sessionKey'] = session_key.urlsafe()
         # adding session_wish key to dict:
         data['key'] = sess_wish_key
     return session_form
    def _addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        s_keys = []
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)

        # Get the session keys and verify if the exist
            sessionKeys = request.sessionKeys
            for sess in sessionKeys:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Invalid 'session' value")

        # check and see if user currently has wish list
        wl = Wishlist.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)).get()

        # if wishlist exists, check to see if session keys exists in wishlist
        # if not, add
        if wl:
            for key in s_keys:
                if key not in wl.sessionKeys:
            return self._copyWishlistToForm(wl)
        # else create Wishlist object
            # copy WishlistForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
            data = {'sessionKeys': s_keys}

            w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
            w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)
            data['key'] = w_key

            return request
Esempio n. 13
    def _createWishlistObject(self, request):
        """Create or update Wishlist object, returning WishlistForm/request."""

        # check auth
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        # check sessionName exists
        if not request.sessionName:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Name required')
        # get userId
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # get session key
        this_session = Session.query( == request.sessionName).get()

        # populate dict
        data = {'userId': user_id, 'sessionName': request.sessionName, 'sessionKey': this_session.key,
                'typeOfSession': this_session.typeOfSession}

        # generate wishlist key from session key
        p_key = this_session.key
        c_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
        c_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, c_id, parent=p_key)
        data['key'] = c_key

        # query wishlist, filter by userId and sessionName, then count
        q = Wishlist.query()
        q = q.filter(Wishlist.userId == user_id)

        # if this session already in user's wishlist, bounce
        for i in q:
            if i.sessionKey == this_session.key:
                raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Session already added to wishlist')

        # save to wishlist
        return request
Esempio n. 14
    def addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)

        # see if there is a wishlist already
        query = Wishlist.query(ancestor=p_key)
        session_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeSessionKey)
        if query.count():
            wishlist = query.get()
            w_id = Wishlist.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
            w_key = ndb.Key(Wishlist, w_id, parent=p_key)
            data = {}
            data['key'] = w_key
            data['sessions'] = []
            w_key = Wishlist(**data).put()
        return BooleanMessage(data=True)