Esempio n. 1
def inner_product_array(
    num_states, num_rows, num_cols, max_vecs_per_node, verbosity=1):
    Computes inner products from known vecs.

    Remember that rows correspond to adjoint modes and cols to direct modes
    col_vec_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir, col_vec_name%col_num))
        for col_num in mr.range(num_cols)]
    row_vec_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir, row_vec_name%row_num))
        for row_num in mr.range(num_rows)]

    generate_vecs(data_dir, num_states, row_vec_handles+col_vec_handles)

    my_VS = mr.VectorSpaceHandles(
        np.vdot, max_vecs_per_node=max_vecs_per_node, verbosity=verbosity)

    prof = cProfile.Profile()
    start_time = time.time()
        my_VS.compute_inner_product_array, *(col_vec_handles, row_vec_handles))
    total_time = time.time() - start_time

    return total_time
Esempio n. 2
def lin_combine(
    num_states, num_bases, num_products, max_vecs_per_node, verbosity=1):
    Computes linear combination of vecs from saved vecs and random coeffs

    num_bases is number of vecs to be linearly combined
    num_products is the resulting number of vecs

    basis_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir, basis_name%basis_num))
        for basis_num in mr.range(num_bases)]
    product_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir,
        for product_num in mr.range(num_products)]

    generate_vecs(data_dir, num_states, basis_handles)
    my_VS = mr.VectorSpaceHandles(
        inner_product=np.vdot, max_vecs_per_node=max_vecs_per_node,
    coeff_array = np.random.random((num_bases, num_products))

    prof = cProfile.Profile()
    start_time = time.time()
    prof.runcall(my_VS.lin_combine, *(product_handles, basis_handles,
    total_time = time.time() - start_time
    return total_time
Esempio n. 3
def inner_product_array(
    num_states, num_rows, num_cols, max_vecs_per_node, verbosity=1):
    Computes inner products from known vecs.

    Remember that rows correspond to adjoint modes and cols to direct modes
    col_vec_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir, col_vec_name%col_num))
        for col_num in mr.range(num_cols)]
    row_vec_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir, row_vec_name%row_num))
        for row_num in mr.range(num_rows)]

    generate_vecs(data_dir, num_states, row_vec_handles+col_vec_handles)

    my_VS = mr.VectorSpaceHandles(
        inner_product=np.vdot, max_vecs_per_node=max_vecs_per_node,

    prof = cProfile.Profile()
    start_time = time.time()
        my_VS.compute_inner_product_array, *(col_vec_handles, row_vec_handles))
    total_time = time.time() - start_time

    return total_time
Esempio n. 4
def lin_combine(
    num_states, num_bases, num_products, max_vecs_per_node, verbosity=1):
    Computes linear combination of vecs from saved vecs and random coeffs

    num_bases is number of vecs to be linearly combined
    num_products is the resulting number of vecs

    basis_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir, basis_name%basis_num))
        for basis_num in mr.range(num_bases)]
    product_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir,
        for product_num in mr.range(num_products)]

    generate_vecs(data_dir, num_states, basis_handles)
    my_VS = mr.VectorSpaceHandles(np.vdot, max_vecs_per_node=max_vecs_per_node,
    coeff_array = np.random.random((num_bases, num_products))

    prof = cProfile.Profile()
    start_time = time.time()
    prof.runcall(my_VS.lin_combine, *(product_handles, basis_handles,
    total_time = time.time() - start_time
    return total_time
Esempio n. 5
def herdif(n, m, b):
    """Computes differentiation arrays D1, D2, ..., Dm on Hermite points.

        n: Number of points, which is also the order of accuracy.
        m: Number of derivative arrays to return.
        b: Scaling parameter. Real and positive.

        x: Array of nodes, zeros of Hermite polynomial of degree n, scaled by b.
        Dm: A list s.t. Dm[i] is the (i+1)-th derivative array, i=0...m-1.

    Note: 0 < m < n-1.
    x = herroots(n)

    # Compute weights
    alpha = np.exp(-x ** 2 / 2.)

    # Set up beta array s.t. beta[i,j] =
    #  ( (i+1)-th derivative of alpha(x) )/alpha(x), evaluated at x = x(j)
    beta = np.zeros((m + 1, x.shape[0]))
    beta[0] = 1.
    beta[1] = -x
    for i in mr.range(2, m + 1):
        beta[i] = -x * beta[i - 1] - (i - 1) * beta[i - 2]

    # Remove initializing row from beta
    beta = np.delete(beta, 0, 0)

    # Compute differentiation array (b=1)
    Dm = poldif(x, alpha=alpha, B=beta)

    # Scale nodes by the factor b
    x = x/b

    # Adjust derivatives for b not equal to 1
    for i in mr.range(1, m + 1):
        Dm[i-1] *= b ** i

    return x, Dm
Esempio n. 6
def symm_inner_product_array(
    num_states, num_vecs, max_vecs_per_node, verbosity=1):
    Computes symmetric inner product array from known vecs (as in POD).
    vec_handles = [mr.VecHandlePickle(join(data_dir, row_vec_name%row_num))
        for row_num in mr.range(num_vecs)]

    generate_vecs(data_dir, num_states, vec_handles)

    my_VS = mr.VectorSpaceHandles(
        np.vdot, max_vecs_per_node=max_vecs_per_node, verbosity=verbosity)

    prof = cProfile.Profile()
    start_time = time.time()
    prof.runcall(my_VS.compute_symm_inner_product_array, vec_handles)
    total_time = time.time() - start_time

    return total_time
Esempio n. 7
import numpy as np

import modred as mr

# Create random data
num_vecs = 100
nx = 100
vecs = np.random.random((nx, num_vecs))

# Define non-uniform grid and corresponding inner product weights
x_grid = 1. - np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi, nx))
x_diff = np.diff(x_grid)
weights = 0.5 * np.append(np.append(x_diff[0], x_diff[:-1] + x_diff[1:]),

# Compute POD
num_modes = 10
POD_res = mr.compute_POD_arrays_direct_method(vecs,
modes = POD_res.modes
eigvals = POD_res.eigvals
Esempio n. 8

# Create directory for output files
out_dir = 'tutorial_ex5_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Create artificial sample times used as quadrature weights in POD
num_vecs = 100
quad_weights = np.logspace(1., 3., num=num_vecs)
base_vec_handle = mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/base_vec.pkl' % out_dir)
snapshots = [
        '%s/vec%d.pkl' % (out_dir, i),base_vec_handle=base_vec_handle,
    for i in mr.range(num_vecs)]

# Save arbitrary snapshot data
num_elements = 2000
if parallel.is_rank_zero():
    for snap in snapshots + [base_vec_handle]:

# Compute and save POD modes
my_POD = mr.PODHandles(np.vdot)
my_POD.put_decomp('%s/sing_vals.txt' % out_dir, '%s/sing_vecs.txt' % out_dir)
my_POD.put_correlation_array('%s/correlation_array.txt' % out_dir)
mode_indices = [1, 4, 5, 0, 10]
modes = [
Esempio n. 9
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os

from modred import parallel
import modred as mr  # modred must be installed.

# Run tutorial scripts
for i in mr.range(1, 7):
    if not parallel.is_distributed():
        mr.run_script('' % i)
    if parallel.is_distributed() and i >= 3:
        mr.run_script('' % i)

# Run reduced-order model scripts
for i in mr.range(1, 3):
    if not parallel.is_distributed():
        mr.run_script('' % i)
    if parallel.is_distributed() and i > 1:
        mr.run_script('' % i)

# Run CGL scripts
if not parallel.is_distributed():
Esempio n. 10
import numpy as np

import modred as mr

# Create random data
num_vecs = 100
nx = 100
vecs = np.random.random((nx, num_vecs))

# Define non-uniform grid and corresponding inner product weights
x_grid = 1. - np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi, nx))
x_diff = np.diff(x_grid)
weights = 0.5 * np.append(np.append(
    x_diff[0], x_diff[:-1] + x_diff[1:]), x_diff[-1])

# Compute POD
num_modes = 10
POD_res = mr.compute_POD_arrays_direct_method(
    vecs, list(mr.range(num_modes)), inner_product_weights=weights)
modes = POD_res.modes
eigvals = POD_res.eigvals
Esempio n. 11
weights[-1] = 0.5 * (x[-1] - x[-2])
weights[1:-1] = 0.5 * (x[2:] - x[0:-2])
M = np.diag(weights)
inv_M = np.linalg.inv(M)
M_sqrt = np.diag(weights ** 0.5)
inv_M_sqrt = np.diag(weights ** -0.5)

# LTI system arrays for direct and adjoint ("_adj") systems
mu = (mu_0 - c_u ** 2) + mu_2 * x ** 2 / 2.
A = -nu * Ds[0] + gamma * Ds[1] + np.diag(mu)

# Compute optimal disturbance and use it as B array
A_discrete = spla.expm(A * dt)
exp_array = np.identity(nx, dtype=complex)
max_sing_val = 0
for i in mr.range(1, 100):
    exp_array =
    U, E, VH = np.linalg.svd(
    if max_sing_val < E[0]:
        max_sing_val = E[0]
        optimal_dist = VH.conj().T[:, 0]
B =
C = np.exp(-((x - x_s) / s) ** 2).dot(M)
A_adj =
C_adj =

# Plot spatial distributions of B and C
if plots:
    plt.plot(x, B.real, 'b')
    plt.plot(x, B.imag, 'r')
Esempio n. 12
import os

import numpy as np

import modred as mr

# Create directory for output files
out_dir = 'tutorial_ex3_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Define handles for snapshots
num_vecs = 30
direct_snapshots = [
    mr.VecHandleArrayText('%s/direct_vec%d.txt' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_vecs)
adjoint_snapshots = [
    mr.VecHandleArrayText('%s/adjoint_vec%d.txt' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_vecs)

# Save random snapshot data in text files
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 200)
for i, snap in enumerate(direct_snapshots):
    snap.put(np.sin(x * i))
for i, snap in enumerate(adjoint_snapshots):
    snap.put(np.cos(0.5 * x * i))

# Calculate and save BPOD modes
my_BPOD = mr.BPODHandles(inner_product=np.vdot, max_vecs_per_node=10)
Esempio n. 13
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Helper script for looking at the scaling and profiling in parallel.

Give this script a number of processors and optionally a number of lines of
stats to print, e.g. ``python 24 40``
import sys
import pstats as ps

import modred as mr

prof_path = ''

num_procs = 1
num_stats = 30

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    num_procs = int(sys.argv[1])

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    num_procs = int(sys.argv[1])
    num_stats = int(sys.argv[2])

stats = ps.Stats(prof_path%0)
for rank in mr.range(1, num_procs):
    stats.add(prof_path % rank)

print('\n----- Sum of all processors stats -----')
Esempio n. 14
import numpy as np

from modred import parallel
import modred as mr

# Create directory for output files
out_dir = 'rom_ex2_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Create handles for modes
num_modes = 10
basis_vecs = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/dir_mode_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_modes)
adjoint_basis_vecs = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/adj_mode_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_modes)

# Define system dimensions and create handles for action on modes
num_inputs = 2
num_outputs = 4
A_on_basis_vecs = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/A_on_dir_mode_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_modes)
B_on_bases = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/B_on_basis_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
Esempio n. 15
def poldif(x, m=None, alpha=None, B=None):
    Computes the differentiation arrays D1, D2, ..., Dm on arbitrary nodes.

    The function is called with either keyword argument m OR
    keyword args alpha and B.
    If m is given, then the weight function is constant.
    If alpha and B are given, then the weights are defined by alpha and B.

        x: 1D array of n distinct nodes.

        m: Number of derivatives.
        alpha: 1D array of weight values alpha[x], evaluated at x = x[k].
        B: Array of size m x n where B[i,j] = beta[i,j] = ((i+1)-th derivative
            of alpha(x))/alpha(x), evaluated at x = x[j].

        Dm: A list s.t. Dm[i] is the (i+1)-th derivative array, i=0...m-1.

    Note: 0 < m < n-1.
    x = x.flatten()
    n = x.shape[0]
    if m is not None and B is None and alpha is None:
        alpha = np.ones(n)
        B = np.zeros((m, n))
    elif m is None and B is not None and alpha is not None:
       alpha = alpha.flatten()
       m = B.shape[0]
        raise RuntimeError('Keyword args to poldif are inconsistent.')

    XX = np.tile(x, (n, 1)).transpose()

    # DX contains entries x[k] - x[j].
    DX = XX - XX.transpose()

    # Put 1's one the main diagonal.
    np.fill_diagonal(DX, 1.)

    # C has entries c[k]/c[j].
    c = alpha *, 1)
    C = np.tile(c, (n, 1)).transpose()
    C = C / C.transpose()

    # Z has entries 1/(x[k]-x[j])
    Z = 1. / DX
    np.fill_diagonal(Z, 0.)

    # X is Z' but with the diagonal entries removed.
    X = Z.T
    X = ma.array(X.T, mask=np.identity(n)).compressed().reshape((n, n-1)).T

    # Y is array of cumulative sums and D is a differentiation array.
    Y = np.ones((n, n))
    D = np.eye(n)
    Dm = []
    for i in mr.range(1, m + 1):

        # Diagonals
        Y = np.cumsum(
                (B[i - 1].reshape((1, n)), i * Y[0:n - 1] * X), axis=0),

        # Off-diagonals
        D = i * Z * (C * np.tile(np.diag(D), (n, 1)).T - D)

        # Correct the diagonal
        D.flat[::n + 1] = Y[-1]

    return Dm
Esempio n. 16
import numpy as np

from modred import parallel
import modred as mr
from customvector import CustomVector, CustomVecHandle, inner_product

# Create directory for output files
out_dir = 'tutorial_ex6_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Define snapshot handles
direct_snapshots = [
    CustomVecHandle('%s/direct_snap%d.pkl' % (out_dir, i), scale=np.pi)
    for i in mr.range(10)
adjoint_snapshots = [
    CustomVecHandle('%s/adjoint_snap%d.pkl' % (out_dir, i), scale=np.pi)
    for i in mr.range(10)

# Create random snapshot data
nx = 50
ny = 30
nz = 20
x = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
y = np.logspace(1, 2, ny)
z = np.linspace(0, 1, nz)**2
if parallel.is_rank_zero():
    for snap in direct_snapshots + adjoint_snapshots:
Esempio n. 17
out_dir = 'tutorial_ex4_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Define non-uniform grid and corresponding inner product weights
nx = 80
ny = 100
x_grid = 1. - np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi, nx))
y_grid = np.linspace(0, 1., ny)**2
Y, X = np.meshgrid(y_grid, x_grid)

# Create random snapshot data
num_vecs = 100
snapshots = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/vec%d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_vecs)
if parallel.is_rank_zero():
    for i, snap in enumerate(snapshots):
        snap.put(np.sin(X * i) + np.cos(Y * i))

# Calculate DMD modes and save them to pickle files
weighted_IP = mr.InnerProductTrapz(x_grid, y_grid)
my_DMD = mr.DMDHandles(inner_product=weighted_IP)
my_DMD.put_decomp('%s/eigvals.txt' % out_dir,
                  '%s/R_low_order_eigvecs.txt' % out_dir,
                  '%s/L_low_order_eigvecs.txt' % out_dir,
                  '%s/correlation_array_eigvals.txt' % out_dir,
                  '%s/correlation_array_eigvecs.txt' % out_dir)
Esempio n. 18
from modred import parallel
import modred as mr

# Create directory for output files
out_dir = 'tutorial_ex5_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Create artificial sample times used as quadrature weights in POD
num_vecs = 100
quad_weights = np.logspace(1., 3., num=num_vecs)
base_vec_handle = mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/base_vec.pkl' % out_dir)
snapshots = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/vec%d.pkl' % (out_dir, i),
                       scale=quad_weights[i]) for i in mr.range(num_vecs)

# Save arbitrary snapshot data
num_elements = 2000
if parallel.is_rank_zero():
    for snap in snapshots + [base_vec_handle]:

# Compute and save POD modes
my_POD = mr.PODHandles(np.vdot)
my_POD.put_decomp('%s/sing_vals.txt' % out_dir, '%s/sing_vecs.txt' % out_dir)
my_POD.put_correlation_array('%s/correlation_array.txt' % out_dir)
mode_indices = [1, 4, 5, 0, 10]
Esempio n. 19
import numpy as np

import modred as mr

# Create directory for output files
out_dir = 'tutorial_ex3_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Define handles for snapshots
num_vecs = 30
direct_snapshots = [
    mr.VecHandleArrayText('%s/direct_vec%d.txt' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_vecs)]
adjoint_snapshots = [
    mr.VecHandleArrayText('%s/adjoint_vec%d.txt' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_vecs)]

# Save random snapshot data in text files
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 200)
for i, snap in enumerate(direct_snapshots):
    snap.put(np.sin(x * i))
for i, snap in enumerate(adjoint_snapshots):
    snap.put(np.cos(0.5 * x * i))

# Calculate and save BPOD modes
my_BPOD = mr.BPODHandles(np.vdot, max_vecs_per_node=10)
sing_vals, L_sing_vecs, R_sing_vecs = my_BPOD.compute_decomp(
    direct_snapshots, adjoint_snapshots)
Esempio n. 20
import numpy as np

import modred as mr

# Create random data
num_vecs = 30
vecs = np.random.random((100, num_vecs))

# Compute POD
num_modes = 5
POD_res = mr.compute_POD_arrays_snaps_method(
    vecs, list(mr.range(num_modes)))
modes = POD_res.modes
eigvals = POD_res.eigvals
Esempio n. 21
weights[-1] = 0.5 * (x[-1] - x[-2])
weights[1:-1] = 0.5 * (x[2:] - x[0:-2])
M = np.diag(weights)
inv_M = np.linalg.inv(M)
M_sqrt = np.diag(weights**0.5)
inv_M_sqrt = np.diag(weights**-0.5)

# LTI system arrays for direct and adjoint ("_adj") systems
mu = (mu_0 - c_u**2) + mu_2 * x**2 / 2.
A = -nu * Ds[0] + gamma * Ds[1] + np.diag(mu)

# Compute optimal disturbance and use it as B array
A_discrete = spla.expm(A * dt)
exp_array = np.identity(nx, dtype=complex)
max_sing_val = 0
for i in mr.range(1, 100):
    exp_array =
    U, E, VH = np.linalg.svd(
    if max_sing_val < E[0]:
        max_sing_val = E[0]
        optimal_dist = VH.conj().T[:, 0]
B =
C = np.exp(-((x - x_s) / s)**2).dot(M)
A_adj =
C_adj =

# Plot spatial distributions of B and C
if plots:
    plt.plot(x, B.real, 'b')
    plt.plot(x, B.imag, 'r')
Esempio n. 22
import numpy as np

from modred import parallel
import modred as mr

# Create directory for output files
out_dir = 'rom_ex2_out'
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

# Create handles for modes
num_modes = 10
basis_vecs = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/dir_mode_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_modes)]
adjoint_basis_vecs = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/adj_mode_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_modes)]

# Define system dimensions and create handles for action on modes
num_inputs = 2
num_outputs = 4
A_on_basis_vecs = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/A_on_dir_mode_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_modes)]
B_on_bases = [
    mr.VecHandlePickle('%s/B_on_basis_%02d.pkl' % (out_dir, i))
    for i in mr.range(num_inputs)]
C_on_basis_vecs = [
    np.sin(np.linspace(0, 0.1 * i, num_outputs)) for i in mr.range(num_modes)]